Calls (and Associated Conditions)

This chapter covers all the combat calls used by the game and the conditions caused by them.



The game uses calls to efficiently share information in the middle of combat. While calls are generally completely Out-of-Game you can gather some information in-character from them. For example if you hear a lot of numbers being called you can refer to that as "the sounds of battle".

Call Types

Calls can be sub-divided into different types for reference to what they do. You don't need to know these at all. Calls are only categorized like this to make it easier to know which you need to learn right away and which you can take time to learn.

  • Safety calls convey information about the game and are the most important calls to pay attention to.
  • Defense calls tell you information about if your attack affected the person you hit.
  • Damage Type calls mostly tell you information about what variety of damage you are taking. For most of them you only need to understand the call type if you have a defense that cares what kind of damage you are taking.
  • Modifier calls impact how the damage works when you take it.
  • Offensive Effect calls almost always inflict a condition when they hit you.
  • Announcement calls tell players who hear them information about something going on, they are never attached to attacks.

Creature Types (and Subtypes)

Calls can sometimes be paired with a specific type (or subtype) of creature. When this happens the call only works if the target of the call is that creature type. Any other individual hit with that call may respond with 'No Effect!'. Any call that includes a creature type (or subtype) in it has no school associated with it.

Creature Types are: Beast, Construct, Elemental, Fae, Goblinoid, Humanoid, Illuminated, Insectoid, Piscene, Plant, Reptilian, Sky Beast and Undead.

Creature Subtypes are: Amphibious, Aquatic, Cold-Blooded, Damaged Spark, Ghost, Incorporeal, Lycanthrope, Monstrous, Non-Living, Otherworldly, Sparkless, Spirit, and Wild

Safety Calls

These calls ('Hold!' and 'Time Stop!') are so important they were covered in the basic rules chapter.

Defense Calls


Each of these calls is used to relay information to an attacker after they land an attack on an opponent. If an attack lands successfully, but the defender isn't affected for some reason, a defense call lets the attacker have a general idea of why.

In some cases there will be disputes about the accuracy of some of these calls. That's going to happen and it's alright. After the fight is done talk to each other. Players are all out to have fun, and communication solves many issues.

No Effect Calls

'No Effect!' calls are used any time a character is hit by an attack, but it is prevented for some reason. This could be because an immunity stopped it, a prevention shield stopped it, a damage requirement stopped it, or some other unusual circumstance. Any time someone's call doesn't impact you, you should let them know by calling 'No Effect!'.

You should also call 'No Effect!' when you ignore an announcement call, such as by casting Anti-Magic Aura and walking into a Sanctuary.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)

No Effect

Defensive Used to indicate another call has no impact Immunities, Prevent effects, Damage Requirements None

Hand Calls

Hits to hands holding weapons are not legal, the hand is considered part of the weapon. This is at least in part a safety consideration, we don't want people's fingers getting broken which is more likely if hands are being attacked regularly. Anytime a player hits you in the hand, let them know it by calling 'Hand'.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)


Defensive Indicates the hit landed on someone's hand Combat etiquette None

Light Calls

Novitas has a certain range of force that players are expected to put into their swings. An attack that is too light can't be felt. When an attack lands, but is too light, let the attacker know why you are not taking the hit by calling 'Light!'.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)


Defensive Indicates a hit landed too light Combat etiquette None

Hard Calls

While we don't want hits to be too light, we also do not wish hits to be too hard. That poses a safety concern and most of our players don't enjoy coming home with bruises. Hitting too hard is a serious concern and you should be sure to let them know by calling 'Hard!'. These attacks are not taken as a form of minor penalty to the person swinging that hard.

It's worth pointing out that sometimes hard hits happen by accident. A person might swing at normal speed, but the defender happens to move at full speed directly into the arc of the attack. No one is entirely at fault. However, if one person is regularly swinging too hard, please let a member of the Player Outreach & Education (Brandon Febles and Michael Maneri) team know so they can look into it.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)


Defensive Indicates a hit landed too hard. Combat etiquette None

Fast Calls

For both immersion reasons and for game balance's sake, rapid weapon strikes (known as 'machine gunning') are not permitted. Melee attacks need to be performed at a reasonable speed, the general guideline being that you should take enough time to bend your entire arm to a 90 degree angle before landing a subsequent blow. When rapid hits happen you should let the attacker know by calling 'Fast!'. Take one of the hits (or an appropriate number if it's a prolonged exchange), and ignore the rest.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)


Defensive Indicates a player is attacking too rapidly Combat etiquette None

Damage Type Calls

Your first time reading through these rules you can pretty safely skip the Damage Type Call section except for the conditions. The key details were covered in the damage prevention rules. This information covers the gritty details about how each call works. There is a lot of repetition.


The primary value of the 'Acid!' call is destroying shields. This can have tremendous strategic importance in the middle of a fight. As a damage type it is also possible for a creature to require 'Acid!' damage to meet a damage requirement or kill condition, though there are very few of these creatures.

'Acid!' is also sometimes paired with different offensive effect calls. This make those no longer count as spells. This is very similar to when 'Poison!' is paired with those calls, except that with 'Acid!' there are far fewer creatures with immunity to 'Acid!' than there are with immunity to 'Poison!'.

Acid Calls

The 'Acid!' call sometimes inflicts damage. You'll know if it is dealing damage if a number is used. Always use the number '1!' if for some reason you are dealing '1 Acid!' damage, otherwise it will only inflict the Acid Residue condition and no damage.

Tag bags or arrows that call for 'Acid!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield. However, when 'Acid!' damage hits a shield for a cumulative total of 4 damage it will break it, causing the Broken condition.

The 'Acid!' call can also be used to modify Offensive Effect calls. When this happens the call is no longer counted as a spell (if it was) and it can now be blocked by shields. The attack now applies the Acid Residue condition in addition to whatever other conditions the other call applies. Any conditions applied by that call are now all removed when the Acid Residue condition is removed. Any defense which prevents 'Acid!' prevents the entire call.

The Acid Residue Condition

This is an unusual condition in that it doesn't do anything by itself. This condition only occurs if an 'Acid!' attack applies other conditions (such as an attack calling for 'Acid Pin!').

If the call that applied Acid Residue applied other conditions, those other conditions can only be removed by removing the Acid Residue condition which will remove the other conditions as well. Anything that removes the Poisoned condition can remove the Acid Residue condition.

This condition can be removed by spells like Purify Spirit, or items like Theriac and Catholicon.

For example:A character is hit by an attack that calls for 'Acid Pin!'. Normally with the 'Pin!' call it is a Compulsion spell, that causes the Pinned condition, which is removed with an item like Smelling Salts (which removes Compulsion conditions). Because the 'Acid!' call has been added, it is no longer a Compulsion spell. The 'Acid Pin!' call applies the Acid Residue and Pinned conditions both. Using Smelling Salts will not remove either condition. Acid Residue has changed what the solution is. Using a spell such as Purify Spirit or Theriac will remove the Acid Residue condition and when that happens it will remove the Pinned condition with it.

The Broken Equipment Condition

If a shield takes 4 or more cumulative points of damage from 'Acid!' it gains this equipment condition. Broken shields do not block/stop anything. In fact, should the shield be hit by any attack (even ones that are normally shield blockable), you automatically treat that attack as hitting the arm holding the shield.

Other items may gain this condition through other means. Anything that would give this condition to another item will explicitly say so.

To remove this condition the Broken item must be placed flat on the ground (or some other stable surface) and the player must role-play repairing it while casting the Mend Armor spell.


'Blight!' is an advanced version of 'Poison!' for which there are no known defenses. It is one of the rarest calls you can encounter. Sources of 'Blight!' damage are zealously guarded by those who have them. Because the call is so hard to gain access to, and the creatures that require it to be killed are so unusual to encounter (and powerful), it is often reserved for special circumstances only.

Blight Calls

The 'Blight!' call sometimes inflicts damage, also it always inflicts the Poisoned condition. You'll know if it is dealing damage if a number is used. Always use the number '1!' if for some reason you are dealing '1 Blight!' damage, otherwise it will only inflict the Poisoned condition and no damage.

Tag bags or arrows that call for 'Blight!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield.

The 'Blight!' call is an advanced form of the 'Poison!' call. Defenses that prevent 'Poison!' do not prevent 'Blight!'.

Blightsteel Weapons

Weapons can be crafted out of Blightsteel. This material can never be combined with any other special material. There is no specific paint requirement for Blightsteel at this time as it can only appear in the hands of NPCs. These weapons call for 'Blight!'. Additionally they gain all benefits of Improved Goblin Iron weapons. Blade alchemicals treat Blightsteel weapons as Pure Goblin Iron weapons to determine what effects they have.


The 'Disease!' call represents attacks from unclean weapons, diseased opponents and other situations that make a victim ill. It can be caused by magical circumstances, but the cures to being Diseased all come from alchemy.

Disease Calls

The 'Disease!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. The 'Disease' call inflicts the Diseased condition on a character if they take a Wound condition from the damage or if they lose at least one point of body from the attack.

Tag bags and arrows that call for 'Disease!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield.

The Diseased Condition

A character only receives this condition when an attack that calls for 'Disease!' it causes body damage or inflicts a Wound condition.

A character with this condition may not run, they are too ill to move quickly. While the character has this condition reduce their maximum body by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and their maximum Might and Accuracy by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

Elven Steel

Elven Steel is a rare metal first pioneered in the Realms of Evenandra. It is remarkable for its incredible purity and has mystic properties similar to silver though it is not made of that material. In the millenia since its discovery Elven Steel has become very popular in weapons because it is useful for killing undead without requiring spellcasting. For those without access to Elven Steel weapons the spells Enchant Weapon and Wraithbane are popular, especially at night.

Elven Steel Calls

The 'Elven Steel!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It can always be blocked by an unbroken shield.

The 'Elven Steel!' call is an advanced form of the 'Silver' call.

Elven Steel Weapons

Weapons can be crafted out of Elven Steel. Elven Steel should be covered in black then decorated with natural looking thin white and/ or silver veins coursing through it. These weapons call for 'Elven Steel!'.

Elven Steel weapons may not be crafted to have another special material type.

Elven Steel weapons are so pure they may never have a blade alchemical applied to them. If a blade alchemical is applied to one of these weapons it is rendered inert and useless immediately.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Elven Steel Weapon

No Yes 20 This weapon has been made out of Elven Steel. Attacks with it call for 'Elven Steel!'. Elven Steel weapons cannot be paired with any other special material.

Magic (Calls)

Magical power in Novitas is hard to quantify, but it is tangible given the right circumstances. Spells from the Battle school can be used to coalesce magical power into an attack that can damage others. The 'Magic!' call represents this. It always manifests in-game through tag bag spells.

Creatures that are especially vulnerable to 'Magic!' typically are extremely supernatural to begin with, such as lesser elementals and undead.

Magic Calls

The 'Magic!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It always comes from spells and cannot be blocked by a shield.

Anything that stops a Spell will stop a 'Magic!' attack. It always counts as coming from the Battle school for defenses that care about the school of an attack.


The 'Nature!' call can be used to represent any damaging elemental attack. It is used to represent creatures attacking with flame blasts, ice shards, water geysers, wind gusts, extreme temperatures, or being encased in stone. A rare metal known as Thermium has been invented that harnesses some of this into a form that is more practical for use by warriors. Blades made of Thermium reach very high temperatures rapidly when exposed to air.

'Nature!' isn't needed regularly by adventurers, but when it is necessary there aren't many substitutes. Other than Thermium most characters get access to the 'Nature!' call from spells like Elemental Weapon. Creatures that are vulnerable to 'Nature!' are typically elementals or anything flammable.

Nature Calls

The 'Nature!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It can be blocked by a shield when it comes from a weapon or an arrow.

Tag bags that call for 'Nature!' count as spells and cannot be blocked by a shield.

Anything that stops a spell (such as the Anti-Magic Shield spell) will stop a tag bag calling for 'Nature!' damage.

Thermium Weapons

Weapons can be crafted out of Thermium. Thermium items must be covered with red paint then coated in streaks of gold. These weapons call for 'Nature!'.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Thermium Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon has been made out of Thermium. Attacks with it call for 'Nature!'.

Improved Thermium Weapons

The most practiced expert crafters have created an improved version of Thermium that has special properties. An improved thermium weapon that cannot be crafted with any other material types.

Twice per event the bearer of this weapon may replace their attack's next hit normal call with '4 Acid!'. An improved Thermium weapon counts as pure for the purposes of effects that get bonuses on a pure thermium weapon.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Improved Thermium Weapon

No Epic Only 16 This weapon is made out of exceptional Thermium and cannot be crafted to have another material type. Twice per event this weapon may replace its next hit with a '4 Acid!' call.


'Poison!' can be used to represent quite a few things. At the most basic 'Poison!' it represents the attacks of venomous creatures and things so toxic they pollute the victim. Alchemy is also often represented by 'Poison!'. Adventurers typically seek out 'Poison!' attacks to deal with creatures such as the Fae. Goblin Iron weapons are made by a refining process invented by the snow goblins of Gersh. These blades are exceptionally toxic, poisoning anyone they injure. They are popular with anyone who wishes to take full advantage of blade alchemicals.

The 'Poison!' call can also be combined with other offensive effect calls to represent different situations. The 'Pin!' call is normally a Compulsion spell, however an item such the alchemical Tanglefoot Bag (which calls for 'Poison Pin!') changes the 'Pin!' call. The call in this case represents a chemical concoction that is so sticky it restrains someone in place. In this situation the call is not a Compulsion spell. It follows all the rules for 'Poison!' instead: it can be blocked by a shield, defenses against 'Poison!' stop it, defenses against Compulsion spells do not, the Pinned condition is removed when the Poisoned condition is removed (and items that would normally remove the Pinned condition do not remove anything).

Poison Calls

The 'Poison!' call sometimes inflicts damage, also it always inflicts the Poisoned condition. You'll know if it is dealing damage if a number is used. Always use the number '1!' if for some reason you are dealing '1 Poison!' damage, otherwise it will only inflict the Poisoned condition and no damage.

Tag bags or arrows that call for 'Poison!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield.

When the 'Poison' call is used to modify an offensive effect call the whole attack follows the rules for 'Poison!'. It is never considered a spell (if it was) and the attack may be blocked by a shield. Conditions applied by the attack are only removed when the Poisoned condition is removed. Any defense which prevents 'Poison!' prevents the entire call.

Goblin Iron Weapons

A character who has the Poisoned condition cannot heal lost body points. They also may not remove Wound conditions, the Bleeding Out condition, or the Dead condition by any means. This lasts until the Poisoned condition has been removed.

If the call that applied the Poisoned condition applied other conditions, those other conditions can only be removed by removing the Poisoned condition. This will automatically remove the attached conditions at the same time. When the Poisoned condition is attached to another condition like this, the duration of the effect is determined by the attached condition. Both conditions wear off at the same time.

This condition can be removed by spells like Purify Spirit, or alchemicals like Theriac and Catholicon.

Improved Goblin Iron Weapons

Weapons crafted out of Goblin iron call for 'Poison!'. Goblin iron items must be covered with green paint. Many blade alchemicals get bonuses when applied to a pure Goblin Iron weapons. Pure Goblin Iron weapons are those that aren't made with any other material type. Each blade alchemical lists what material types get bonuses in their description. Goblin Iron can never be included in the crafting of a Silver weapon.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Goblin Iron Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon is crafted out of Goblin Iron. Attacks with it call for 'Poison!'. Goblin Iron weapons cannot also be made of Silver.


The 'Primal!' call is used to describe elemental themed attacks so raw and powerful they in some way originate from the elemental planes themselves. Not just hot fire, but the very idea of fire. Ice so cold it causes instant frostbite. Water that causes someone to start drowning on contact. Stone that starts to crystalize other objects.

This is one of the rarest damage types in the game, but unlike 'Blight!' it is somewhat accessible. Player characters typically gain access to the 'Primal!' call through the Primal Form and Elemental Weapon spells. Thankfully very few creatures require 'Primal!' damage to defeat them. Most of these creatures can be dealt with through careful negotiation instead of combat.

Primal Calls

The 'Primal!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It can be blocked by a shield when it comes from a weapon or an arrow.

Tag bags that call for 'Primal!' count as spells and cannot be blocked by a shield.

Anything that stops a spell (such as the Anti-Magic Shield spell) will stop a tag bag calling for 'Primal!' damage.

The 'Primal!' call is an advanced form of the 'Nature!' call. Defenses that prevent 'Nature!' do not prevent 'Primal!'.

Primal Weapons

Primal weapons are crafted out of the raw stuff of the elemental planes, tamed through extrodinary means so they can be controlled. Primal weapons must be covered with red paint then decorated with natural looking thin black veins coursing through it. Attacks made with these weapons call for 'Primal!'.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Primal Weapon

No Feb Feast Only 20 This weapon is made out of raw elemental power. Attacks with it call for 'Primal!'.


For mystical reasons silver is a very potent substance. The purity of silver or possibly some other mystical property is required to injure some creatures (such as werewolves), and so the people of Novitas have been making silver weapons for thousands of years. Calls that use 'Silver!' represent these weapons or magic that duplicates its effectiveness (such as the spell Silvershine).

Silver Calls

The 'Silver!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It can always be blocked by an unbroken shield.

Silver Weapons

Weapons can be crafted out of silver. Silver weapons should be covered with white paint. These weapons call for 'Silver!'. Some blade alchemicals get bonuses when used on a pure silver weapon (one made with no other special materials).

A weapon can never be crafted of Silver and Goblin Iron at the same time.

Improved Silver Weapons

Using masterful processes silver can be refined beyond normal capacities. This improved Silver has all the properties of normal silver weapons, but will not bond with other materials. No other materials may be used when crafting an improved Silver weapon.

An improved Silver weapon calls for 'Silver!' and once per event may replace it's next hit with 'Dispel Magic!'. Improved Silver weapons count as pure silver for the purposes of blade alchemicals that get bonuses on a pure silver weapon.

Modifier Calls

Modifier calls get added on to existing attacks instead of replacing them. These specific calls: 'Blunt', 'Pierce', and 'Slay'; are the only calls that will ever get added to an existing call, and only if a rule specifically tells you to modify your normal attack. This will only ever happen to attacks that deal damage. When one of these calls is added to an attack, simply add it to the end of the attack. Only one modifier can be applied to a call at a time.

These calls can also change the amount of damage you deal. The specific rule or effect being used will tell you if any changes to the amount of damage happen.

Example: A character has Might Mastery and is swinging a Goblin Iron great weapon. Great weapons can deal half damage to add the slay call to an attack. The character with this weapon can choose to call for '4 Poison' or to call for '2 Poison Slay' with each attack.


The 'Blunt!' call represents deliberately pulling your punches to avoid causing a more serious injury. Some mechanics (such as the Resilience spell) also represent toughening a character up, turning damage taken into blunt damage to represent this.

Blunt Calls

The 'Blunt!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. 'Blunt!' calls modify another call, and whether or not the attack can be blocked is determined by the call being modified.

Any damage inflicted by an attack using the 'Blunt!' call comes with the Blunted condition.

If an attack contains the 'Pierce!' or 'Slay!' call it may not have the 'Blunt!' call added to it. A defensive effect like Resilience can still cause damage to be Blunted if it comes from 'Pierce!' or 'Slay!' damage.

The Blunted Condition

Anytime a character take's 'Blunt!' damage they receive the Blunted condition. This condition can be gained multiple times for each instance of 'Blunt!' damage. When the Blunted condition wears off, the damage that caused the condition wears off as well. Rather than tracking each Blunted condition's timing separately it is almost always easiest to start counting from the last instance of the Blunted condition and when that 10 minutes is up, heal all your 'Blunt!' body damage or 'Blunt!' Wound conditions. Magical (or alchemical) healing can be used to immediately heal Blunted damage if someone desires. This will also end the condition.

Any Wound conditions caused by 'Blunt!' damage also get the Blunted condition and can be cured normally, or are automatically cured when the Blunted condition gets removed.

If a character takes a 'Blunt!' Torso Wound it does not give the Bleeding Out condition.

'Poison Blunt!' damage will wear off like any other blunt damage along with the Poisoned condition. The same goes for 'Disease Blunt!' damage and the Diseased condition.

If a character has the a Blunted Torso Wound condition, the First Aid skill can remove it (and only it). This even works if the Torso Wound was caused by 'Poison Blunt!' damage (which normally cannot be healed without curing the Poisoned condition).

Many players don't realize that the first aid skill can only remove Blunt Torso Wounds. The first aid skill cannot heal Blunt Limb Wounds or blunt body damage.

Blunting Attacks

Characters may voluntarily add the 'Blunt!' call to any melee attack if they wish to deal non-lethal damage. This modifier is added to the attack's normal call, it does not replace the call. You may not add 'Blunt!' to an attack that calls for 'Pierce!' or 'Slay!'.


'Pierce!' calls represent incredibly sharp, direct or precise attacks. The 'Pierce!' call generally doesn't show up by itself, it is a modifier call that is added to an attack. It is most commonly gained from bows or through master's strikes.

Pierce Calls

The 'Pierce!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. 'Pierce!' calls modify another call, and whether or not the attack can be blocked is determined by the call being modified.

Any damage inflicted by an attack using the 'Pierce!' call cannot be applied to armor.

If an attack contains the 'Blunt!' or 'Slay!' call it may not have the 'Pierce!' call added to it.

Pierce Examples

Example: A character is hit by an attack that calls for '4 Elven Steel Pierce!'. That character has 4 Magic Armor, 3 Physical Armor, 2 Natural Armor and 4 Body points. This attack bypasses, all 3 types of armor, and is only reduced by the 4 Body points. If the character were hit by another attack with the 'Pierce!' call they would take a Wound, even though they still have armor left. On the other hand if the character were hit by a call that was just '4 Elven Steel!' instead it would be reduced by the armor that is still there.


The 'Slay!' call is a modifier call used to represent attacks that are particularly mighty or powerful. It can come from particularly skillful combatants or from spells (such as the Strength spell).

Against the average opponent the 'Slay!' call has no effect. However against the toughest opponents or those in the most durable armor it is vastly more effective for defeating them. Any time you are fighting an opponent with monstrous body or monstrous armor 'Slay!' damage makes the fight much more managable.

Slay Calls

The 'Slay!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. 'Slay!' calls modify another call, and whether or not the attack can be blocked is determined by the call being modified.

Monstrous body and armor provide no extra protection for damage from an attack using the 'Slay!' call.

If an attack contains the 'Blunt!' or 'Pierce!' call it may not have the 'Slay!' call added to it.

Offensive Effect Calls


The 'Banish!' call represents forcefully transforming an enemy into the elements temporarily. It nearly exclusively comes from the nature spell Banish. Tactically it is used to create an opportunity to escape, or perhaps to split opponents up, leaving one less opponent to worry about immediately.

Banish Calls

The 'Banish!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a spell and may not be blocked by shields. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Banish!' call get the Banished condition.

The 'Poison Banish!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Banished condition. The 'Poison Banish!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Banish!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Banished condition. The 'Acid Banish!' call is not a spell.

The Banished Condition

A character with the Banished Condition is forced to dissipate for the duration of 10 minutes. They are transformed into the elements (typically the air), invisible to everyone, and unable to act. The character gains the helpless condition and cannot voluntarily end the dissipation. If you have a flag available to hold up you should do so, otherwise raise one arm above your head to wait out the duration.

A character with this condition is aware of their surroundings and can watch and listen to anything happening around them. They may not move beyond shifting their weight around to keep from being uncomfortable. The Banished character may also move to get out of the way of an active combat situation, but if they do this they must be sure to move back to the original location before the Banished condition wears off. They shouldn't use this courtesy to get a better view of their surroundings, or for any other tactical advantage.


The 'Charm!' call represents exerting mental influence over an opponent, psychicly or magically convincing them to be your friend. By itself 'Charm!' won't keep you out of a fight, if you are swinging a sword at a friend... they will probably fight back. But, with some carefully chosen words you can stop a fight before it starts or bring one happening to an end.

'Charm!' is also incredibly useful when paired with the alchemical Truth Serum. By itself Truth Serum prevents someone from lying, but that person isn't compelled to say anything they don't want to. But, if you 'Charm!' them first, now they can't lie and they are going to want to talk to you. A few carefully selected questions between friends and you can learn all kinds of things.

Charm Calls

The 'Charm!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Charm!' call get the Charmed condition.

When the 'Charm!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Charm Humanoid!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Charm!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Charmed condition. The 'Poison Charm!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Charm!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Charmed condition. The 'Acid Charm!' call is not a spell.

The Charmed Condition

A character with the Charmed condition will instantly become friends with the condition's source (refered to here as the 'influencer'). In some unusual situations there will be no obvious source of the Charmed condition. When this happens a character becomes influenced by the first person they see. The Charmed condition lasts for 10 minutes.

The Charmed person will go out of their way to assume things to the benefit of the influencer. They will act like the two are long time friends and do what they can to assist the person. You can also always hear the influencer even if they are a Spirit which you could not normally communicate with. However, this does not allow the Charmed individual to understand languages they do not speak.

The Charmed character is not subject to commands, they still need to be convinced to do things just like any friend. A Charmed character will not act in a fashion that will bring harm to themselves or their other friends. Charmed characters will not give up their possessions without good reason, though they might sell or barter them away at a better price than they would otherwise.

The Charmed condition ends immediately if the influencer attacks or directs an attack at the Charmed character. This includes telling others to attack the Charmed character. Simply drawing a weapon or starting to cast an offensive spell does not break the Charmed condition unless direct intent to attack to the Charmed character is voiced aloud.

After the condition ends the character is fully aware they were under a Compulsion effect. Prior to that they might be aware if it was done very obviously, but they won't care enough to think about it or bring attention to it.

Charm Auras

A few rare creatures are able to 'Charm!' others without any attack. 'Charm!' auras are generally communicated by the character looking someone in the eyes and saying 'Charm!' as clearly as possible. Because this effect is unlimited use it is not broken if the Charmer attacks the Charmed individual, but the Charmed individual may defend themselves (aggressively if desired) they just feel somewhat bad about it. A good example for this is how some one sibling might defend themselves from another sibling in a fight.


The 'Curse!' call represents making foes more susceptible to injury. This can be through Necromantic magic or through alchemicals designed to create vulnerability. Some undead creatures also have access to this call in their attacks.

'Curse!' is tremendously useful against opponents with high numbers of body points. Especially those with Monstrous Body. One single application of 'Curse!' will deal with all of their body except for the last point. In this situation it's more useful than the 'Slay!' call for dealing with a monstrous creature.

Curse Calls

The 'Curse!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Curse!' call get the Cursed condition.

The 'Poison Curse!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Cursed condition. The 'Poison Curse!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Curse!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Cursed condition. The 'Acid Curse!' call is not a spell.

The Cursed Condition

A character with the Cursed condition have their maximum body set to 1 if it would be higher than 0.

This condition lasts for 10 minutes. It can be removed by 'Dispel Magic!'.

The Heroism spell sets a character's maximum body to 10. The Cursed condition sets a character's maximum body to 1. When these two things interact, the one that was applied second is the relevant effect. Both continue existing for their respective durations, so if there is a way to remove one effect without removing the other, the remaining effect will still function. This would be a circumstance where a character might benefit from casting a spell already affecting them might be relevant, the new casting will displace the old one.


The 'Disengage!' call represents circumstances that repel enemies, making them no longer want to deal with you. By itself it represents mental influence that drives others to pay no attention to the creator, in alchemicals it is offensive aromas or substances harmful to others, but not the user.

Character's typically get access to the call through the Disengage spell, Bug Repellent, or Holy Water. It is effecient for entirely avoiding a fight with an individual or for making sure an opponent focuses on your friends instead of yourself.

Disengage Calls

The 'Disengage!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Disengage!' call get the Disengaged condition.

When the 'Disengage!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Disengage Undead!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Disengage!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Disengaged condition. The 'Poison Disengage!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Disengage!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Disengaged condition. The 'Acid Disengage!' call is not a spell.

The Disengaged Condition

A character with the Disengaged condition cannot make any attacks against the source of the condition (referred to here as the influencer) for one minute. They also will attempt to avoid approaching the influencer, attempting to stay at least 5 feet away at all times if possible. The character with the Disengaged condition is free to attack other people (even if those people are within 5 feet of the influencer) and take other actions.

If at any time the influencer attacks the Disengaged character the Disengaged condition ends immediately. Should the influencer move within 5 feet of the Disengaged character with an unsheathed weapon or active spell tag bag this will also end the condition. Characters who have the Disengaged condition should be avoiding the influencer, so this should only ever happen if the influencer is deliberately moving towards the Disengaged character. Deliberately using the avoidance of the Disengaged condition to trap someone into a corner will also break the Disengaged condition.

After the condition ends the character is fully aware they were under a Compulsion effect. Prior to that they might be aware, but they won't care enough to think about it/ bring attention to it.


'Dispel!' calls represents countering magical effects or cleansing/ counteracting alchemicals. It will always come with another word to indicuate what type of thing is being dispelled. Most often this call comes from the Dispel Magic spell or from the Dilution Solution alchemical.

Because 'Dispel!' removes all effects regardless of if they are beneficial or harmful, it can be used both offensively and defensively, sometimes it does both at once. It is the only way to get rid of some harmful conditions (such as Cursed) other than waiting for them to wear off. However, this could also remove magical defenses, so that isn't always ideal.

The Dispel Call

The 'Dispel!' call never inflicts damage. It will always include a second word to indicate what is getting dispelled. It can never be blocked by a shield. The second word impacts what defenses will protect against it. After getting dispelled nothing stops a character from having the same effects reapplied assuming a character has the means to do so.

The Dispel Magic Call

'Dispel Magic!' is treated as a spell. The 'Dispel Magic!' call removes all spell effects and all conditions caused by spell effects currently on the target.

'Dispel Magic!' can be used against magical fields affecting an area (such as Sanctuary). Fields are always separate from the caster who created them, defenses the caster may have do not protect a field, and dispelling the caster will not dispel a field.

'Dispel Magic!' can also be used against tinkering items. This gives them the items the Suppressed condition.

The Dispel Alchemy Call

The 'Dispel Alchemy!' has no type associated with it. There are currently no defenses against it. This call removes all alchemical effects that didn't cause the Poisoned condition. Typically on characters this is going to be ingested alchemicals and ointments.

If applied to a weapon this will remove remaining uses of blade alchemicals.

The Suppressed Condition

A tinkering item that has been hit by 'Dispel Magic!' gains the Suppressed condition. It will not function at all for 10 minutes. If the item has an effect that normally goes continuously, after the 10 minutes have elapsed a character must roleplay reactivating it for the effect to take place again.


The Dominate call represents controlling another being like a puppet. Even when the control is exerted mentally such as with the Compulsion spell Dominate, the Dominated condition only allows for controlling someone physically. You can't alter their mind, only their behavior. The controller can't read the victims mind, force them to think a certain way, or otherwise influence their thoughts.

'Dominate!' is primarily used to control an enemy to fight their friends or to otherwise remove a foe from combat until something else can be done with them. It can also be used outside of combat to force someone to perform a task of some kind.

Great role-players often relish the chance to be Dominated to attack their friends, the fun kind of chaos tends to follow.

The reason it is so important to explain that 'Dominate!' doesn't control someone's mind is that it can't be used to force someone to reveal secret information or to tell the truth. If you 'Dominate!' someone and command them to speak, they will do so. However, they will say whatever they want. The only way you can force them to say something specific is to tell them exactly what to say... and then they will say exactly what you told them to say, word for word. The person who is Dominated can only do what the controller knows to make them do. If you command someone to 'take me to your hidden base', but you don't know where that is, the command won't work. Think of it as if the person influencing the victim is driving that persons body and making decisions for them, they can't decide to do something they don't know how to do.

Dominate Calls

The 'Dominate!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Dominate!' call get the Dominated condition.

When the 'Dominate!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Dominate Undead!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Dominate!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Dominated condition. The 'Poison Dominate!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Dominate!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Dominated condition. The 'Acid Dominate!' call is not a spell.

The Dominated Condition

A character who has been Dominated (referred to as the puppet here) is under the control of the source of the 'Dominate!' (referred to as the controller here) for 10 minutes. In the unusual event that someone is Dominated and there is no obvious source for it, the controller is whoever the first person the puppet sees. Some traps will cause the Dominated condition. In this case there is no controller, simply a single command that the trap will describe.

If two different people both affect the same puppet with the Dominated condition at the same time, the first one applied is left dormant and the last one applied has effect. In the unusual, but possible, situation that the first Dominated condition has had it's duration extended to longer than 10 minutes, it will take effect again after the second Dominated condition wears off.

When a character first becomes Dominated they should continue doing what they were doing until given a first order. A character who is Dominated can always hear anything the controller says, even if the controller is a Spirit which they could not normally communicate with. Commands can be issued in any language and they will be understood regardless of what languages the puppet understands.

The controller can always give five basic orders to a puppet. Those commands are 'Attack', 'Defend', 'Move', 'Stop', and 'Loot Yourself'. Controllers may also issue custom commands, but they may have more difficulty doing so.

  • Attack: The attack order allows the controller to declare a target and compels the puppet to attack at once. A puppet will attack the target without question or concern for its own preservation and will use every available ability to carry out the attack. It is possible to word the attack order in a fashion that will compel the puppet to attack multiple targets. For example the controller could order the puppet to 'Attack all humans!'.
  • Defend: A defend order allows the controller to declare a target, such as a person, place, or thing, and compels the controlled creature to defend it. In this case the puppet will attack anything that comes near the charge, and the puppet may never move more than five feet from the object it was ordered to defend. Like an attack order, it is possible to word a defend order in a fashion that will compel the puppet to defend multiple targets or a large area. For example, the controller could order the puppet to, 'Defend all living things in the town!'.
  • Move: A move order simply compels the puppet to move to a location or in a direction of the controller's choice for the duration of the effect. The puppet will move at any speed the controller specifies as long as it is physically able to and will only walk/run/float/swim/etc when under orders to move. The controller can order the puppet to follow them or walk in front of them. A puppet will not perform even the simplest of actions such as the opening of a door or dropping of weapons, but will move into a situation that might cause it harm or injury, such as ordering a puppet to walk into an open pit.
  • Stop: The stop order compels the puppet to halt a particular action, as expressed by the controller. Some examples include: 'Stop talking!', 'Stop moving!', 'Stop killing my friends!', and so on.
  • Loot Yourself: The puppet should place any lootable valuable or magic items not contained in an invisible item (such as a blue bag) into a convenient pile on the ground. Items in an invisible item aren't accessible to the controller so they are not taken out.
  • Custom Orders: Other orders can be given but they must be simple tasks. The puppet can only follow the most basic orders successfully. Anything too complex will generally lead to chaos as they take the order exceedingly literally, and attempts to clarify will only create more confusion because long commands are just as problematic.
    • When orders other than the five basic orders are issued, the person being commanded should exercise reasonable judgement on how to comply.
    • If the spontaneous order is something the player is uncomfortable doing they are not required to carry out that command. This should not be seen as an excuse to avoid doing something you don't want to do in-character, but rather is specifically related to doing things you don't want to do out-of-character. Take the Dead condition when this happens.
    • Tell the Truth:Is too complex of a command for a puppet. The puppet will tell the truth... about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING, colored by what the controller already knows if possible. 'Tell the truth about Inquisitor Reynolds' won't work either, you'll get responses about what kind of clothing they wear, how tall they are, and other useless facts.

Living creatures who are Dominated are allowed to deal themselves an unpreventable killing blow at any time to represent their final act of defiance to their controller, or to avoid taking an action they cannot morally accept, such as murdering someone. This gives the puppet the Dead Condition. NPCs should generally avoid doing this except under unusual circumstances, a player character has almost certainly spent considerable power to use 'Dominate!', let them do something with it. Player characters who have been Dominated can use their own discretion, but generally it's a lot more fun to go with it.

A Dominated character doesn't know or behave in-character that they are being controlled and must role-play to the best of their ability following orders as if the order were their own idea. After the Dominated condition ends the character is aware of their actions and that they were Dominated.


The 'Enfeeble!' call represents stripping a foe of power, breaking their connection to the leylines temporarily, mostly preventing them from casting spells or performing rituals.

There are two primary differences between 'Enfeeble!' and 'Silence!'. 'Enfeeble!' lasts longer and it is harder to prevent because of the school it is in. This makes 'Enfeeble!' a good choice for tougher opponents who pose a magical threat.

Enfeeble Calls

The 'Enfeeble!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Enfeeble!' call get the Enfeebled condition.

The 'Poison Enfeeble!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Enfeebled condition. The 'Poison Enfeeble!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Enfeeble!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Enfeebled condition. The 'Acid Enfeeble!' call is not a spell.

The Enfeebled Condition

A character who is Enfeebled can't cast any spells or perform any rituals that require an incantation for 10 minutes. If they have the ability to do so, they are still able to cast spells or rituals that require no incantation to perform (typically thanks to a magic item).


The 'Grounding!' call represents metaphysically anchoring a character so that spells can't transform them. It prevents voluntary transformation such as from being Dissipated and involuntary transformation such as from being Banished.

There's nothing that feels quite as frustrating as finally cornering the bad guy and watching them escape before your eyes. 'Grounding!' is the solution to that dilemma. Bandits using Dissipate for hit and run tactics? If you can get them Grounded, they'll have to try to get away the old fashioned way. Worried about a Wraith trying to steal your spark, or about being Banished? 'Grounding!' can handle that too.

Grounding Calls

The 'Grounding!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Grounding!' call get the Grounded condition.

The 'Poison Grounding!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Grounded condition. The 'Poison Grounding!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Grounding!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Grounded condition. The 'Acid Grounding!' call is not a spell.

The Grounded Condition

A Grounded character is unable to utilize extra-planar movement effects or magical disguises for 10 minutes.

Memory Loss

The 'Memory Loss!' call represents psychically tampering with someones mind as a spell effect, and a drug or other chemical preventing accurate short term memories forming as an alchemical effect. 'Memory Loss!' strips someone of all memories for the last 10 minutes prior to being affected by it. The individual will then rationalize how they got to their current circumstances, they are generally unaware anything unusual occurred, though if something unusual is still occurring they might react to that.

The call is used to prevent others from remembering something they have seen. It is sometimes also used on oneself to forget incriminating information, ensuring that a the person can pass a truth serum.

Memory Loss Calls

The 'Memory Loss!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Memory Loss!' call get the Lost Memories condition.

When the 'Memory Loss!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Memory Loss Undead!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Memory Loss!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Lost Memories condition. The 'Poison Memory Loss!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Memory Loss!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Lost Memories condition. The 'Acid Memory Loss!' call is not a spell.

The Lost Memories Condition

When a character gains the Lost Memories condition they immediately lose all memory of the last 10 minutes. They will do everything they can to rationalize what happened in that time period to bring them from the point they do remember to the present. The key element is that they will not notice the missing time unless it is forcefully brought to their attention. If they are forced to become aware of the missing time, no amount of logic or reasoning will cause them to remember the missing time. They can only be made aware that a perido fo time is missing. This can be likened to being black out drunk.

If this condition is revealed with a Diagnosis effect, it may then (and only then) be removed with either an application of the Memory Loss spell or an appropriate 'Dispel!' call.

A character can be affected by this condition any number of times. When a character is under multiple Lost Memory conditions, they can all be Diagnosed at once, but each instance of the condition must be removed separately. When removing just one condition when multiple are present a character should state which one chronologically is being removed, (for example: 'the first one', or 'the one that took place at 2pm').

This condition does not wear off at the end of an event. Should the condition last until the end of 2 events the lost memories are permanently lost (and then this condition ends).

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures

This character's memories have been altered so they have forgotten 10 minutes of time. Permanent after the next event. The Memory Loss spell The Memory Loss or Dispel Magic spells

The Destroyed Memories Condition

The Destroyed Memories condition is a more intense version of the Lost Memories condition. When first gained the character loses access to the last 10 minutes of memories, this functions exactly like Lost Memories condition.

If this condition is revealed with a Diagnosis effect, it may then (and only then) be removed with one of the following rare loot rituals: Memory Void or Cleansing. No other effects can remove this condition. Should the condition not be removed by the end of the event, the affected memories are permanently gone.

A character can be affected by this condition any number of times. When a character is under multiple Lost Memory conditions, they can all be Diagnosed at once, but each instance of the condition must be removed separately. When removing just one condition when multiple are present a character should state which one chronologically is being removed, (for example: 'the first one', or 'the one that took place at 2pm').

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures

This character's memories have been severely altered so they have forgotten 10 minutes of time. This is considerably harder to cure than the Lost Memories condition Event then Permanent. The Mindwipe Trap, The Memory Void ritual The Memory Void or Cleansing Rituals.


The 'Pin!' call represents exerting mental influence to keep someone from moving when it comes from a spell. With alchemicals it represents sticky chemicals that make movement difficult.

The 'Pin!' call is very effective for removing an opponent from a fight. It forces their allies to stay near that person if they want to protect them and keep them relevant to the fight. Meanwhile the Pinned individual will have a very hard time defending themselves.

Pin Calls

The 'Pin!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Pin!' call get the Pinned condition.

When the 'Pin!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Pin Undead!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Pin!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Pinned condition. The 'Poison Pin!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Pin!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Pinned condition. The 'Acid Pin!' call is not a spell.

The Pinned Condition

A character who has the Pinned condition must keep their feet planted firmly where they were when the condition began for 10 minutes. If that character was on their knees or sitting at the time the 'Pin!' hit them, they should remain in that position. Should the character take a Leg Wound while Pinned it is ok for them to go to their knees and stay there for the remainder of the Pinned duration.


When 'Silence!' comes from a spell it represents a form of light mind control or influence that prohibts the victim from speaking. As an alchemical it represents cocktails that temporarily disable someones vocal chords.

'Silence!' can be used in social situations to prevent someone from crying out for help, or disrupting a conversation. In combat 'Silence!' can be used to prevent a foe from casting spells by stopping them from speaking incantations.

Silence Calls

The 'Silence!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Silence!' call get the Silenced condition.

When the 'Silence!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Silence Humanoid!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Silence!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Silenced condition. The 'Poison Silence!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Silence!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Silenced condition. The 'Acid Silence!' call is not a spell.

The Silenced Condition

A character with the Silenced condition cannot speak in-game, which stops them from speaking incantations for rituals and spells. The character may still make noise through other means though, such as banging objects together.

The player should still make calls in combat as normal as that is out-of-game information not the character speaking.


Only those empowered by one of the gods can gain access to the 'Smite!' call. The call strips enemies of their defenses and keeps them from escaping.

Smite Calls

The 'Smite!' call never inflicts damage. When 'Smite!' comes from a melee attack it may be blocked, ranged attacks that call for 'Smite! may not be blocked. 'Smite!' is not a spell. Characters hit by the 'Smite!' call are inflicted with the Smote condition.

The Smote Condition

A character with the Smote condition gains the Grounded condition for as long as they have the Smote condition. They also lose any Damage Requirements as well as any Basic (damage-type) Kill Conditions they have.

The Smote condition lasts for 10 minutes.


The 'Terror!' call as a spell represents inflicting psychological horror upon someone so severe they can't even bring themselves to move. When their life is threatened and they finally try to defend themselves even then the fear is so intense they can barely function. When it comes from an alchemical effect the 'Terror!' call represents losing control of your body to crippling poisons or drugs that cause horrific hallucinations in their victims.

Using the 'Terror!' call will almost always result easily defeating an opponent if they have no defenses against it. It is an incredibly potent offensive resource.

Terror Calls

The 'Terror!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Terror!' call get the Terrorized condition.

When the 'Terror!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Terror Humanoid!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Terror!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Terrorized condition. The 'Poison Terror!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Terror!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Terrorized condition. The 'Acid Terror!' call is not a spell.

The Terrorized Condition

For 10 minutes a character with the Terrorized condition cannot move, speak, cast spells, draw weapons, etc., they must simply hold still, as motionless as possible, they are Helpless for as long as the Terrorized condition lasts. The victims only thought is to cower in fear, moving as minimally as possible. While under this effect the victim can also always hear anything the source of the 'Terror!' says even if they are a Spirit which you could not normally communicate with. They cannot understand them if they are speaking a different language though.

Standard out-of-game information calls such as 'No Effect' should still be made as normal when necessary.

If the character is hit by a weapon or a tag bag, the Terrorized condition (and the Helpless condition) ends immediately.

Additonally upon gaining the Terrorized condition the character also immediately gains the Disengaged condition for 1 minute, the Pinned condition for 10 minutes, the Silenced condition for 1 minute, and the Weakened conditions for 10 minutes. Each of these conditions are separate from the Terrorized condition. If the Terrorized condition is ended early that alone doesn't end these other conditions.

All of these conditions last for their normal durations starting the moment the character is hit with 'Terror!'. They would all end at once if something like 'Dispel Magic!' or Smelling Salts is used, both of which will get rid of all Compulsion spell conditions at once. Getting attacked breaks only the Terrorized condition and leaves the Disengaged, Pinned, Silenced, and Weakened conditions.


The 'Weaken!' call represents tricking an opponent into thinking they are weaker than they actually are when it is a spell. As an alchemical attack it is used to represent chemicals that hinder the targets muscles making them less capable of fighting.

'Weaken!' is most beneficial against the most powerful and exotic foes. Against the average opponent the difference between '2!' and '1!' damage isn't tremendous. But, in a situation where your opponent is attacking for very high numbers such a '8!', 'Weaken!' can be used to make their blows much more managable.

Weaken Calls

The 'Weaken!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Weaken!' call get the Weakened condition.

When the 'Weaken!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Weaken Humanoid!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Weaken!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Weakened condition. The 'Poison Weaken!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Weaken!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Weakened condition. The 'Acid Weaken!' call is not a spell.

The Weakened Condition

A character who has the Weakened condition has their Might and Accuracy halved (rounded down, minimum 1). This also reduces their maximum might and accuracy based on what weapons they are wielding.

A character fighting with two weapons or weapon and shield is normally capped at 2 Might. If they have enough Might to deal 4 damage before the cap they still only deal 1 damage while Weakened and fighting in those styles.

Characters using a great weapon can halve their Might in order to add 'Slay' to an attack. They can also halve their Accuracy while using a bow to add 'Pierce!' to an attack. If they are Weakened their Might or Accuracy (respectively) are halved twice (rounding down each time) if they wish to take advantage of these weapon features.


An attack that calls for 'Wound!' will always list which location is getting wounded, such as 'Torso Wound!'. The 'Wound!' call represents attacks that are so savage armor and body don't help protect you at all.

Player characters only have access to this call in the form of trap tags. This is a design choice to keep such a dangerous call from being used in a player versus player situation without a major limitation (needing to get the person to set off the trap).

Wound Calls

The 'Wound!' call never inflicts damage. It may not be blocked and is not a spell. The call will always include a hit location as part of it, such as 'Torso Wound!'. Characters hit by a 'Wound!' call immediately take a Wound condition in the named location. No body or armor is lost when this happens.

Only defenses which specifically stop a 'Wound!' call will stop this call by itself. If another call is added such as 'Poison Torso Wound!' a defense that prevents 'Poison!' will stop the entire attack. Trap tags will list a trap type at the top such as Alchemical, Spell, or Physical. Defenses that prevent alchemical traps can stop a Wound from an Alchemical trap tag, etc. Body and armor do not interact with the 'Wound!' call in any way.

Announcement Calls

These calls give information to anyone nearby. They aren't used to deliver attacks. If they are associated with a condition it is because the condition happens first and the call informs other people the condition is present.


The Ghastly Visage condition creates an illusion that won't fool advanced undead, but can trick the more primitive ones into believing that someone is one of them. The grave magics used are also effective enough to allow a character to enter Unhallowed ground as well. All of this information is shared with other players through the 'Brains!' call.

Brains Calls

The 'Brains!' call never inflicts damage. It is an announcement call that tells others that a character is benefiting from the Ghastly Visage condition.

The Ghastly Visage Condition

A character that has Ghastly Visage condition is affected by an illusion that makes them appear like one of the undead. Most characters can see through this illusion with ease, but primitive undead will think the character is one of them and will not attack so long as they are not provoked. Characters announce that they have this condition with the 'Brains!' call. This condition lasts for 10 minutes.

Also, a character with this condition may always enter Unhallowed fields.


A 'Detect!' call represents creatures with magical sonar or a spell that sweeps the area causing those beings of a certain creature type to glow brightly revealing their presence momentarily to everyone.

Characters with access to the Grim Sight spell can use that spell to 'Detect Life!' and 'Detect Undead!'. This is useful when chasing for a someone in hiding or to reveal (or disprove) an ambush before it happens.

Detect Calls

The 'Detect!' call is an announcement call that never deals damage. It will always be associated with a creature type or subtype, such as 'Detect Undead!'. When you hear the call if you belong to the creature type or subtype listed, you must respond back by stating that type or subtype. Anyone who can hear the call or the responses is aware of where characters are located.

Defenses that stop spells do not stop 'Detect!' calls, only protection specifically against a 'Detect!' call can stop them. When you prevent a 'Detect!' call from affecting you, you do not call 'No Effect!' (this would make such protections not very effective).

A character casts Grim Sight and calls for 'Detect Life!', anyone who hears the call, whereever they may be, should respond with 'Life!' as long as they do not have the Non-Living creature subtype. Everyone who hears these responses even if they were not the caster knows there is a living creature in the direction they hear the 'Life!' response. Those who are trying to hide should move quickly if they do not want to be found.


The Dissipate! call is meant to represent a character turning into one of the elements to escape danger. This could mean joining with a pool of water, merging with the earth, becoming part of the air, or in extreme circumstances becoming part of a raging fire. In any case, the transformed person is mostly safe from any harm and can still witness their surroundings.

Dissipate Calls

The Dissipate! call never inflicts damage. It is an announcement call that shares with others that a character is benefiting from the Dissipated condition.

The Dissipated Condition

A Dissipated character has become one with the elements and is safe from most harm. The Dissipated condition lasts for 10 minutes from the time the flag is held up.

This is the primary go-to method for people who don't want to participate in combat to avoid doing so. Dissipate can be used on a case-by-case basis to evade a fight, although that isn't its only use. When done carefully it can be done in the middle of combat to cause enemies to focus on someone else and then when their backs are turned the Dissipated condition can be ended voluntarily to take advantage of an opportunity. Dissipate can also be used to create ambushes if you know someone will be coming to a certain location in the next 10 minutes.

  • Before this condition can begin the character must raise a blue flag above their head; prior to this happening they are still vulnerable to attack.
  • The flag must be held in an empty hand and can't be tied to anything, like a weapon or finger.
  • While Dissipated you can't move, but others no longer "know where you are" and should role-play accordingly. Other characters should assume that you have vanished completely. Standing around waiting for this condition to end is not acceptable game play.
  • Because this condition always comes from a spell effect, it may be ended voluntarily at any time as long as the character isn't Helpless.
  • While the blue flag is up the character can't be attacked. Characters affected by the Dissipated condition are completely aware of their surroundings, but cannot move (except for safety, as described below). Remind other characters that you are dissipated by saying Dissipate! as often as is needed.

For safety reasons you should never become Dissipated while in front of a group of people who are running, or where you could otherwise be a trip or collision hazard. If you dissipate and it becomes such a situation it is ok to step aside (if possible, leave a marker like a tag bag behind to mark where you were). Return to that location before you drop the Dissipated condition. Likewise, if combat is taking place near where you are dissipated, it is very much appropriate to relocate yourself to avoid it and return when the area is safer.

  • If a character uses a "Detect!" call that you would normally respond to while you are Dissipated, you do not answer.
  • Some rare creatures can see through the Dissipated condition and may attack you while dissipated. They will communicate this by saying "No Effect!" or "Grounding!" in response to your call of "Dissipate!", usually while stabbing you repeatedly.


A Sanctified field represents an area empowered by the gods to protect the faithful. While this is mostly associated with the Sept, the Dark Three have no issues with Sanctifying an area. Undead are just as capable of harming followers of the Dark Three as anyone else, so the Dark Three will protect their faithful even from their own agents when needed.

Shrines, holy ground, and a Veil of Warding can all be used to create a Sanctified field. The primary purpose is to keep out undead creatures.

Sanctify Calls

The 'Sanctify!' call never inflicts damage. It is an announcement call used to let players know that an area contains a Sanctified field.

Sanctified Fields

A Sanctified field always occupies a structure. When the structure is a building it should be marked with blue strips at the windows and doors. If the structure is a period tent the doorway is considered the only valid entry point so it is the only place that needs to be marked. With a lean-to blue strips should be placed strategically along the open wall to allow them to be as clearly visible as possible.

While the area is a Sanctified field undead may not enter it. They may cast spells, throw throwing weapons and fire projectiles into the building (arrows should never be fired into buildings with glass windows, regardless of circumstances).

Undead who are immune to spells (typically through Anti-Magic Aura or Ethereal Sealant) may enter a Sanctified field freely. One-time shields do not provide enough protection for any benefits.

The creator of a Sanctified field must be present at the time of creation, but may leave the area once the effect is in place. Any undead in the field at the time it is created must leave as rapidly as possible. Should they be completely unable to do so (such as if the door is Magic Locked and they don't have means to 'Dispel!' it) they gain the Helpless condition as they cower in fear, taking no action. If characters block their exit they will attempt to fight their way out of the field.

Creating an Unhallowed field in the same location as a Sanctified field will cause them to cancel each other out and dispels both.


A Sanctuary field represents a large dome of force that keeps physical objects from entering. They can be created by spells, the power of the gods, or from magic objects.

It's worth noting that this effect is currently the single most misunderstood rule in the entire game. This is for a variety of different reasons. Reading this entry carefully is worthwhile.

Tactically Sanctuary is used for a variety of circumstances. Sanctuary fields at their most basic are great for staying safe and avoiding combat. But, they can also be used offensively as well. Physical attacks can't go into a Sanctuary, but they can go out. This makes a Sanctuary idea for ranged weapons users to safely attack opponents without getting hurt between shots. Spell casters who wish to use a lot of tag bags can also use this for effective fighting.

There are drawbacks too though. Remember that your allies also can't enter your Sanctuary if they aren't already in it when it appears. So if you create one behind them on a trail and they need to withdraw from a fight... they won't be able to.

It is especially important to be aware of who you might be preventing from moving at night. Creating an area that players can't walk through can sometimes lead to people accidentally getting mildly trampled for following the rules. At night it is generally best practice to be sure to create Sanctuaries to the side of a path so everyone can safely pass by.

Sanctuary Calls

The 'Sanctuary!' call never inflicts damage. It is an announcement call used to let players know that an area contains a Sanctuary

Sanctuary Fields

When a Sanctuary Field is created the first thing that needs to happen is that it must be given a center point. This is denoted with a tag bag, a blue strip or by the object that created the field (such as a shrine) being at the center of it. Whatever form the center takes it should be on the ground and stationary. A Sanctuary field may not be moved.

A Sanctuary field is a 20 foot diameter bubble (10 foot radius from the object marking the center). Anything inside the bubble when it is created is inside the field, friend or foe. When in doubt assume someone is inside the area.

A common mistake made when casting the Sanctuary spell is to wait so long to cast it that enemies are already inside the area.

If the field is made somewhere that it would not have the space to form completely it will occupy the space that it can. Anyone on the other side of walls who would have no reasonable way of knowing the field is there or where its boundaries are not impacted by the field until they get can be made aware of its existence.

Physical objects may not enter a Sanctuary field. This includes people, ranged weapons, thrown weapons, etc. Spells may enter the field. So throwing unblockable tag bags into a Sanctuary field will work. Characters who are immune to all spells (such as those under the effects of an Anti-Magic Aura or Ethereal Sealant) can also enter the Sanctuary field. When a character does this they should call 'No Effect!' when they enter to make it clear they know the Sanctuary field is present, but they are able to bypass it. Having a one-time shield against spells is not enough to allow entry.

The barrier allows physical objects to leave it. This means that ranged weapons can be used against enemies outside of the field. If a character swings a melee weapon out of the field, it can't come back in. Effectively this means the character must then leave the field if they swing a melee weapon out of it. Characters may also voluntarily leave the Sanctuary field at any time. They may not re-enter.

If the creator of the Sanctuary field leaves the area of the field or gains the Dissipated condition while inside of the Sanctuary field the field is immediately ended. Should the creator die that will not end the field as long as their body remains inside of it.

There's a lot to memorize here, and of all the spells in the game, Sanctuary is the most prone to having strange circumstances surrounding when it is used. So what do you do if you make a mistake? First of all know that you almost certainly won't be the first person to have made any particular mistake, nor will you likely be the last. Try to undo what you've done wrong to the best of your ability. Most of the time mistakes involve not realizing the Sanctuary is there and walking into it. In this situation back out immediately. If you attacked when you shouldn't have, let the defenders know quietly and keep going. Whatever you do, don't keep walking through to the other side.


Unhallowed fields represent horrible locations, toxic ground, and places dedicated to the Dark 3. It should be noted that sometimes followers of the Sept will Unhallow an area to keep out others out for a variety of reasons, it is not inherently evil, but evil areas have a tendency to become Unhallowed.

Player characters might deliberately create Unhallowed ground in order to prevent innocents from going into something dangerous or to have a meeting where only those who know the Ghastly Visage spell can attend.

Unhallow Calls

The 'Unhallow!' call never inflicts damage. It is an announcement call used to let players know an area contains an Unhallowed field

Unhallowed Fields

The Unhallowed field always occupies a structure. When the structure is a building it should be marked with blue strips at the windows and doors. If the structure is a period tent the doorway is considered the only valid entry point so it is the only place that needs to be marked. With a lean-to blue strips should be placed strategically along the open wall to allow them to be as clearly visible as possible.

While the area is a Unhallowed field the living may not enter it. They may cast spells, throw throwing weapons and fire projectiles into the building (arrows should never be fired into buildings with glass windows, regardless of circumstances).

Living individuals under the effects of the spells Abomination, Dreadlord, or Ghastly Visage as well as living characters who are immune to spells (typically through Anti-Magic Aura or Ethereal Sealant) may enter the area freely. One-time shields do not provide enough protection for any benefits.

The creator of an Unhallowed field must be present at the time of creation, but may leave the field once it is in place. Any living creatures in the field at the time it is created must leave as rapidly as possible. Should they be unable to do so (such as if the door is Magic Locked and they don't have the means to 'Dispel!' it) they gain the Helpless condition as they cower in fear, taking no action. If characters block their exit they will attempt to fight their way out of the field.

Creating an Sanctified field in the same location as a Unhallowed field will cause them to cancel each other out and dispels both.

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