The Kingdoms of Novitas Rulebook

This is all the rules of the Kingdoms of Novitas collected onto one page. This page may be very slow to load and might consume considerable bandwidth. You may wish to print a copy to pdf and read that to save loading time.

Please also note that this page is currently a work in progress. Not all pages in the wiki have been added to it. Using the sidebar you can see which sections have been completed. The sections that aren't completed have links to where you can find the information that hasn't been added yet.

Age Requirements

An Adult Oriented Game

We are not suggesting that this game deals with 'Adult' topics regularly, we are simply trying to make it very clear that so long as players stick to the code of conduct it is not our policy to police where players take the narrative of plots.

Kingdoms of Novitas is intended for adult players over the age of 18. While most plots do not involve adult themes, some do involve themes such as violence or romance. It is not the game's responsibility to change to suit an individual's play style, so long as those players involved are following the game's code of conduct. If a plot has a theme that is an issue for a player, they are encouraged to leave the scene immediately.

Players Aged 15 to 18 Years

Players younger than eighteen years old and older than fifteen years old can, with explicit permission from the first marshals (Christina Mevec, James Vertucci, and Ryan Green), participate in game events under some restrictions.

  • They must be accompanied by a sibling, parent, or legal guardian who is over the age of twenty-one.
  • The accompanying adult must be a participant with a signed waiver
  • The accompanying adult must remain on-site at all times.

It is the guardian's responsibility to keep the minor from participating in anything they deem inappropriate; the game does not change because a minor is present.

Individuals Under the Age of 15

Individuals under the age of 15 are not allowed to participate in game events. If for any reason an individual under the age of 15 is present on site they must be in the immediate vicinity of a sibling, parent, or legal guardian with a signed waiver who is over the age of 21 at all times, without exception.

Code of Conduct


Kingdoms of Novitas does not tolerate harassment in any form, including sexual harassment, and will take immediate action to address knowledge or complaints of violations of this policy. To aid in documentation, please try and report offending behavior during the event in which it occurs to any available marshal. For the purposes of this policy, any person attending a Kingdoms of Novitas event will be referred to as a ‘player’.

By participating in a Kingdoms of Novitas event, you are consenting to comply with the following guidelines:


Harassment is defined in this policy as any physical or verbal action intended to coerce, threaten or intimidate a player (as opposed to a character). While harassment is not exclusive to the following examples, this guideline for what constitutes harassment will help determine what is a violation of this policy:

  • Verbal harassment includes comments that are unwelcome or offensive to any person’s religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability status, gender identity, sexual orientation, sex, pregnancy, age, appearance, marital status or other protected status, including slurs or negative stereotyping.
    • Please note that willfully and maliciously misgendering a person using the incorrect name and pronouns can and will be considered verbal harassment.
  • Nonverbal harassment includes the distribution or display of written material encouraging harmful stereotypes, violence, or discrimination based on the aforementioned protected classes, occupying somebody’s personal space with the intent to intimidate, threaten or coerce them, and aggressively touching somebody with said intentions and without consent.
    • As we are a roleplaying game, it is acknowledged and encouraged that roleplay is immersive. However, if somebody expresses discomfort out-of-game, the instance of roleplay should immediately end. Continuing said instance in spite of expressed discomfort will constitute harassment as if the violations of this policy were performed out-of-game.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of any form is prohibited by Kingdom of Novitas’ code of conduct in all instances.

Sexual harassment occurs when unsolicited or unwelcome sexual or romantic advances, requests, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or romantic nature:

  • Is persistently enacted on a player that is visibly uncomfortable or avoidant.
  • Is persistently enacted on a player that has established a verbal boundary against it.
  • Is roleplayed without the explicit out-of-game consent of any person that is present or participating in the instance.
  • Creates an intimidating or otherwise hostile environment.

Sexual harassment often takes many different forms. While sexual harassment is not exclusive to the following examples, this guideline for what constitutes sexual harassment will help determine what is a violation of this policy:

  • Verbal sexual harassment includes innuendoes, suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, sexual propositions, lewd remarks and threats; requests for any type of sexual favor (this includes repeated, unwelcome requests for dates); and verbal abuse or "kidding" that is oriented toward a prohibitive form of harassment, including that which is sexual in nature and unwelcome.
  • Nonverbal sexual harassment includes the distribution, display or discussion of any written or graphic material, including calendars, posters and cartoons that are sexually suggestive or show hostility toward an individual or group because of sex; suggestive or insulting sounds; leering; staring; whistling; obscene gestures; or other forms of communication that are sexual in nature and offensive.
  • Physical sexual harassment includes unwelcome, unwanted physical contact, including touching, tickling, pinching, patting, brushing up against, hugging, cornering, kissing, fondling, and forced sexual intercourse or assault. Courteous, mutually respectful, pleasant, noncoercive interactions between players that are acceptable to and welcomed by both parties are not considered to be harassment, including sexual harassment.

Sexual Activity on Site

Even when consensual between parties, engaging in sexual activity at Kingdoms of Novitas events is strictly forbidden. This includes public structures like lean-tos, cabins, and A-Frames, as well as areas where others might accidentally view or hear the encounter. Violations of this policy will be subject to an investigation as well as swift disciplinary action if discovered.

Confidentiality and Retaliation

No loss or penalty will befall a player for:

  • Lodging a bona fide complaint with a staff member regarding a breach of this conduct.
  • Acting as an eyewitness and reporting a breach of conduct to staff.
  • Appearing as a witness to a breach of conduct.

Reporting a bona fide breach of conduct will in no way be used against the player reporting their concern. However, filing a malicious or baseless complaint will constitute a violation of this policy. All complaints will be treated with confidentiality to the best of staff’s ability, and information will only be disclosed on a need-to-know basis. If requested the identity of the complainant will remain anonymous unless circumstances demand otherwise, and staff will take steps to ensure that the complainant is protected from retaliation.

Reporting Procedure

The following procedure is recommended upon experiencing or witnessing a violation of this code:

  1. If comfortable, address the player in question and clarify your boundaries. If this does not resolve the issue or the player does not stop, move on to step two.
    1. Note: If this occurrence happens in-game, please immediately go out-of-game for the purposes of addressing this to avoid any confusion on either player’s part.
  2. Report the incident as soon as possible after its occurrence to a game volunteer, who will direct you to a member of staff, or go directly to a member of staff. Please try to have a name and/or description of the offending player available. A list of current Marshals and Second Marshals can be found here.
  3. The Marshal or Second Marshal in charge of this complaint will report it to the First Marshals. This investigation will include gathering witnesses or other evidence of the infraction and involve discussions with parties involved in the incident. As aforementioned there will be utmost attention focused on confidentiality, and the complainant will be informed of all steps in the investigation before they occur.
  4. If the complaint is found to be well-founded, disciplinary action will be taken. This is to be approved by the Marshals and Second Marshals and can include but is not limited t a warning, the removal of the offender from the area, the expulsion the offender from the event (if the investigation and complaint happened within the same event) without a refund, removal from staff (if a staff member or work group volunteer), or a temporary to permanent ban from attending Kingdoms of Novitas events.

Please address any questions, comments or concerns about the contents of this policy to the First Marshals. Thank you for your understanding and we hope Kingdoms of Novitas can be a safe, fun and engaging space for all of its players.

Gender and Roleplaying Policy

Kingdoms of Novitas is committed to ensuring a safe and inclusive experience for all players. We recognize that gender is a complex spectrum, and the comfort level of our players may vary in different situations as their Out-Of-Game (OOG) identities evolve. As a role-playing game, we want to pay special attention to matters of gender identity.

  1. Players are expected to play both Player and Non-Player Characters (PCs and NPCs) with the same gender identity and pronouns that they would use OOG. PCs should maintain a consistent gender identity.
    1. Should a player need their PC’s gender identity to transition, the player should reach out to the First Marshals to implement that change for their PC.
  2. Under no circumstances are players at Kingdoms of Novitas’ games, events, and platforms allowed to:
    1. Intentionally use the wrong pronouns for a player
    2. Mock and/or parody any gender identity
    3. Encourage discrimination against any gender identity
      1. As per our harassment policy, these actions are expressly forbidden. All infractions of this policy will be met with swift disciplinary action.
  3. If a player suspects a deliberate or malicious violation of this policy, they should utilize the grievance form or speak to the First Marshals.

Thank you for your commitment to helping us make Kingdoms of Novitas fun and inclusive for all of our players. If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, or if you require further clarification, please reach out to the First Marshals.

Game Safety


All players need to have a current waiver on file before participating in the game. The current waiver can be found via this link.

Completed digital copies of the waiver can be emailed to Frank Tamburrino or Taylor Dean before attending, or you can fill out a physical copy on site when you first check-in for the event.

Physical Contact

Players are allowed to act as if they are physically fighting if all parties have given clear verbal consent in advance. These situations should be purely for theatrical purposes, should not involve actual grappling/ wrestling, and should take place outside of active combats to make it clear they are not part of the combat.

Physical contact is a subject that should be taken very seriously for the safety and comfort of all players. There is no physical contact allowed in combat ever. Contact with boffer weapons is different than physical contact for these purposes.

Other than weapon contact in combat situations, physical contact is permitted only when both players consent. Any rule that involves two players interacting where physical contact might get involved can be summarized by that last sentence.

Physical contact for combat purposes that does not involve a weapon is never permitted.

  • A player may not charge another player or do anything else that would force another player to move in order to avoid physical contact.
  • Players may not grapple, wrestle, or otherwise entrap or impair limbs during combat. You may not grasp another player's weapon in combat.
    • It is permissible to use a weapon to attempt to push or pull a shield or another weapon out of the way. However, it is not acceptable to pin a weapon or shield to an immovable object (such as a wall or the ground).
  • Bashing another player with a shield with the intention of knocking them off balance is also not permissible.

Gear Safety

Gear should be reinspected roughly yearly to make sure it does not become dangerous over time from wear.

All gear that will be used in combat (weapons and armor) must be inspected by an approved member of the rules workgroup before it can be brought into game Weapons are inspected to make sure they are sufficiently padded and secure, while armor and shields are checked for sharp edges that could damage players or weapons (a damaged weapon isn't just an aesthetic issue, over time it can become a safety issue).

Real world weapons have no place at Kingdoms of Novitas. If you wish to carry a utility knife you must have it approved by the operations marshal or second (Chris Soukup or Zach Goldstein).

Fire Safety

The Boy Scouts take fire safety very seriously, and as our hosts are a Boy Scout camp, we need to respect their requirements.

  1. Small, controlled flames (such as candles) can be lit by anyone but should never be left unattended.
    1. If the candle is on the ground, make sure to clear the area of dry leaves and kindling before lighting it in case it tips over.
  2. Campfires have important requirements.
    1. They may only be made in designated fire pits and must be lit by an individual approved by someone specifically designated by the operations marshal or second, (Chris Soukup or Zach Goldstein).
    2. Once lit, the person who requested the fire is responsible for making sure that someone is attending it for as long as it remains lit.

Failing to tend to a lit fire can result in our entire organization getting kicked off this site and will result in operations no longer lighting fires for you.

Combat: A Real Life Skill

Players are expected to remain in control of their actions at all times. Being able to stop abruptly is important and for that reason, jumping is generally not something that can be done safely during a combat situation.

Combat in Kingdoms of Novitas uses a player's real-life talent, where their character's abilities only have limited effect. Players over the course of an event will almost certainly find themselves in combat unless they actively try to avoid it. Ambush without prior warning is allowed and is fairly common.

There is no realistic way for a player to officially remain out of combat during an event. For that reason if a player has a medical reason to worry about getting into combat, they should take appropriate steps to safeguard themselves. This means some players may voluntarily limit themselves to the inn for their time in play to avoid most combat. If even the limited risk of combat in the inn is too risky, it is recommended that players remain in the logistics building during game hours.

Combat Referees

Battle damage and wear happen over time. Combat referees may ask to inspect weapons, shields or armor to make sure they are still safe to fight with. If they tell you to remove an item from the game, you are expected to do so immediately. Using gear that you have been instructed to take out of the game for safety could result in that gear being confiscated.

Staff will occasionally send out combat referees whose job is solely to watch combats and guide people on rules matters. These individuals will be marked by orange headwear. If they give you instructions, you are expected to follow them even if you think they are incorrect. Speak to Brandon Febles and Michael Maneri after the situation to discuss any issues.

Respecting Other Players

It is a player's responsibility to respect other players. For example, while there is nothing in the rules to stop you from continually hitting a player who is already down it is not showing respect to them. Everyone is present at the game to have fun, and continually hitting someone who has already fallen in combat is not fun for the person getting hit.

Game Holds

Game Hold Situations

During a "Game Hold" the game stops completely. No in-game actions of any kind can take place; this includes and is not limited to combat, conversation, using items, casting spells, travelling, etc. You should remain quiet and in one place so that the source of the hold can be given everyone's undivided attention.

After the situation that caused the 'hold' has cleared up, everyone should return as close as possible to where they were when it was called and then as a group count down from 3 and call "game on". Everyone can then return to normal game play.

The "Hold!" Call

Any player can call 'hold' if they are in a situation that warrants using it. When you hear someone yell Hold! or Game Hold! you should:

  • Loudly repeat it to ensure that others around you also hear it.
  • Immediately stop what you are doing and if possible, hold still.
  • Once you have done the above, identify why the hold was called so you can determine if you are able to help. Sometimes help simply means stepping out of the way.

The word 'hold' should be avoided in normal conversation to ensure that the 'hold call' is kept reserved as something players react to instantly and correctly.

Reasons to call a hold include:

  • A real-world injury.
  • A hazardous situation is about to occur.
    • Examples of hazardous situations are:
      • Someone is about to step on broken glass.
      • Someone is about to walk backwards off a ledge.
      • Actual spiked pit traps on the battlefield.
      • Other real-life terrain hazards.

It is important that you don't make this call without good reason so that it stays reserved for dangerous or serious situations. Bad reasons to call a 'hold' include:

  • When you fall but are not injured
  • Dropping your weapon.
  • Rules disagreement.
  • Combat going badly.
  • Witnessing someone else's injury that is not life-threatening.
  • Any other situation where no one is in immediate danger.

Players should not call 'hold' on behalf of other individuals unless that individual is in a situation where they are unable to do so for themselves; for example, if they are in so much pain that they are unable to speak or they are unconscious.

Time Stops

Time Stop Situations

A Time Stop is a period of time where the game is paused briefly, strictly for in-game reasons. During a 'time stop' you should close your eyes and babble, ramble, mumble or hum to reduce the chances that players can hear what is happening. The goal is for whatever occurs to be as much of a surprise as possible.

This call is done when changes need to happen in-game that would normally happen instantly but cannot actually happen while players are roleplaying such as being teleported out of the inn, blowing up a giant rock, or turning into a werewolf.

The "Time Stop!" Call

This call is distinctly different from a 'hold' call because this call is to advance the story, while the 'hold' call is done for out-of-game reasons.

When you hear someone call Time Stop! you should immediately:

  • Cease all in-game activity such as combat, conversation, traveling, spellcasting, ect.
  • Repeat the call by also calling 'time stop' to ensure that others have heard it.
    • In the rare event that you stumble upon a 'time stop' in progress (for example, you were in the bathroom and did not hear the initial call) you should immediately join it.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Cover year ears (if possible) and babble, ramble, mumble or hum.
    • Sometimes a 'time stop' will have a narrative aspect and make the humming component unnecessary. The person calling the 'time stop' in this case will specify that you should be silent when they initiate the call.

When the person who initially called the 'time stop' has accomplished what they needed to do, they will loudly and clearly count down from 3 before calling 'Game On!' to indicate a return to normal game play.

It is important that when this happens you remember that your character doesn't know a 'time stop' occurred. Immediately looking around the room to see what changed is metagaming, and undesirable behavior. The best roleplaying after a 'time stop' is to keep doing whatever it is was that you were doing before it was called.

No normal player ability allows for PCs to call a 'time stop'. This will almost always be an ability used by game masters or specific creatures.

In and Out of Game


Players are "in-game" when they are actively participating in the game. When you are role-playing as a character (whether that character is a player character or a non-player character) you are 'in-game'. Objects and concepts are also referred to as being 'in-game' if you are talking about that thing relative to the game's setting.

A blue flag is just a strip of cloth in reality, however 'in-game' it represents the glow of magic on an object. In-game, the blue flag does not exist, only that magical glow.

Players sleeping in game areas during game hours are in-game unless they have marked themselves with an orange flag. Any object that could be in-game is always considered to be in-game unless it is marked with an orange flag or is in an area that is considered out-of-game.


Players are considered "out-of-game" when they are not actively participating in the game. Objects are out-of-game if they don't exist inside of the context of the game; for example, the cars sitting in the parking lot are out of game as characters can't interact with them.

Objects that would normally be in-game can be marked or designated out of play by:

  • Marking the item with an orange flag or putting it under an orange piece of cloth.
  • Putting the item in a vehicle.
  • Players need a place to keep personal items during the event. The area beneath any bunks or beds are considered out of play.

If an item that is not marked out of game or placed in an out of game area is a lootable item, it can be taken even if the character it belongs to is not in play. Be sure to put your items away at the end of your shift and not leave them out in game.

If you start to discuss your job in real life, you are out-of-game having an out-of-game conversation (this is often referred to as 'breaking character'). During game hours, be careful when and where you have out-of-game conversations; they inherently break the immersion of the world and disrupt people's fun. When you are out as a non-player character you should do everything you can to stay in character to keep the world alive and vibrant.

Everything is always out-of-game during hours that the game isn't happening. This includes between events and also overnight after first shift, but before the second shift starts.

Using out-of-game knowledge that your character wouldn't have in-game is known as 'Metagaming'. This is generally a bad thing; it means a player is benefiting from details they shouldn't know. It can be useful every now and then to help others enjoy the game so long as it isn't being done for personal benefit- for example, telling a character not to go in a certain direction because you know a plot with topics that would actually upset the player went that way- but should otherwise be avoided.

Leaving Game

If you are overheating (such as due to wearing heavy armor) and need to breath for a moment you both can and should find somewhere quiet you can drink and recharge- just don't do it in the middle of a combat situation. The exception to this is if you feel it is a medical emergency, in which case you should call a 'Hold!' so you can take the appropriate steps to alleviate the situation.

Players can go out-of-game (taking your possessions with you) at any time so long as you are not doing it for a tactical advantage. For example, if you need to use a restroom that is fine; bring your things and then return to play in the same location you left it when you are ready.

If a player wishes to stop playing for the day (often referred to as 'dropping game') they may do so at any time, so long as they are not doing it for tactical advantage. When you wish to drop game while you are being actively pursued by hostile characters you may do so only if you are completely confident that you have lost them, and they are no longer able to successfully pursue you.

All players automatically become out-of-game at the end of first and fourth shifts. No plots are required to go after the end of these shifts and any role-playing is strictly voluntary.

Maintaining Immersion

Keeping up the game's atmosphere, or immersion, is an important part of what makes Kingdoms of Novitas (and all LARPing) special. Good immersion makes it easier to forget that you are playing a game and to get into the character you are playing. One of the worst things you can do is to break the immersion of others.

For these reasons you should always be sure to:

  • Wear appropriate garb at all times.
  • Break character as rarely as possible.
  • If you need to break character, find a location that is out-of-game to do it such as in the logistics building.
  • Call "Hold!" only when necessary.
  • Keep conversations in-character while you are in-character.
    • Assume others are listening to you at all times. The sneaky character who spent 10 minutes creeping up on you from the woods will thank you.
  • Try to re-frame real world conveniences as in-game fantasy concepts, such as referring to the cars in the parking lot as 'wagons' or 'carriages'.

The Wind

When you see others out-of-game it is important that you remember not to use that information to benefit you in-game. For example, it is unacceptable for a character to say 'I know there are individuals this way because I saw them headed that way out-of-character earlier'.

Non-player characters often make wind sounds ('whoosh') to indicate they are not in-game. This is typically because they are headed to another location to enter character there or are headed back to the logistics building after an encounter.

Another method |non-player characters will use to indicate that they are out-of-game is to raise their weapon horizontally above their head. Because players don't always have a weapon in hand, this is sometimes done by holding a fist above their head with their elbow bent to create a right angle.


Role-playing can describe anything a character does in-game. Talking to other characters is role-playing. Walking from the inn to a merchant's shop is role-playing. Absolutely anything done in-character is role-playing.

When any game rule makes a reference to a requirement to 'role-play' an action, it means that there is no single right way to do that action but something in-character should be done to represent the task being performed. The goal of a rule requiring you to role-play a vaguely explained action is to give you the freedom to do that action however you see fit. What matters is that if someone happened to be looking on saw you doing that action they could reasonably guess what it is that you are doing. If you don't want people to guess what you are doing then do it stealthily, but still do it.

If you want to put a poison in someone's drink, there is no official way to do this. However, you need to role-play the action of pouring the poison into the drink. You are not required to have witnesses (in fact, you probably don't want any). So, you could take the person's cup and put it below the table before pretending to pour your 'poison' from its container into the drink. Or you could create a distraction then turn your 'poison' container upside down over the drink.

We don't want to actually put anything in someone's real drink and that is why you only mime the actions through role-playing.

Players can role-play outside of game hours if they wish to, however when they do this there are no mechanics allowed. A character can't get attacked or cast spells when the game is not currently happening.

Examples of role-playing outside of an event include:

  • Getting up early on Saturday during an event to chat.
  • Chatting with other players outside of event about what your character is doing between events.
  • RPing over discord or facebook with other players between events.
  • Writing blog posts about your character.

These types of interactions are allowed and encouraged to help players define their character and how they interact with others, but they do not count towards role-playing skill advancement.

Player Interaction

Searching Other Players

It's a pretty regular part of the genre that a defeated character is searched for valuables or something of note needs to get taken from a fallen villain. We refer to this as 'searching' a character. There are two types of searches: 'detailed' or 'physical'. The player initiating the search can ask which type of search the person being searched wants, or the player initiating the search can just go straight to a 'detailed' search if they don't want to do a 'physical' search.

After searching a non-player character, it is common practice to 'drag' the non-player character's body 'off into the woods', indicating that the character has been searched and allowing that non-player character to return to the logistics building to get assigned another role.

Detailed Searches

In a detailed search the person doing the searching describes where on the other player they are going to search.

Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Pouches
  • Pockets
  • Boots
  • A character's hands
  • Inside the character's mouth
  • Anywhere else you think someone might have hidden valuables

It is often helpful to ask if anything on the target is glowing blue (magic items in game are all considered to be glowing blue, even if they don't glow in reality) just to narrow the search down. The player being searched is honor-bound to give up anything in the locations being searched.

Some players when acting as non-player characters make a habit of deciding their loot is in ridiculous locations that player characters will never check. This isn't in the spirit of the game. Not only is it bad for immersion, but when an NPC comes back to the logistics building with loot... that's a bad thing. You are making the job harder for the game masters who want to get that loot out to the players. Please don't be that person.

Physical Searches

In a 'physical' search players have to literally search their intended target, rifling through pockets trying to find the hidden loot. The player being searched has no obligation to help but can't hinder them either. A player being searched this way can opt to change to a detailed search at any time if they feel uncomfortable or otherwise don't wish to continue with the physical search.

No Search

A player can also simply opt to hand over anything lootable on them the moment a search is declared. This is particularly appropriate if the character being played turned into a pile of dust or similar situations.

Dragging Characters

In many role-playing game situations, there comes a time where despite every effort to avoid it... you have to get rid of the body. Or sometimes you are playing the sinister non-player character who is out to steal the corpse of a player character for some foul necromantic ritual. Whatever the reason, you are now in a circumstance where you need to drag the body of a character away.

Dragging a body can be done physically (actually dragging the player) only when both players consent. If either player doesn't want physical contact, then role-play dragging the character along. This should never be done at full speed; you're supposed to be carrying a body after all. Be sure to make sure the player of the body knows you are dragging them so they can follow along.

Restraining Other Players

At times in-game you will find that you wish to restrain another character. This can only be done to helpless or willing characters, there are no lasso mechanics. An appropriate prop is always required to restrain a character.

Physical Restraint

You are only allowed to physically restrain another player if they are willing to be physically restrained. If both parties agree to actual physical restraint, then the bound player may attempt to break free if they are able and can then role-play accordingly.

Role-Playing Restraint

If either party does not wish to do real physical restraint or the means of restraint is an item that doesn't translate well to out-of-game restraining the person, then all involved should role-play the idea that the player is restrained but not physically do so. Players 'restrained' in this fashion SHOULD NOT attempt to break free, though they can role-play failing attempts to do so.


What is Garb?

The clothing players wear is commonly referred to as garb. This is to distinguish it from theatre costuming, where the only thing that matters is appearance. Garb differs from costuming because what materials it is made out of also matters; to maintain the highest levels of immersion and authenticity, garb] is expected to be made out of materials that were available before modern times.

Players are expected to wear appropriate garb at all times while game is taking place whether as a player character or as a non-player character.

Getting Started With Garb

The most basic set of garb a brand-new player should bring to game is a tunic and black sweatpants or scrub pants. This gives them something to wear under the provided non-player character garb that won't clash.

After about a year of coming to game, you should have your own NPC garb to work with (which can be used with the provided non-player character garb to create more variety).

Distinctive Characters

Players who are only playing non-player characters don't require more than one set of garb. It is important that a player character be easily distinguishable from a non-player character, for that reason key elements of a player character's garb should not be reused by non-player characters. This varies from person to person, but generally includes tunics, hats, and other elements that are very visible on the player character.

Garb Requirements

Few things can ruin the atmosphere of the game more than bad garb.

Sneakers, T-shirts, or jarringly modern clothes, such as camouflage fatigues, can completely destroy the suspension of disbelief the game tries to create.

Garb should NEVER contain:

  • Fluorescent or day-glow colors
  • Modern military clothing in cut or pattern
  • Camouflage patterns in any form
  • Printed bandannas
  • Sneakers in any form or color
  • Modern hats
  • Visible zippers (Zippers on the insides of boots are acceptable if not obvious)
  • Cargo pockets on pants
  • Visible white socks
  • Exposed modern webbing or straps
  • Clothing of obviously modern cut or materials
  • Nylon or zippered backpacks or satchels
  • Clearly mundane prints or logos

Setting Influences

KoN is a fantasy game and not set in a specific historical period, so the variety of acceptable garb is wide. Players portraying non-human characters are especially encouraged to flavor their garb with fantasy elements. The game takes place in the city of Maplewood in the Freelands.

Characters don't have to wear garb based on where they are from; they could wear anything appropriate for any number of different reasons. These guidelines are so that if you want to represent being from a particular culture you know how to.

The real-world time period Novitas samples for historical garb ends roughly around 1500 AD.

General Garb guidelines:

  • Civen characters should draw influence from the Roman Empire between 27 BCE – 610 CE.
  • Vleanoan and Evenandran characters should draw influence from medieval western Europe between 1066 – 1500.
  • Great Forest and Dellin Tribelands characters should draw influence from central and northern Europe between the prehistoric era – 106 CE.
  • Gershan characters draw influence from China between 1500 BCE – 1644 CE or Japan between 250 BCE – 186 CE.
  • Terran characters should draw influence from the "dark ages" of European history, between 610 CE – 1066 CE.
  • This guide covers the look for characters from Vargainen.
  • Freelands characters wear anything found in any other kingdom.


Defining Costuming

If garb is the clothing you wear made from period materials whenever possible, costuming is the masks, make-up, prosthetics and other elements that are almost never from period materials used to evoke a fantasy atmosphere.

We use a variety of different elements for different creatures and different situations. Make-up can be applied just like in theatre and television to create realistic looking injuries, and it can be used to change skin tone to unusual colors for odd species. For different creatures we use Halloween masks, facial prosthetics (elf ears, fake stones held on with spirit gum, etc), wigs, wings, shells, spray paint, gloves, shoulder pads, and all kinds of other techniques to create variety in the world.

When you're playing a non-player character you'll be told what creature you are meant to represent, and other players will help you put on the appropriate costuming. If make-up is needed it will be applied for you by our talented make-up volunteers. Don't worry if you have no idea how to do these things, they'll take care of it.

Many of our species of creatures are based on historical mythological beings. The more colors we use, the more variety of creatures we can represent. Some accounts of creatures and some types of creatures should have brown colored skin. However, we have no desire to put our players in what is effectively 'blackface'. To that end we try to make sure that we use the color brown as minimally as possible and that any creature that has brown skin also has other additional colorful details to make it stands out as something else.

Restricted Costuming

Creatures in Novitas are designed to be as distinctive as can be practically done. To that end certain costuming has reserved use. Many creatures are represented by masks and occasionally specific wardrobe items, which means that there are restrictions on what masks player characters can wear in game to avoid creating confusion. If you wish to use a mask for your player character be sure to talk to the props and atmosphere leads (Christina Mevec and Liska Gutierrez) first.

Painting Advice

Getting painted for an npc can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a lot of work. It is applied with an air brush and its goal is to last for a bit, so it can be hard to take off afterwards.

These are some basic tips for whenever you need to get painted:

  • If a role requires painting it is safe to assume the character's skin color should ALL be that color, which means you should have all of your exposed skin either painted or completely covered. This means long sleeve shirts, gloves for your hands, balaclavas, etc. It also means you should be careful about taking off garb while in play.
  • When you are on a role where you have been painted be careful with touching your skin, you will rub it off if you touch it too much.
  • After the plot is done be sure to check in with the GMs BEFORE you take the paint off. They might have a second role using the same base colors (either as the same type of creature or a different one) to send out. This helps reduce the amount of paint used and saves other npcs painting and clean up.
  • When it is time to take the paint off, wash your face with soap and water first. This will take much of the paint off on flat surfaces but will leave some in corners and by hairlines. After you've done a wash, THEN start using wipes to get to the hard-to-reach spots.
  • If you wear a lot of paint in one weekend you might end up with slightly raw skin, this is because of the irritation top your skin from constantly removing the paint. It's ok to say to the gm's "I've been painted a bunch this weekend and my skin would prefer if can you find someone else to play this role" if you notice that your skin is getting raw or irritated.

During the cold winter months we try to use painting as little as we can manage (or at least make sure people know what they are getting into if they want to do it) because after you wash it off it leaves your face wet and therefore more susceptible to the cold.

Prosthetic Ear Advice

For some PC species prosthetic ears are required parts of the costuming. These are some tips and tricks, to help you make them look their best.

  • Blending: Elf ears should be blended to match skin tone. This means that the ears you purchase need to be painted or use makeup to effectively match your skin tone as close as possible. Additionally, the edge of the ear should be hidden by hair, ear cuffs, or makeup (see below). Note that this can be difficult but will make them look great.
  • Silicone ears: These are more expensive than latex ears, however, they look WAY better and require no blending if the right color ear is purchased.
    • Places you can buy silicone ears:
      • Geekling Creations: Player-owned and the preferred ears of many elf PC's. Jacqueline can bring your order to game and will give you a discount off of the shop price if you pay cash.
      • Aradani Costumes: Small surface area, small ears.
  • Ear cuffs: A link to a picture of what they are
  • Painting your ears: A guide from Adrani Costumes
  • Makeup to use: A regular makeup wheel. Something oil based so rain doesn't wash it off.

Wig Advice

For some pc species wigs are required parts of costuming, while some players enjoy using them to enhance their appearance. These are some tips and tricks from Sage Barber, an experienced Cosplayer, on wig care.

Recommended places to buy wigs:

  • Arda Wigs: A little on the pricey side, better for extreme styling, takes a bit to arrive.
  • Epic Cosplay: Affordable, arrives quickly, smaller stock/ less color options.

Wig Care

Wearing Wigs

Wig Storage

Contact Advice

Some character species require colored contacts. For obvious sanitary reasons, anyone who would like to play those creatures as a PC or NPC will need to provide their own contacts. Some players also prefer to wear contacts at game so that they do not have to worry about their glasses getting broken or to see easier out of masks.

Your first stop should always be your eye doctor for an exam and to get a proper prescription for contacts. You can ask them for a copy of your script so that you have the numbers handy. This is not the same as a prescription for glasses.

Not all eye doctors will have the fashion colors that characters require (black, for example are needed for Succubi) or will have colors that match unusual wig colors for faekin. If they do have them, great! When they do not, you will need to take the copy of your script and look online for the color you require. Many players who PC faekin or use contacts for their PCs get theirs from, though shipping can take a couple weeks.

Since colored contacts have a fixed pupil size, you will find that your eyes take longer to adjust going from lighted areas to dark ones. This will be especially noticeable at night, and for people wearing lighter colored contacts such as white or light blue. You may also find it hard to navigate at night until you are used to wearing contacts. Keep this in mind when moving about the site, and do not be afraid to tell another player that you are having difficulty seeing and ask for help to get to the inn or the area you are moving to while you wait to adjust.

Occasionally you will find that your contacts shift and block your vision; unlike regular contacts which are completely clear, colored ones have an opaque iris. If blinking does not fix this, it can typically be quickly remedied by pulling your lower eyelid down and looking up to shift the contact back to the center of your eye. Closing your eyes and looking up, left, down and right a few times can also achieve the same result.

It is not a bad idea to have an extra set of contacts on hand in case something happens to yours (one falls out and you lose it in game, it rips when putting them in, etc.). When wearing contacts and “dying”, be careful when you land to be sure to cushion your head in such a way that the contact does not become dislodged.

You should always wash your hands before inserting or removing contacts to prevent infection, especially since you are running around in the woods. Touching trees, laying on the ground, touching objects that have changed hands multiple times, and even touching your own belongings and then sticking your fingers in your eyes is a bad idea.

NEVER USE CONTACTS THAT ARE MAKING YOUR EYES UNCOMFORTABLE. Being unable to put your contact in without pain, feeling like your eye is being scratched even after checking for other things in your eye, and eye irritation are all signs that your contacts need to be changed out. It is better to step out of game than to cause permanent damage to your eye.


Props Definitions

Any objects brought into game are referred to collectively as props. Most props are un-numbered objects. An unnumbered item could have special rules, but those rules are the same for all props like them. For example, all daggers follow the rules for non-martial weapons. Similarly, all lanterns follow the rules listed for them.

Some props are assigned a letter and a number (legacy props have just a number). These props have a specific entry in our item database with more information available to those who have the correct skills (Identify Magic and/ or Estimate Value) to look up what the item does.

Taking Props

Props can be acquired through a variety of means, the simplest of which is theft. Sometimes items are given away. Looting the corpse of the monster you just killed is a common practice, though sometimes also a morally gray area depending on who you ask.

Items with no numbers on them can be borrowed by another player temporarily, but generally shouldn't be taken out of that player's presence for any reason. The exception to this is coins and consumables (which are all printed paper with an official stamp). These are unnumbered items that may always be looted/ stolen/ taken.

If an item has a number on it, that number will tell you if you can loot the prop and if so for how long. The letter component of the number tells you the information you need to know about taking it.

Thrown weapons and projectile weapon ammunition may not be taken from an encounter after they are used. While perhaps a bit unrealistic, this rule is required to allow for magical ammunition to meaningfully exist - otherwise a smart bandit would steal the arrow and run, making their use nearly impossible. Characters can throw weapons at other targets or use ammunition from the battlefield if they have the appropriate skills but cannot remove them from the encounter area (and it is common curtesy to help another player find something of theirs you threw). Thrown weapons and projectiles not being used in combat, that are lying still, or left behind can be taken as normal.

Numbered Items

Numbered items (a term which includes alpha-numberic labelled items) can sometimes be taken from their owners. On newer items the letter indicates if this can happen.


Stealing an item in-game is as simple as walking up and taking that item. There are no special rules for how you steal, only for what you can steal. It's important that you only take objects that are currently in-game. Rifling through someone's tote that is correctly marked as out-of-game while they are playing a non-player character (therefore their belongings should not be in-game) is cheating. Taking someone's out-of-game possessions is real world theft.

It is a player's responsibility to clearly mark their possessions as out-of-game when they should be. A player who is NPCing who has left items in play, unmarked, may find those items taken. The individual who takes such items has done nothing wrong.

If you steal or otherwise acquire a prop that belongs to the game, it is yours to keep for as long as you are playing the game. Should the item leave play for any reason, or if you decide to stop playing the game, please turn in any items belonging to the game to logistics staff.

When you take something that is owned by a player there is a special procedure to follow. Players need to be able to know that anything they own isn't going to go permanently missing during game. If someone buys really cool extra expensive garb, it would be a tragedy if they could lose that during the game. So, when you steal from another player contact them after the event is done and check with them to find out what to do with the item. In the event the item was a player's personal prop follow this procedure:
1) If the player is willing to let you keep the item, nothing further needs to be done.
2) If the player is willing to negotiate a cash price (or other out-of-game exchange) for the item, you can pay them out-of-game for permanent ownership of the prop.
3) If the player is not willing to negotiate a cash price, or an agreement can't be reached then the player will keep the prop. The item number on the prop should get removed from it (the prop is no longer that item) and the number should be transferred to the new owner who can then put the item number on a new appropriate prop. Be sure to check in with Logistics before transferring the number over in case the item's database entry needs to get updated.

Bringing New Props Into Game

Real world objects are used to represent in-game items. These can be made of many different materials, too many materials to give a definitive allowed and banned list here.

Weapons in particular have very strict requirements for safety reasons. For props not related to combat, a general guideline is that objects made out of historically appropriate materials are likely to be ok, though for safety reasons glass should generally only be used for encampment items - things that won't move around a lot or be near combat.

For many props what materials are visible is more important than what the prop is made out of. It's worth noting specifically that duct tape, which is a common feature of many other LARPs, is not ever allowed to be visible at Kingdoms of Novitas.

At any time game masters can remove props from play (typically for story reasons), player outreach staff can remove a prop from play (typically for safety reasons or to deal with rules issues), and props and atmosphere staff can remove props from play (typically for aesthetic reasons).

Between games players are responsible for keeping any props they acquire during the game. Should a prop become too damaged for play it should be repaired or retired from play. Retired props provided by the game should be returned to logistics staff so they can repair it to someday be introduced as a brand-new, different item.

Reserved Items

Some types of props are reserved and can only be brought into game under specific circumstances. Anything listed in the gear section of the wiki will tell you how an item can be brought into game. If an item is not listed in any of the entries there, and it is time period appropriate, you can probably bring that item into game any time you want. Should you have any doubt about if an item is appropriate to bring into game you should ask the appropriate member of staff for advice. The props and atmosphere staff can tell you if the item is period appropriate, or player outreach can see if there are any special requirements for bringing a certain type of item into play.

Repairing Props

When a prop is damaged, you are allowed to repair it as necessary so long as you don't replace the entire object. Replacing a prop with a new one is a function of the tinkering skill.

Reserved Colors

Reserved Colors

The colors blue and orange have special meaning in-game.

Blue is the color of magic. While not everything that is blue is magical, when possible things that are magical are blue or have blue accents. It is ok to use blue in garb or other props. Many spells are also represented by blue strips of cloth known as flags.

Bright neon orange is used to indicate something is out-of-game and on rare occasions to indicate something is invisible. This can be in the form of flags draped over containers that are out-of-game, orange cloaks on game masters who are present to witness a plot, or orange tape holding an extra key next to a lock so that if someone uses special abilities to unlock it they have a key to use. Because orange is used so broadly very bright orange colors should not be used for garb or anything that is not meant to be out-of-game.

Objects that are both blue AND orange are in-game, but not visible to player characters other than the item's owner. The orange is there to tell others not to interact with the item, while the blue is there to say that its ok if the owner is interacting with it while in-game.

Reserved Weapon Colors

The appearances of weapons is intended to give certain information about what materials the weapon is made out of. Special materials are represented by specific paint jobs. Weapons that are not made of special materials in game (which require crafting to create and introduce into play) should not be colored like these materials.

Goblin Iron and Thermium Weapon.


Flags must be VISIBLE to count as being used, that often means tying them conspicuously.

There are two types of flags players will encounter in the game: orange flags and blue flags. Each of these are thin strips of cloth roughly an inch wide and between 8 to 12 inches long.

An orange flag is used to indicate that the object it is attached to is out-of-game and should not be interacted with. Most commonly these are used to indicate that a player's tote is out-of-game. This is useful when a player is playing a non-player character and their player character's game props are left alone in their encampment. Putting an orange strip out warns would-be in-game thieves that these objects aren't part of the game currently and should not be stolen. Orange flags can also be used to mark a hazardous area off-limits, or to warn people against going into places they are not allowed to go for story reasons.

Blue flags are used to indicate the presence of magic. Typically blue flags are tied to objects that have spells on them and are removed when the spell wears off or is dispelled. If a blue flag falls off accidentally then any spells on that object fall off with it. You cannot deliberately remove someone else's flags to take away their spells, however.

Uses for Flags

Tying on a blue strip in the middle of combat can be a challenging endeavor. Because of this if you have a good faith reason to believe you're about to need it on your item you can put a blue strip on immediately before entering combat to make sure its ready. Blue strips shouldn't be permanently affixed to items.

Orange flags can be placed on any item that is out-of-game as appropriate with no in game ability needed.

Blue flags typically are seen in the following locations:

Player Characters

Definition of a Player Character

A player character, or PC for short, is any character created and role-played by their creator.

Players are allowed to play a PC for up to 2 shifts per event as long as they NPC at least the same number of shifts that event.

Character Creation

Creating a player character is relatively simple.

First, characters must select one of the game's playable species to be.

Second, the character needs a name.

Third, a background can be submitted for approval, but is are not required. Players may simply bring a character into play with no background (and optionally writing one later).

Finally, each character begins at level 0 assuming they haven't been assigned any experience points yet. This gives 10 skill points to spend. If you use the online character portal it will confirm you are spending those skill points according to the rules. You can print or save the character sheet generated by the portal to your phone and you're all set. Using a pen and paper character sheet is also allowed, but the portal is preferred by logistics.

At your next event, show the paper sheet when you check-in if you have it, and it will get approved at that time. If you have the character sheet downloaded to your phone, you do not need to have it approved at check-in.

Character Names

Character names should only be serious names, never silly or insulting, and never deliberately taken from pop culture, history, or literature.

There is also a strong preference whenever possible to not use the same names as existing player characters. It happens sometimes, particularly with more common names, but if you know it is going to happen you should choose a different name. Please do not use your real-life name as the name for a character, as that makes things confusing for everyone else.

Staff have the authority to require you to change your character's name if they deem it unfit.

Character Backgrounds

A good character background should be more than 500 words long and should contain "hooks" that can be used to give the game masters ideas to write interesting stories for you to experience in play. Submitting a background should be done by the Friday prior to the first event you wish to play a character at (or before the character has earned level 2) if you wish to earn 5 experience points for doing it.

To submit a background use this this form.

Players are responsible for having a reason for their character to be in Maplewood, the current setting of the game]]. It is hard to play a character who doesn't want to be part of the setting, and this can be disruptive to the game.

New characters should talk to plot staff (Ryan Green and Donald Tyson) about being part of existing in-game social organizations (those in the world book). Some require a character to have an appropriate role-playing skill. Players are allowed to create their own organizations if they wish by trying to establish those organizations in game through role-playing.

You are allowed, even encouraged, to create your own hometown or village within one of the established parts of the world but you are not allowed to create new nations. If you wish to know more about the different nations, you can consult Chapter 5 of the worldbook for more information.

Characters should never have a burning hatred of another player character species.

Alts (Alternate Characters)

A player can have as many characters as they wish. The player's primary character is commonly referred to as a "main" while other characters are referred to as "alts". Alts follow normal character creation rules, but there are some restrictions on playing them.

Each alternate or new character should have a different character background than other existing characters you have now or have had in the past. They should also generally seek to interact with different player characters and join different groups. This is intended to avoid cliques forming.

Character Possessions

Each character will have it's own character sheet, which you can assign the experience points you earn to. Once assigned to a character, experience cannot be transferred to your other characters.

Any items a character earns during play can be traded with characters played by other players.

You may not transfer numbered items, consumables or currency from one of your characters to another of your own characters.

Mundane items like clothing, weapons and armor can be shared between two characters played by the same person, but if they are distinctive this should not be done. If observing this rule creates a financial hurdle to playing for you (such as if your very distinctive character dies, and the only garb you have was that character's) talk to the Props and Atmosphere Marshals, they will help you change up your look.

Players may have any number of characters at a time, but can only have two characters active in one calendar year. If character death results in a situation where you can't play a PC at all due to this rule, be sure to talk to the plot marshal or second (Ryan Green and Donald Tyson) about the circumstances.


When a player brings a new character into game for the first time, there are often unexpected surprises. Maybe part of the character's concept doesn't quite work out as expected, you learn the accent you wanted to have is a pain to keep doing for 10 hours in one weekend, the species you chose is not working for you, or any number of other possible problems. We understand that completely.

Every new character gets an amnesty after the first event they are brought into play, before the second event they are played. A player may do this once for each character they make. This can be used to rewrite the character's background, their character sheet, any make-up or costuming choices, their species and other considerations.

In the unusual event that a brand new character dies their first time out, the player is even allowed to bring the character back from death (generally with some help from the game masters to have it make sense with the story).

Character Retirement

Sometimes you just get tired of the character you are playing, more excited for a new one, or possibly both. Maybe your character has accomplished all of their goals and has no further development you want to explore. You've decided it is time to stop playing the character. We call this character retirement.

Character retirement can be done between events at any time. Retirement can also be planned ahead with a game master. If you plan ahead with a game master, generally they will write a special plot working with you to create a special send off for the character. The game masters have permission to run some special unusual kinds of plots they might not get to run during normal gameplay when working on character retirements.

When you want to retire a character, get in touch with the Logistics staff and they will walk you through winding down a character. Some of your experience will carry over to a new character or an existing alt. This is a special exception to the rule against transferring things from one character to another.

You'll also get to use the calculated value of a portion of the gear and items you take out of play towards your new character or existing alt.

Character Death

Character deaths happen sometimes. Despite your best efforts, your character dies during an event while in play. Maybe you want your character retirement to be their death. Whatever the case may be, more fun awaits you with your next character.

When a character dies you'll need to keep track of what exactly is still in that character's possession afterwards. Items that leave play when a character dies will be used to help determine what your next character will bring into play with them or can be used towards an existing alt.

After the event where your character dies it's your responsibility to get into contact with Logistics staff (Frank Tamburrino and Taylor Dean) and they will walk you through winding down that character. This follows the same general procedure as character retirement, but without the planning ahead part.

Main Character Syndrome

It's always important to remember that everyone wants a chance to shine and have a major impact on a story. Sometimes through normal situations players will do things that, by necessity, makes everyone pay attention to them. This is normal and healthy. However, if you do it a lot you might be preventing other players from getting a chance to share the spotlight. This behavior is known as "Main Character Syndrome".

It's completely ok to take the spotlight sometimes. The line is when you're doing it so often that you are preventing others from also getting to be the center of attention. The best players pay attention to others to make sure they are getting to have their fair share of the fun, and if they sense that someone might not be engaged, give them opportunities to drive the story.

Remember that driving the story generally means driving THEIR story, not YOUR story.

Non-Player Characters

Definition of a Non-Player Character

A non-player character or "NPC" is any character that is not a "player character". These characters are sent out during events by game masters to populate the world. Common examples include townsfolk, bandits, and monsters.

During each shift the game masters running that shift will organize what we call plots and assign players to be the non-player characters needed to bring these plots to life. Often roles are referred to as being "Combat" or "Non-Combat", but these are just broad terms indicating what they are aimming for. A plot aiming at combat will sometimes be solved through roleplaying, and a non-combat plot can always get attacked.

When you've been assigned a role, you'll then gather any necessary garb from the NPC totes in logistics, garb specifically available for players to use when playing NPCs. Then if you need any make-up done you can get that from people working at the make-up desk. Finally you'll return to the GM to get any loot, get assigned stats, and final instructions.

From there you'll go out into play and interact with the PC's based on the instructions you were given. For most plots we try to keep these as instructions as simple as possible. "A group of orcs are searching for easy prey, approach town from the North and attack anyone you see." or "You're a bard desperate for new material, attempt to hire players to give you inspiration."

Plots that require very complex dialog or detailed interactions will generally be run by the GM's themselves (with the GM's playing an npc in the group) or built up over many events so that players don't have to memorize a book to play an NPC before going out on a plot.

You may not use any of your player character's identifiable garb or other numbered possessions while working as a npc. This could create a situation where you have lootable items that shouldn't be looted, and this should never happen. You also want your player character's garb to be easily recognizable as belonging to that character.

When you are on shift as a non-player character you are allowed (and encouraged) to have a tote of your own NPC garb stashed in the logistics building. When you are done with your NPC shift you'll need to remove that tote to create space in the building. A table under the front awning is the recommended location to stack out of use totes.

After a player has been part of the game long enough (around a year) it is expected that they start bringing some amount of personal npc garb with them to improve their costuming options. Weapon props are especially useful for the well prepared non-player character to bring.

Always make sure that before you leave the logistics building that you have any required costuming or make-up for the character you are playing. Most often this means that if you are playing a creature that wears a mask or is painted, that you have covered any exposed skin.

A Shared Experience

While you are working as an npc you are expected to do any reasonable task asked of you by the game master, failure to do so could result in you not earning experience for the shift.

What we mean by this is that if you are extremely tired, melting in the heat, freezing in the cold, have been painted too many times in one weekend, or otherwise take issue with a plot, communicate with the game master about it and they can let you recover or find other ways to send you out. However, if you are simply trying to avoid going out as an NPC, you're hurting the fun of the players of a shift, and that is bad for everyone. When you are out there playing a character you'll also want stories to be happening for you to interact with, help do the same for the players in game while you are NPCing.

Even if you don't enjoy something or are bad at it, you can help by participating. Not being good at fighting doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't do it. Your presence will add something to an encounter and could lead to all kinds of different outcomes that bring fun to the game.

Game Master Instructions

When GM's give instructions they will often leave a lot of details up to the player to fill in. What is the character's name? A GM generally only gives details if they're important. Letting the player come up with their own name, and other details saves the GM from needing to design everything about each character, but more importantly gives the player agency in creating the character they will play. By giving players the freedom to come up with these details they get a chance to flex their creativity and take part in the world building. Players will also be much more likely to remember the things they made up instead of trying to remember a list of details the GM has given them.

However, there are some trade-offs for using this method. One of them is that NPC's can sometimes go off the rails (even when game masters give detailed instructions NPC's can go off the rails, but in this case its less obvious that its happening in the moment). This is referring to when an npc adds details that change the plot completely.

It's a good idea to ask the GM who wrote the plot any questions you might have before you go out into play. This could be for clarification, or if you have an idea to add to the plot. It can also help you make sure what you have in mind is going to match their vision of what the plot is meant to accomplish.

Creating Your Own Details

When you fill in the blanks there are some guidelines for how to do it. The GM can't possibly tell you everything so you'll need to improvise both when planning who the NPC is, but also when you are in the field and a PC asks you a question that you should have an answer for but don't (yet).

These are the guidelines the GMs follow when designing plots, and you should follow the same guidelines when crafting details for an NPC.

  • Many people play fantasy role-playing games to avoid the negative aspects of reality. There's no need to bring those topics into the game unnecessarily.
    • Avoid Blatant Sexism: It's one thing if someone wants to role-play standing up to sexism and another thing entirely to have to put up with it in fantasy escapism. Leave fantasy sexism for situations where you know someone specifically wants to engage with the topic.
      • Keep in mind that even if one player wants to engage with this topic others may not enjoy watching it. Tread carefully.
    • No Sexual Violence
    • No Real-World Racism, Genderism, Nationalism, etc, etc.
    • No Real-World Politics or Religion.
  • Don't make slavers into 'the good guys'. If a plot involves slavery it's there for the PC's to interact with, but don't make the slaver some kind of hero figure or set it up so that the players MUST protect the slaver because of the law. If the players make that decision that's up to them.
  • Use Sudden Betrayals Sparingly. Tricking PC's is easy, you have all the information they don't and the game requires some amount of trust from the players to function. Abusing that trust to trick them only discourages the players from trusting any NPC. If you are out to trick the PCs give them clues, make mistakes, BE UNTRUSTWORTHY. Players need a way of figuring it out for themselves. Try to be as blatant as you think you can get away with, it will make the reveal better if they don't catch it.
  • Use Humor Carefully. Too many jokes during a shift can alter the atmosphere of the entire game.
  • Don't Break the Fourth Wall. Immersion is an important part of the game. Avoid making obvious references to real world concepts that might break that immersion.

Silly NPCs

The GM's know what they have sent out on a shift, and what mood they are trying to convey. If they've spent hours setting the tone for the shift as dark, and dramatic so that they can have a particular climax for the shift, an NPC going out and turning a plot into a giant joke is going to undercut that work.

Comedy is one of the hardest things to balance in a shift. Everyone enjoys a good laugh. But, it can still disrupt a shift. Telling a joke is one thing, turning a plot into a joke (by playing a deeply unserious NPC is another). You should always talk to a GM before you turn a plot into a joke. It can and will disrupt a shift. Game masters keep track of players who are likely to do this and you can be sure you are going to be much less likely to get assigned to serious plots if the game master doesn't trust you not to turn plots into jokes.

Stealing as an NPC

One major issues NPCs can run into is how to handle stealing from PCs. Theft from PCs should happen... sometimes. If it happens all the time, that's tiresome and annoying. When every NPC inevitably betrays you, is it really a surprise? So what is the right frequency? That's hard to say. What can be said for a certainty is that if one particular player always steals from PC's when they are playing an NPC that's very obvious and annoying. People will stop interacting with that player's NPCs if they do this. And they aren't wrong to do so. It could be argued that players are using out-of-game knowledge to know a particular player is going to inevitably steal from them, but at the same time that player is also behaving in an unrealistic fashion: everyone they portray is a thief.

However, if an NPC never steals anything that's an issue too. People knowing a player's NPCs are always trustworthy is just as much of a weird situation as in the opposite direction. The best solution is to play a wide variety of roles if possible and mix it up as much as you can.

When a player DOES steal something from a PC as an NPC they should be sure to stay in play for at least the next half an hour as that NPC to give the PC the chance to try to get their stuff back. This is less important if they steal a small amount of coins or some minor consumables, but if they steal something of value (a magic item, a large amount of coins, that kind of thing) they should absolutely give players a chance to get things back.

Also keep in mind that just because you as a player know where a particular group's failings are in how they secure their valuables doesn't mean every NPC you play is going to know those things.

Making a Memorable NPC

You put on some garb, you put on some make-up, you get your instructions you walk out the door and find the PCs. The first thing they ask you is "What's your name?"... and you didn't plan for that. You stand there, like a deer in the headlights trying to come up with something on the spot. Meekly you mutter. "Steve".

We've all done it in one way or another. Sometimes, you prepare yourself for all the weird things a player might do and forget to prepare yourself for the basic stuff they will likely ask. The best NPCs are ready with some answers on hand to simple questions. They also know ways to stall while they come up with the answers to anything they weren't ready for.

Having ways to change the topic on hand for when you don't know what to say can be very helpful. When you're coming up with your character's personality, spend a little time thinking of what the player's are likely going to ask of you will save you a lot of headaches later. If your plot requires walking a good distance, that is an excellent time to brain storm these ideas. If you don't use something, use it for the next NPC you play.

Some players like to design NPCs around a point of reference. If you think of a point of inspiration for your NPC you can quickly think of how your inspiration might react in the situation and have a rapid reaction to surprises. Just be sure to avoid details that will make it too obvious what your inspriation is.

Challenge Levels

Some encounters are designed to be very challenging. Others are meant to provide a fun experience, or to bring the world to life. Different encounters will have different levels of challenge for the players to experience. This is important, and something the game masters take into consideration when they send an encounter out.

This is why when you are playing an NPC it's important that you know what it is you're supposed to bring to an encounter. If something is supposed to be a fun plot where you help an oddly friendly Kazvak who happens to be named Lassie rescue someone who happens to be named Timmy from a well, it would be very bad if you play that encounter as a combat challenge. A Kazvak is a creature which can be very tame or very difficult based on the needs of the encounter. A game master will give you stats before you leave for exactly how tough you should be. If you then decide in the middle of the encounter to make yourself incredibly strong and tough, that is extremely problematic. You have now changed this encounter completely.

Altering your stats in the field is something that should only happen if you are an experienced, trained lead NPC and you know the game master would approve of what you are doing.

This is especially important when it comes to what spells a character knows. The spell Leylines in particular is something that should be used incredibly sparingly by NPCs, it can be disheartening when encounters end abruptly from it.

Finally, keep in mind that not everyone enjoys huge amounts of challenge on every encounter. If players are interacting with your NPC in good faith, but are missing the clues you're dropping about something... it probably means you should be dropping different clues, more clues, or just being more blunt with whatever it is they are meant to figure out. Maybe you expect them to ask a certain question, but they only ask things that are close to it... give the players the benefit of the doubt and give up the information, whatever it may be. Figure out how to steer the conversation in the right direction where giving the information makes sense.


Loot is any item you are given before leaving the logistics building that is intended to be given to (or taken by) the player characters. When the game master sends you out with loot... do what you can to get looted. Unless they specifically say so, they don't want loot coming back into logistics. Whether this means dying and having the players taking the loot off your corpse, or thanking the PCs for doing something memorable (or simply for helping). We ultimately want the loot to go out. Bringing it back to logistics is making work harder for the game masters. If the players search a body and check logical locations on you and you have loot to be found they should find it.

For example Orcs shouldn't be storing loot in their stomach. It should be in obvious locations, pockets, maybe a glove or in boots. If a player character makes a serious effort to find what you have, make sure they find it. Having said that, if a player character checks one pocket and moves on it's fine if they miss things. There is a balance, but always err in favor of the players finding your loot.

Lead NPCs

For plots with several players on them it is very helpful to have one of them leading the group, and making any decisions in the field that need to be made. We call this person a Lead NPC. These are generally going to be experienced players who know where things are on site, know how to keep track of the members of their group, and know how to adjust a plot if something goes wrong in the field.

If a lead npc gives you instructions that are different from what the game master told you, that's probably ok, you should follow those instructions. Sometimes plots need to change a little in the field, and lead npcs are typically going to be the people who know how to make those adjustments appropriately.

When you think you're ready to be a lead npc, talk to the GMs and they can let you know if they have a plot for you to lead.

Targeted Plots

Sometimes plots are "targeted" at a particular player character or group. This can happen because a player requested a PIP, because it is a consequence of a previous plot, or simply because the GM had an idea that made sense for a specific character/ party. Ideally these plots are spread out, not for the same character or people repeatedly, but every now and then there are reasons they hit the same target multiple times.

When you are an NPC in these plots it is important to know exactly who it is intended for and under what conditions, if any, it is ok to deviate. A carefully planned plot for one group that goes to the wrong group can lead to all kinds of problems (the least of which being that the first target may need to have the plot repeated if it's critical to a particular story). Player's are accustomed to periodically seeing this type of plot, and if you clue them in with your choice of words they will often help make sure that NPC's get to the right target.

Hooked Plots

When we send a plot to a fixed location somewhere far in the field, we need some way to bring the player characters to the plot. We call this the "hook" for the plot. Generally this will be an NPC who is sent to where the PC's are congregating (generally the inn) to ask PC's to come with them to where ever the plot is located.

Sounds simple right? It can be. But, like everything else, once it makes contact with the PCs it can sometimes get very complex.

One problem that can occur is when the players don't want to go. They're tired from something else, engrossed in another plot, or any number of other things are keeping them away. A good hook knows when it's time to find a different group of players, leaving the ones you found alone versus when to pester those players to go anyway.

When the plot is targeted, you should be sure to indicate that somehow so they know this is something special and they should drop what they are doing as soon as possible.

What if players are farther away? Do you roam trying to find them, or do you wait where you are? The answer depends on where you are and what is happening. If you are at the inn, your best bet is to wait there. Players should know the inn is a good place to get hook for plots and are more likely to go there looking for things to do. If you are anywhere else, then roaming is probably the correct answer. Ideally you should always roam in the direction that will take you towards the inn.

Sometimes when you are a hook, you take 3 steps and suddenly players come running up to you, what do you do? Generally in this situation something has already gone a little wrong. This might be because you just left the logistics building and players are either watching it (which is bad) or they just happen to be passing by (which is ok, but not ideal). In this situation encourage the players to come with you to the inn so you can "catch your breath" or something like that. The reason you want to do this is so that other players will also see the hook, and if one group hasn't been able to get to many plots, the PCs can discuss amongst themselves which group is going to answer the plot.

Other times you'll encounter PCs right away because those players are "patrolling". At a site with more locations for encounters this can be very reasonable role-playing. Unfortunately, Camp Kingsley has many great locations for roleplaying "in town", but not as many ideal locations for fights. This means that PCs can go "on patrol" at those ideal combat locations and deliberately encounter more plots than other parties. This is poor behavior (even if they really are trying to role-play) because it disrupts the distribution of encounters among the players.

If one person or group gets all the encounters for a shift, it can be a lot less fun for others. When you see players doing this, you should do what you can as a hook to not directly reward it. Sometimes if you know they are doing it, approach from a different direction than you had intended. You'll know its happening when you see them there on your way out from logistics to the encounter site. When you do, approach from a different direction than you planned so that you won't run into them. Go past them as wind so that you can arrive from a different angle where you won't encounter those PCs right away.

Another issue that can occur while hooking is that sometimes players who are behaving extremely badly will see the npcs pass by as wind, going out to the location of the encounter. These players, behaving badly, then start "exploring" in the direction they saw the npcs go. Sure enough they then run directly into the hook or into the encounter without the hook being there.

When this happens, ESPECIALLY if your encounter's hook is in town looking for PC's to bring, the encounter should remain as wind until the hook returns with PCs. The PC's following the encounter are the ones acting in the wrong by trying to take the encounter immediately, without whatever set up the hook may be delivering to tell the story.

Finally, it happens sometimes where you're a hook for a plot. You've arrived in town to get some player. The first people you talk to... stab you dead. Now what? The first thing to keep in mind is that your encounter is out there alone waiting for you. They don't know what happened and depending on the weather may not want to be out for a very long time (in the extreme temperatures or rain/ snow). Let the PCs do whatever they end up doing with you as quickly as you can manage. Sometimes, you can still act as a hook by finding an alternate way to hook the PCs. For example maybe they find a note on your body. One you didn't prep a real prop for, but you can tell the players about so they know you were a hook and give them enough information to find the destination. Or perhaps you can tell a different NPC who is out about the information they need to be the hook for you.

If you can't solve relay the hook easily your next step is to head straight into logistics to let them know what happened. Ideally the game masters can send a back up hook out to get the job done. Failing that they will send a runner to let the encounter know it's time to come back.

Every situation is different, but a good hook can make or break an encounter.


Defining Languages

All languages in Novitas are categorized as common, uncommon, rare, or extremely rare. Common languages are those that are actively spoken by large portions of the population. Each common language has at least one nation on Novitas that currently speaks it. Uncommon languages are those languages either actively spoken but only by cultures that are marginalized in some way or they are no longer actively spoken. Rare languages are only spoken by cultures that do not want others to know their languages or who would be dangerous to learn from. Finally, extremely rare languages have mystical components that make learning them incredibly complex. These languages require more than standard tutelage to master.

All characters in Novitas begin play knowing the most basic of all languages, Common, the general trade tongue of all Novitas. This is at least in part a matter of convenience. Characters who come from the lost continent of Vargainen are not native speakers of Common, and have likely never had any exposure to it. However, as a consideration for allowing player characters to be fun, they are given Common for free anyway. These characters are encouraged to roleplay taking the steps of still learning Common, but each player is free to handle this as they wish. Other characters can at the player's choosing also not know Common if they desire.

Non-human characters begin play knowing an extra language, determined by what species they are. This represents the cultural heritage that character comes from.

Beyond that, any character can learn new common languages by using skill points. Uncommon languages are learned through role-playing skills, most commonly Scholar. Rare languages can be learned with skill points and plot marshal or second (Ryan Green and Donald Tyson) permission after having sufficient opportunity to learn the language through roleplaying. High level scholars also get the opportunity to learn rare languages through that skill without requiring further permission (beyond earning the ability to take the high level role-playing skill).

Many players love adding accents to their characters. As a game we allow accents, but we do generally discourage them. Different regions of the world might logically have different accents. This is a very reasonable assumption. However as an accessibility choice we do not have any interest in forcing all players who wish to make a character from one nation to be able to speak an accent in order to be from that location. This would result in players unable to make a character with the origin they desire, would result in players speaking with terrible forced accents constantly, or players would be stuck making accents that quickly devolve into silliness.

For these reasons we have, as a game, made a conscious choice that we don't have any official accents from any regions of the world. Characters may still add a local accent from their small, not officially supported heritage if they wish, but they should never try to say their accent is how any larger group of people talk.


If your character has a language skill to speak a language they can automatically read and write in that language. Should you desire your character be illiterate that is perfectly acceptable and you can roleplay that however you desire as long as you are consistent. Learning to read and write could be a very interesting arc for character development. Just don't suddenly regress and spontaneously cease to be literate without cause.

Different languages are all represented by different fonts for in-game documents. For simplicity sake these fonts are simple replacements of English letters with characters that don't look like English. This means that someone could treat foreign languages as a cipher, and translate them back into English. Don't do this. Other languages have different grammar structures, different words, different structure. They don't follow the rules of English. Translating an unknown language is a painstaking process that could take years to figure out one document. We use alternative fonts for simplicity sake to create interesting looking props, they are not designed to be solvable puzzles.

Documents of any importance that are written in other languages should always include a translation in normal English fonts. These can be read by anyone who speaks the corresponding language in-game. These translations will note at the top what language is needed to read it, saying something like '<In Elvish>'. When you see this, only read the translation if you speak the language.

The fonts are available for players to download so they can make their own props using them. A simple prop like a bow that says "Pew Pew Pew" in Elvish on it, looks cool, and adds to the setting while carefully concealing a joke so that it's subtle. No one needs to know what the bow says. Characters who want to be able to translate this kind of prop can get a translation guide from the logistics desk for any language they can speak. This is the one time where translating alternative fonts back to English is appropriate... to see the inconsequential, but fun little details people have added to enrich the game.

Speaking Foreign Languages

Characters who know languages other than Common can speak them at any time. To do this announce what language you are speaking and then proceed to say what you want to say.

It is a common misconception that you must use a hand signal while speaking another language but this not an actual rule, just a common practice. It is easier to use a hand signal than say 'In Draconic' repeatedly, but it isn't always possible if your hands are full or you are otherwise unable to make a hand signal.
As long as people overhearing the conversation understand what language is supposed to be represented, any means of communicating when you are speaking that language and when you are not works.

Word Puzzles

While you can't use in-game foreign language fonts as ciphers, you can use an actual cipher if you wish to. Use any characters you want as long as they are not from the fonts used by game to represent different languages. You could even put a cipher in a language other than Common, by adding something like '<in Terran>' at the top of the page. Then have the translation be the cipher which only characters who speak Terran could attempt to solve.

Player Character Species

Species Summary

While most of the population of Novitas is human, other species also exist in significant numbers. Four of the nations of Novitas are dominantly non-human. Players may create characters from any of these species as long as they are willing to meet the costuming requirements. Costuming requirements range from relatively easy (such as for elves) to quite complex (for drakes and snow goblins).

A common question from new players is, 'Are there characters that are half one species and half another?'. The answer is that, with one single exception, there are not. There are a couple of reasons for this, but most notably is that we want every species in Novitas to have distinct costuming, and it would be nearly impossible to meaningfully separate a half-elf from an elf (for example).

While there is a small benefit to playing a different species in the form of an additional free starting language, there are no other mechanical benefits to playing a character from another species.

It is highly recommended (but not required) that your first PC be a human to ease your way into the world. They have no costuming requirements.

Elves and Terrans have minimal make-up requirements and have only slightly more complex cultures than humans, making them the next best starting choices.

Faekin are fairly easy to do the costuming for, but they also tend to be expensive due to needing to buy new contacts semi-annually in addition to buying wigs when they wear out/ coloring your hair before every game. Their culture, however, is only as complex as their non-fae lineage.

Snow Goblins, Drakes and Verdurans are all both difficult to role-play and expensive to costume. It is recommended you seek the help of the Props and Atmosphere marshals, Christina Mevec and Liska Gutierrez, and speak with other players who PC those species before committing to one of them.

This page contains a broad overview of the species that you can play in order to get you started. For further details about each of them, see Chapter 4 of the worldbook.


Humans are the dominant species on Novitas, easily the most populous and controlling the most total land mass. Residing primarily in Civen, the Dell, the Freelands and Vlean, they can also be found in limited numbers in Gersh, Evenandra, the Great Forest and Terra. The people of Vargainen also include large numbers of humans.

There is no one culture that defines humans. Of all the species they are the most likely to adapt and create a different culture in each community based on their circumstances. As such, each of the three dominantly human nations (Civen, the Dell, and Vlean) as well as the Freelands are very different places.

Humans, on average, can expect to live to roughly 60 years of age. The longest living ones make it to age 90 or, in some rare cases, even 100. They live shorter lives than a modern human because even with access to magic, humanity doesn’t have the quality of diet and lifestyle we presently enjoy. Life expectancy is also lower with more people being permanently killed through conflict and the dangers of the world.

Humans have no special costuming requirements.


There are no dwarves in Novitas. Though dwarves are a staple of the fantasy genre, players can't meaningfully alter their height without getting into caricature. So instead, there are earthkin.

The earthkin were once humans and elves, transformed long ago while living deep under the earth working with the Craftsman on Vargainen. What exactly resulted in the transformation isn’t known. Since traveling to Novitas, most of them have once more established lives underground beneath the Thunderguard Mountains in western Novitas, mostly in the Kingdom of Terra. The earthkin have a strong affinity for the underground, crafting, and drinking- the cultural elements commonly associated with dwarven themes.

On Vargainen, earthkin are known for being highly focused on efficiency and teamwork, living alongside their fellow citizens in Kash’Allum or Munta’Saf. In the city of Kash’Allum, earthkin are often the ones coordinating resource distribution, planning celebrations and social gatherings, and work heavily with those convicted of crimes to rebuild community trust. In the city of Munta’Saf, the earthkin are highly loyal within their families. Each earthkin family from Munta’Saf are expected to be self-sufficient, with every member playing a vital role towards this goal.

Earthkin on average live to the age of 130 but are capable of living as long as roughly 209 years of age. The low average life expectancy is at least in part due to their hard drinking habits and the strenuous lifestyle; many of them live working themselves almost literally to death.

Earthkin gain the Terran language for free.

All earthkin have stones growing out of their skin. For simplicity's sake the stones molt periodically and grow in different locations, allowing earthkin characters to avoid needing to memorize exactly where their stones are (and to account for when they accidentally fall of during play).

Earthkin should have at least 5 gemstones total, each roughly coin sized, on clearly visible areas of the character's body. This is the face for most characters. All gemstones should be the same color. The shades of an earthkin's gemstones can change from game to game but should always be the same base color.


A classic of the fantasy genre, elves are an important part of Novitas. Elves are the next most populous species after humans. With their incredibly long lifespans, elves are prone to react to everything slowly and deliberately. They are often divided into the High Elves of Evenandra and the Wood Elves of the Great Forest. The Wood Elves and the High Elves often refer to one another as “cousins”, a tradition to remind themselves that they were all once one people.

High Elves are very civilized and orderly. As far as they are concerned, they have created the perfect society in Evenandra and this society functions by everyone behaving to the standards they have set. Punishment is rarely necessary (the threat of exile is all that is needed), and most High Elves spend their days excelling at whatever task they have set out to do. The High Elves have a harmony with their territory that other species often don’t understand. Their homes are vibrant places full of lush greenery, which is carefully and immaculately controlled to grow exactly the way they want it to.

Wood Elves are almost wild by comparison. They build only what they need to and farm only what is required. To the Wood Elves, harmony is not disturbing natural life except when truly necessary.

Vargainen Elves live amongst the other species in the twin cities. They share many cultural traits with the rest of the denizens of Vargainen. One thing unique to them is a certain longing for the nomadic lifestyle they had to abandon centuries ago, when the oases’ there could no longer sustain their travels.

Elves have an average life expectancy of roughly 270 years in Evenandra, and 245 years in the Great Forest. The eldest of all elves in Evenandra is roughly 304 years of age, while in the Great Forest it is around 298 years. The differences between the two are not genetic and are solely based on lifestyle and nutritional factors.

Elves gain the Elven language for free.

All elves must wear ear tip prosthetics. These must be affixed with prosthetic adhesive and blended with the surrounding skin using make-up or covered with ear clips. "Clip-on" elf ears are not acceptable.


Faekin are the descendants (either directly or through multiple generations) of Fae and mortal parentage. This means that all faekin are also a second species as well. Frequently this is human, but it can also include elves and earthkin. There are no faekin who are drakes, snow goblins, or verdurans. A faekin who has a child may or may not produce another faekin. The genetic traits, however, will carry on through the child who may end up having a faekin child of their own. This can even take multiple generations to the point where the parents have no idea they have fae ancestry.

In childhood, a faekin appears just like any other child of the non-fae parentage. There is absolutely no indication that they are faekin, and no way to test for it. At some point during adolescence, they will spontaneously begin to transform. This is often a terrifying experience for both the child and everyone around them, particularly when no one expects it to happen. When this occurs, they pick up the physical traits of a faekin with their hair and eye color changing based on the fae ancestor they are taking after. These hair and eye colors are always the same but can be of any color imaginable. Often the colors are associated with the personality of the faekin in question; one with red colors might be fiery and passionate, a blue colored faekin may be calm and serene, while a green faekin might be earthy and wise. Whether this is fact or just extrapolation is unknown.

The change to faekin always takes place before a character enters the game. Characters who do not start as faekin at character creation will never change to a faekin during play.

Faekin are capable of living to about the same maximum lifespan as their non-fae ancestry. There are some rumors that they might live a bit longer or shorter than others of the same species; there hasn’t been much documentation on the subject. As for average life expectancy, most faekin can expect a considerably shorter average than their non-fae peers. Intolerance runs deep and is sometimes very hard to avoid.

Faekin gain one of four possible free languages at character creation.

The languages that are not taken at character creation can be obtained using skill points (in the case of Terran and Elvish) or the scholar roleplay skill (in the case of Sylvan and Diabolic).

Faekin characters must wear unnatural colored contact lens that match their hair color, using either a wig or colored hair. Any facial hair (including eyebrows) must also be colored to match the contacts. Natural hair colors are not acceptable for this, nor is being bald. Once chosen, faekin characters cannot change their in-game hair color through any means (hair dye or alchemicals will not work on faekin hair). This is to maintain costuming requirements, though there is nothing stopping someone from covering up their hair with a cowl or scarf.

If the character is elvish or earthkin they must ALSO meet the costume requirements for the respective species.

Snow Goblins

Twisted by Darkness long ago, snow goblins were once elves that have now been transformed into their present state. The snow goblins have significantly higher intelligence and agency than their orc and other goblinoid counterparts. Snow goblins are also known for always developing mutations. Most of them live in the Kingdom of Gersh; though they are able to live elsewhere they are rarely welcome and so most who leave will eventually find their way back.

Might makes right to a snow goblin, and the strong are destined to rule the weak. Failing that, the devious will rule the trusting and stupid. Snow goblins possess a fierce sense of honor and personal reputation, and insults or slights are often settled by elaborate duels. Most snow goblins follow their laws precisely and technically. Lawbreakers are punished severely.

Despite what was done to their kind by Darkness, snow goblins not only maintain the longevity of their elven heritage but are capable of living significantly longer. However this is incredibly rare due to the harsh conditions of life in Gersh, the society snow goblins have formed, and the general hostility they experience elsewhere. The average life expectancy of a snow goblin is a paltry 160 years, which is tragic when you consider that the eldest snow goblins can live as long as 399 years.

All snow goblins learn the Gershan language for free.

Snow goblins all share two distinct traits: they have bright white skin and stark white hair reminiscent of snow.

To play a snow goblin, all exposed real hair must be covered in some manner. This could be directly with a wig, or with a bald cap and then a wig on top of that. Facial hair should be covered with a fake white beard or colored with white hair wax. Any exposed skin must be covered in white make-up, or by using a white bodysuit and gloves. Covering skin can be a desirable alternative to avoid needing to paint it.

Finally, snow goblins all have some kind of mutation or unusual trait that is different from character to character. These irregularities don't grant the snow goblin special abilities or penalties. They also are a permanent part of the character's costume and may not be discarded later for convenience. Unique additions and irregularities are highly encouraged and will help a character stand out. Some sample traits could be: Pointed ears, over-sized noses, fangs, extra limbs, tail, extra eyes, deformities (hunchbacked, etc.), horns, large claws, extra fingers, costume contacts, or severe ritual scarring.

Difficulty and cost depend greatly on the physical irregularities, deformities and mutations chosen. A player who chooses simple deformities such as fangs and horns will find their costume much easier to create than a player who chooses deformities involving prosthetics such as noses, extra eyes, scarring, etc. New players desiring to play snow goblins are encouraged to seek guidance and advice from players who have previously done so.

In order to bring a snow goblin character into play your costuming must be approved by the props and atmosphere marshal (Christina Mevec) first.


Drakes are the offspring of ancient, long missing dragons. While Draconus has been gone for millennia the once-powerful dragons have suffered and have atrophied into their present state: that of the humanoid bipedal drakes. Lacking fearsome claws, fangs, or wings, the drakes have turned to magical pursuits to offset their loss of physical power. They are now the foremost practitioners of magic in Novitas. Drakes have no homeland but live together in monasteries and enclaves throughout Novitas.

There are 6 varieties of drakes: Red, Black, White, Green, Blue, and Brown. Each descend from different dragons and live in different parts of Novitas.

  • Red Drakes are descended from the Red Dragons that made their home near Nalbendel when it stood. They tend to be very scholarly and pragmatic. These drakes are often friendly with academics but will typically be very aloof towards the uneducated. A red drake’s hoard is often filled with ancient texts and magical tomes.
  • Black Drakes are descended from the Black Dragons that made their home far beneath the Daggertop Mountains on the border between Evenandra and the Tribelands. They rarely come out of their subterranean conclaves and when they do, they are typically very prejudiced against non-drakes. A black drake’s hoard is often full of rituals and ancient artifacts.
  • White Drakes are descended from the White Dragons who made their homes in the northern wastes. They tend to be aloof and cold towards non-drakes. Generally, they show either friendship or hatred towards snow goblins based on their experiences with them but will judge other species on a case-by-case basis. A white drake’s hoard is typically filled with well-made weapons, particularly those with magical properties.
  • Green Drakes are descended from the Green Dragons who lived in what is now the Great Forest and the western portion of the Freelands. They are the most friendly and fun-loving of all the drakes. Past interactions have led them to be somewhat biased against snow goblins and earthkin, but they typically have good relationships with the Wood Elves and Light Fae. Green drakes are fond of magical knickknacks and unusual items to fill their hoards.
  • Brown Drakes are descended from the mountain Dragons who once ruled the Thunderguard Mountains above Terra. They tend to be taciturn and quiet. They long ago made peace with the Terrans and have a tendency to get along well with brownies. They do not typically get along as well with elves, snow goblins and humans. A brown dragon’s hoard is often full of metals and precious gemstones.
  • Blue Drakes are descended from the aquatic dragons that lived along the secluded southern coastlines. They can be quite warm and friendly towards others, almost treating them as equals (especially if the person in question has magical skills). They found the elves of Evenandra particularly friendly, and many have moved to settle in the coastal regions of that country. A blue drake's hoard is typically full of magical jewelry.

No two drakes follow the exact same pattern of aging and death. When they were born matters, which dragon they descend from matters, how much magic that Dragon had lost by the time they were born matters. Thankfully, there is some consistency from each familial line. The longest living drakes are capable of living up to roughly 500 years, but most die of old age well before that; this makes the average life expectancy of drakes a difficult statistic to give. 200 to 300 years is probably where the average falls, but you’d be hard pressed to prove that.

All drakes learn the Draconic language for free at character creation.

The single most expensive and complicated species to play is also the rarest.

To play a drake requires a full reptilian or amphibian facial prosthetic which must be worn and blended with exposed skin. All exposed skin must be covered or made-up to match the facial prosthetic. Drake clothing tends toward ornamented and rich fabrics such as velvets or brocades. There are drakes from every background, drakes have enclaves and monasteries in every land.

Due to the great difficulty and expense that goes into building a complete costume for this species, new players desiring to play drakes are encouraged to seek guidance and advice from players who have previously done so.

Bringing a drake character into play requires that your costuming must be approved by the Props and Atmosphere Marshal (Christina Mevec) first.


The newest playable species of Novitas is also a complex one to costume. Verdurans are a plant people native to Novitas and Vargainen. They draw nutrients and moisture from the soil, and do not require nourishment like others.

Novitas verdurans originate from and primarily live in the city of Verdur’kash on the southern side of the Great Forest. They are exquisite woodworkers who trade regularly with their neighbors, and as a people they are cheerful and happy. Capable of gathering nutrients from the ground, they have no need of hunting. Their houses tend to be open, airy affairs, as they do not feel heat or cold as other humanoids do. When they grow extremely cold, they do tend to voluntarily enter a state of near hibernation. Many of these verdurans worship the Elemental, who is believed to be their creator; they do not typically worship the rest of the Sept. The recent discovery of their cousins from Vargainen has started to awaken a sense of wonder in the youngest verdurans, and more are looking to travel than in previous generations.

The verdurans from Vargainen are very different, having evolved into a nomadic lifestyle. They primarily gather nutrients from the sun and require only water for survival, so they travel in search of it. Drifting from oasis to oasis, they search the hidden treasures in the desert and trade for provisions when they periodically return to the major cities. A single oasis can sustain a tribe for weeks if maintained carefully. No records exist of these verdurans prior to the War of the Gods, they were first encountered after the Sundering.

One unusual trait shared by the Verdurans on both continents is what others refer to as their “ancestral memory”. Each verduran retains some amount of memory from their ancestors, with the quality of these memories varying greatly from individual to individual. Some can recall smells, images, or even feelings. These are common among the population and tend to be the clearest the more recently the memory was created. Culturally, these memories are considered to be a part of the individual.

Verdurans don’t age as others do. The average life expectancy for a Verduran is 25, with the eldest of them living to be roughly 29 years.

Verdurans from Novitas begin play knowing the Apian language, while the ones from Vargainen begin knowing Andaranian.

All verduran characters must have all exposed skin painted green or covered at all times, including hands. They have natural colored hair, which should have vines woven into it.

Character's from Vargainen

The continent of Vargainen was long thought to be destroyed, but in 1600NL (2022 in real time) it was found to have survived the Sundering and player characters can now come from the continent of Vargainen.

To play a character from Vargainen you'll need to learn about a culture that is very different from the cultures of Novitas. Also, your garb will have to meet specific standards as we attempt to define exactly how the people of Vargainen look and appear. You can find more information about Vargainen garb standards here.

There are some very noteworthy differences between the species of Novitas and those of Vargainen.

Of the more civilized species there are humans, elves, earthkin and verdurans. The humans, earthkin and elves have much more in common on Vargainen than they do on Novitas. Verdurans are the primary members of the nomadic tribes, but some do choose to remain in the cities. Characters from Vargainen can be Human, Elven, Earthkin or Verduran.

There are no goblins (including snow goblins) of any type on Vargainen, nor are there any faekin there; the fae left Vargainen at the same time as the Sundering and have never returned. As there were never any dragons on Vargainen, there are no drakes either. Snow Goblins, Drakes and Faekin cannot come from Vargainen.

Regardless of the species, characters from Vargainen gain the Andaranian language as a free starting language. These characters gain no other free language skills.

One of the cultural differences is that characters from Vargainen have only very recently learned common. While these characters still gain the common language for free (for simplicity's sake) it is advised that they attempt to role-play inexperience and learning a second language, while at the same time avoiding a "foreigner speaking English badly" stereotype.

Character Advancement (Skills and Experience)

Experience Points

Characters in Kingdoms of Novitas do not earn experience, players earn it. Experience in Kingdoms of Novitas is awarded for actions that help improve the game.

Whenever players donate money to the game or pay for things like event entry fees they get 1 experience point for every $10 donated or spent.

While money is one way to help the game, there are many others as well.

  • Each shift a player NPCs earns them 1 experience point. Players who NPC 3 or more shifts get an extra experience point for the third and fourth shift they NPC.
  • Helping with setting up and breaking down each event also earns experience, 1 point for every hour spent.
  • Work groups have a variety of positions that need to be filled every event, such as the make-up desk, game masters, and innkeepers. These typically get 2 experience for a shift.
  • Item donations to the game will earn experience when they are requested. Not every donation is acceptable, the Marshals will periodically post lists of the things they are currently looking for at that time.
  • Several times a year, the Boy Scouts host "Work Days" where volunteers work on improving the camp site for everyone's benefit. We award experience to players who participate and help at these work days.
  • Finally, Marshals will from time to time have special projects for improving the game, or maintaining our supplies. These include things like laundering the NPC garb, building new costuming, technical projects (such as working on this Wiki or the Web Portal), going to conventions to recruit new players, and writing projects.

Players can check how many experience points they have by going to the online experience look-up located here.

To get your player ID number or character ID numbers speak to the Logistics Marshal or Second (Frank Tamburrino and Taylor Dean).

Character Level and Skill Points

Players then take the experience points they earn and assign them to their characters. All experience points go to one character until you speak to the Logistics Marshal or Second (Frank Tamburrino and Taylor Dean) to change who they are going to. The total number of experience points assigned will determine what level a character has.

Characters begin at level 0 with 10 skill points. Each level after that earns a character 2 skill points. The first 20 levels require 5 experience points each. Every level after that requires 10 experience points.

You can use the online character sheet to calculate your level, how many skill points you have, and assign skills without having to do any of the actual math.

If you like math and want to do it anyway, you can calculate how many skill points a character has with these two formulas:

Then use this formula to determine skill points: (Level * 2 + 10).

Learning Skills

Characters can spend skill points to learn new skills. Each skill has a cost listed to learn it, and many have prerequisites of other skills that must be learned before you can learn that one. Other than role-playing skills and rare language skills you do not need permission to learn skills. Role-playing skills and rare language skills require permission from the Plot Marshal or Second (Ryan Green and Donald Tyson) to learn.

When you learn a skill simply mark them down on your character sheet to note that you've learned them. The online character sheet located at can be used to track how you have spent your skill points or you can use the most current paper version of the character sheet. The online character sheet is preferred.

Once you've entered play with a character sheet the skill points spent should remain spent the same way (unless a player is using the character amnesty rule). An exception to this is that when rules updates take place; they can cause a character sheet to cease to be accurate, legal, or it can cause a character to have skill points not spent as previously intended. If this happens, the rules update will generally come with instructions on how to handle the situation. In the event that still leaves issues, speak to a 1st Marshal (Christina Mevec, James Vertucci, and Ryan Green) to figure out how to remedy the situation.

Players should have their most up to date character sheet on them when playing their player character at an event. The character creation portal does not give members of staff access to any information you put into it, so you'll need to be sure to print out a copy of the sheet and have that on hand. You can also keep your most current copy downloaded to your phone and forgo having to have the paper entirely.

Specialist Titles

Weapons Master

A Weapons Master is a character who has obtained all of the following combat skills:

Twice per game day a weapons master may make an attack with any weapon a 'master's strike'.

Weapons Masters are the only ones who may wield great javelins or great spears with a second weapon or shield. While doing this you may only make stabbing attacks with the great javelin/ spear, never swinging attacks. A weapon in the off hand can be swung as normal.

Finally, Weapons Masters are also the only characters who can take advantage of master's blades.

Master Crafter

A character who has obtained all 20 craft points and has mastered a crafting skill can gain the following titles:

Having any combination of these three titles makes a character a Master Crafter.

Master Crafters gain 4 additional craft points each event. When using these craft points they do not need to spend any coin.

Master Crafters have unique items only they can craft:


A character earns the Savant title after obtaining all 20 production points and learning the following skills:

Savants gain 5 production points that break cap. When producing potions or scrolls Savants, instead of being limited to only spells they know, may also copy potions and scrolls they have on hand to determine which they can make. This cannot be used to copy scarce items.

Only Savants can use an Alchemist's Laboratory.

School Master

This title represents seven different titles at once, one for each school of magic. A character becomes a School Master (replacing "school" with the name of school you have mastery in, such as Aegis Master) when they:

Characters can become masters of every school they qualify for.

Upon becoming a Master of a school, the character may choose one level two or higher spell to specialize in. You cannot change this spell after it is selected. Your selected spell costs you one less power point to cast (to a minimum of 1). This discount does not stack with other discounts you can obtain through the game, most notably with the Master's Staff, unless it is specifically stated otherwise.

A Master of a school is the only one who can benefit from a Master's Staff.

Adventuring Parties


Over the history of the game many hundreds of players have come and gone. Many stick around for long periods of time and get into all kinds of adventures over the years. Others never really get engaged or maybe don't find what they are looking for. The primary difference between the two is often that players who band together into parties tend to have a better time overall.

There are a couple of different reasons for that. From just a basic structure standpoint, parties are groups of people who often become very close real world friends over a long enough window of time. When you spend 10 hours during a weekend most months with the same group of people that tends to happen. This inherently makes the game a lot more fun, because now you are doing cool things with friends.

Groups also help keep each other entertained. Maybe you don't have anything happening right now, but the druid in the party has something they really want to look into. Now you have something to care about too.

From a staff perspective groups help tremendously with allowing targeted plots to function. If an average event has 60 or 70 players, even with many GMs learning 60 or 70 character histories and then writing specific plots for all of those characters is a lot of work. And remember the GM's are all volunteers with other parts of their lives to keep balanced too. Then those same GMs need to come up with normal plots, plus lores, running PIPs, and still find time to be a PC themselves. It can easily get overwhelming. However, it is practical to try getting a plot together for each group. Sending targeted plots at a group of players is significantly more manageable.

Forming Parties

How do you go about forming a party? That's sometimes the hardest part. There are different ways groups form. Sometimes it's just two people get together and start playing together every event. Then they add another person and another, until suddenly there is a full group.

Other groups form when 6 players all talk and decide they would like to join forces. Some groups are real life friends who come to events as a collective and decide to explore Novitas together.

Players leave over time, players have real world responsibilities, or move away. When that happens groups will recruit new players, and if they can't do that, sometimes groups that aren't full size will sometimes merge together to make one group from the remains of 2 (or more).

Groups sometimes have themes of what they are interested in doing and sometimes they are just people who enjoy each other's company.

Party Benefits

Not only are players who join parties more likely to have a good time and stick around, but there are other perks as well. Adventuring parties will get priority assignment when shift balance is figured out each year. Parties are kept together so they can accomplish the goal of playing together.

Parties of 4 or more active players also get stories aimed at them on a regular basis. Roughly twice a year these plots will have bonus rewards, epic items, as part of them. Independent characters can still acquire epic items in play, but we can't reasonably give out one epic item per character, it would simply be too many on a yearly basis.

Many parties also eventually create encampments where they can rest between adventures. While any individual can do this, having a group to work with leads to less burn out all around and often brings out the coolest looking encampments.


Groups should never be so large that more than 6 players show up on a regular basis. It's hard to put an exact limit on groups because if a group is full of people who attend irregularly we want them to be able to still work together. On the other hand if a group were 10 people who all attend every event... that is too many. We never want to get into a situation where half of a shift everyone is part of the same group. That makes awkward situations for the people who aren't in the group and skews the game into being about that party.

When you retire an existing character (or your character perishes) the next character you bring into the game should not be part of the same party. Go out and meet more people, make additional friends! This rule is in place not only to encourage branching out, but also to help prevent the game from breaking down into cliques. Its worth pointing out that if you spend all of your time with a group, but aren't a "member" of that group, that still counts for what this rule is intended for.

You may find that you want a new character to come into the game and see where they naturally fit in. This is interesting and immersive. But, be careful. Out-of-game players have friends that you are likely going to fit right back in with. This can lead to the same issue. Sometimes you need to metagame (in the good way) talk to other players out-of-game to arrange for a meeting or a reason to join a new group.


Parties create in game places to gather and make into a sort of temporary home which we call encampments. There is no restriction on what an encampment can look like or where it can be (though some locations are prohibited from being used by players because they are reserved for encounters). Most parties choose to use one of the lean-to's that are available at the site, but some find other unusual locations instead. Encampments can move from event to event, but generally cannot move in the middle of an event.

One of the primary uses for an encampment is as a place to keep encampment items, powerful tools parties have access to which cannot be stolen.


In order to understand how to attack an opponent we first need to define what is and isn't a legal hit.

Weapon hits only count when they make contact with a person's body. For example, hits with a melee weapon that strike someone's cloak, but don't make contact with the person, are not legal hits.

Players can never hit themselves with their own weapons by accident. They can deliberately do so if they wish to role-play that for some reason. Allies can hit you, both intentionally and by accident.

Players in heavier armor need to be more aware of hits against them than others. A hit at the appropriate force for a player outside of armor may not be felt in plate.

Any player can voluntarily take a hit that would otherwise not be legal if they wish to be a good sport or because they think doing so would be interesting/ entertaining.

Melee Hits

Melee attacks should always have a controlled amount of force behind them. Not too hard and not too soft. Every player goes through a tutorial their first event to help them calibrate how hard is the right amount. Players who have trouble with this can work with the Player Outreach & Education Marshal (Brandon Febles and Michael Maneri) to address the issue. A player who regularly has issues with calibrating how much force to put into swings will not be allowed to wield weapons for a period of time so they can practice more and work on getting it right.

Melee attacks also need to be at a reasonable speed. Real weapons are heavier than foam ones, and take time to use. Tapping someone in rapid succession is not allowed. As a general rule a legal hit should require bending your elbow to at least a 90 degree angle before hitting again. Holding you arm fully extended and flicking your wrist for hits for rapid attacks are not legal hits.

Melee attacks should only be done with the portion of the weapon intended for striking. If a portion of the weapon has less padding so you can hold it, that is not a legal part of the weapon to strike with. Some weapons will get damaged if used improperly. This typically means they need to be used exclusively as slashing weapons, or more rarely only as jabbing weapons. Knowing this and practicing good management can help increase a weapons longevity.

Ranged Hits

Ranged weapon hits should be taken regardless of how hard they may hit. These weapons are difficult to control the exact force of and rarely hit too hard: bows have a limit for how much force they can exert.

Once any ranged weapon has hit the ground or another character it is no longer dangerous to anyone else. Ranged weapons can only ever hit one person at most.

Projectile Weapons

Projectile weapon hits only count if you are hit by the head of the projectile. You may not use a weapon to deflect incoming missiles, real projectiles are much faster than slow moving larp arrows, and this will damage arrows. If you deflect an incoming projectile with your weapon, even by accident, that counts as a hit. Shields may block missiles like they block any other weapon.

For the purposes of determining weapon hits, count thrown Javelins and Great Javelins as missiles instead of throwing weapons (they otherwise still count as thrown weapons). This means that you only count the hit if the head of the javelin makes contact with you and you can't deflect them with your weapon.

Thrown Weapons

A character can only throw one thrown weapon at a time.

Thrown weapon hits count no matter what part of the weapon strikes you. These weapons may be blocked by shields and deflected by weapons. Thrown weapons are different than missile weapons because of how the props are constructed, they are safer and also less likely to be damaged.

Tag Bags and Boulders

Tag bags (which are used to deliver spells) and boulders count as hitting if they make contact with ANYTHING worn by a player. A hit from a tag bag or a boulder is never too light.

Some attacks delivered by tag bag do not count as spells. For these tag bag attacks shields may block them. You can tell if this is the case based on the call used.

Characters can only throw one tag bag at a time unless a rule allows them to throw more than one. When a rule allows a character to throw more than one tag bag at a time, characters hit by those tag bags only ever take at most one hit regardless of how many tag bags may make contact.

Tag bags must be thrown to deliver calls, players may not reach out and touch other players with a tag bag.


Level based traps always count as hitting the torso. Some other traps such as pit traps will have their own special rules telling you where you are affected by them.

The Next Legal Hit

Some effects will say they take occur on the next legal hit. You may use that attack for each swing you make until you successfully land a legal hit on your opponent. If they block with a shield, another weapon, or you simply don't make contact, you have not hit them yet, and may continue to use that call. When you finally land a legal hit anywhere on their person, even if they prevent it (and that person calls 'No Effect!') you have now landed the hit and consume one use of the effect (if the effect has a fixed number of uses).

Hit Locations

When you are legally hit the next thing we need to determine is where the hit landed. Legal hit locations are a character's right & left arms, right & left legs, and torso.

Head and Neck

The head & neck are off limits for weapon strikes, and should never deliberately be attacked. Feigning as if to hit someone's head is also off limits. Tag bag's should not be aimed at people's heads, but if they happen to hit someone in the head that IS a legal hit and count as hitting the character in the torso.


Hits to the shoulders, chest, stomach, sides, back, groin and buttocks all count as torso hits. You should never deliberately aim for another player's groin, but accidental hits to that location should be accepted as legal.


If a hand is holding an object it is not a valid hit location. We don't want to see objects not intended for fighting broken (or worse instinctively swung back), and we don't want someone's hands to get injured by a strike. This is why we leave hands as a safe location when something is held. An empty hand is a valid target, and is treated as part of the appropriate arm. Players should not deliberately block attacks with their hands, and should never use items not intended for combat (things that are not inspected shields) to block.

When you are hit in the hand you should use the 'Hand!' call.


Feet that are on the ground are not a valid hit location. If someone is running, jumping or otherwise moving and their foot is off the ground if you happen to hit it that is a legal hit.

Worn Items

When something worn or held is hit, the hit is considered to be located where ever that item connects to the body. Common examples include; A tag bag hit to a cloak is a torso hit because cloaks attach to the shoulders. If you deflect a missile with your weapon, that's a hit to the arm holding the weapon. When a shield is hit by something it can't block, that's a hit to the arm holding the shield.

Calling Attacks

Each time you attack with a weapon you'll make what is known as a call to tell your opponent what happens if the attack lands. You generally make this call as you swing before you know if it will land, and do so repeatedly over the course of a fight.

The most basic call is just a number, you declare how much damage you are doing. This is most commonly based on the might for melee attacks, and accuracy for ranged weapons.

All characters attack for 1 damage by default, so they could call '1' each time they swing their weapon. When attacking for only 1 damage with no other calls involved, you do not have to call anything. An attack with no call can be assumed to be 1 damage.

If a weapon has a special damage type, you must add that to the attack's call unless you use a replacement call.

Example: A silver weapon wielded by someone with 2 Might would call '2 Silver!' with each swing of their sword. If this same character only had 1 Might they could call for either '1 Silver!' or 'Silver!' either is acceptable.

Example: A character with a goblin iron weapon must call for 'Poison!' with each attack. Because the poison call doesn't always deal damage, a character with 1 Might and a goblin iron weapon should always call '1 Poison!' if they attack with this weapon to make it clear they are doing damage.

Replacement Calls

Some effects give calls that replace a weapon's normal damage. These calls are used instead of the call the weapon would normally make. With each swing of your weapon you may call EITHER the weapon's normal call, or the replacement effect's call. You can chose which with each attack.

A replacement call uses the damage or call provided by the source of the effect and never uses the damage type of your weapon. They only use your Might or Accuracy if they say they do.

Often these replacements apply only to the next legal hit. If you choose to use the weapon's normal call, your next legal hit still consumes a use of whatever effect is happening.

Example: You attack your opponent with a Thermium sword (which has the damage type Nature), and you have the skill Might proficiency. Your normal attack is '2 Nature!' with this weapon. However, you have used the alchemical Scorpion's Kiss on the weapon which lets you call for 'Poison Weaken' instead. When you attack you may chose to call '2 Nature' or 'Poison Weaken', but not both. Whichever choice you make, after you successfully hit an opponent the Scorpion's Kiss is consumed and from that point on you can only call for '2 Nature!'.

Modifier Calls

Modifier calls get added on to existing attacks instead of replacing them. These specific calls: 'Blunt', 'Pierce', and 'Slay'; are the only calls that will ever get added to an existing call, and only if a rule specifically tells you to modify your normal attack. This will only ever happen to attacks that deal damage. When one of these calls is added to an attack, simply add it to the end of the attack. Only one modifier can be applied to a call at a time.

These calls can also change the amount of damage you deal. The specific rule or effect being used will tell you if any changes to the amount of damage happen.

Example: A character has Might Mastery and is swinging a Goblin Iron great weapon. Great weapons can deal half damage to add the slay call to an attack. The character with this weapon can choose to call for '4 Poison' or to call for '2 Poison Slay' with each attack.

Tag Bag Calls

Tag bags never deal damage using Might or Accuracy. The effect allowing you to throw a tag bag will always tell you exactly what to call when throwing it.

Taking Damage and Hostile Effects

Once you have been hit, know where the hit landed, and what call was used, we need to apply the results of the attack. This procedure is followed for weapon attacks as well as effects generally delivered by a tag bag. Triggering a trap also follows this procedure. An attack is anything seeking to harm you.

Prevention Effects

The first step of applying a hit is to check to see if you have a prevention effect related to that subject.

Any time you prevent an attack you call 'No effect!' to let your opponent know that they successfully hit you, that you know this, and that nothing happened.


Immunities are unlimited use prevention effects. They stop EVERYTHING related to a certain subject. When you are hit if you have a relevant immunity the entire attack is prevented. Call 'No Effect!' and nothing further needs to be done for that attack.

Example: You are hit for '4 Poison!' and you currently have immunity to poison, it will prevent the damage, and you will not become poisoned. When this happens you would call 'No Effect!'. The same thing would occur if the attacker called '4 Poison Pierce!' or 'Poison Pin!'. All of these calls include the word poison and because you are immune to it, you prevent the entire attack.

One-Time Prevention Shields

If you don't have a relevant immunity (most times you will not), the next thing we check for is a one-time prevention shield. These are spells or effects that shield you from the next time a specific thing affects you. If you have a one-time prevention shield that is relevant to the attack it stops the attack completely.

Example: You are hit for '4 Magic!' and you are currently benefiting from Warding Amalgam, which creates a one-time shield that stops the next magic call that hits you. First you call 'No effect!' and then you mentally make a note that the Warding Amalgam has been consumed. If another '4 Magic' call hits you, then you will not have this defense available to stop it.

Taking Hostile Effects

You've been hit, you don't have a relevant immunity to stop the attack, or a relevant one-time prevention shield. If the call doesn't deal damage, you now take whatever effect the call has. As long as there is no damage, that's it there's nothing more to process with this attack.

Example: You are hit by an attack that calls for 'Pin!'. Currently you don't have any relevant immunities or a one-time prevention shield relevant to that call. So you now gain the Pinned condition: your feet are pinned to the ground and they can't move for the next 10 minutes. You'll continue fighting from here.

Taking Damage

If an attack is not prevented and it deals damage, now we have to figure out what happens. Characters have four types of defenses that can prevent damage.

In the order they are applied, these defenses are:
Magic Armor -> Physical Armor -> Natural Armor -> Body Points.

Each of these defenses will have a value 0 or higher. You assign your damage taken first to magic armor, reducing its value by the amount of damage taken. If the magic armor doesn't absorb it all, then any remaining damage is applied first to any relevant physical armor, then to relevant natural armor and finally to body points. If after all of this any damage remains, regardless of if it is 1 damage or 100 damage, you will take a Wound condition to the location that was hit. Only one wound can be caused by an attack. Additional wounds require additional hits.

The word 'relevant' is used with natural and physical armor, because both defenses often apply only to locations of the body where the armor is present.

Example: A character is hit in the torso with an attack that calls for '4 silver!'. They have no relevant prevention effects so they are taking damage. They have 0 magic armor, 4 physical armor, 0 natural armor and 4 body points. They have no magic armor to reduce the damage with so next we move to physical armor. The character has a magical chain shirt, it provides physical armor for being made of chain. The damage is applied there, reducing their physical armor to 0. All of the damage has been applied, the attack does nothing further. Should that character then get hit this time in the leg for '4 Silver!', it will apply to their body points next (because they have no magic, physical or natural armor left), reducing their body to 0. If once more the character is hit in the left arm after that. They no longer can reduce the damage. This means that arm takes a (Left) Arm Wound condition.

Another Example: A character is has 2 magic armor, 3 physical armor, 0 natural armor and 2 body points. They are hit for '4 Primal!' damage in the torso where the physical armor is located. First the magic armor reduces 2 of the damage, lowering the character's magic armor to 0 and leaving 2 damage remaining. That remaining 2 damage is then reduced by using 2 points of the physical armor. The character now has 0 magic armor, 1 physical armor, 0 natural armor, and 2 body points remaining. Should they be hit in the torso again for '4 Acid!', 1 point of damage will be reduced by the physical armor, leaving 3 left. Then 2 points of damage will be reduced by their body points, leaving 1 damage left. This last point is has not been prevented. The character takes a Torso Wound condition.

I'm Confused

If at any time you don't know how much damage you've taken, err on the side of the attacker and take an immediate Torso Wound condition. In other words if you are in doubt or confused it's always ok (as long as you aren't doing it for a tactical advantage) to take more damage to make sure you got it right.

If you don't wish to fight, it's also ok to take any hit as a Torso Wound condition.

Combat Summary

When you are hit do the following in this order:

  1. Check for on-going prevention effects (immunities such as the spell Mind Blank).
  2. Check for one-time prevention effects (effects like the spell Spirit Shield).
  3. Apply remaining damage to Magic Armor.
  4. Apply remaining damage to Physical Armor.
  5. Apply remaining damage to Natural Armor.
  6. Apply remaining damage to Body Points.
  7. If any damage remains take a Wound condition in the location hit.

Special Circumstances

Killing Blows

A special kind of attack, known as a killing blow, is available to characters circumstantially. Killing blows can only be performed if an opponent has the Torso Wound condition. To make a killing blow you role-play giving the character a fatal wound. There is no special call made when you perform a killing blow.

Sometimes you'll hear someone say 'Killing Blow!' aloud when they perform one, this is incorrect and shouldn't be done.

A killing blow gives a character the Dead condition.

The Helpless Condition

A character with the Helpless condition is unable to defend themselves by any means. They can't execute any actions even if they are still conscious. The character is treated as having no free hands, and may not cast any spells even if the spell requires no incantation.

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures


You are unable to defend yourself. Variable Torso Wound and Terrorized conditions Removing the source.

Master's Strikes

A master's strike is a type of modifier call granted by some abilities and items. When used a master's strike modifies the characters next successful hit. Using a master strike a character can add either the 'Slay!' call or the 'Pierce' call to a weapon attack (for the purposes of this ability a projectile weapon delivering a tag bag spell does not count as a weapon attack). Additionally when using a masters strike Might and Accuracy are capped at 4 while dual wielding, with a sword and shield, or when using throwing weapons instead of the normal caps of 2. Remember, only one modifier can be applied to a call at a time. If a modifer is already present, no additional modifiers can be added.

Example: A character is using a great weapon and they attack for half damage to apply the slay call to the attack. They may not then apply a master's strike to that attack to also add the pierce call.

Damage and Defenses

When characters take damage there are 4 defenses that can be used to reduce that damage, hopefully allowing the character to avoid becoming wounded.

Body Points

Characters primarily gain body points from Body Skills. Other ways to get temporary body points include the Toughness spell, the Elixir of Toughness alchemical and the Alchemical Ascension ritual.

Regardless of the source, characters cannot have more than 4 points of body unless one or more of those sources explicitly says that they 'break cap'. Those sources can potentially take a character to 5 body or higher.

Characters who have lost body points will automatically have them replenished at the start of the next event through natural healing. It's rare that this is fast enough, and so there is also magical healing available.

Spells like Heal Body, items like Rejuvenation Elixir, and other effects that heal body points restore all lost body points, including any temporarily gained from spells or items.

When a character gains temporary body points, this immediately increases both their current number of body points and their maximum number of body points. This can cause a character to gain current body points, without the maximum number changing (due to the cap).

For example: A character has 4 body points. They get hit in combat for '4 Elven Steel!', now they have 0 body points currently remaining. If you were to then cast the Toughness spell on that character they will then have 2 current body points, but their maximum number remains at 4 (because of the cap on body points).

If a character gains extra body points from an effect, then takes damage which they don't heal, when the effect wears off they stay at their current number of body points.

For example: A character has 2 body points. They gain 2 extra body points from the spell Toughness. They now have 4 total body points. In combat they are hit for '3 Silver!' putting them to 1 body point remaining. If the character isn't healed in the next 10 minutes (when the toughness spell wears off) they will still have 1 body point remaining.

Physical Armor

Physical armor points, often referred to as simply 'armor points' or even just 'armor' generally come from wearing real armor. This defense only applies to hits that make contact with the armor (or the clothing over the armor).

Physical armor doesn't stack unless an effect specifically states that it does so.

Regardless of the source, characters cannot have more than 4 points of physical armor unless one or more of those sources explicitly say they 'break cap'. Those effects can take a character to 5 physical armor or higher.

It takes time for a competent blacksmith to repair armor. We assume any costs for doing so are earned by a character during downtime. As such all physical armor is repaired for free between events.

This probably isn't soon enough for most characters. That is why the Mend Armor spell is incredibly useful by repairing lost armor points right away. This includes repairing any temporary bonuses to the armor such as from the Enhance Armor spell. Physical armor works just like body when it comes to temporary points. Mend armor will repair all physical armor points at once even if you are wearing multiple items or types at the same time (such as a chain mail shirt with plate bracers). The spell will not repair other natural armor at the same time, that will take additional casts.

Magic Armor

Magic armor almost exclusively comes from spells, such as the Magic Armor Spell. It represents a skintight forcefield protecting the character from harm and protects against any damage the character takes regardless of where a hit may land.

Magic armor doesn't stack unless an effect specifically says that it does.

Regardless of the source, characters cannot have more than 4 points of magic armor unless one (or more) of those effects explicitly say they 'break cap'.

Magic armor cannot be repaired, it must be reapplied. If you start with 4 magic armor such as from the Improved Magic Armor spell and lose 2 points of it, you can keep what you have left, or drop it and cast Improved Magic Armor again to set yourself back to 4 points.

Natural Armor

Natural armor represents a creature with a shell, a thick hide, or extra tough skin. It is frequently location based like physical armor for creatures, but when player characters get access to it, natural armor functions everywhere.

Natural armor does not stack unless a source explicitly says that it does.

There is no maximum amount of natural armor a character can have.

Natural armor, much like body points will heal on it's own given time. Between events any non-temporary natural armor a character has will automatically restore itself to full value.

Generally this is not soon enough for most characters. The Mend Armor spell can be used to restore one piece of natural armor to full value. Not all natural armor can be repaired in this way, each source of natural armor will specify if it can be repaired. A separate cast is required for any physical armor a character needs repaired.

Monstrous Characters

A character who is monstrous is immune to all 'Pin!' calls regardless of effect type and all pit traps. They also cannot be restrained by non-magical means.

Monstrous characters can break the normal cap on might while dual wielding or wielding a weapon and shield. If they have enough might they can hit for up to 4 damage.

A character who is monstrous gains the benefits of both monstrous armor and monstrous body. Some rules give only one of these qualities. Monstrous armor can apply to all armor types on a character or to just one type (or even one piece) of armor, the rule giving the monstrous effect will specify what it applies to. Monstrous body only applies to a character's body points. Monstrous creatures benefit from all types of armor and body being monstrous.

When a character takes damage to a trait with the monstrous rule if the attack does not include 'Slay!' as part of the call, reduce the damage to exactly 1 before applying it.

Example: A character is wearing plate armor. It provides 4 monstrous physical armor. The character is hit in the chest for '8 Nature!'. They have no magic armor, so the next thing to apply the damage to is the monstrous plate. Because the plate has the monstrous rule, it reduces the 8 damage to 1 before the damage is applied. The character has 3 monstrous armor points remaining. The character could get hit in the armor 3 more times like this before their natural armor, followed by body points would be used for defense.

Another example: A character has 4 monstrous body points and no armor of any kind. They are hit for an attack for '4 Slay!'. Because it has the slay call the monstrous rule doesn't apply. They reduce the damage to zero using all 4 points of monstrous body. The next attack the character takes will inflict a wound because they have no armor or body left to defend with. The fact that their body was monstrous is no longer relevant because they have no points of it left to use.

Prevention Effects

When a character get's hit by an attack, prevention effects are those things that stop the entire attack completely. You never need to know how much damage an attack did if it is prevented. For non-damaging spells, where they either succeed or they don't, prevention effects are the only protection available.

Damage Types

Each attack that deals damage will always have a type. Even if that type is nothing (aka mundane) damage. For most damage types characters only need to pay attention if they have a special defense that works against that damage type or requires a certain damage type.

A couple of damage types cause conditions: 'Acid!' when it hits a shield; 'Disease!', 'Poison!', and 'Blight!' when they hit characters. Players should pay attention to those specific calls even when they don't have protection that cares about damage types.

The damage types are:

Some damage types count as another damage type at the same time. For example 'Elven Steel!' counts as 'Silver!' for anything requiring 'Silver!' damage. You do not need to memorize these, creatures that are vulnerable to the second damage type will list the advanced types associated with it. For example a creature that has a damage requirement for 'Silver!' will say 'Damage Requirement: Silver or Elven Steel'

'It's immune to everything!' a character exclaims as they fight a creature they've never faced before. Their party has hit it with every damage type and none of them seemed to work.

When new creatures are introduced this is a common statement. However, it's only ever true when talking about spirits, and not even all of them. Most creatures are meant to be defeatable using normal combat rules, and that means they are going to be vulnerable to at least one of the damage types. People often forget magic because it only comes from spells. Acid is rarely needed, but it is also not something typically found on standard weapons. This often isn't the actual issue. If a player hit an opponent that has a damage requirement of poison and that character had a prevention effect that stops one hit of poison it might appear that they are immune to poison. Unless you hit them multiple times you might not realize that is what they are vulnerable to.

The moral of the story is if nothing works... keep trying different things, you probably missed something.

Effect Types

Some attacks have a category of effect associated with them. This is especially true of many tag bag attacks. Much like damage types you only need to know what categories an attack belongs in if you have a relevant defense against that type of thing.

Any spell call can be converted into an 'Acid!' call or a 'Poison!' call by some items. This removes the school normally associated with the spell.

Blockable (Non-Spell) Attacks: '3!', '4 Acid!', '4 Disease!', '2 Elven Steel!', '1 Pierce!', '1 Poison!', '4 Silver!', '4 Slay!'

Acid Calls (all non-spell, shield blockable): 'Acid Charm!', 'Acid Curse!', 'Acid Disengage!', 'Acid Dominate!', 'Acid Enfeeble!', 'Acid Grounding!', 'Acid Memory Loss!', 'Acid Pin!', 'Acid Silence!', 'Acid Terror!', 'Acid Weaken!'

Poison Calls (all non-spell, shield blockable): 'Poison Charm!', 'Poison Curse!', 'Poison Disengage!', 'Poison Dominate!', 'Poison Enfeeble!', 'Poison Grounding!', 'Poison Memory Loss!', 'Poison Pin!', 'Poison Silence!', 'Poison Terror!', 'Poison Weaken!'

Spell Calls (Cannot be blocked by shields): 'Banish!', 'Charm Humanoid!', 'Charm Wild!', 'Curse!', 'Dispel Magic!', 'Dominate Wild!', 'Enfeeble!', '4 Magic!', '4 Magic Slay!', 'Pin Undead!', 'Pin Wild', 'Silence Humanoid!'

Compulsion Spells Calls: 'Charm!', 'Disengage!', 'Dominate!', 'Memory Loss!', 'Pin!', 'Silence!', 'Terror!', 'Weaken!'

Circumstantial Calls (blockable non-spells from a weapon, unblockable spells from a tag bag): '4 Nature!', '4 Primal!'

Untyped Attacks (non-spells, blockable from a weapon, unblockable from a tag bag): 'Dispel Alchemy!', 'Smite!', 'Torso Wound!'

Unpreventable Effects

Sometimes effects will duplicate an attack or call, but they will state that they are 'unpreventable'. When this happens even if a character has a relevant prevention effect (either a one-time shield or an immunity) they still take that effect. Absolutely nothing can stop an unpreventable effect.

One Time Prevention Effects

A one-time prevention effect stops an attack of a particular damage type or effect type. After it has done this once the prevention is done. Whenever a character benefits from a one-time prevention shield they should call 'No Effect!'.

Examples of one time prevention effects include the spells Anti-Magic Shield, Spirit Shield, Ablative Armor, and Enchant Shield. Items that provide one-time shields include Warding Amalgam and Base Paste.

Prevention effects always take place after you check for a relevant immunity, so you'll never lose a shielding effect if you are immune to the type of attack. Also, shielding effects only apply to attacks that could potentially affect you.

For Example: If you are playing a human character who has Anti-Magic Shield protecting you (which prevents the next spell to hit you), and you are hit by a tag bag that calls for 'Pin Undead!': nothing happens. The spell doesn't affect you because you are not undead. Because the spell doesn't affect you, the shield is not lost. You still call 'No Effect!' because the tag bag does not affect you.


Immunities prevent every single instance of a given type that hits you. Nothing is lost, the immunity remains for whatever the duration of the effect is. When a character benefits from an immunity they should call 'No Effect!'.

Because immunities are very powerful, those immunities that last for a game day (as well as continuous or event duration) are mutually exclusive. Characters have a cap of one of these immunities at a time. If a character would gain another immunity like this when they already have one, they must choose to relinquish one of them before they can benefit from the other.

Characters cannot gain immunities that would make them immune to all damage types. If that situation occurs for some unusual reason, the last immunity to be gained does not work.

Damage Requirements

Some creatures are hard to injure and only vulnerable to one (or more) damage types. We call this mechanic a Damage Requirement which is sometimes abbreviated to 'DR'. When a character has a Damage Requirement they are immune to all other damage types except the ones listed. Only attacks that call for a required type of damage are capable of hurting that character. Characters with Damage Requirements cannot gain an immunity if that immunity would make them impervious to all types of damage.

Kill Conditions

A creature with a kill condition has incredible regenerative abilities. They can heal from most wounds and will return to a battle if not taken care of. When a character with a kill condition is not actively fighting for a full minute (including when they are not fighting because they received a Torso Wound condition) they will heal any lost body points, and lose any Wound conditions (as well as the Bleeding Out condition) they may have suffered.

If a character with a kill condition gains the Dead condition they will stop healing.

Basic Kill Conditions

A basic kill condition is any kill condition that can be met by a damage type. These characters are immune to all killing blows that do not have one of the damage types listed. Characters who are immune to killing blows who also have a kill condition will count as having the kill condition met if they are hit by an appropriate attack even if that attack is then prevented because of the immunity to killing blows (they don't become Dead, but they stop healing).

These are the most common kill conditions, and some spells can even temporarily give them to player characters.

Special Kill Conditions

A special kill condition is one that requires a particular spell or other unusual circumstance to take place in order for the kill condition to be met. Most often this is "Kill Condition: Reap Spirit", meaning the spell Reap Spirit must be cast on the creature to meet its kill condition.

When the special condition is met, treat it as a killing blow and give the character the Dead condition.



When a character drinks a potion that makes them stronger, they get a bonus of some kind. We call this an effect. Conditions are a type of effect. They also modify the character in some way. The difference is that conditions are generally more complex in scope, generally last longer, and may have multiple mechanics that may interact with that condition.

Condition Durations

Most conditions last until the duration listed on the condition runs out or the end of the event, whichever comes first. The exception to this is if a condition explicitly says it lasts for longer than an event. In these cases the condition will last for the duration listed.

For conditions that modify other conditions such as the Poisoned condition if the condition that is modified lasts longer than an event, the Poisoned condition will also last longer than an event.

An example of this would be something calling for 'Poison Memory Loss!'. Because the Lost Memories condition has a duration longer than an event, the Poisoned condition that comes with this call would last longer as well.

Other than time, conditions can be removed by things that remove either the condition by name or things that remove that condition based on it's effect type. When the 'Poison!' or the 'Acid!' call modify another call they change what effect type the second call is.

'The Lost Memories condition is normally a Compulsion spell. However, with the 'Poison Memory Loss!' call where it has been modified by 'Poison!' the Lost Memories condition counts as a Poison. Anything that would remove a Compulsion effect (like Smelling Salts) or a spell effect (like the Dispel Magic spell) will not remove this condition. Instead things that remove the Poisoned condition remove the Lost Memories condition.


A field is a condition that covers an area; either a circle of a fixed diameter, or a building. If a field is a circle it will have the center of it marked by a flag or some other way to indicate where it is. Buildings will have all entrances and exits (including windows) marked. Fields are never mobile, once a field is set up, that is where it will remain.

Fields created by a spell or ritual can be ended by their creator at any time (if the creator is present and conscious). Some fields have additional ways they end. Other characters can dispel a field, generally with the Dispel Magic spell (each field will specify any additional ways to end it). When a character casts Dispel Magic, and wants to 'Dispel!' a field they only need to hit somewhere inside the field with the 'Dispel!' call. They do not need to hit the creator, in fact hitting the creator with an appropriate 'Dispel!' will not dispel the field. The two are separate entities. Any defenses on the creator do not protect the field.

All fields are tied to announcement calls. Players who know the field is there should make sure others do as well by announcing the type of field as needed to make others aware of it, even if they are not the creator.

Equipment Conditions

Conditions that affect items are rare, but they do happen from time to time. Generally they relate to breaking the object in question. The equipment condition will always tell you how to fix it in its description.

Most of the time when equipment gains a condition the character who owns it will repair it in short order. If for some reason the character wants to put the item down for later, it is entirely possible (even probable) someone will unknowingly use a broken item not knowing that it has a condition on it. We accept that as one of the challenges of live action role-playing. Do what you reasonably can to let anyone who might use the item know it has a condition on it. As long as the person is attempting to use the item in good faith, simply educate them when you find out this is happening, and move on with things from there.

Wound Conditions

General Information

Most of the time Wounds conditions come from taking damage that isn't prevented in some way. Characters can sometimes be assigned a Wound condition automatically, such as from pit traps or being hit by boulders (which use the 'Torso Wound!' call). When a Wound condition is automatically assigned to a character it isn't damage and can only be prevented by effects which prevent 'Wound!' calls. In these situations no damage is inflicted, the character takes the appropriate Wound condition, but they do not lose any body or armor.

When role-playing remember, Wounds hurt. Whatever the cause of the Wound is, it was probably violent, and it almost certainly wasn't clean.

Limb Wounds

Each arm and each leg can be wounded separately from the others.

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures

Limb Wound

One or more of a characters limbs have been injured. Event Damage, Pit Traps The Restore Limb spell

Arm Wounds

When you get an Arm Wound condition it means that arm is injured, you must drop anything being held by that arm. You may not transfer an object from the wounded arm to your other arm. Drop the object first. Then, you may then retrieve the object from the ground. Wounded arms do not count as free hands for the purposes of casting spells. A wounded arm may not pick up, manipulate or carry anything at any time.

Should an arm with an Arm Wound take damage that would cause another Arm Wound, you take a Torso Wound condition instead. If however, an effect automatically inflicts an Arm Wound on an already Wounded Arm (such as from a trap), nothing happens - not even a 'No Effect!' call, an effect happened, it was redundant.

Leg Wounds

When you get a Leg Wound condition that leg will no longer support any weight. You can still remain standing on the other leg, but should not start rapidly hopping up and down on the non-wounded leg. Drag your wounded leg slowly across the ground avoiding supporting yourself with it. If forced to support yourself with the wounded leg you should fall over.

Should you get wounded in the both legs at the same time you should immediately drop to your knees. You may also do this voluntarily if only one leg is wounded. In either case, once you are on your knees you may not voluntarily stand up until after any fighting is done or the wound is healed. While on your knees you must avoid hopping up and down to fight. Try to stay at a fixed height from the ground.

When a leg with a wound takes damage that would cause another Wound, you take a Torso Wound condition instead. If however, an effect automatically inflicts a Leg Wound on an already Wounded Leg (such as from a trap), nothing happens - not even a 'No Effect!' call, an effect happened, it was redundant.

Torso Wounds

A Torso Wound is a catch all injury for anything that would result in a character taking enough damage to fall unconscious. When a character first gains the Torso Wound condition they also gain the Bleeding Out condition at the same time. If the Bleeding Out condition is later removed we refer to this as the character being 'stable': they still have a Torso Wound, but are in no danger of dying.

Any damage to a character with a Torso Wound will result in that character dying immediately. This is known as a killing blow. Accidental damage, such as from a tag bag that hits the fallen character instead of it's intended target, will also kill the character.

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures

Torso Wound

The character has received a grave injury and is unconscious. Event Damage, Boulders The Heal Mortal Wound spell, a Catholicon

Bleeding Out

A character that has the Bleeding Out condition will die if they don't receive medical attention. After 10 minutes if this condition is not removed (healed) the character gains the Dead condition.

Any character with first aid may role-play taking care of someone with the Bleeding Out condition to extend the time it takes before they die. This adds an additional 10 minutes (for a total of 20). The first aid doesn't need to be started until the standard 10 minutes are nearly up (though it is good role-playing to do so prior to that). During the additional 10 minutes a person with first aid must maintain steady role-play. If at any point during the additional 10 minutes no one with first aid is actively paying attention to the individual Bleeding Out that person will die immediately.

This condition can be cured with items like Stabilizing Concoction. Anything that removes a Torso Wound condition will also automatically remove the Bleeding Out condition.

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures

Bleeding Out

The character has a wound bleeding uncontrollably, they will die soon if not treated. 10 Minutes Torso Wounds Stabilization Concoction, the Heal Mortal Wound spell

The 'Dead' Condition

A character with the Dead condition is dead, just as described. In the world of Novitas this isn't the end for them however. Powerful healing available from the Revive spell can remove the Dead condition returning a character to life.

This condition remains until it is removed. If the Dead condition lasts for 2 convergences the condition can no longer be removed: the character is permanently dead. Tracking these two convergences can get very complicated, and if a character ends a shift while still dead (and will not PCing for the following shift) they should seek out a the plot marshal or second (Ryan Green and Donald Tyson) immediately to let them know. They will give them instructions on how to proceed.

When a character first gains the Dead condition they lose the Bleeding Out condition if they had it.

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures


The character is dead. More powerful magic is needed to heal them. Permanent Unless Healed Killing Blows, Bleeding Out The Revive spell



In the setting of Novitas the concept of a spark is of pivotal importance. Every even remotely complex lifeform native to Illumina has a spark, including many animals and plants. Even those animals and plants have a lesser version of a spark referred to as a glimmer. The difference between a glimmer and a spark is mostly academic, with the most popular theory being that a full spark is required for sentience.

In many ways a spark is required for life. It isn't a tangible object, though Mediums are capable of sensing the presence or absence of a spark. When sparks get damaged (through mystical means) the life sustained by that spark suffers with it. After death sparks can sometimes remain. Many believe that ghosts are sparks lingering on after it's associated life has ended. Undead are typically sparks clinging to dead bodies (sometimes their own, sometimes not).

There are some examples creatures that live but do not have sparks. Fae and elementals both fit most definitions of life and yet neither type of being possesses a spark.

It is commonly held belief that sparks go to 'The Well' after they depart. This is believed to be the domain of the Stranger where sparks are purified and before ultimately sent back with the Mother to bond with new life. There is some evidence to support this, but it is not something the average person has tangible experience with.

Kingdoms of Novitas was originally hosted at a Christian summer camp. The camp director there was actually a long time player. They requested that the game not ever deal with the concept of 'souls' and so the idea of a spark came about. This was not only an alternative, it eventually grew into some new territory.


All player characters have a spark. As long as a character has a spark healing effects work normally on that character. There are no special rules for having a spark, it's only when something happens to a spark that conditions apply.

Sparks can be damaged by some creatures and they can be stolen by the spell Reap Spirit. When a character takes a spark with the Reap Spirit spell they gain the Stolen Spark condition for the next hour while the character who lost their spark gains the Sparkless condition for that same hour.

All Mediums can detect conditions related to sparks. This is done by asking (OOG) while standing within arms length of the person being checked. That player is obligated to tell the correct answer. If the character has no conditions related to sparks, they should reply that they have a spark (assuming they do) and that it is normal/ healthy.

When an NPC takes the spark of a player character they should always remain in play for the full time period they are holding the spark to allow that player's allies opportunity to regain it. Sitting around for an hour with no chance of being healed is not generally considered a fun experience.

The Final Rest ritual can be used to send a spark to the Well forever, resulting in permanent character death.

The Sparkless Condition

A character without a spark gains the Sparkless condition. This can only be fixed by returning that character's spark to them. A spark naturally returns to its owner after an hour, ending this condition. Some very rare effects can hold a spark longer than an hour. A player using one of these abilities will notify the victim who's spark is being taken at the time it happens if this is the case.

If for some reason they do not already have it, taking someone's spark always gives the Torso Wound condition and the Dead condition. This cannot be prevented if a spark is taken.

For as long as the character has the Sparkless condition: Wound conditions cannot be removed and body points may not be healed.

If a Medium checks, this character's spark they will automatically detect this condition.

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures


The character's spark is missing. They are dead and can't be healed without getting their spark back. 1 Hour (Typically) Reap Spirit Mediums, killing the person with your spark

The Damaged Spark Condition

When a spark becomes damaged it will remain that way until something that specifically repairs the exact cause of the damaged spark is used. Typically this is a reversal of whatever created the Damaged Spark condition in the first place.

Characters with the Damaged Spark condition are immune to Restoration magic. That generally means they are dependent on alchemical healing effects to fix wounds and body damage.

If a Medium checks, this character's spark they will automatically detect this condition.

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures

Damaged Spark

Due to a damaged spark the character is immune to Restoration effects. Indefinitely Rare dangerous creatures Specific items, special plots.

The Stolen Spark Condition

A character with the Stolen Spark condition has taken the spark of another individual, typically through the Reap Spirit spell. A character can only have this condition once, unless another ability specifically allows them to carry more sparks. Attempts to take additional sparks fail automatically, but can still might take place to meet kill conditions.

Diagnosis does not reveal the Stolen Spark condition.

If a Medium checks this character's spark they will automatically detect this condition, but they will not know who the stolen spark belongs to.

This condition may not be ended voluntarily. There are only three ways to end the Stolen Spark condition: time (1 hour), if the person with the Stolen Spark condition is killed (gaining the Dead condition, or help from a Medium trained in returning sparks to their owners. When any of these circumstances take place this condition immediately ends and any held sparks are returned. This can sometimes lead to strange situations where a player is physically no where near the player who's spark was taken. Player's should collaborate to relay that information as quickly and efficiently as possible so that the victim becomes aware they no longer have the Sparkless condition.

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures

Stolen Spark

This character has used magic to take another beings spark. 1 hour Reap Spirit Mediums, time, death

Spark Destruction

Some creatures, such as Kazvaks, are capable of completely destroying sparks. This works like the Sparkless condition, except the spark cannot ever be returned: it has been destroyed. This almost always means the character is dead forever and must be retired.

As a result, these creatures are taken much more seriously than others. You can identify such creatures because when they use abilities that might destroy a spark they will start counting aloud loudly something like 'Destroying Spark 1, Destroying Spark 2', etc.



The game uses calls to efficiently share information in the middle of combat. While calls are generally completely Out-of-Game you can gather some information in-character from them. For example if you hear a lot of numbers being called you can refer to that as "the sounds of battle".

Call Types

Calls can be sub-divided into different types for reference to what they do. You don't need to know these at all. Calls are only categorized like this to make it easier to know which you need to learn right away and which you can take time to learn.

  • Safety calls convey information about the game and are the most important calls to pay attention to.
  • Defense calls tell you information about if your attack affected the person you hit.
  • Damage Type calls mostly tell you information about what variety of damage you are taking. For most of them you only need to understand the call type if you have a defense that cares what kind of damage you are taking.
  • Modifier calls impact how the damage works when you take it.
  • Offensive Effect calls almost always inflict a condition when they hit you.
  • Announcement calls tell players who hear them information about something going on, they are never attached to attacks.

Creature Types (and Subtypes)

Calls can sometimes be paired with a specific type (or subtype) of creature. When this happens the call only works if the target of the call is that creature type. Any other individual hit with that call may respond with 'No Effect!'. Any call that includes a creature type (or subtype) in it has no school associated with it.

Creature Types are: Beast, Construct, Elemental, Fae, Goblinoid, Humanoid, Illuminated, Insectoid, Piscene, Plant, Reptilian, Sky Beast and Undead.

Creature Subtypes are: Amphibious, Aquatic, Cold-Blooded, Damaged Spark, Ghost, Incorporeal, Lycanthrope, Monstrous, Non-Living, Otherworldly, Sparkless, Spirit, and Wild

Safety Calls

These calls ('Hold!' and 'Time Stop!') are so important they were covered in the basic rules chapter.

Defense Calls


Each of these calls is used to relay information to an attacker after they land an attack on an opponent. If an attack lands successfully, but the defender isn't affected for some reason, a defense call lets the attacker have a general idea of why.

In some cases there will be disputes about the accuracy of some of these calls. That's going to happen and it's alright. After the fight is done talk to each other. Players are all out to have fun, and communication solves many issues.

No Effect Calls

'No Effect!' calls are used any time a character is hit by an attack, but it is prevented for some reason. This could be because an immunity stopped it, a prevention shield stopped it, a damage requirement stopped it, or some other unusual circumstance. Any time someone's call doesn't impact you, you should let them know by calling 'No Effect!'.

You should also call 'No Effect!' when you ignore an announcement call, such as by casting Anti-Magic Aura and walking into a Sanctuary.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)

No Effect

Defensive Used to indicate another call has no impact Immunities, Prevent effects, Damage Requirements None

Hand Calls

Hits to hands holding weapons are not legal, the hand is considered part of the weapon. This is at least in part a safety consideration, we don't want people's fingers getting broken which is more likely if hands are being attacked regularly. Anytime a player hits you in the hand, let them know it by calling 'Hand'.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)


Defensive Indicates the hit landed on someone's hand Combat etiquette None

Light Calls

Novitas has a certain range of force that players are expected to put into their swings. An attack that is too light can't be felt. When an attack lands, but is too light, let the attacker know why you are not taking the hit by calling 'Light!'.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)


Defensive Indicates a hit landed too light Combat etiquette None

Hard Calls

While we don't want hits to be too light, we also do not wish hits to be too hard. That poses a safety concern and most of our players don't enjoy coming home with bruises. Hitting too hard is a serious concern and you should be sure to let them know by calling 'Hard!'. These attacks are not taken as a form of minor penalty to the person swinging that hard.

It's worth pointing out that sometimes hard hits happen by accident. A person might swing at normal speed, but the defender happens to move at full speed directly into the arc of the attack. No one is entirely at fault. However, if one person is regularly swinging too hard, please let a member of the Player Outreach & Education (Brandon Febles and Michael Maneri) team know so they can look into it.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)


Defensive Indicates a hit landed too hard. Combat etiquette None

Fast Calls

For both immersion reasons and for game balance's sake, rapid weapon strikes (known as 'machine gunning') are not permitted. Melee attacks need to be performed at a reasonable speed, the general guideline being that you should take enough time to bend your entire arm to a 90 degree angle before landing a subsequent blow. When rapid hits happen you should let the attacker know by calling 'Fast!'. Take one of the hits (or an appropriate number if it's a prolonged exchange), and ignore the rest.


Call Type Description Common Sources Associated Condition(s)


Defensive Indicates a player is attacking too rapidly Combat etiquette None

Damage Type Calls

Your first time reading through these rules you can pretty safely skip the Damage Type Call section except for the conditions. The key details were covered in the damage prevention rules. This information covers the gritty details about how each call works. There is a lot of repetition.


The primary value of the 'Acid!' call is destroying shields. This can have tremendous strategic importance in the middle of a fight. As a damage type it is also possible for a creature to require 'Acid!' damage to meet a damage requirement or kill condition, though there are very few of these creatures.

'Acid!' is also sometimes paired with different offensive effect calls. This make those no longer count as spells. This is very similar to when 'Poison!' is paired with those calls, except that with 'Acid!' there are far fewer creatures with immunity to 'Acid!' than there are with immunity to 'Poison!'.

Acid Calls

The 'Acid!' call sometimes inflicts damage. You'll know if it is dealing damage if a number is used. Always use the number '1!' if for some reason you are dealing '1 Acid!' damage, otherwise it will only inflict the Acid Residue condition and no damage.

Tag bags or arrows that call for 'Acid!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield. However, when 'Acid!' damage hits a shield for a cumulative total of 4 damage it will break it, causing the Broken condition.

The 'Acid!' call can also be used to modify Offensive Effect calls. When this happens the call is no longer counted as a spell (if it was) and it can now be blocked by shields. The attack now applies the Acid Residue condition in addition to whatever other conditions the other call applies. Any conditions applied by that call are now all removed when the Acid Residue condition is removed. Any defense which prevents 'Acid!' prevents the entire call.

The Acid Residue Condition

This is an unusual condition in that it doesn't do anything by itself. This condition only occurs if an 'Acid!' attack applies other conditions (such as an attack calling for 'Acid Pin!').

If the call that applied Acid Residue applied other conditions, those other conditions can only be removed by removing the Acid Residue condition which will remove the other conditions as well. Anything that removes the Poisoned condition can remove the Acid Residue condition.

This condition can be removed by spells like Purify Spirit, or items like Theriac and Catholicon.

For example:A character is hit by an attack that calls for 'Acid Pin!'. Normally with the 'Pin!' call it is a Compulsion spell, that causes the Pinned condition, which is removed with an item like Smelling Salts (which removes Compulsion conditions). Because the 'Acid!' call has been added, it is no longer a Compulsion spell. The 'Acid Pin!' call applies the Acid Residue and Pinned conditions both. Using Smelling Salts will not remove either condition. Acid Residue has changed what the solution is. Using a spell such as Purify Spirit or Theriac will remove the Acid Residue condition and when that happens it will remove the Pinned condition with it.

The Broken Equipment Condition

If a shield takes 4 or more cumulative points of damage from 'Acid!' it gains this equipment condition. Broken shields do not block/stop anything. In fact, should the shield be hit by any attack (even ones that are normally shield blockable), you automatically treat that attack as hitting the arm holding the shield.

Other items may gain this condition through other means. Anything that would give this condition to another item will explicitly say so.

To remove this condition the Broken item must be placed flat on the ground (or some other stable surface) and the player must role-play repairing it while casting the Mend Armor spell.


'Blight!' is an advanced version of 'Poison!' for which there are no known defenses. It is one of the rarest calls you can encounter. Sources of 'Blight!' damage are zealously guarded by those who have them. Because the call is so hard to gain access to, and the creatures that require it to be killed are so unusual to encounter (and powerful), it is often reserved for special circumstances only.

Blight Calls

The 'Blight!' call sometimes inflicts damage, also it always inflicts the Poisoned condition. You'll know if it is dealing damage if a number is used. Always use the number '1!' if for some reason you are dealing '1 Blight!' damage, otherwise it will only inflict the Poisoned condition and no damage.

Tag bags or arrows that call for 'Blight!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield.

The 'Blight!' call is an advanced form of the 'Poison!' call. Defenses that prevent 'Poison!' do not prevent 'Blight!'.

Blightsteel Weapons

Weapons can be crafted out of Blightsteel. This material can never be combined with any other special material. There is no specific paint requirement for Blightsteel at this time as it can only appear in the hands of NPCs. These weapons call for 'Blight!'. Additionally they gain all benefits of Improved Goblin Iron weapons. Blade alchemicals treat Blightsteel weapons as Pure Goblin Iron weapons to determine what effects they have.


The 'Disease!' call represents attacks from unclean weapons, diseased opponents and other situations that make a victim ill. It can be caused by magical circumstances, but the cures to being Diseased all come from alchemy.

Disease Calls

The 'Disease!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. The 'Disease' call inflicts the Diseased condition on a character if they take a Wound condition from the damage or if they lose at least one point of body from the attack.

Tag bags and arrows that call for 'Disease!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield.

The Diseased Condition

A character only receives this condition when an attack that calls for 'Disease!' it causes body damage or inflicts a Wound condition.

A character with this condition may not run, they are too ill to move quickly. While the character has this condition reduce their maximum body by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and their maximum Might and Accuracy by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

Elven Steel

Elven Steel is a rare metal first pioneered in the Realms of Evenandra. It is remarkable for its incredible purity and has mystic properties similar to silver though it is not made of that material. In the millenia since its discovery Elven Steel has become very popular in weapons because it is useful for killing undead without requiring spellcasting. For those without access to Elven Steel weapons the spells Enchant Weapon and Wraithbane are popular, especially at night.

Elven Steel Calls

The 'Elven Steel!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It can always be blocked by an unbroken shield.

The 'Elven Steel!' call is an advanced form of the 'Silver' call.

Elven Steel Weapons

Weapons can be crafted out of Elven Steel. Elven Steel should be covered in black then decorated with natural looking thin white and/ or silver veins coursing through it. These weapons call for 'Elven Steel!'.

Elven Steel weapons may not be crafted to have another special material type.

Elven Steel weapons are so pure they may never have a blade alchemical applied to them. If a blade alchemical is applied to one of these weapons it is rendered inert and useless immediately.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Elven Steel Weapon

No Yes 20 This weapon has been made out of Elven Steel. Attacks with it call for 'Elven Steel!'. Elven Steel weapons cannot be paired with any other special material.

Magic (Calls)

Magical power in Novitas is hard to quantify, but it is tangible given the right circumstances. Spells from the Battle school can be used to coalesce magical power into an attack that can damage others. The 'Magic!' call represents this. It always manifests in-game through tag bag spells.

Creatures that are especially vulnerable to 'Magic!' typically are extremely supernatural to begin with, such as lesser elementals and undead.

Magic Calls

The 'Magic!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It always comes from spells and cannot be blocked by a shield.

Anything that stops a Spell will stop a 'Magic!' attack. It always counts as coming from the Battle school for defenses that care about the school of an attack.


The 'Nature!' call can be used to represent any damaging elemental attack. It is used to represent creatures attacking with flame blasts, ice shards, water geysers, wind gusts, extreme temperatures, or being encased in stone. A rare metal known as Thermium has been invented that harnesses some of this into a form that is more practical for use by warriors. Blades made of Thermium reach very high temperatures rapidly when exposed to air.

'Nature!' isn't needed regularly by adventurers, but when it is necessary there aren't many substitutes. Other than Thermium most characters get access to the 'Nature!' call from spells like Elemental Weapon. Creatures that are vulnerable to 'Nature!' are typically elementals or anything flammable.

Nature Calls

The 'Nature!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It can be blocked by a shield when it comes from a weapon or an arrow.

Tag bags that call for 'Nature!' count as spells and cannot be blocked by a shield.

Anything that stops a spell (such as the Anti-Magic Shield spell) will stop a tag bag calling for 'Nature!' damage.

Thermium Weapons

Weapons can be crafted out of Thermium. Thermium items must be covered with red paint then coated in streaks of gold. These weapons call for 'Nature!'.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Thermium Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon has been made out of Thermium. Attacks with it call for 'Nature!'.

Improved Thermium Weapons

The most practiced expert crafters have created an improved version of Thermium that has special properties. An improved thermium weapon that cannot be crafted with any other material types.

Twice per event the bearer of this weapon may replace their attack's next hit normal call with '4 Acid!'. An improved Thermium weapon counts as pure for the purposes of effects that get bonuses on a pure thermium weapon.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Improved Thermium Weapon

No Epic Only 16 This weapon is made out of exceptional Thermium and cannot be crafted to have another material type. Twice per event this weapon may replace its next hit with a '4 Acid!' call.


'Poison!' can be used to represent quite a few things. At the most basic 'Poison!' it represents the attacks of venomous creatures and things so toxic they pollute the victim. Alchemy is also often represented by 'Poison!'. Adventurers typically seek out 'Poison!' attacks to deal with creatures such as the Fae. Goblin Iron weapons are made by a refining process invented by the snow goblins of Gersh. These blades are exceptionally toxic, poisoning anyone they injure. They are popular with anyone who wishes to take full advantage of blade alchemicals.

The 'Poison!' call can also be combined with other offensive effect calls to represent different situations. The 'Pin!' call is normally a Compulsion spell, however an item such the alchemical Tanglefoot Bag (which calls for 'Poison Pin!') changes the 'Pin!' call. The call in this case represents a chemical concoction that is so sticky it restrains someone in place. In this situation the call is not a Compulsion spell. It follows all the rules for 'Poison!' instead: it can be blocked by a shield, defenses against 'Poison!' stop it, defenses against Compulsion spells do not, the Pinned condition is removed when the Poisoned condition is removed (and items that would normally remove the Pinned condition do not remove anything).

Poison Calls

The 'Poison!' call sometimes inflicts damage, also it always inflicts the Poisoned condition. You'll know if it is dealing damage if a number is used. Always use the number '1!' if for some reason you are dealing '1 Poison!' damage, otherwise it will only inflict the Poisoned condition and no damage.

Tag bags or arrows that call for 'Poison!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield.

When the 'Poison' call is used to modify an offensive effect call the whole attack follows the rules for 'Poison!'. It is never considered a spell (if it was) and the attack may be blocked by a shield. Conditions applied by the attack are only removed when the Poisoned condition is removed. Any defense which prevents 'Poison!' prevents the entire call.

Goblin Iron Weapons

A character who has the Poisoned condition cannot heal lost body points. They also may not remove Wound conditions, the Bleeding Out condition, or the Dead condition by any means. This lasts until the Poisoned condition has been removed.

If the call that applied the Poisoned condition applied other conditions, those other conditions can only be removed by removing the Poisoned condition. This will automatically remove the attached conditions at the same time. When the Poisoned condition is attached to another condition like this, the duration of the effect is determined by the attached condition. Both conditions wear off at the same time.

This condition can be removed by spells like Purify Spirit, or alchemicals like Theriac and Catholicon.

Improved Goblin Iron Weapons

Weapons crafted out of Goblin iron call for 'Poison!'. Goblin iron items must be covered with green paint. Many blade alchemicals get bonuses when applied to a pure Goblin Iron weapons. Pure Goblin Iron weapons are those that aren't made with any other material type. Each blade alchemical lists what material types get bonuses in their description. Goblin Iron can never be included in the crafting of a Silver weapon.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Goblin Iron Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon is crafted out of Goblin Iron. Attacks with it call for 'Poison!'. Goblin Iron weapons cannot also be made of Silver.


The 'Primal!' call is used to describe elemental themed attacks so raw and powerful they in some way originate from the elemental planes themselves. Not just hot fire, but the very idea of fire. Ice so cold it causes instant frostbite. Water that causes someone to start drowning on contact. Stone that starts to crystalize other objects.

This is one of the rarest damage types in the game, but unlike 'Blight!' it is somewhat accessible. Player characters typically gain access to the 'Primal!' call through the Primal Form and Elemental Weapon spells. Thankfully very few creatures require 'Primal!' damage to defeat them. Most of these creatures can be dealt with through careful negotiation instead of combat.

Primal Calls

The 'Primal!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It can be blocked by a shield when it comes from a weapon or an arrow.

Tag bags that call for 'Primal!' count as spells and cannot be blocked by a shield.

Anything that stops a spell (such as the Anti-Magic Shield spell) will stop a tag bag calling for 'Primal!' damage.

The 'Primal!' call is an advanced form of the 'Nature!' call. Defenses that prevent 'Nature!' do not prevent 'Primal!'.

Primal Weapons

Primal weapons are crafted out of the raw stuff of the elemental planes, tamed through extrodinary means so they can be controlled. Primal weapons must be covered with red paint then decorated with natural looking thin black veins coursing through it. Attacks made with these weapons call for 'Primal!'.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Primal Weapon

No Feb Feast Only 20 This weapon is made out of raw elemental power. Attacks with it call for 'Primal!'.


For mystical reasons silver is a very potent substance. The purity of silver or possibly some other mystical property is required to injure some creatures (such as werewolves), and so the people of Novitas have been making silver weapons for thousands of years. Calls that use 'Silver!' represent these weapons or magic that duplicates its effectiveness (such as the spell Silvershine).

Silver Calls

The 'Silver!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. It can always be blocked by an unbroken shield.

Silver Weapons

Weapons can be crafted out of silver. Silver weapons should be covered with white paint. These weapons call for 'Silver!'. Some blade alchemicals get bonuses when used on a pure silver weapon (one made with no other special materials).

A weapon can never be crafted of Silver and Goblin Iron at the same time.

Improved Silver Weapons

Using masterful processes silver can be refined beyond normal capacities. This improved Silver has all the properties of normal silver weapons, but will not bond with other materials. No other materials may be used when crafting an improved Silver weapon.

An improved Silver weapon calls for 'Silver!' and once per event may replace it's next hit with 'Dispel Magic!'. Improved Silver weapons count as pure silver for the purposes of blade alchemicals that get bonuses on a pure silver weapon.

Modifier Calls

Modifier calls get added on to existing attacks instead of replacing them. These specific calls: 'Blunt', 'Pierce', and 'Slay'; are the only calls that will ever get added to an existing call, and only if a rule specifically tells you to modify your normal attack. This will only ever happen to attacks that deal damage. When one of these calls is added to an attack, simply add it to the end of the attack. Only one modifier can be applied to a call at a time.

These calls can also change the amount of damage you deal. The specific rule or effect being used will tell you if any changes to the amount of damage happen.

Example: A character has Might Mastery and is swinging a Goblin Iron great weapon. Great weapons can deal half damage to add the slay call to an attack. The character with this weapon can choose to call for '4 Poison' or to call for '2 Poison Slay' with each attack.


The 'Blunt!' call represents deliberately pulling your punches to avoid causing a more serious injury. Some mechanics (such as the Resilience spell) also represent toughening a character up, turning damage taken into blunt damage to represent this.

Blunt Calls

The 'Blunt!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. 'Blunt!' calls modify another call, and whether or not the attack can be blocked is determined by the call being modified.

Any damage inflicted by an attack using the 'Blunt!' call comes with the Blunted condition.

If an attack contains the 'Pierce!' or 'Slay!' call it may not have the 'Blunt!' call added to it. A defensive effect like Resilience can still cause damage to be Blunted if it comes from 'Pierce!' or 'Slay!' damage.

The Blunted Condition

Anytime a character take's 'Blunt!' damage they receive the Blunted condition. This condition can be gained multiple times for each instance of 'Blunt!' damage. When the Blunted condition wears off, the damage that caused the condition wears off as well. Rather than tracking each Blunted condition's timing separately it is almost always easiest to start counting from the last instance of the Blunted condition and when that 10 minutes is up, heal all your 'Blunt!' body damage or 'Blunt!' Wound conditions. Magical (or alchemical) healing can be used to immediately heal Blunted damage if someone desires. This will also end the condition.

Any Wound conditions caused by 'Blunt!' damage also get the Blunted condition and can be cured normally, or are automatically cured when the Blunted condition gets removed.

If a character takes a 'Blunt!' Torso Wound it does not give the Bleeding Out condition.

'Poison Blunt!' damage will wear off like any other blunt damage along with the Poisoned condition. The same goes for 'Disease Blunt!' damage and the Diseased condition.

If a character has the a Blunted Torso Wound condition, the First Aid skill can remove it (and only it). This even works if the Torso Wound was caused by 'Poison Blunt!' damage (which normally cannot be healed without curing the Poisoned condition).

Many players don't realize that the first aid skill can only remove Blunt Torso Wounds. The first aid skill cannot heal Blunt Limb Wounds or blunt body damage.

Blunting Attacks

Characters may voluntarily add the 'Blunt!' call to any melee attack if they wish to deal non-lethal damage. This modifier is added to the attack's normal call, it does not replace the call. You may not add 'Blunt!' to an attack that calls for 'Pierce!' or 'Slay!'.


'Pierce!' calls represent incredibly sharp, direct or precise attacks. The 'Pierce!' call generally doesn't show up by itself, it is a modifier call that is added to an attack. It is most commonly gained from bows or through master's strikes.

Pierce Calls

The 'Pierce!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. 'Pierce!' calls modify another call, and whether or not the attack can be blocked is determined by the call being modified.

Any damage inflicted by an attack using the 'Pierce!' call cannot be applied to armor.

If an attack contains the 'Blunt!' or 'Slay!' call it may not have the 'Pierce!' call added to it.

Pierce Examples

Example: A character is hit by an attack that calls for '4 Elven Steel Pierce!'. That character has 4 Magic Armor, 3 Physical Armor, 2 Natural Armor and 4 Body points. This attack bypasses, all 3 types of armor, and is only reduced by the 4 Body points. If the character were hit by another attack with the 'Pierce!' call they would take a Wound, even though they still have armor left. On the other hand if the character were hit by a call that was just '4 Elven Steel!' instead it would be reduced by the armor that is still there.


The 'Slay!' call is a modifier call used to represent attacks that are particularly mighty or powerful. It can come from particularly skillful combatants or from spells (such as the Strength spell).

Against the average opponent the 'Slay!' call has no effect. However against the toughest opponents or those in the most durable armor it is vastly more effective for defeating them. Any time you are fighting an opponent with monstrous body or monstrous armor 'Slay!' damage makes the fight much more managable.

Slay Calls

The 'Slay!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. 'Slay!' calls modify another call, and whether or not the attack can be blocked is determined by the call being modified.

Monstrous body and armor provide no extra protection for damage from an attack using the 'Slay!' call.

If an attack contains the 'Blunt!' or 'Pierce!' call it may not have the 'Slay!' call added to it.

Offensive Effect Calls


The 'Banish!' call represents forcefully transforming an enemy into the elements temporarily. It nearly exclusively comes from the nature spell Banish. Tactically it is used to create an opportunity to escape, or perhaps to split opponents up, leaving one less opponent to worry about immediately.

Banish Calls

The 'Banish!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a spell and may not be blocked by shields. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Banish!' call get the Banished condition.

The 'Poison Banish!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Banished condition. The 'Poison Banish!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Banish!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Banished condition. The 'Acid Banish!' call is not a spell.

The Banished Condition

A character with the Banished Condition is forced to dissipate for the duration of 10 minutes. They are transformed into the elements (typically the air), invisible to everyone, and unable to act. The character gains the helpless condition and cannot voluntarily end the dissipation. If you have a flag available to hold up you should do so, otherwise raise one arm above your head to wait out the duration.

A character with this condition is aware of their surroundings and can watch and listen to anything happening around them. They may not move beyond shifting their weight around to keep from being uncomfortable. The Banished character may also move to get out of the way of an active combat situation, but if they do this they must be sure to move back to the original location before the Banished condition wears off. They shouldn't use this courtesy to get a better view of their surroundings, or for any other tactical advantage.


The 'Charm!' call represents exerting mental influence over an opponent, psychicly or magically convincing them to be your friend. By itself 'Charm!' won't keep you out of a fight, if you are swinging a sword at a friend... they will probably fight back. But, with some carefully chosen words you can stop a fight before it starts or bring one happening to an end.

'Charm!' is also incredibly useful when paired with the alchemical Truth Serum. By itself Truth Serum prevents someone from lying, but that person isn't compelled to say anything they don't want to. But, if you 'Charm!' them first, now they can't lie and they are going to want to talk to you. A few carefully selected questions between friends and you can learn all kinds of things.

Charm Calls

The 'Charm!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Charm!' call get the Charmed condition.

When the 'Charm!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Charm Humanoid!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Charm!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Charmed condition. The 'Poison Charm!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Charm!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Charmed condition. The 'Acid Charm!' call is not a spell.

The Charmed Condition

A character with the Charmed condition will instantly become friends with the condition's source (refered to here as the 'influencer'). In some unusual situations there will be no obvious source of the Charmed condition. When this happens a character becomes influenced by the first person they see. The Charmed condition lasts for 10 minutes.

The Charmed person will go out of their way to assume things to the benefit of the influencer. They will act like the two are long time friends and do what they can to assist the person. You can also always hear the influencer even if they are a Spirit which you could not normally communicate with. However, this does not allow the Charmed individual to understand languages they do not speak.

The Charmed character is not subject to commands, they still need to be convinced to do things just like any friend. A Charmed character will not act in a fashion that will bring harm to themselves or their other friends. Charmed characters will not give up their possessions without good reason, though they might sell or barter them away at a better price than they would otherwise.

The Charmed condition ends immediately if the influencer attacks or directs an attack at the Charmed character. This includes telling others to attack the Charmed character. Simply drawing a weapon or starting to cast an offensive spell does not break the Charmed condition unless direct intent to attack to the Charmed character is voiced aloud.

After the condition ends the character is fully aware they were under a Compulsion effect. Prior to that they might be aware if it was done very obviously, but they won't care enough to think about it or bring attention to it.

Charm Auras

A few rare creatures are able to 'Charm!' others without any attack. 'Charm!' auras are generally communicated by the character looking someone in the eyes and saying 'Charm!' as clearly as possible. Because this effect is unlimited use it is not broken if the Charmer attacks the Charmed individual, but the Charmed individual may defend themselves (aggressively if desired) they just feel somewhat bad about it. A good example for this is how some one sibling might defend themselves from another sibling in a fight.


The 'Curse!' call represents making foes more susceptible to injury. This can be through Necromantic magic or through alchemicals designed to create vulnerability. Some undead creatures also have access to this call in their attacks.

'Curse!' is tremendously useful against opponents with high numbers of body points. Especially those with Monstrous Body. One single application of 'Curse!' will deal with all of their body except for the last point. In this situation it's more useful than the 'Slay!' call for dealing with a monstrous creature.

Curse Calls

The 'Curse!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Curse!' call get the Cursed condition.

The 'Poison Curse!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Cursed condition. The 'Poison Curse!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Curse!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Cursed condition. The 'Acid Curse!' call is not a spell.

The Cursed Condition

A character with the Cursed condition have their maximum body set to 1 if it would be higher than 0.

This condition lasts for 10 minutes. It can be removed by 'Dispel Magic!'.

The Heroism spell sets a character's maximum body to 10. The Cursed condition sets a character's maximum body to 1. When these two things interact, the one that was applied second is the relevant effect. Both continue existing for their respective durations, so if there is a way to remove one effect without removing the other, the remaining effect will still function. This would be a circumstance where a character might benefit from casting a spell already affecting them might be relevant, the new casting will displace the old one.


The 'Disengage!' call represents circumstances that repel enemies, making them no longer want to deal with you. By itself it represents mental influence that drives others to pay no attention to the creator, in alchemicals it is offensive aromas or substances harmful to others, but not the user.

Character's typically get access to the call through the Disengage spell, Bug Repellent, or Holy Water. It is effecient for entirely avoiding a fight with an individual or for making sure an opponent focuses on your friends instead of yourself.

Disengage Calls

The 'Disengage!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Disengage!' call get the Disengaged condition.

When the 'Disengage!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Disengage Undead!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Disengage!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Disengaged condition. The 'Poison Disengage!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Disengage!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Disengaged condition. The 'Acid Disengage!' call is not a spell.

The Disengaged Condition

A character with the Disengaged condition cannot make any attacks against the source of the condition (referred to here as the influencer) for one minute. They also will attempt to avoid approaching the influencer, attempting to stay at least 5 feet away at all times if possible. The character with the Disengaged condition is free to attack other people (even if those people are within 5 feet of the influencer) and take other actions.

If at any time the influencer attacks the Disengaged character the Disengaged condition ends immediately. Should the influencer move within 5 feet of the Disengaged character with an unsheathed weapon or active spell tag bag this will also end the condition. Characters who have the Disengaged condition should be avoiding the influencer, so this should only ever happen if the influencer is deliberately moving towards the Disengaged character. Deliberately using the avoidance of the Disengaged condition to trap someone into a corner will also break the Disengaged condition.

After the condition ends the character is fully aware they were under a Compulsion effect. Prior to that they might be aware, but they won't care enough to think about it/ bring attention to it.


'Dispel!' calls represents countering magical effects or cleansing/ counteracting alchemicals. It will always come with another word to indicuate what type of thing is being dispelled. Most often this call comes from the Dispel Magic spell or from the Dilution Solution alchemical.

Because 'Dispel!' removes all effects regardless of if they are beneficial or harmful, it can be used both offensively and defensively, sometimes it does both at once. It is the only way to get rid of some harmful conditions (such as Cursed) other than waiting for them to wear off. However, this could also remove magical defenses, so that isn't always ideal.

The Dispel Call

The 'Dispel!' call never inflicts damage. It will always include a second word to indicate what is getting dispelled. It can never be blocked by a shield. The second word impacts what defenses will protect against it. After getting dispelled nothing stops a character from having the same effects reapplied assuming a character has the means to do so.

The Dispel Magic Call

'Dispel Magic!' is treated as a spell. The 'Dispel Magic!' call removes all spell effects and all conditions caused by spell effects currently on the target.

'Dispel Magic!' can be used against magical fields affecting an area (such as Sanctuary). Fields are always separate from the caster who created them, defenses the caster may have do not protect a field, and dispelling the caster will not dispel a field.

'Dispel Magic!' can also be used against tinkering items. This gives them the items the Suppressed condition.

The Dispel Alchemy Call

The 'Dispel Alchemy!' has no type associated with it. There are currently no defenses against it. This call removes all alchemical effects that didn't cause the Poisoned condition. Typically on characters this is going to be ingested alchemicals and ointments.

If applied to a weapon this will remove remaining uses of blade alchemicals.

The Suppressed Condition

A tinkering item that has been hit by 'Dispel Magic!' gains the Suppressed condition. It will not function at all for 10 minutes. If the item has an effect that normally goes continuously, after the 10 minutes have elapsed a character must roleplay reactivating it for the effect to take place again.


The Dominate call represents controlling another being like a puppet. Even when the control is exerted mentally such as with the Compulsion spell Dominate, the Dominated condition only allows for controlling someone physically. You can't alter their mind, only their behavior. The controller can't read the victims mind, force them to think a certain way, or otherwise influence their thoughts.

'Dominate!' is primarily used to control an enemy to fight their friends or to otherwise remove a foe from combat until something else can be done with them. It can also be used outside of combat to force someone to perform a task of some kind.

Great role-players often relish the chance to be Dominated to attack their friends, the fun kind of chaos tends to follow.

The reason it is so important to explain that 'Dominate!' doesn't control someone's mind is that it can't be used to force someone to reveal secret information or to tell the truth. If you 'Dominate!' someone and command them to speak, they will do so. However, they will say whatever they want. The only way you can force them to say something specific is to tell them exactly what to say... and then they will say exactly what you told them to say, word for word. The person who is Dominated can only do what the controller knows to make them do. If you command someone to 'take me to your hidden base', but you don't know where that is, the command won't work. Think of it as if the person influencing the victim is driving that persons body and making decisions for them, they can't decide to do something they don't know how to do.

Dominate Calls

The 'Dominate!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Dominate!' call get the Dominated condition.

When the 'Dominate!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Dominate Undead!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Dominate!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Dominated condition. The 'Poison Dominate!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Dominate!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Dominated condition. The 'Acid Dominate!' call is not a spell.

The Dominated Condition

A character who has been Dominated (referred to as the puppet here) is under the control of the source of the 'Dominate!' (referred to as the controller here) for 10 minutes. In the unusual event that someone is Dominated and there is no obvious source for it, the controller is whoever the first person the puppet sees. Some traps will cause the Dominated condition. In this case there is no controller, simply a single command that the trap will describe.

If two different people both affect the same puppet with the Dominated condition at the same time, the first one applied is left dormant and the last one applied has effect. In the unusual, but possible, situation that the first Dominated condition has had it's duration extended to longer than 10 minutes, it will take effect again after the second Dominated condition wears off.

When a character first becomes Dominated they should continue doing what they were doing until given a first order. A character who is Dominated can always hear anything the controller says, even if the controller is a Spirit which they could not normally communicate with. Commands can be issued in any language and they will be understood regardless of what languages the puppet understands.

The controller can always give five basic orders to a puppet. Those commands are 'Attack', 'Defend', 'Move', 'Stop', and 'Loot Yourself'. Controllers may also issue custom commands, but they may have more difficulty doing so.

  • Attack: The attack order allows the controller to declare a target and compels the puppet to attack at once. A puppet will attack the target without question or concern for its own preservation and will use every available ability to carry out the attack. It is possible to word the attack order in a fashion that will compel the puppet to attack multiple targets. For example the controller could order the puppet to 'Attack all humans!'.
  • Defend: A defend order allows the controller to declare a target, such as a person, place, or thing, and compels the controlled creature to defend it. In this case the puppet will attack anything that comes near the charge, and the puppet may never move more than five feet from the object it was ordered to defend. Like an attack order, it is possible to word a defend order in a fashion that will compel the puppet to defend multiple targets or a large area. For example, the controller could order the puppet to, 'Defend all living things in the town!'.
  • Move: A move order simply compels the puppet to move to a location or in a direction of the controller's choice for the duration of the effect. The puppet will move at any speed the controller specifies as long as it is physically able to and will only walk/run/float/swim/etc when under orders to move. The controller can order the puppet to follow them or walk in front of them. A puppet will not perform even the simplest of actions such as the opening of a door or dropping of weapons, but will move into a situation that might cause it harm or injury, such as ordering a puppet to walk into an open pit.
  • Stop: The stop order compels the puppet to halt a particular action, as expressed by the controller. Some examples include: 'Stop talking!', 'Stop moving!', 'Stop killing my friends!', and so on.
  • Loot Yourself: The puppet should place any lootable valuable or magic items not contained in an invisible item (such as a blue bag) into a convenient pile on the ground. Items in an invisible item aren't accessible to the controller so they are not taken out.
  • Custom Orders: Other orders can be given but they must be simple tasks. The puppet can only follow the most basic orders successfully. Anything too complex will generally lead to chaos as they take the order exceedingly literally, and attempts to clarify will only create more confusion because long commands are just as problematic.
    • When orders other than the five basic orders are issued, the person being commanded should exercise reasonable judgement on how to comply.
    • If the spontaneous order is something the player is uncomfortable doing they are not required to carry out that command. This should not be seen as an excuse to avoid doing something you don't want to do in-character, but rather is specifically related to doing things you don't want to do out-of-character. Take the Dead condition when this happens.
    • Tell the Truth:Is too complex of a command for a puppet. The puppet will tell the truth... about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING, colored by what the controller already knows if possible. 'Tell the truth about Inquisitor Reynolds' won't work either, you'll get responses about what kind of clothing they wear, how tall they are, and other useless facts.

Living creatures who are Dominated are allowed to deal themselves an unpreventable killing blow at any time to represent their final act of defiance to their controller, or to avoid taking an action they cannot morally accept, such as murdering someone. This gives the puppet the Dead Condition. NPCs should generally avoid doing this except under unusual circumstances, a player character has almost certainly spent considerable power to use 'Dominate!', let them do something with it. Player characters who have been Dominated can use their own discretion, but generally it's a lot more fun to go with it.

A Dominated character doesn't know or behave in-character that they are being controlled and must role-play to the best of their ability following orders as if the order were their own idea. After the Dominated condition ends the character is aware of their actions and that they were Dominated.


The 'Enfeeble!' call represents stripping a foe of power, breaking their connection to the leylines temporarily, mostly preventing them from casting spells or performing rituals.

There are two primary differences between 'Enfeeble!' and 'Silence!'. 'Enfeeble!' lasts longer and it is harder to prevent because of the school it is in. This makes 'Enfeeble!' a good choice for tougher opponents who pose a magical threat.

Enfeeble Calls

The 'Enfeeble!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Enfeeble!' call get the Enfeebled condition.

The 'Poison Enfeeble!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Enfeebled condition. The 'Poison Enfeeble!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Enfeeble!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Enfeebled condition. The 'Acid Enfeeble!' call is not a spell.

The Enfeebled Condition

A character who is Enfeebled can't cast any spells or perform any rituals that require an incantation for 10 minutes. If they have the ability to do so, they are still able to cast spells or rituals that require no incantation to perform (typically thanks to a magic item).


The 'Grounding!' call represents metaphysically anchoring a character so that spells can't transform them. It prevents voluntary transformation such as from being Dissipated and involuntary transformation such as from being Banished.

There's nothing that feels quite as frustrating as finally cornering the bad guy and watching them escape before your eyes. 'Grounding!' is the solution to that dilemma. Bandits using Dissipate for hit and run tactics? If you can get them Grounded, they'll have to try to get away the old fashioned way. Worried about a Wraith trying to steal your spark, or about being Banished? 'Grounding!' can handle that too.

Grounding Calls

The 'Grounding!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Grounding!' call get the Grounded condition.

The 'Poison Grounding!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Grounded condition. The 'Poison Grounding!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Grounding!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Grounded condition. The 'Acid Grounding!' call is not a spell.

The Grounded Condition

A Grounded character is unable to utilize extra-planar movement effects or magical disguises for 10 minutes.

They cannot gain the Banished, Dissipated, Ley Transit, or Sparkless conditions. Preventing the Sparkless condition means calling 'No Effect!' to the Reap Spirit spell.

If you presently have the Banished, Dissipated, or the Ghastly Visage conditions they are dispelled immediately and unpreventably.

Memory Loss

The 'Memory Loss!' call represents psychically tampering with someones mind as a spell effect, and a drug or other chemical preventing accurate short term memories forming as an alchemical effect. 'Memory Loss!' strips someone of all memories for the last 10 minutes prior to being affected by it. The individual will then rationalize how they got to their current circumstances, they are generally unaware anything unusual occurred, though if something unusual is still occurring they might react to that.

The call is used to prevent others from remembering something they have seen. It is sometimes also used on oneself to forget incriminating information, ensuring that a the person can pass a truth serum.

Memory Loss Calls

The 'Memory Loss!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Memory Loss!' call get the Lost Memories condition.

When the 'Memory Loss!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Memory Loss Undead!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Memory Loss!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Lost Memories condition. The 'Poison Memory Loss!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Memory Loss!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Lost Memories condition. The 'Acid Memory Loss!' call is not a spell.

The Lost Memories Condition

When a character gains the Lost Memories condition they immediately lose all memory of the last 10 minutes. They will do everything they can to rationalize what happened in that time period to bring them from the point they do remember to the present. The key element is that they will not notice the missing time unless it is forcefully brought to their attention. If they are forced to become aware of the missing time, no amount of logic or reasoning will cause them to remember the missing time. They can only be made aware that a perido fo time is missing. This can be likened to being black out drunk.

If this condition is revealed with a Diagnosis effect, it may then (and only then) be removed with either an application of the Memory Loss spell or an appropriate 'Dispel!' call.

A character can be affected by this condition any number of times. When a character is under multiple Lost Memory conditions, they can all be Diagnosed at once, but each instance of the condition must be removed separately. When removing just one condition when multiple are present a character should state which one chronologically is being removed, (for example: 'the first one', or 'the one that took place at 2pm').

This condition does not wear off at the end of an event. Should the condition last until the end of 2 events the lost memories are permanently lost (and then this condition ends).

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures

This character's memories have been altered so they have forgotten 10 minutes of time. Permanent after the next event. The Memory Loss spell The Memory Loss or Dispel Magic spells

The Destroyed Memories Condition

The Destroyed Memories condition is a more intense version of the Lost Memories condition. When first gained the character loses access to the last 10 minutes of memories, this functions exactly like Lost Memories condition.

If this condition is revealed with a Diagnosis effect, it may then (and only then) be removed with one of the following rare loot rituals: Memory Void or Cleansing. No other effects can remove this condition. Should the condition not be removed by the end of the event, the affected memories are permanently gone.

A character can be affected by this condition any number of times. When a character is under multiple Lost Memory conditions, they can all be Diagnosed at once, but each instance of the condition must be removed separately. When removing just one condition when multiple are present a character should state which one chronologically is being removed, (for example: 'the first one', or 'the one that took place at 2pm').

Condition Name

Effect Duration Common Sources Common Cures

This character's memories have been severely altered so they have forgotten 10 minutes of time. This is considerably harder to cure than the Lost Memories condition Event then Permanent. The Mindwipe Trap, The Memory Void ritual The Memory Void or Cleansing Rituals.


The 'Pin!' call represents exerting mental influence to keep someone from moving when it comes from a spell. With alchemicals it represents sticky chemicals that make movement difficult.

The 'Pin!' call is very effective for removing an opponent from a fight. It forces their allies to stay near that person if they want to protect them and keep them relevant to the fight. Meanwhile the Pinned individual will have a very hard time defending themselves.

Pin Calls

The 'Pin!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Pin!' call get the Pinned condition.

When the 'Pin!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Pin Undead!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Pin!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Pinned condition. The 'Poison Pin!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Pin!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Pinned condition. The 'Acid Pin!' call is not a spell.

The Pinned Condition

A character who has the Pinned condition must keep their feet planted firmly where they were when the condition began for 10 minutes. If that character was on their knees or sitting at the time the 'Pin!' hit them, they should remain in that position. Should the character take a Leg Wound while Pinned it is ok for them to go to their knees and stay there for the remainder of the Pinned duration.


When 'Silence!' comes from a spell it represents a form of light mind control or influence that prohibts the victim from speaking. As an alchemical it represents cocktails that temporarily disable someones vocal chords.

'Silence!' can be used in social situations to prevent someone from crying out for help, or disrupting a conversation. In combat 'Silence!' can be used to prevent a foe from casting spells by stopping them from speaking incantations.

Silence Calls

The 'Silence!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Silence!' call get the Silenced condition.

When the 'Silence!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Silence Humanoid!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Silence!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Silenced condition. The 'Poison Silence!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Silence!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Silenced condition. The 'Acid Silence!' call is not a spell.

The Silenced Condition

A character with the Silenced condition cannot speak in-game, which stops them from speaking incantations for rituals and spells. The character may still make noise through other means though, such as banging objects together.

The player should still make calls in combat as normal as that is out-of-game information not the character speaking.


Only those empowered by one of the gods can gain access to the 'Smite!' call. The call strips enemies of their defenses and keeps them from escaping.

Smite Calls

The 'Smite!' call never inflicts damage. When 'Smite!' comes from a melee attack it may be blocked, ranged attacks that call for 'Smite! may not be blocked. 'Smite!' is not a spell. Characters hit by the 'Smite!' call are inflicted with the Smote condition.

The Smote Condition

A character with the Smote condition gains the Grounded condition for as long as they have the Smote condition. They also lose any Damage Requirements as well as any Basic (damage-type) Kill Conditions they have.

The Smote condition lasts for 10 minutes.


The 'Terror!' call as a spell represents inflicting psychological horror upon someone so severe they can't even bring themselves to move. When their life is threatened and they finally try to defend themselves even then the fear is so intense they can barely function. When it comes from an alchemical effect the 'Terror!' call represents losing control of your body to crippling poisons or drugs that cause horrific hallucinations in their victims.

Using the 'Terror!' call will almost always result easily defeating an opponent if they have no defenses against it. It is an incredibly potent offensive resource.

Terror Calls

The 'Terror!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Terror!' call get the Terrorized condition.

When the 'Terror!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Terror Humanoid!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Terror!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Terrorized condition. The 'Poison Terror!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Terror!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Terrorized condition. The 'Acid Terror!' call is not a spell.

The Terrorized Condition

For 10 minutes a character with the Terrorized condition cannot move, speak, cast spells, draw weapons, etc., they must simply hold still, as motionless as possible, they are Helpless for as long as the Terrorized condition lasts. The victims only thought is to cower in fear, moving as minimally as possible. While under this effect the victim can also always hear anything the source of the 'Terror!' says even if they are a Spirit which you could not normally communicate with. They cannot understand them if they are speaking a different language though.

Standard out-of-game information calls such as 'No Effect' should still be made as normal when necessary.

If the character is hit by a weapon or a tag bag, the Terrorized condition (and the Helpless condition) ends immediately.

Additonally upon gaining the Terrorized condition the character also immediately gains the Disengaged condition for 1 minute, the Pinned condition for 10 minutes, the Silenced condition for 1 minute, and the Weakened conditions for 10 minutes. Each of these conditions are separate from the Terrorized condition. If the Terrorized condition is ended early that alone doesn't end these other conditions.

All of these conditions last for their normal durations starting the moment the character is hit with 'Terror!'. They would all end at once if something like 'Dispel Magic!' or Smelling Salts is used, both of which will get rid of all Compulsion spell conditions at once. Getting attacked breaks only the Terrorized condition and leaves the Disengaged, Pinned, Silenced, and Weakened conditions.


The 'Weaken!' call represents tricking an opponent into thinking they are weaker than they actually are when it is a spell. As an alchemical attack it is used to represent chemicals that hinder the targets muscles making them less capable of fighting.

'Weaken!' is most beneficial against the most powerful and exotic foes. Against the average opponent the difference between '2!' and '1!' damage isn't tremendous. But, in a situation where your opponent is attacking for very high numbers such a '8!', 'Weaken!' can be used to make their blows much more managable.

Weaken Calls

The 'Weaken!' call never inflicts damage. By itself it always counts as a Compulsion spell and may not be blocked by a shield. Characters hit by an attack with the 'Weaken!' call get the Weakened condition.

When the 'Weaken!' call is paired with a creature type such as 'Weaken Humanoid!' it still counts as a spell, but no longer counts as a Compulsion spell. It still may not be blocked by a shield. The call only impacts creatures of the type listed.

The 'Poison Weaken!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Weakened condition. The 'Poison Weaken!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Weaken!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Weakened condition. The 'Acid Weaken!' call is not a spell.

The Weakened Condition

A character who has the Weakened condition has their Might and Accuracy halved (rounded down, minimum 1). This also reduces their maximum might and accuracy based on what weapons they are wielding.

A character fighting with two weapons or weapon and shield is normally capped at 2 Might. If they have enough Might to deal 4 damage before the cap they still only deal 1 damage while Weakened and fighting in those styles.

Characters using a great weapon can halve their Might in order to add 'Slay' to an attack. They can also halve their Accuracy while using a bow to add 'Pierce!' to an attack. If they are Weakened their Might or Accuracy (respectively) are halved twice (rounding down each time) if they wish to take advantage of these weapon features.


An attack that calls for 'Wound!' will always list which location is getting wounded, such as 'Torso Wound!'. The 'Wound!' call represents attacks that are so savage armor and body don't help protect you at all.

Player characters only have access to this call in the form of trap tags. This is a design choice to keep such a dangerous call from being used in a player versus player situation without a major limitation (needing to get the person to set off the trap).

Wound Calls

The 'Wound!' call never inflicts damage. It may not be blocked and is not a spell. The call will always include a hit location as part of it, such as 'Torso Wound!'. Characters hit by a 'Wound!' call immediately take a Wound condition in the named location. No body or armor is lost when this happens.

Only defenses which specifically stop a 'Wound!' call will stop this call by itself. If another call is added such as 'Poison Torso Wound!' a defense that prevents 'Poison!' will stop the entire attack. Trap tags will list a trap type at the top such as Alchemical, Spell, or Physical. Defenses that prevent alchemical traps can stop a Wound from an Alchemical trap tag, etc. Body and armor do not interact with the 'Wound!' call in any way.

Announcement Calls

These calls give information to anyone nearby. They aren't used to deliver attacks. If they are associated with a condition it is because the condition happens first and the call informs other people the condition is present.


The Ghastly Visage condition creates an illusion that won't fool advanced undead, but can trick the more primitive ones into believing that someone is one of them. The grave magics used are also effective enough to allow a character to enter Unhallowed ground as well. All of this information is shared with other players through the 'Brains!' call.

Brains Calls

The 'Brains!' call never inflicts damage. It is an announcement call that tells others that a character is benefiting from the Ghastly Visage condition.

The Ghastly Visage Condition

A character that has Ghastly Visage condition is affected by an illusion that makes them appear like one of the undead. Most characters can see through this illusion with ease, but primitive undead will think the character is one of them and will not attack so long as they are not provoked. Characters announce that they have this condition with the 'Brains!' call. This condition lasts for 10 minutes.

Also, a character with this condition may always enter Unhallowed fields.


A 'Detect!' call represents creatures with magical sonar or a spell that sweeps the area causing those beings of a certain creature type to glow brightly revealing their presence momentarily to everyone.

Characters with access to the Grim Sight spell can use that spell to 'Detect Life!' and 'Detect Undead!'. This is useful when chasing for a someone in hiding or to reveal (or disprove) an ambush before it happens.

Detect Calls

The 'Detect!' call is an announcement call that never deals damage. It will always be associated with a creature type or subtype, such as 'Detect Undead!'. When you hear the call if you belong to the creature type or subtype listed, you must respond back by stating that type or subtype. Anyone who can hear the call or the responses is aware of where characters are located.

Defenses that stop spells do not stop 'Detect!' calls, only protection specifically against a 'Detect!' call can stop them. When you prevent a 'Detect!' call from affecting you, you do not call 'No Effect!' (this would make such protections not very effective).

A character casts Grim Sight and calls for 'Detect Life!', anyone who hears the call, whereever they may be, should respond with 'Life!' as long as they do not have the Non-Living creature subtype. Everyone who hears these responses even if they were not the caster knows there is a living creature in the direction they hear the 'Life!' response. Those who are trying to hide should move quickly if they do not want to be found.


The 'Dissipate!' call is meant to represent a character turning into one of the elements to escape danger. This could mean joining with a pool of water, merging with the earth, becoming part of the air, or in extreme circumstances becoming part of a raging fire. In any case the transformed person is mostly safe from any harm and can still witness their surroundings.

This is the primary go-to method for people who don't want to participate in combat to avoid doing so. 'Dissipate!' can be used on a case-by-case basis to evade a fight. That isn't its only use though. Used carefully it can be done in the middle of combat to cause enemies to focus on someone else and then when their backs are turned the Dissipated condition can be ended voluntarily to take advantage of an opportunity. 'Dissipate!' can also be used to create ambushes if you know someone will be coming to a certain location in the next 10 minutes.

Dissipate Calls

The 'Dissipate!' call never inflict damage. It is an announcement call that shares with others that a character is benefiting from the Dissipated condition.

The Dissipated Condition

A Dissipated character has become one with the elements and is safe from most harm. Before this condition can begin the character must raise a blue flag above their head. Prior to this happening they are still vulnerable to attack. The flag must be held in an empty hand and can't be tied to anything. The Dissipated condition lasts for 10 minutes from the time the flag is held up. Because this condition always comes from a spell effect, it may be ended voluntarily at any time as long as the character isn't Helpless.

While the blue flag is up the character can't be attacked (with one exception mentioned below). Characters affected by the Dissipated condition are completely aware of their surroundings, but cannot move (except for safety, as described below). Remind other characters that you are Dissipated if need be by saying 'Dissipate' as often as is needed.

While Dissipated you can't move, but other's no longer 'know where you are' (and should role-play accordingly). Other characters should assume that you have vanished completely. Standing around waiting for this condition to end is not acceptable game play.

If a character uses a 'Detect!' call that you would normally respond to, while you are Dissipated you do not answer.

Some rare creatures can see through the Dissipated condition and may attack you while Dissipated. They will generally communicate this by saying 'No Effect!' in response to your call of 'Dissipate!' as they probably stab you repeatedly.

For safety reasons you should never become Dissipated while in front of a group of people who are running, or where you could otherwise be a trip or collision hazard. If you 'Dissipate!' and it becomes such a situation it is ok to step aside (if possible leave a marker, like a tag bag, behind to mark where you were). Return to that location before you drop the Dissipated condition. Likewise if combat is taking place near where you are Dissipated, it is reasonable and very much appropriate to relocate yourself to avoid it and return when the area is safer.


A Sanctified field represents an area empowered by the gods to protect the faithful. While this is mostly associated with the Sept, the Dark Three have no issues with Sanctifying an area. Undead are just as capable of harming followers of the Dark Three as anyone else, so the Dark Three will protect their faithful even from their own agents when needed.

Shrines, holy ground, and a Veil of Warding can all be used to create a Sanctified field. The primary purpose is to keep out undead creatures.

Sanctify Calls

The 'Sanctify!' call never inflicts damage. It is an announcement call used to let players know that an area contains a Sanctified field.

Sanctified Fields

A Sanctified field always occupies a structure. When the structure is a building it should be marked with blue strips at the windows and doors. If the structure is a period tent the doorway is considered the only valid entry point so it is the only place that needs to be marked. With a lean-to blue strips should be placed strategically along the open wall to allow them to be as clearly visible as possible.

While the area is a Sanctified field undead may not enter it. They may cast spells, throw throwing weapons and fire projectiles into the building (arrows should never be fired into buildings with glass windows, regardless of circumstances).

Undead who are immune to spells (typically through Anti-Magic Aura or Ethereal Sealant) may enter a Sanctified field freely. One-time shields do not provide enough protection for any benefits.

The creator of a Sanctified field must be present at the time of creation, but may leave the area once the effect is in place. Any undead in the field at the time it is created must leave as rapidly as possible. Should they be completely unable to do so (such as if the door is Magic Locked and they don't have means to 'Dispel!' it) they gain the Helpless condition as they cower in fear, taking no action. If characters block their exit they will attempt to fight their way out of the field.

Creating an Unhallowed field in the same location as a Sanctified field will cause them to cancel each other out and dispels both.


A Sanctuary field represents a large dome of force that keeps physical objects from entering. They can be created by spells, the power of the gods, or from magic objects.

It's worth noting that this effect is currently the single most misunderstood rule in the entire game. This is for a variety of different reasons. Reading this entry carefully is worthwhile.

Tactically Sanctuary is used for a variety of circumstances. Sanctuary fields at their most basic are great for staying safe and avoiding combat. But, they can also be used offensively as well. Physical attacks can't go into a Sanctuary, but they can go out. This makes a Sanctuary idea for ranged weapons users to safely attack opponents without getting hurt between shots. Spell casters who wish to use a lot of tag bags can also use this for effective fighting.

There are drawbacks too though. Remember that your allies also can't enter your Sanctuary if they aren't already in it when it appears. So if you create one behind them on a trail and they need to withdraw from a fight... they won't be able to.

It is especially important to be aware of who you might be preventing from moving at night. Creating an area that players can't walk through can sometimes lead to people accidentally getting mildly trampled for following the rules. At night it is generally best practice to be sure to create Sanctuaries to the side of a path so everyone can safely pass by.

Sanctuary Calls

The 'Sanctuary!' call never inflicts damage. It is an announcement call used to let players know that an area contains a Sanctuary

Sanctuary Fields

When a Sanctuary field is created the first thing that needs to happen is that it must be given a center point. This is denoted with a tag bag, a blue strip or by the object that created the field (such as a shrine) being at the center of it. Whatever form the center takes it should be on the ground and stationary. A Sanctuary field may not be moved.

A Sanctuary field is a 20 foot diameter bubble (10 foot radius from the object marking the center). Anything inside the bubble when it is created is inside the field, friend or foe. When in doubt assume someone is inside the area.

A common mistake made when casting the Sanctuary spell is to wait so long to cast it that enemies are already inside the area.

If the field is made somewhere that it would not have the space to form completely it will occupy the space that it can. Anyone on the other side of walls who would have no reasonable way of knowing the field is there or where its boundaries are not impacted by the field until they get can be made aware of its existence.

Physical objects may not enter a Sanctuary field. This includes people, ranged weapons, thrown weapons, etc. Spells may enter the field. So throwing unblockable tag bags into a Sanctuary field will work. Characters who are immune to all spells (such as those under the effects of an Anti-Magic Aura or Ethereal Sealant) can also enter the Sanctuary field. When a character does this they should call 'No Effect!' when they enter to make it clear they know the Sanctuary field is present, but they are able to bypass it. Having a one-time shield against spells is not enough to allow entry.

The barrier allows physical objects to leave it. This means that ranged weapons can be used against enemies outside of the field. If a character swings a melee weapon out of the field, it can't come back in. Effectively this means the character must then leave the field if they swing a melee weapon out of it. Characters may also voluntarily leave the Sanctuary field at any time. They may not re-enter.

If the creator of the Sanctuary field leaves the area of the field or gains the Dissipated condition while inside of the Sanctuary field the field is immediately ended. Should the creator die that will not end the field as long as their body remains inside of it.

There's a lot to memorize here, and of all the spells in the game, Sanctuary is the most prone to having strange circumstances surrounding when it is used. So what do you do if you make a mistake? First of all know that you almost certainly won't be the first person to have made any particular mistake, nor will you likely be the last. Try to undo what you've done wrong to the best of your ability. Most of the time mistakes involve not realizing the Sanctuary is there and walking into it. In this situation back out immediately. If you attacked when you shouldn't have, let the defenders know quietly and keep going. Whatever you do, don't keep walking through to the other side.


Unhallowed fields represent horrible locations, toxic ground, and places dedicated to the Dark 3. It should be noted that sometimes followers of the Sept will Unhallow an area to keep out others out for a variety of reasons, it is not inherently evil, but evil areas have a tendency to become Unhallowed.

Player characters might deliberately create Unhallowed ground in order to prevent innocents from going into something dangerous or to have a meeting where only those who know the Ghastly Visage spell can attend.

Unhallow Calls

The 'Unhallow!' call never inflicts damage. It is an announcement call used to let players know an area contains an Unhallowed field

Unhallowed Fields

The Unhallowed field always occupies a structure. When the structure is a building it should be marked with blue strips at the windows and doors. If the structure is a period tent the doorway is considered the only valid entry point so it is the only place that needs to be marked. With a lean-to blue strips should be placed strategically along the open wall to allow them to be as clearly visible as possible.

While the area is a Unhallowed field the living may not enter it. They may cast spells, throw throwing weapons and fire projectiles into the building (arrows should never be fired into buildings with glass windows, regardless of circumstances).

Living individuals under the effects of the spells Abomination, Dreadlord, or Ghastly Visage as well as living characters who are immune to spells (typically through Anti-Magic Aura or Ethereal Sealant) may enter the area freely. One-time shields do not provide enough protection for any benefits.

The creator of an Unhallowed field must be present at the time of creation, but may leave the field once it is in place. Any living creatures in the field at the time it is created must leave as rapidly as possible. Should they be unable to do so (such as if the door is Magic Locked and they don't have the means to 'Dispel!' it) they gain the Helpless condition as they cower in fear, taking no action. If characters block their exit they will attempt to fight their way out of the field.

Creating an Sanctified field in the same location as a Unhallowed field will cause them to cancel each other out and dispels both.


Every time a spell is cast it has an effect on something, generally on a character. Often effects are temporary, but some might be permanent (such as healing someone). Using items such as alchemicals or potions creates effects as well. Anything that deviates from the normal ongoing rules or has lasting impact on the world is an effect.

Postive effects are often referred to as 'buffs' and negative effects are often referred to as 'debuffs'.

Effect Types

Much like calls, effects can have types associated with them. If the effect was created by a spell (or a spell-like item it is a 'spell effect'). Those created by alchemicals are 'alchemical effects'. Most of the time none of this matters. You only need to know what type of effect something has if another effect refers to a category it interacts with. When this happens it should be relatively clear if an effect is or is not part of the relevant category.

For example:The Dispel Magic spell removes all spell effects from a target. Rather than list what is a spell effect, its easier to just know any buff or debuff caused by a spell on a target will be removed when they are affected by 'Dispel Magic!'.

Effect Durations

Each effect has a duration, how long it will last.

Durations always fall into the following categories:

  • Instant: The effect does it's job and then ends immediately.
  • Short (1 Minute): These effects are generally meant to be used in a combat situation. Because 1 minute is difficult to track in a combat situation, we rely on players to use their best judgement and the honor system.
  • Medium (10 Minutes): 10 minutes is long enough an extended fight. These effects are meant to last for the entirety of a typical combat encounter or to be used on the way to one. Players should generally avoid trying to 'get more value out of their buffs' by chasing secondary encounters while a buff from a previous encounter is still functioning. This has a tendency to lead to behavior that is bad for the community/ game. Sometimes though, you finish an encounter and immediately stumble onto another one, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  • Long (Game Day): This effect lasts until convergence. Generally these effects are defensive buffs or major penalties. These effects are used well in advance because you predict you might run into a situation where it will be relevant.
  • Extra-Long (Event): These effects are generally the most powerful, costly, or conditional to use. This duration is very rare and mostly appears on rituals.
  • Continuous: These effects last for as long as you are using a particular item and stop when you take the item off (only to start again when you put it on again). They exclusively come from magic items and tinkering items.

Dispelling Effects

Effects will end when their duration runs out or if another effect removes them. To remove one effect you need a second effect that specifically removes the first effect, or something that removes all effects of a particular type.

Buff spells that have a range other than tag bag can be ended at any time by the person benefiting from it. The caster of a buff spell can also end if they touch the target who must be either willing or Helpless and then declare aloud that the spell is over.

For example: A character has their Might increased by the Strength spell. It will last for 10 minutes (the duration of that spell) or until something dispels it. To dispel the Strength spell something must either state it ends that spell specifically or all spells (such as 'Dispel Magic!'). Because it is a spell with a range of touch, the Strength spell can also be ended voluntarily by the character who has it, or by the caster if they touch the target again.

An instant effect does whatever it does, and ends immediately. Effects with an instant duration can never be dispelled - they have already done what they set out to do. You can however undo the results.

Example: A spell creates tag bags that call for '4 Magic!' damage. There is nothing to be dispelled after the spell is cast, but you can heal the damage caused.

Flag Requirements

If an effect requires a flag it will list it to let you know. Any effect that requires a flag does not take start until the flag is put into place. If you do not place the flag within one minute of causing the effect (such as within one minute of casting a spell), the effect ends immediately. Should the flag fall off the effect will also fall off (end) as well. To help avoid this players are allowed to put multiple flags onto a person or object. Only if all flags fall off does the effect end. If multiple effects that require flags are on a single thing, only one flag is required to be placed.

Stat Caps

Some traits have limits on how much they can be improved. This is for game balance's sake. The rules for each trait explain if there is a cap on it, and if so what that cap is.

A limited number of very powerful abilities and items allow characters to break these caps. Anything that allows a character to do this will say that they can "break cap" explicitly.

The caps are:

Stacking Effects

When two different effects both enhance the same thing, we call the interaction of those two effects 'stacking'. Characters can benefit from multiple bonuses to the same trait as long as they come from differently named effects. A character cannot benefit from two effects with the same name at once.

Example: A character has 1 Might, they normally deals 1 damage with their sword. Someone casts the Strength spell on them (increasing their Might by 1 for 10 minutes), now they deal 2 damage with their sword. A different person gives them a Strength potion which they drink. These effects have the same name, 'Strength', so the character only gets a bonus once. However, if they were to use a Weapon Stone on their sword (which increases Might with that weapon), they would now deal 3 damage with it for as long as the two effects last.

Non-Stacking Effects

Some rules state that they do not stack. For any given trait you can benefit from only one effect that 'does not stack'. If you have a second effect that does stack, it can be used with a single effect that does not stack.

Example: A character casts on themself the spell Stoneskin, which provides 2 Natural armor points that stack. They then cast the ritual of Ironbark which provides additional Natural Armor points (we'll say 4 for this example), but does not stack. That means the character now has 6 natural armor points (one effect that stacks with one effect that does not). If they were to then drink a Natural Armor Elixir (a scarce item that provides 2 points of Natural Armor that does not stack), they would not gain any further Natural Armor points. Both the Natural Armor Elixir and the Ironbark do not stack, so you could only benefit from one of the two. You would use the Ironbark because it provides the better bonus, the Natural Armor Elixir has gone to waste.

Trait Minimums

Many traits have minimums that they cannot be reduced below. If effects would reduce a character to below a minimum, the effects only bring the character to the minimum unless the effect specifically says it can take the trait below its minimum.

Setting a Trait

If an effect sets a trait to a certain number it overrides all other modifiers to that trait for as long as it lasts. When two different effects set a character to two different numbers, the effect that was applied second is the only one that matters.

For example: A character has 2 body. They cast the spell Toughness (which grants 2 additional body points) on themselves bringing their total body up by two to a total of 4. Someone else casts the spell Heroism on them, which sets their body to 10. The character now has 10 body, not 12. If that character gains the Diseased condition (which among other things causes a character to have -1 body), they still have 10 body, because Heroism sets your body to 10. If the character then gets hit with a 'Curse!' call, they gain the Cursed condition (which sets their body to a maximum of 1), they now have 1 body point.


An enchantment is a special kind of effect that can last longer than an event. The source of the enchantment will specify exactly how long it lasts and exactly what it does. Enchantments are a catch all category for special story related effects not covered by any other rule, that affect a character for a long period of time. If a character has an enchantment on them the plot marshal or second (Ryan Green and Donald Tyson) will note it on their character sheet.

Magic and Spells

The word magic can mean several things in Novitas. Spells are magical abilities characters have learned how to bring about. Different characters cast spells in different ways, but certain requirements must always be met to cast them. Rituals are generally mystical pieces of paper with arcane writing on them. Characters can precisely follow the instructions given on a ritual to create a particular effect. Spells can also be imbued into a variety of different items to change how they are cast.

A spell is a practice of magic commonly understood by many characters in the world. Each spell does something specific and the effects are the same no matter who is performing it or how they perform it. All over the world, spells are identical.

There are 7 schools of magic: Aegis, Battle, Compulsion, Enchantment, Nature, Necromancy, and Restoration. The schools have themes to the effects they produce. Each school has 10 spells. Spells all have a level from one to five, and each school has exactly 2 spells at each level.

Characters learn spells like other skills, and then use their own magic power points (which are also learned as a skill) to perform the spell. This is the most common form of magic use.

An item or rule that lets you cast a 'Prismatic Spell', allows you to choose which spell it casts based on the criteria listed (generally any spell of a certain level, sometimes a spell of a particular school).

Casting Requirements

The basics of all spell casting follow one set of guidelines. Some items types will add some additional rules specific to those item types.

For a character to cast a spell they must: know the spell, have enough power points available to cast the spell, and have a free hand. If all of these criteria are met they may proceed to casting the spell.

Spell Knowledge

A character knows a spell if they have spent the skill points to learn it. Alternately a character can have access to a spell through a rod or a tome.

Many magic items also cast spells. A character can cast spells out of any item they are attuned to without needing to know the spell, and the item will provide the necessary power to cast. These items do not teach the spell; if a character wants to cast the spell separately from the item they need to have spent the skill points to have learned it.

Power Points

Cast a spell costs its level in power points to cast. Power points are a skill characters can learn, and some items can provide extra power points as well.

Characters can never spend more than 20 magic power points in a single game day. Attempting to do so causes the character to gain an unpreventable Torso Wound condition as the magical energies tear the character apart. This will also cause the spell casting to fail. Abilities that grant characters power points that break cap do not count against this limit.

Some abilities and rules allow characters to pay fewer power points to cast a spell. This cannot bring the spell's cost to 0 power points unless the source explicitly says that it does. Abilities that reduce power point costs do not stack unless they explicitly say they do.

Free Hands

A character must have a free hand to cast a spell. Hands are considered free if there is nothing held in that hand and the attached arm has free unrestricted movement. You must be able to fully raise your hand and can't hold anything between your arm and your body. Worn gear never hinders casting by itself (such as armor and passive bucklers).

When using an item to cast a spell if that item is not worn on your body you must have it in hand, in which case it does not count against your hand being 'free'.

If the target of the spell being cast is an object the caster has in hand, that does not count against your hand being 'free'.

Characters with two Arm Wound conditions cannot cast spells.

Casting Spells (Incantations)

If you've met the requirements, you are now ready to cast the spell. To cast a spell you must speak an incantation. Spells have no fixed incantations. Each character is free to come up with their own schema for how they want to represent the magic they can perform. Incants do not need to be spoken word. They can be sung, chanted, or role-played in other ways.

There are still some requirements for a proper incantation. Incantations must be spoken loudly and clearly enough that players standing 10 feet away will know that a spell has been cast. An incantation also requires a minimum of 8 words, which must include the name of the spell being performed. You may not bluff one spell and then cast a different one (such as by putting multiple spell names into the incantation). The incantation must clearly convey EXACTLY what you are casting. You may not make the incantation gibberish, or attempt to work it into a conversation. It must be both clear that you are casting and what you are casting.

Interrupting Incantations (Failing to Cast)

If an incantation is partially finished and the player performing it gets hit by any attack (even if that hit is fully prevented) the spell is interrupted. The assumption here is that even if you are immune to a fire, it is still disruptive to be engulfed in flames. Pausing in the middle of an incantation for more than a moment will also cause the incantation to be interrupted.

When this happens, nothing is lost (such as power points or item charges), but the incantation must be restarted from the beginning.

Written Incantations

Whenever working with a magic item that includes a written incantation, it must be performed exactly as written. Even if the incantation is something that can be memorized you must still roleplay reading the text from the paper using enough light to be able to read the document.

If a ritual or tome is not written in Common you must also be able to speak the language to use it. Scrolls only require the read magic skill to use them, they are never written in alternate languages.

'No Incant' or 'At Will' Abilities

Some abilities say they are 'at will' or require 'no incant'. These terms mean the same thing. In either case an incantation is not needed to cast the spell. All other criteria of spell casting must still be met.

When you cast a no incant spell you must still announce the spell as you perform it so others know what is happening. Call out the spells name aloud as if it were a standard call.

'Throw a tag bag for <Call>'

When an ability says to throw a tag bag for a particular call it doesn't need to be cast (even if the call normally comes from a spell), you simply take a tag bag and throw it while making that call.

Spell Results

Having successfully performed the incantation the spell resolves, having its effect on the world. You spend the power points required to cast the spell at this time (or destroy the consumable used, expend charges from an item, etc).

Spells follow the normal rules for effects regarding if they stack or not. They also use the same definitions of traits like duration and flag requirements.

Each spell has a range you can use it at. This tells you how the spell (or spell producing item) is directed to its target. You are not required to be able to see your intended target to cast a spell.

A spell's target is who or what the spell is cast upon. For example: You can't cast Magic Lock to magically lock a person, only objects that can be opened and closed.

A spell can be identified as a 'buff' spell if it has a range of touch or self AND does not require the target to be Helpless.

Whenever one character casts a buff spell on another character the second character may always voluntarily choose to reject that spell's effect. When they do this they should announce 'No Effect!'. Any power points or consumables used to cast the spell are still consumed.

Remember especially with new players you may need to explain what a spell does, be patient. For offensive spells the explanation is generally taken care of by the calls used. However you may still need to break character for a moment to explain more complicated effects.

Types of Items

Mundane Items

Not every item needs to have abilities associated with it. Some are exactly what they say they are. A mundane item is any item that can be brought into play without needing to be crafted or produced. We still give some mundane items rules. This could be because they are important to gameplay (such as weapons and armor). It could be because we have guidelines on what an acceptable prop looks like (such as lanterns). Some items have entries because they are important to the setting (such as bells). Safety reasons are another reason some objects have entries (such as torches). A few items have entries because of how they interact with our other rules (such as containers).

Mundane objects can be brought into game at any time by anyone with no skills or special rules required as long as they follow the guidelines listed for that type of object.

Some items seem like they should be mundane are not, this includes things like locks and light tubes (flash lights) which are made using tinkering, and things like coins. Always be sure to check the mundane items list to see if the thing you want to bring in already exists as an item with rules to it.

Valuable Items

Valuable items are those things which have a value in currency. Anyone with the estimate value skill is capable of appraising the worth of any valuable item, which are marked with a number starting with a 'V'.

There are no regulations on value when trading between players, they can trade for whatever value they think is fair, the value listed for an item is how much merchants can trade that item in to get coins between games.

Valuable items can be created by any player using pre-production, with no skills required. Simply tell logistics what prop you have that you want to be valuable, and turn in the same amount of coin. This can only be done with items that are not already numbered. They will create a new item number for your prop and it will be worth that amount.

While anyone can create valuable items, only Merchants can convert them back into coin. Coin can be kept out of play this way, which can be more managable. Characters might also use this rule simply to show off their wealth by wearing extremely valuable items in public.

Unlisted Items

Not every item deserves its own write up in the rules. Our players are creative people who can (and have) come up with a wild number of things they feel would be useful at game. If an item is not written up in these rules, is appropriate to the atmosphere (as well as the setting) of the game, and perhaps most importantly it is safe to bring; you can bring it with you into the game at any time.

Some items may meet some of these requirements, but not all, or may be questionable on one of these requirements. Be sure to talk to staff and they can help let you know if something is appropriate. When an item creates rules issues we'll create a new entry in the rules to deal with those issues at that time.

Tinkering Items

Tinkering items are neither magical nor mundane. These are as close as our game gets to 'science' equipment. All tinkering items are useful tools often represented by actual working tools. Mechanically they either do exactly what they are (Locks, Light Tubes), they have magic-item-like effects that the game doesn't consider magical (Shackles of Grounding) or they are tools used for magic that are not magical themselves (Ritual Candles and Quills).

A few tinkering items function exactly like magic items except they are created with tinkering and are completely standardized (Magic lock Picks). See the rules for magic objects for more on how these items work.

All tinkering items are numbered items that must be created using the crafting system to bring them into play.

Encampment Items

An encampment item is a subtype of tinkering item that is completely stationary. They must be kept at a party's encampment in order to be used and are never lootable. Each party can have at most one of each encampment item shared between them unless the item explicitly says otherwise.

Many encampment items have a fixed number of uses per event, all members of the party share those uses between them. Like many magic items, once the item has been used up for the event the item must wait until the next event to be used again. Parties are expected to have a means that works for them to determine how many uses remain for these items.

An encampment item that states that "party members" get some benefit can only be used by members of the party who own the encampment item. If the encampment item has a blanket effect (such as a Grounding Stone, then it applies to anyone who visits the encampment. For other items that don't specify party members and aren't blanket effects, any member of the party who owns the item may allow any other character to use that item. Parties are allowed to designate temporary extra members for an event up to a total of 6 people (counting existing permanent party members). A player character may only be part of one party at a time and can't change party mid-event.

When individuals who are not in parties make encampment items that are used by a party they may create a temporary party for the event and share the encampment item with up to 5 other individuals who do not have a party or encampment of their own. Those individuals can't use another encampment for the duration of the event they do this.

Consumable Items

A consumable item is any item with a limited number of uses. Most consumables can only be used once. Wands are an exception to this, they have a fixed amount of power points available to them when created and when those power points are consumed the item is consumed.

Paper Consumables

Most consumables are represented by a slip of paper with an official logistics stamp on it. These papers are then the finished product (in the case of scrolls and trap tags) or placed inside other objects (like alchemicals and potions). There are standard potion vials the game uses for alchemicals and potions, which are available at cost at the logistics desk. Players are welcome to use their own as well so long as the container is safe, and should not be made of glass. We use plastic bottles for safety reasons making them an exception to the period materials guideline.

Only one slip should go inside any given container.

Paper consumables are generally not numbered. They are lootable however. Treat any in-game document with a logistics stamp and no number as lootable.

Outdated Consumables

Rules are updated on a yearly basis. Sometimes particularly complicated situations arise that require updates immediately. Over time, printed consumables can become grossly out-of-date with very wrong information on them. Players are allowed to update them, turning old copies in to logistics to get up-to-date copies instead. This is purely optional, but helps to allow you to read what the consumable does ACCURATELY while in play. Players should consider doing this because they might not be the person who ultimately uses the consumable.

Paper consumables will have a date printed on them. If the item (or the spell the item is based on for potions and scrolls) have been updated the page in this wiki will list the date it was last changed. This is an impractical way of checking large numbers of items however, and is mostly useful if you think something is off. A method of checking more items rapidly is being worked on and will hopefully be available by mid 2024.

Using Consumables

When you use a consumable you should roleplay using that item. For potions this means role-playing drinking it, or feeding it to someone else. Lids do not need to be removed from containers, you are allowed to mime the action. Alchemicals depend on what type of alchemical it is. After doing this the effect begins immediately. At your earliest convenience destroy the paper (rip it in half) after removing it from the container (if any). This does not have to be done right away, and often combat makes doing it immediately impossible.

Containers that belong to you should be kept for future use, if the container came from the game (such as from loot) return it to logistics to be reused. Odds are you won't remember which is which, so follow a ratio that makes sense to you. If half your consumables were probably loot, give about half the containers you use back to logistics.

Scarce Items

Some consumables are labeled as being scarce. These items cannot be produced at all. They also can't be copied, reproduced, or used in any way without being consumed. Only items that explicitly interact with scarce items may break this restriction. Scarce items are intended to only ever be available as loot.

The purpose of a scarce items is to ensure there is always the potential for something unusual and hard to find to be available from encounters.

Plants - Found Consumables

Some consumable plants can be found in play. There are currently no methods for player characters to create these plants. Consumable plants are sometimes placed around the campsite to be discovered by a player lucky or skilled enough to notice them. The plant will have an item number that explains what it does. Characters with identify magic or herbalism can look up what the plant does.

If a gamemaster has you put out a plant to be found, be sure to remember where you put it. At the end of the shift you'll need to go verify that someone found it. If no one found it, pick it up and bring it back in to logs, we do not wish to leave props behind to get lost and our hosts don't want us leaving behind things that won't biodegrade on their site. These items should only go out for one shift at a time (so there's never a situation where the person who put a plant out has to avoid finding it).

Magic Items

A magic object or item is any item with magical properties. There are no automatic rules for what a magic item could do, some very unique ones are in circulation, as are a variety of more standardized ones.

All magic items will have a number on them and should be represented with a prop that is better than average looking for whatever it is.

In order to use the special abilities of the item a character must first either identify the item themselves using the identify magic skill or they must have someone else do that for them. Weapons which have not been identified still call for their damage types because those damage types should be readily identifiable to everyone just by looking at the weapon.

Anyone who looks at a magic item should be able to immediately tell the item is magical. Characters can simply ask one another 'Is that glowing?' in reference to an item, and the other player should say 'yes' if the object is magical. Sometimes magic items are given a blue glow using an electric light or glow stick of some kind to make it very clear the item is magical. This is done to avoid a situation where one character figures out something is magical, and they are able to slip away with it while others don't ever realize the object had value - when it should be obvious.

There are a wide range of effects magic items can have. These are some of the more regular terms/ abilities you will encounter with them. There are a wide range of effects magic items can have. These are some of the more regular terms/ abilities you will encounter with them.

Casting Spells with Magic Items

To use a spell provided by an item the character must perform all the normal steps of spell casting, except that the item provides any needed power points instead of the character.

Uses Per Event

Many magic items have a fixed number of uses (aka charges) per event. Often this will be a spell that can be cast a certain number of times per event. A character can use these charges at any time they deem appropriate. Once all the charges are used that ability can no longer be used for the remainder of the event. At the start of the next event the player attends the uses will all be refreshed, ready to be used again.

Permanent Effects

Some effects are always active. These affect the character as long as the item in question is being used as intended. For most items this means as long as the item is being worn. These effects only require an incantation to use if they explicitly say they do.

Invisible Items

Some items are in-game, but are only visible to their owners. These items should be made of blue material and accented with orange, or marked with an orange flag. Only a people attuned to such items can interact with them in any way.

One common example of this is a blue bag. These pouches are used by characters to hold valuable goods to prevent them from being robbed. Often gamemasters will give these to NPC's when carrying goods too valuable to let PC's acquire by simply robbery. Players can also potentially acquire blue bags through the annual fundraising events.

Some encampment items are also invisible in this fashion. If you see orange on an encampment item, you should not open it.

Crafted and Epic Items

A crafted or craftable item is any item a player character can create themselves through the crafting rules.

Characters with the Weaponsmithing or Ornamenting skills can craft custom magic items between events using crafting points and the preproduction system. This creates numbered items characters can keep for as long as they hold onto them.

Tinkering can also be used to craft tinkering items.

An epic item is any magic item that cannot be crafted using the normal crafting rules. This could be because it has more crafting points spent on it than an item for that item slot could have, because the item has abilities that can only be assigned to an epic item, or because the item does something unique that doesn't follow the crafting rules.

Epic items are generally loot from major stories or large events.

Item Special Properties

Some items have special properties that recur often enough they are worth discussing here. These properties could appear on items of any type.

Bound Items

Rarely items are labelled as 'bound to creator' or 'bound to <character name>'. These items are only ever usable by the person or persons who the item is bound to. Mostly this will occur for items designed for non-player characters use. With these items there is a reason we don't want player characters to ever be able to use the item (such as certain narrative rituals).

Some player character accessible items will also be bound. This occurs for exceptionally powerful, hard to assemble loot rituals player characters can acquire. Only those responsible for assembling the rituals are allowed to use them. This is to make it so that other characters must also go to the effort of assembling these rituals themselves if they wish to also perform them.

Feb Feast Items

Every year the game holds several fundraisers to support it. People who make donations are given special items known as 'Feb Feast' items. These items have a variety of special, often unique abilities. It is not unusual for these items to playtest new mechanics that rules wants to put into the game on a trial basis.

The Feb Feast item type is applied to most items acquired during fundraising events regardless of if the event happens in February or not. It's just the name that has stuck.

All Feb Feast items have certain specific traits.

Feb Feast items purchased before 2023 have these properties as well:

Feb Feast items purchased during or after 2023 have these rules:

  • This item may never be loaned to another player's character, or looted.

Because snow makes for a very different game experience, for many years a tradition of hosting a single winter event in February came about. Rather than try to run multiple winter events where everyone was cold and wet, a focus was placed on one single over the top event where everyone came together in the middle of the winter break and a large feast was held. To raise funds to make up for lower attendance, and to help fund additional props and costuming, items were auctioned off and a tradition was born. Feb Feast still happens nearly every year, but it isn't always in February.

Cannot Gain the Feb Feast Trait

There is only one way an item could gain the Feb Feast trait. A regularly appearing auction or raffle item at Feb Feasts, is known as the 'Scroll of Feb Feast' which grants one item owned by a player the Feb Feast trait permanently.

Items earned from Capstone plots and some other specific items may say they 'Cannot gain the Feb Feast trait'. These items were designed for specific characters as rewards for special plots (such as Capstones) and are not intended for use by other characters.

Retired and Legacy Items

Some standardized items such as consumables and tinkering items may get retired or they can become legacy items. A retired item is no longer allowed in play. This could be a scroll or potion for a spell that no longer exists, or a tinkering item that was in some way problematic. When an item is retired a plan will always be created by logistics staff for what to do with those items. A replacement of some kind will be issued for it (or a cost refund in some cases). If you discover you have a retired item turn it in at the logistics desk. Even if you own the prop, you can take it in to have the number removed and get issued whatever replacement is due.

Legacy items can no longer be created through crafting or production. These items still exist in game to be used and do not need to be replaced. They can now be treated like an epic item. Most legacy items weren't popular or don't aren't as useful as they once were. Sometimes they are a little too powerful, but not so much that they needed to be removed from the game.

Item Slots

Characters have a limited capacity to carry different magic items. We call this capacity item slots. Each magic item has a slot associated with it. When a character chooses to use that magic item it takes up the corresponding slot for them for the event. A character can choose to use different items at future events, but once a slot has been used for an event, that is the only thing that can be in that slot until the end of that event.

Characters have one slot for their: Feet, Head, Neck, a Rod (or Tome), Torso, and Waist.

Some locations have more than one slot. One magic item that goes into that slot can be put in each slot of that name. For example, all characters have 2 ring slots, so they may equip one ring in the first slot, and a different ring in the second slot. There are two Accessory, Arm, Back, Ring and Wand slots.

Finally the weapon and the shield/buckler slots each have no limits. A character can equip as many weapons and/or shields as they wish to.

Objects that a character has assigned to a slot are known as 'attuned'. Once an item has been attuned it cannot be used by other characters for the remainder of the event. In order to use an epic item it must be attuned at the start of an event, unless the character acquires it during play. Any craftable item does not need to be attuned until a character decides they wish to use it. Only items that require slots (or are slotless) ever become attuned.

Some items are listed as having a 'variable slot'. These items can be assigned to ANY slot of the player's choosing, but they do take up a slot still.

Items that are labeled as slotless do not occupy any slot, but still require being attuned to use them.

Table of Slots

These are the slots available to each character and sample props that might be made into magic items to occupy those slots.

Any prop that would typically be worn as part of a pair should be worn that way (the two props together count as one single magic item occupying one slot). With these items both must be worn to get any benefits.

Item Name

Slot Used Slots Available Skill Required Maximum Craft Points Description Excluded Items


Accessory 2 Ornamenting 1 8 Backpack, quiver, sheath, belt pouch, haversack, frog, scabbard, earring, bandoleer, spurs, straps, glasses, goggles, anything that doesn't fit another slot. Anything that obviously fits another slot.


Arms 2 Ornamenting 4 20 Bracers, rerebraces, cuffs, ornate bracelets, manacles, gloves, gauntlets. arm cuffs, arm warmers, half gauntlets, simple bracelets


Back 2 Ornamenting 3 16 Cloak, Capes, Spaulders, Mantles, Pauldrons, elaborate shawls Besegews, epaulettes, parrots


Off-Hand 1 Ornamenting 3 16 A buckler. Characters have no limit on how many bucklers they may attune to, but they can only use one at a time. Shields


Feet 1 Ornamenting 5 24 Boots, sandals, sabatons Ankle straps, spurs, toe rings, socks.


Head 1 Ornamenting 4 20 Headwear such as helmets, hats, crowns, elaborate headbands, tiaras, coifs, hoods and approved masks. Scarves, bandanas, hair accessories, facial jewelry, earrings.


Legs 1 Ornamenting 4 20 Greaves, pants, full leg armor, non-armor skirt. Loincloths worn clearly beneath the waist. Leg warmers, ankle or boot wraps, garters


Neck 1 Ornamenting 2 12 Ornate or elaborate necklaces, chokers, gorgets, chains of office, torcs collars, bevors or stoles. Simple necklaces or chains


Ring 2 Ornamenting 1 12 A ring worn on the hand. Things that aren't rings


Rod/ Tome 1 Ornamenting 2 16 A rod. Things that are not rods.


Off-Hand 1 Master Ornamenting 24 A shield. Characters have no limit on how many shields they may attune to, but they can only use one at a time. Bucklers


Rod/Tome 1 Scholar 3 120 A tome. Books, items that aren't the item type 'Tome'.


Torso 1 Ornamenting 5 24 Shirt, breastplate, vest, surcoat, well constructed tabard, jacket, coat, tunic, bodice, chemise, dress, robe, chain hauberk Bandoleer, nipple piercings


Waist 1 Ornamenting 3 16 Belt, sash, chain skirt, war belt, cingulum militaire, waist, cincher, elaborate chain belt Simple waist chain, belly button piercing


Wand 2 Ornamenting 2 12 A wand. Things that are not wands.


Main or Off-hand 1/1 Weaponsmithing* 24 Any weapon. Characters have no limit to how many weapons they can attune to, but can only use one weapon at a time in each hand (and can only use a weapon in both hands if they have the right skills). Things that are not weapons

Crafting Items

Crafting rules can get confusing; new players can safely skip them until they are interested and ready to start crafting items of their own. The only thing on this page they may want to know about prior to that is the information on using runes.

Are you here to fill out your preproduction form and just need a quick cheat sheet? Here it is:
The cost formula for ornamenting and tinkering is 1 craft point = 5 coin. For how many craft points you can fit into each item slot, see this table.
For weaponsmithing, your cost formula is 1 craft point = 10 coin. All weapons can fit 24 craft points in them.
For producing consumables, see this page.

Craft Points

Characters can gain access to crafting points through a variety of skills and items. They can then spend these using the pre-production system and coin to produce permanent magic items (and wands). Craft points are only truly useful in multiples of four. There are no mechanics in the game that take advantage of any other quantity of craft points. To spend a craft point a character will also spend 10 coin per craft point when using weaponsmithing, and 5 coin per craft point for anything else (ornamenting, tinkering, and making tomes).

Tinkering items all state how many craft points are required to make them. All other items are custom designed with a cap on how many craft points can be used based on the item type or slot occupied. Nothing allows player characters to break these caps.

Improving Items

Crafted items don't need to be completed in just one event. A character can put some craft points towards an item and come back to add more at a future event. To do this the character must determine what type of item is being created (what slot will be occupied, the weapon type, or what exact tinkering item is being made) and put that in their preproduction information the first event they start work on it. This detail can never be changed. If the item is a weapon they must also select any special materials being used in construction the first time they put points into it (even if they can't afford to pay for the material's craft point cost in full), this also may not be changed. Having done this, each event the player attends while playing the character who possesses the item they may pay additional craft points to improve the item, up to the limit allowed for that item's slot.

A character can even improve an item they did not craft as long as it follows these guidelines. The character must have the necessary skills to put any specific feature into an item. Characters who collectively have the right skills for a feature, but individually do not, cannot work together to add that feature.

Zero point craft features may not be added to items after the event they are first created/ started.

Craft Point Uses


Characters with the Ornamenting skill can spend craft points to create a wide variety of magic items. How well trained the character is in the ornamenting skill determines exactly what slots they can make items for. Each slot has a limit on how many craft points may be spent on items worn there.


Characters with the weaponsmithing skill can spend craft points to create special weapons. These weapons can be crafted of special materials or can have other unusual features. The specific weapon types that can be created are based on how well trained the character is in weaponsmithing. All weapons can have up to 24 craft points used to create them.

A weapon does not need to be made of a special material. Those weapons with no special materials or abilities of any kind may be brought into play at any time after receiving a safety inspection from player outreach & education staff. These weapons are said to be mundane, and they call for only Might or Accuracy as appropriate based on what kind of weapon they are.

Other weapons are made from a variety of special materials. This is typically to defeat creatures with damage requirements. Any weapon made of a special material must always use the appropriate call for that material when attacking with it, even if you have not or cannot identify it. If you recognize the paint job as a particular special material, use the corresponding call.

Weapons made of special materials are very commonly used for ease of access to different damage types. Elven Steel weapons are particularly popular for dealing with undead at night. Because Silver and Elven Steel weapons do not work with many blade alchemicals, Goblin Iron and Thermium dual material weapons are also very popular for condensing how many weapons are being carried at once. Items made of pure Goblin Iron, pure Silver, or pure Thermium get benefits with different blade alchemicals.

Tinkering Items

Characters with the tinkering skill can create devices and encampment items using craft points. Each item will specify how many craft points and what level of tinkering skill is required to create it.

Tinkering Alterations

Another thing characters with the tinkering skill are capable of doing is altering the prop for an item. They do this using preproduction just like crafting a new item. Alteration allows the character to move the rules/ abilities for an item off of one prop and onto another, or to swap the rules/ abilities of two props with each other. Doing this requires both props use the same item slot and if one of the props has any unusual properties that were a factor in its function/ design, these properties must be present in the new item. If in doubt about if an item has any unusual properties speak to the 1st marshals.

Example: A character has very large bulky bracers they got as loot for an encounter. These bracers are really useful, but uncomfortable to wear. The player wishes to have the bracers tinkered to new easier to wear bracers. However, the bulky nature of the bracers was a factor when rules staff designed what abilities the bracers have. They intentionally made the bracers better than they would have otherwise been to make up for the fact that they were going to be very uncomfortable. These bracers may not be altered with tinkering unless the new bracers are also similarly uncomfortable.

Not every pair of uncomfortable bracers will be this way, so it is worth checking with the 1st marshals if this is an option on a case-by-case basis.

The cost in craft points and coin to alter an item is based on the maximum craft points that can be allocated when normally crafting an item in the slot the item occupies. To alter an item you pay that same number of craft points.

Slot Craft Points Coin Cost Tinkering Skill Needed
8 80 (Weapon) or 40 (Other) Tinkering Training
12 120 (Weapon) or 60 (Other) Tinkering Proficiency
16 160 (Weapon) or 80 (Other) Tinkering Expertise
20 200 (Weapon) or 100 (Other) Tinkering Mastery
24 240 (Weapon) or 120 (Other) Tinkering Mastery

Because you pay the full cost in craft points and coins, tinkering alteration is only really useful for Epic Items. Otherwise a player is almost always better off crafting a new item with the same abilities, resulting in them having two items (the old one and the new one) instead of one.


Characters with Scholar 3 (Proficient) can craft tomes. This requires no other skills, only craft points. Player character created tomes can only contain one school of magic in them. Crafting a tome requires a character to have a ritual quill available. Character's can add spells of level no greater than their level of Scholar.

Epic Items

We also sometimes use the crafting system for designing epic items. This is something only ever done by GM's to create loot for the game, or for special Feb Feast items. In these two cases there is no coin cost or skills involved. The craft point value assigned is simply a limit on how many can be spent on a single item. When making one of these items it still must occupy a slot, but the item is not restricted by that slot's normal craft point maximum.

Some crafting features are exclusively available to epic items, and some are further restricted to only appear on Feb Feast items. Feb Feast only features are almost exclusively available to Feb Feast items. These features will almost never appear on loot acquired during game play.


A rune is a partially completed magic item, preserved by arts currently lost to Novitas. Using pre-production any player may turn in a rune and assign the properties associated with the rune to an appropriate mundane prop they own. Each rune will specify what slot it occupies, players can enhance any mundane prop that is appropriate for that slot. Doing this permanently turns the prop into a magic item with the abilities that were listed on the rune. The rune is then and should be turned in to logistics to be used again for a future rune.

There is no coin or craft point cost to turn in a rune, nor are there any skills required to do so.

The magic stored in runes is unstable. All runes will list in the items description a date by which the rune must be turned in before the rune will go inert. Once the rune has been used this date doesn't matter, the magic item it created is permanent. If the rune is not used by that date it will become inert and should be turned in immediately.

Runes are exclusively found as loot items during game play.

Crafting Features

When crafting magic items there are a wide variety of features that can be chosen. Players select any features they desire and pay for them with craft points and coins. Many features have special rules for what kinds of objects they can be applied to, if they require other features to go with them or if they are mutually exclusive with specific features. Each feature will detail any of these restrictions in their description.

General Crafting Features

Some crafting features can be placed on both weapons and other slotted gear (besides Rods, Wands and Tomes) using the weaponsmithing or ornamenting skills respectively.

Standard Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

+4 Craft Points

Yes Yes 8 Gain 4 additional craft points each event.

+1 Power Point

Yes Yes 8 Gain 1 power point each game day that does not break cap.

+2 Power Points

Yes Yes 12 Gain 2 power points each game day that do not break cap.

+2 Production Points

Yes Yes 4 Gain 2 production points each event that do not break cap.

+4 Production Points

Yes Yes 8 Gain 4 production points each event that do not break cap.

Nature Immunity

Yes Yes 12 When you put this item on you are immune to 'Nature!' damage. If you then take the item off, the effect will end for the remainder of the game day. This effect counts against your immunity cap.

Common Language

Yes Yes 8 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) a common language chosen when the item is crafted. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of the language.

Read and Write Language

Yes Yes 4 This feature allows a character to read and write a language they are able to speak due to the magic item giving understanding of a language. This must be crafted with a language skill ability.

Epic Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Battle Mastery

Epic Only Epic Only 40 When you put this item on you are under the effect of the Battle Mastery spell. If you then take the item off, the effect will end for the remainder of the game day. This effect counts against your immunity cap.

Exceptional Item

Epic Only Epic Only -4 This item may not have any epic crafting features on it except for this one. The item gains an additional 4 crafting points to spend on features.

Level 1 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 4 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level one alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Level 2 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 8 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level two alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Level 3 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 12 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level three alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Level 4 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 16 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level four alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Level 5 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 20 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level five alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Count as a Master's Staff

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24 When this feature is crafted select a school to associate with it. If the wielder of the item is a master of that school they pay one fewer power point to cast spells from that school (to a minimum of 1). Unlike the standard version of this craft, any slot (other than Rod, Tome or Wand) or weapon type can have this feature crafted on it. This feature can be crafted onto an item multiple times (choosing a different school each time). This item counts as a Master's Staff. Characters can only benefit from one total item that counts as a Master's Staff per event (though that item can have multiple schools associated with it).

Master's School Change

Epic Only Epic Only 4 Must be crafted onto a master's staff. This staff may change it's school at the start of every year.

Compulsion Immunity

Epic Only Epic Only 40 When you put this item on you are under the effect of the Mind Blank spell. If you then take the item off, the effect will end for the remainder of the game day. This effect counts against your immunity cap.

Poison Immunity

Epic Only Epic Only 40 When you put this item on you are under the effect of the Poison Immunity spell. If you then take the item off, the effect will end for the remainder of the game day. This effect counts against your immunity cap.

Spell Mastery Item

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24 An item with this ability causes one spell in a school you have mastered to cost 2 fewer power points to cast (minimum 1). The effect does not stack. You may not use another item that is a Master's Staff]] (or which has this craft on it) during an event you benefited from this item.

Uncommon Language

Epic Only Epic Only 12 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) a uncommon language chosen when the item is crafted. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of the language.

Rare Language

Epic Only Epic Only 20 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) a rare language chosen when the item is crafted. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of the language.


Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) blackspeech. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of blackspeech.

Immortal (Language)

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) immortal. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of immortal.

Unspent Craft Points

Epic Only Epic Only Variable An item with this craft feature hasn't had all of its craft points assigned. The total number of unspent craft points will be listed in the item's description. Any player who acquires this item may use preproduction to decide how to spend those craft points on any non-epic crafting features that item could have. This does not require any skills nor does it require the player to spend any craft points. This is compatible with the 'Exceptional Item' craft feature.

Weapon Exclusive Crafting Features

These features can only be applied to weapons.

Weapon Type

All weapons must have exactly one type (no more, no less).

Weapon Type

Crafting Skill Crafting Cost Combat Skill Damage Skill

Crafted Ammunition

Weaponsmithing Training None Projectile Training Accuracy

Crafted Bow and Crossbow

Weaponsmithing Expert 4 Projectile Training Accuracy

Crafted Great Javelin

Weaponsmithing Master 16 Thrown Expertise Circumstantial

Crafted Great Weapon

Weaponsmithing Master 16 Melee Expertise Might

Crafted Javelin

Weaponsmithing Expert 4 Thrown Proficiency Accuracy

Crafted Martial Weapon

Weaponsmithing Proficiency 4 Melee Proficiency Might

Crafted Non-Martial Weapon

Weaponsmithing Basics None Melee Training Might

Crafted Standard Thrown Weapon

Weaponsmithing Training None Thrown Training Accuracy

Standard Weapon Materials

Weapons may be crafted with one or more special materials. Each material lists any restrictions on what it can be paired with.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Elven Steel Weapon

No Yes 20 This weapon has been made out of Elven Steel. Attacks with it call for 'Elven Steel!'. Elven Steel weapons cannot be paired with any other special material.

Goblin Iron Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon is crafted out of Goblin Iron. Attacks with it call for 'Poison!'. Goblin Iron weapons cannot also be made of Silver.

Silver Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon is made of or coated in silver. Attacks with it call for 'Silver!'. Silver weapons cannot also be made of Goblin Iron.

Thermium Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon has been made out of Thermium. Attacks with it call for 'Nature!'.

Epic Weapon Materials

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Improved Goblin Iron Weapon

No Epic Only 16 This weapon is crafted out of exceptional Goblin Iron and may not use other special materials. Attacks with this weapon call for 'Poison!'. Blade alchemicals applied to this weapon get an additional use.

Improved Silver Weapon

Epic Only 20 This weapon is made of pure silver, it cannot be crafted with additional materials. The bearer may replace their next hit with 'Dispel Magic!' once per event.

Improved Thermium Weapon

No Epic Only 16 This weapon is made out of exceptional Thermium and cannot be crafted to have another material type. Twice per event this weapon may replace its next hit with a '4 Acid!' call.

Primal Weapon

No Feb Feast Only 20 This weapon is made out of raw elemental power. Attacks with it call for 'Primal!'.

Standard Weapon Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Master's Blade

No Master Weaponsmith and Master Tinkerer 8 If the wielder of this weapon is a weapon master they gain an additional master's strike each game day. Can only be taken by a weapon once. A character can only benefit from one additional master's strike from a master's blade each game day.

Master's Staff

No Master Weaponsmith and Master Ornamentor 8 Must be crafted onto a great weapon. The weapon is a Master's Staff. A character can only benefit from one item that counts as a Master's Staff per event.

Select a school of magic at when this is crafted. When the staff is used by a master of that school the weapon reduces the cost of casting any spell from that school by 1 (to a minimum of 1). This does not stack with other effects. The feature can only be crafted onto a weapon once.

Masterwork Weapon

No Yes 4 Strikes with this weapon have +1 Might/ Accuracy. Can only be taken once. The prop for this weapon should look above average.

Epic Weapon Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Extra Master's Strike

No Feb Feast Only 16 This weapon's wielder may perform 1 master's strike per game day even if they could not normally. Can be taken more than once.

Spellstore Weapon

No Feb Feast Only 20 This weapon always has the effect of the Spellstore spell on it. You may store one, non-self range spell in the weapon at any time. When you cast it, you may immediately store a new one. Should anyeone cast a spell into a weapon that is already holding one, the older spell is gone forever.

Armor Crafting Features

These features can only be placed on props that count as armor.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Enhanced Armor Craft

Yes No 8 Provides +1 physical armor points to the character's best source of physical armor points. This must be crafted onto a piece of armor which now takes up a slot. Does not stack with other crafting features that enhance armor.

Epic Armor Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Epic Enhanced Armor Craft

Epic No 16 Provides +2 physical armor points to the character's best source of physical armor points. This must be crafted onto a piece of armor which now takes up a slot. Does not stack with other crafting features that enhance armor.

Example: One of these features is placed on light leather bracers. The bracers by themselves would provide 1 physical armor point. However, the character also is wearing a chain shirt which provides 3 physical armor points. The character therefore has 4 physical armor points.

Spell Related Features

Many magic item features replicate spell casting. These are sometimes refered to as imbued items.

Standard Spell Related Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

1st Level Spell

Yes Yes 4/ cast Selected a 1st level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

2nd Level Spell

Yes Yes 8/ cast Selected a 2nd level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

3rd Level Spell

Yes Yes 12/ cast Selected a 3rd level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

Restricted Incantation

Ornamenting 1 Weaponsmithing 1 None The incantation used to cast a spell on this item has a requirement that must be met. This could be using (or not using) a certain language, using certain words, a specific incant, or an increased incantation length. Logs staff may restrict overly complex or long requirements.

Epic Spell Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

4th Level Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 16/ cast Selected a 4th level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

5th Level Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 20/ cast Selected a 5th level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

Prismatic Level 1 Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 8/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 1st level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Prismatic Level 2 Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 12/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 2nd level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Prismatic Level 3 Spell

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 16/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 3rd level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Prismatic Level 4 Spell

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 4th level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Prismatic Level 5 Spell

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 28/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 5th level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Change Spell Yearly

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 4/ Spell At the start of each calendar year you may change one spell this item casts (chosen when the item is made) for another of the same level. May be taken multiple times for an item with multiple spells.

Spellburst Spell

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 8/ Spell All castings of one spell on this item, chosen when the item is made, is always affected by the Spellburst spell. May be taken multiple times for an item with multiple spells.

Extra Tag Bag

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 8/ Spell All copies of one spell, which generates tag bags, on this item (chosen when the item is made) now generates an extra tag bag. This may be taken multiple times for an item with multiple spells. Can also be taken multiple times for the same spell, its effects stack.

No Incant Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 12/ Spell All castings of one spell on this item can be cast with no incant required. May be taken multiple times to for items with multiple spells.


Rods can only have crafting features explicitly designed for them. The following lists are all inclusive.

Standard Rod Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

1st Level Spell Rod

Ornamenting 2 No 8 Select one 1st level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

2nd Level Spell Rod

Ornamenting 2 No 12 Select one 2nd level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

3rd Level Spell Rod

Ornamenting 2 No 16 Select one 3rd level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

Epic Rod Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

4th Level Spell Rod

Epic Only No 20 Select one 4th level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

5th Level Spell Rod

Epic Only No 24 Select one 5th level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

Yearly Spell Change (Rod)

Feb Feast Only No 4 The spell in this rod may be changed to another of the same level at the start of each year.

Master's Rod

Feb Feast Only No 8 The spell in this rod costs one fewer power point to cast (minimum 1). This does not stack with other discounts.

Spellburst Rod

Feb Feast Only No 8 When using this rod if the spell generates tag bags it is automatically affected by the Spellburst spell.

Extra Tag Bag Rod

Feb Feast Only No 8/ tag bag When using this rod if the spell generates tag bags it generates an additional tag bag. May be taken multiple times.


Tomes may only have crafting features explicitly designed for them. The following lists are all inclusive.

Standard Tome Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

1st Level Spell Tome

Scholar 3 No 8 Add a 1st level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

2nd Level Spell (Tome)

Scholar 3 No 12 Add a 2nd level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

3rd Level Spell (Tome)

Scholar 3 No 16 Add a 3rd level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

4th Level Spell (Tome)

Scholar 4 No 20 Add a 4th level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

5th Level Spell (Tome)

Scholar 5 No 24 Add a 5th level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

Epic Tome Crafting Features

At this time there are no epic crafting features for tomes.


Wands may only have crafting features explicitly designed for them. The following lists are all inclusive.

Standard Wand Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

10 Power Point Wand

Ornamenting 2 No 4 A wand with 10 power points

20 Point Wand

Ornamenting 2 No 8 A wand with 20 power points

30 Point Wand

Ornamenting 2 No 12 A wand with 30 power points

Standard Wand

Ornamenting 2 No None Choose a level 1, 2, or 3 spell for this wand to cast. A wand can only have one spell.

Epic Wand Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

40 Point Wand

Epic Only No 16 A wand with 40 power points

50 Point Wand

Epic Only No 20 A wand with 50 power points

Epic Wand

Epic Only No None Choose a level 4 or 5 spell for this wand to cast. A wand can only have one spell.

Recharging Wand

Feb Feast Only No 8 At the start of each year this wand's power points replenish.

Wand Changes Spells

Feb Feast Only No 4 At the start of each calendar year this wand can change the spell it casts.

Item Slot Modifier Features

There are some epic crafts that change what slot the crafted item will occupy.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Variable Slot

Feb Feast Only No 4 This item must occupy a slot, but the player may choose which slot each event. Variable slot items may not occupy the weapon or shield/ buckler slots.

Slotless Item

Feb Feast Only No 12 This item which would normally occupy a slot does not.

Producing Items

Production rules can get confusing; new players can safely skip them until they are interested and ready to start making consumables of their own.

Are you here to fill out your preproduction form and just want a quick cheat sheet? Here you are:
The cost formula is 1 level of a consumable = 1 production point = 1 coin. For the list of consumables, click "Preproduction" in the sidebar and then click the relevant item type.
For ornamenting, tinkering, and weaponsmithing, see this page.

Characters use production points during preproduction to produce a variety of different paper consumable items. Consumables produced last until they are used, allowing characters to stock up on tools for future encounters or to barter for other goods.

Production Points

Characters can gain production points through a variety of means, most commonly the skill of the same name. For each production point a character has they may spend that production point between events and 1 coin to produce consumable items. This is done using the pre-production system.

A character may not have more than 20 production points unless an effect says that it breaks the production point cap. Characters may also purchase additional production points for 2 coin each up to the normal cap. Because of the 1 coin cost to use production points, this effectively means extra production points cost 3 coins each (total).

Confused? That's okay! Production can be confusing, and trips everyone up occasionally. The easiest way to understand cost is 1 level of a consumable = 1 production point = 1 coin. For example, a Potion of Dissipate is a level 2 consumable. It costs 2 production points and 2 coin to make.

What consumables a character can create is based on what other skills the character has. A consumable requires a number of production points equal to its level to produce. Scarce items may not be produced by player characters through any means unless those means explicitly say they let you make a scarce item.

There are four subtypes of consumable items made with production points: Alchemicals, Potions/ Oils, Scrolls and Trap Tags.

Alchemicals and potions/ oils will also require containers to keep the finished product in. Players are responsible for supplying their own containers, but logistics does sell them at cost to players. There are no specific requirements for appropriate containers, except that for safety reasons glass is prohibited. In this instance plastic is completely acceptable (and standard).


Alchemical items represent mundane chemistry that has a particular effect.

Using the alchemy skills a character can produce alchemical items of any level the character has the appropriate skill for. There is a list of all alchemical items and any player with enough skill levels can automatically produce anything on that list.

Each alchemical item states how many copies it produces per time it is made. For most this will be 1, but for some items it could be many more. When ordering these items using preproduction list how many times you wish to pay for that item with production points, logs will multiply that by the number produced and get you the correct number when assembling your order.

Potions (and Oils)

Potions are spells prepared in advance so that a user simply drinks to benefit from them (a potion that is rubbed on equipment or skin is called an oil, they are mechanically identical the only difference is how usage is roleplayed).

Spells can be prepared in potion (or oil) form using the Brew Potion skill. To produce a potion (or oil) the character must know the spell they wish to produce a potion (or oil) for, and the spell must indicate that it can be made into a potion (or oil). Each spell has in it's entry whether or not it can be made into a potion (or oil). A character with the Savant specialist title may alternately copy any non-scarce potion (or oil) they have in their possession instead of needing to know the spell.


Scrolls are spells partially prepared in advance that must be read aloud by someone who has the Read Magic skill to activate them.

Characters with the Scribe Scroll skill can produce scrolls. To produce a scroll the character must know the spell they wish to create a scroll from. A character with the Savant specialist title may alternately copy any non-scarce scroll they have in their possession instead of needing to know the spell.

If the spell being put into a scroll is level 4 the character must possess a ritual quill as well. When the spell is level 5 not only must the character have a ritual quill, but they must also consume one dose of ritual ink (an alchemical item) per level 5 scroll produced.

Trap Tags

Trap tags are placed in level based traps to bring a variety of devastating or problematic effects to those who trigger the trap.

Characters with the tinkering skill can produce trap tags. The character can make trap tags of a level up to their level in the tinkering skill.

Production Point Items

There are a variety of different consumables players can get as loot which grant additional production points. These break the production point cap when used. State that you are using them when you fill out your pre-production for the month, and then be sure to turn them in when you pick up your order at check-in.

General Weapon Rules

Each weapon has different rules for both how it is used in game and what an acceptable prop looks like based on how it will be used.

Characters can bring mundane weapons (those with no special features) into the game at any time after they have been inspected for safety by player outreach & education. If a weapon has any special abilities or is made of an unusual material it will need to be crafted by a character to be brought into play.

When a character is holding any weapon (or combination of weapons) in their hands that they may not legally use, they should do so poorly, never in a way that would indicate to others they can actually attack with those weapons.

All weapon props must be inspected by player outreach and education for safety reasons before being brought into play. Props staff also need to inspect weapons for aesthetic reasons as well. No weapons may have visible duct tape on them. Cloth covered weapons are also not permitted.

Weapons must appear to be weapons, objects that are game safe, but not weapons (such as frying pans, throwing books/ potatoes, etc made by some vendors are not allowed).

Props for weapons have certain requirements to be used in play. If a weapon is rejected for not being safe, but is found still being used it may be summarily destroyed to ensure an unsafe weapon is not brought onto the field.

Illegal weapons include, but are not limited to: flails, punch daggers, slings, ball & chain weapons, and blowguns.

Melee Weapons Rules

A melee weapon is any weapon that never leaves your hand for close ranged combat and direct attacks.

Melee weapons determine damage based on the user's Might. These weapons are further divided into 3 sub-categories based on the length of the weapon: Non-Martial, Martial, and Great Weapons.

Characters with only one hand occupied are capped at 4 Might. If a character has a weapon in each hand or a weapon and shield they are capped at 2 Might.

To use a weapon in both hands the character must know the appropriate off-hand skill.

Melee Weapon Types

Non-Martial Weapons

A non-martial weapon is any melee weapon between 16 inches (40.64cm) and 35 inches (88.9cm) in length. These weapons may be wielded one or two-handed depending on personal preference. No skill is required to use a non-martial weapon.

Weapon Type

Crafting Skill Crafting Cost Combat Skill Damage Skill

Basic Non-Martial Weapon

None None Melee Training Might

Crafted Non-Martial Weapon

Weaponsmithing Basics None Melee Training Might

Martial Weapons

A martial weapon is any melee weapon between 35 inches (88.9cm) and 45 inches (114.3cm) in length. These weapons may be wielded one or two-handed depending on personal preference. Martial Weapons require the Melee Proficiency skill to use.

Weapon Type

Crafting Skill Crafting Cost Combat Skill Damage Skill

Basic Martial Weapon

None None Melee Proficiency Might

Crafted Martial Weapon

Weaponsmithing Proficiency 4 Melee Proficiency Might

Great Weapons

A great weapon is any melee weapon over 45 inches (114.3cm) in length. Great weapons require the Melee Expertise skill to wield.

Great weapons must be wielded with both hands except under two exceptions. A player may make straight thrusts one-handed with a great weapon. Afterwards the player must immediately return to having two hands on the weapon. When blocking an attack with a great weapon only having one hand on it is also permitted.

When wielding a great weapon any character may reduce their Might by half (after cap is applied, rounded down) to add the 'Slay!' modifier call to an attack.

Great javelins are a throwable type of great weapon. When wielding a great javelin, a weapons master may fight with a great javelin in one hand and a second weapon or shield in the other. When fighting this way only jabs may be made with the great javelin.

Weapon Type

Crafting Skill Crafting Cost Combat Skill Damage Skill

Basic Great Weapon

None None Melee Expertise Might

Basic Great Javelin

None None Thrown Expertise Circumstantial

Crafted Great Weapon

Weaponsmithing Master 16 Melee Expertise Might

Crafted Great Javelin

Weaponsmithing Master 16 Thrown Expertise Circumstantial

Melee Weapon Props

To bring a melee weapon into game the prop must meet the following criteria.

All striking surfaces must have a minimum of 5/8 inch (1.59cm) closed-cell foam.

All non-handle, non-striking surfaces of a weapon should have a minimum of 3/8 inch (.96cm) of closed-cell foam.

All melee weapon props must have a rigid core. Cores of wood or metal are forbidden. Acceptable core materials include, but are not limited to: plastic, PVC, fiberglass, and carbon fiber. The core of the weapon should be securely held within the padding by glue, tape, or some other adhesive. Padding that slides or twists on the weapon's core will be rejected. Cores that rattle or bounce within the padding will also be rejected.

All pommels, crossguards, quillions, basket hilts, and other hilt fittings (not including the grip itself) must be composed of a flexible material.

The minimum length for ANY melee weapon is 16 inches (40.64cm). Non-handle pommels do not count towards the overall length measurement of a weapon.

Weapons that can flex more than 45 degrees will be rejected.

No swung weapon may have more than 1/3 of its length unpadded for striking. The total unpadded section of a swung weapon may not be more than 30 inches (76.2cm) total.

Any weapon with a flexible component or which strikes primarily with a punching motion of the arm rather than a swing are forbidden.

Weapon props must have the appearance of being a weapon. This means that a 'larp safe' object that otherwise meets these guidelines, but appears to be an every day item like a frying pan, book, etc. is not appropriate for Novitas.

Projectile Weapons

Projectile Weapon Rules

Projectile weapons include both bows and crossbows. These missile weapons deal damage based on a character's Accuracy which is capped at 4 for projectile weapons.

Projectile weapons may never be fired inside of any fully enclosed building. This is to prevent real damage to the campsite and objects kept in the buildings.

Modern archery equipment is not allowed, although there are some exceptions for fletching and nocks. Arrows and bolts must always be fired, they can never be thrown. Bows (and crossbows) can never be used to parry or block. If a bow is struck in melee combat it gains the Broken condition. When firing a missile weapon at a range less than 10 feet archers are required to only half-draw their bows (pull it back only half way). Crossbows may only fire at targets under 10 feet away if their bow has been tested to have a draw of 15 pounds or less.

Archers (within reason) can declare hits on their targets. This might be done if the arrow lands too lightly on heavy plate armor, or if the confusion of melee combat causes the person to not notice the archer's shot. Abusing this can result in being barred from using archery.

When firing a bow or crossbow a character may reduce their Accuracy by half (after cap is applied, rounded down) to add the 'Pierce!' modifier call to an attack.

If a crossbow requires a stirrup, goatsfoot lever, or other comparable device it always adds the 'Pierce!' call, following the normal rules for that call.

In order to use a bow or crossbow a character must have the Projectile Training skill.

Spells (such as Silvershine) and effects (such as the Corruption alchemical) that enhance weapons are applied to a bow or crossbow and not on its ammunition. Each attack made from such an enchanted weapon will gain the effect of the spell (or effect).

Spells with a range of tag bag can be delivered by missile weapons. The projectile takes the place of the tag bag in all respects, replacing its normal call with the appropriate call for the spell.

Weapon Type

Crafting Skill Crafting Cost Combat Skill Damage Skill

Basic Bow or Crossbow

None None Projectile Training Accuracy

Basic Ammunition

None None Projectile Training Accuracy

Crafted Bow and Crossbow

Weaponsmithing Expert 4 Projectile Training Accuracy

Crafted Ammunition

Weaponsmithing Training None Projectile Training Accuracy

Projectile Weapon Props

Compound bows, PVC bows, takedown bows, brightly colored fiberglass bows, modern crossbows, or any other obviously modern archery equipment (including but not limited to peep sights, weights, camouflage or brightly colored shafting) are prohibited.

Brightly colored and/ or rubber fletching is allowed. Brightly colored plastic nocks will not disqualify arrows.

Each bow entering play must have at least 3 legal arrows accompanying it.

Bows must have a draw weight of 35 pounds or less at 28 inches draw.

Crossbow draw weight should comply with the table below.

Crossbow Draw Weight

Show Crossbow Draw Weight Table

Arrows and Bolts

Arrow shafts may not be made of wood. The head of an arrow must be at least 2 inches in every dimension and must be a uniform, round shape. The head of an arrow or bolt must not be wobbly or move from side to side.

A draw stop must be present on all arrows to ensure they are not drawn past 28 inches.

All arrows must contain a coin or similar small rigid disk perpendicular to the end of the shaft to prevent shaft punch-through. Commercially made rubber bird blunts also fulfill this requirement. Golf tube arrows are not permitted.

All arrows and bolts must have at least two full fletchings and a nock.

Thrown Weapons

A thrown weapon is designed primarily to be thrown. Thrown weapons deal damage based on Accuracy which is capped at 2 for thrown weapons.

You may not fight in melee with thrown weapons unless they possess a core. When a thrown weapon is used as a melee weapon they follow the standard rules for melee weapons instead of thrown weapons.

Thrown Weapon Types

The length of a thrown weapon determines what type of thrown weapon it is..

Standard Throwing Weapons

A standard throwing weapon is one greater than 6 inches (15.24cm) in length and shorter than 30 inches (76.2cm) in length. These require the Thrown Training skill to use.

Weapon Type

Crafting Skill Crafting Cost Combat Skill Damage Skill

Basic Thrown Weapon

None None Thrown Training Accuracy

Crafted Standard Thrown Weapon

Weaponsmithing Training None Thrown Training Accuracy


A javelin is a throwing weapon greater than 30 inches (76.2cm) in length and shorter than 45 inches (114.3cm) in length. These require the Thrown Proficiency skill to use.

Weapon Type

Crafting Skill Crafting Cost Combat Skill Damage Skill

Basic Javelin

None None Thrown Proficiency Accuracy

Crafted Javelin

Weaponsmithing Expert 4 Thrown Proficiency Accuracy

Great Javelins

A great javelin is a throwing weapon greater than 45 inches (114.3cm) and no longer than 84 inches (213.36cm) in length. These require the Thrown Expertise skill to use. Great javelins can be used in melee or they can be thrown. When used in melee they follow all the standard rules for a great weapon. When thrown they can determine their damage based on the character's Might instead of Accuracy and the cap is increased to 4.

Weapon Type

Crafting Skill Crafting Cost Combat Skill Damage Skill

Basic Great Javelin

None None Thrown Expertise Circumstantial

Crafted Great Javelin

Weaponsmithing Master 16 Thrown Expertise Circumstantial


Boulders are a special kind of thrown weapon. A boulder may never be thrown by a player character, only certain species of Novitas are capable of lifting boulders effectively enough to use them as weapons. When thrown they follow the rules for tag bags to determine if they hit, and always call for 'Torso Wound!'.

Thrown Weapons Props

Thrown weapon props must be completely padded including the hilt and rip. Each thrown weapon must look like a weapon, either knives, axes, or some other historical or fantasy weapon. No "throwing" rocks, disks, or paddles are allowed. A thrown weapon doesn’t have to have a core, but if it does have a core the core cannot go within 1 inch (2.54cm) of either end of the weapon. Cored throwing weapons may also be used in melee. Coreless throwing weapons may not be used in melee.

For all varieties of javelin both ends must be at least 2 inches (5.08) in diameter. Players are encouraged to incorporate some open-cell foam into the ends of their javelin designs.

Tag Bags

Tag bags represent spells flying through the air or thrown alchemical vials and may not be thrown without one of those things telling you to use a tag bag. The source that allows you to throw the tag bag will tell you what to call when you throw the tag bag.

Characters may not hold a tag bag in their hand unless they have cast a spell in the last minute that has a range of tag bag, or they are representing a thrown alchemical item being in their hand.

Tag Bag Props

A tag bag is an out-of-character prop created by sewing two squares of cloth together and filling them with bird seed. All tag bags should be biodegradable so that in the likely event that some get lost in the woods litter isn't left everywhere.

Players are required to provide their own tag bags if they are needed.

The size of a finished tag bag should be larger than a golf ball and smaller than a tennis ball. Any color cloth can be used. Tag bags must be pliable and soft enough to not cause injury when thrown. Materials used should be soft, smooth, and not spill birdseed. The ends should be sewn shut or sealed with cloth tape. Tag bags should be kept in good condition. Worn or damaged ones should be retired from play.

Leather, rubber, plastic, tape, foil, staples, pins, plastic ties and plastic tape are all prohibited from being used in a tag bag.

A downloadable guide for making tag bags with pictures can be found here.


  • Material should be biodegradable, preferably light and/or bright colored, and with a tight enough weave to prevent birdseed from escaping.
  • Filled with birdseed.
  • Between 2-4 inches in any dimension or no larger than a tennis ball & no smaller than a golf ball.
  • Pliable and soft.
  • Sewn closed, tied shut with string, or closed with cloth tape (sewn closed is the preferred method).

Things to Avoid

  • Made from synthetic fabric, plastic, metal, rubber, or hard materials.
  • Filled with anything other than birdseed.
  • Larger or smaller than 2-4 inches in any dimension.
  • Hard.
  • Loose/open/unfinished, closed with staples, pins, plastic ties, tape, etc.
  • Old bed sheets/pillow cases.
  • Old t-shirts.
  • Socks.

How to Make a Tag Bag

There are various methods for making tag bags, but outlined below is what has come to be more or less the standard for Kingdoms of Novitas. Variations are acceptable as long as they adhere to the above guidelines. If in doubt about your construction method or materials, please ask the props staff, (Christina Mevec and Liska Gutierrez). It’s better to find out beforehand if something will or won’t work rather then spend time, energy, and funds on something that may turn out to be unacceptable.

Step 1: Cut a long rectangle. The long side should be twice the length of one dimension as it will be folded in half when sewn (makes it so there’s one less seam to sew). For example a 3”x8” tag bag will be approximately 3”x4” when completed.

There’s a bit of length and width lost to seam allowance, so err on the side of giving yourself a bit extra to work with.

Step 2: One side (where folded) will be left as is. Sew the other 3 sides together making sure to leave an opening to fill with birdseed.

Step 3: Fill the tag bag with birdseed. There are various ways to fill a tag bag, but generally a funnel is the easiest. If you don’t have a funnel, you can make one by cutting off the top of a water bottle (bonus: the bottom can be used as a scoop for the birdseed!). Don’t fill the bag to capacity or it will be more difficult to sew closed and will make the tag bag too hard. Filling it approximately ¾ of the way should provide it with flexibility and give it the heft that makes for a good tag bag.

Step 4: Close the tag bag. If you’re able to control the seed/opening and take care when doing so, it is possible to use a sewing machine to sew tag bags closed. This should be done with great care, however, as birdseed in your sewing machine is no good for it. The other option is to hand-sew the opening closed.

Make sure to remove any hanging threads, please and thanks.

Physically Worn Armor

Armor is a prop that a character wears to gain physical armor points from. Any player may bring mundane armor into the game at any time, after it has passed a safety inspection from a member of the player outreach and education staff. This is to ensure safety for both the user and for other combatants. It is also to make sure the armor will not cut into weapons that hit it (which would then make those weapons less safe).

Armor does not occupy a slot unless it is a magic item. Using ornamenting, armor can be crafted into a magic item. In this case it will take up a slot and gains the features crafted into it.

Characters in armor must still wear appropriate costuming. This includes wearing species required costuming under helmets.

Physical armor points only apply to where the armor actually is located on your person. Damage from a hit to a spot where the armor is not covering cannot be applied to your physical armor points. Helmets and some rare rules sometimes give "floating" or "universal" coverage which covers places armor does not.

Wearing multiple pieces of armor at once will only give you the bonus of the best type of armor. Armor does not stack with other armor, use the highest value of any armor you are wearing.

Example: You are wearing a chain shirt and a light leather vest at the same time because you heard that was stylish. The chain shirt provides 3 points of physical armor, while the vest only provides 1. You have 3 total points of physical armor that apply to any hits against any of the armor you are wearing. If an attack hits the leather armor in a spot not covered with chain, you still have exactly 3 physical armor points to defend against that hit with.

Different armors grants between 1 and 4 points of protection in the form of armor points, also called physical armor points. Should armor be made of ineffective material or be visibly damaged it may have the number of armor points it provides downgraded. Player Outreach and Education staff will determine how many physical armor points a piece of armor provides.

Your total physical armor is based on the armor you are wearing plus any effects that improve your armor's physical armor points. Things that might improve your quantity of physical armor points include: helmets, spells (like Enhance Armor), or magic items.

It is the responsibility of those wearing armor to know when a legal hit takes place even if the thickness of the armor stops them from feeling it.

Plate and Half-Plate

Half-plate and plate armors count as monstrous armor. This benefit only applies in hit locations where you are wearing the half-plate or plate armor. If at least 75% of the hit location is covered by half-plate or plate the entire hit location counts as covered by that half-plate or plate.

When less than 75% of a hit location has plate or half-plate and some of the rest of that hit location is covered by other types of armor, a hit to that other type of armor will not benefit from monstrous armor. Damage in full will be subtracted from physical armor points, which is likely disadvantageous.

Limbs cannot benefit from monstrous armor if the armor on a player's torso isn't also monstrous armor.

Players wearing plate armor are required to wear some form of padding or safety equipment that is hidden (such as modern safety equipment like elbow pads) or props staff () approved (such as a padded gambeson or arming jack).

Armor Values

One point armors include:

  • A full costume approved by props staff ().
    • This does not count as 'wearing armor'. It can't be improved (such as with Enhance Armor), may not be combined with a helmet, or in any way count towards mechanics that require you to wear armor.
  • Studded Leather (Leather too thin to count as light leather must have studs to count as anything)
  • Light Leather
  • Fur (Real animal hides with the fur on, unless the leather itself counts for a higher value)
  • Brigandine (Light leather backing with light plates)

Two point armors include:

  • Studded Light Leather
  • Heavy Leather
  • Scale Armor/ Lamellar (Overlapping light leather pieces)
  • Brigandine (Leather or light leather with heavy leather plates)
  • Riveted Aluminum Chain Mail

Three point armors include:

  • Studded Heavy Leather
  • Scale Armor/ Lamellar (Overlapping heavy leather pieces)
  • Chain Armor (Interlocking butted or riveted metal wire, note that aluminum is only 2 points)
  • Metal Scale or Lamellar Armor
  • Brigandine (Heavy leather backing with heavy leather plates)
  • Brigandine (Any backing with metal plates)
  • Half-Plate (Metal armor, no articulated joints, up to 25% chain/leather)

Four point armors include:

  • Articulated Plate Armor
    • Plate armor with flexible joints that can bend and move with the movements of the player while still providing complete coverage. Must be a complete harness. For example articulated arms would contain a full vambrace, articulated elbow, rerebrace, and pauldrons.
    • Wearing incomplete articulated plate (such as wearing a back-and-breast without fauld, tassets, and a gorget) make it half-plate armor.
    • Plate armor counts as monstrous armor.

Armor Props

There are requirements for the armor that can be worn in the game. All armor must be inspected by player outreach & education staff for safety and by props & atmosphere staff for aethetics.

Armor must never impede normal movement in a fashion that endangers the wearer or prevents the player from following the rules of the game.

Armor must be attached or fitted on the body with proper integral closures such as buckles, laces, or snaps. Players are not allowed to attach armor to their body with tape, string, or similar temporary means.

Armor made of non-period materials (plastics, kydex, nylon, etc.) are not allowed. Non-period metals or alloys, such as aluminum, titanium, galvanized steel, stainless steel, nickel-plated steel, or anodized aluminum are allowed. Pleather, vinyl, or other synthetic leathers are not acceptable.

Armor that consistently causes unreasonable damage to weapons will be removed from play.

Metal Armors

Metal plates must be at least .0478 inches thick. (18 gauge or thicker for ferrous metals, 16 gauge or thicker for non-ferrous metals). All edges of metal plates should be safely blunted or rolled.

Chain mail rings should be of no greater than one-half inch inside diameter.

Metal scales must be of at least .015 inch thickness (28 gauge or thicker for ferrous metals, 26 gauge or thicker for non-ferrous metals) and must overlap to provide armor value.

Metal brigandine is armor constructed of non-overlapping metal plates on a backing material. Brigandine plates must be within one-half inch of each other. Brigandine plates must have multiple points of attachment to the backing or to each other, or be held in individual pockets. Non-leather backing materials generally reduce the armor value of metal brigandine armor. These plates may be inside or outside the backing material.

Leather Armors

Leather brigandine is armor constructed of non-overlapping leather plates on a backing material. Non-leather backing materials do not contribute to the armor value of leather brigandine armor. Leather brigandine plates must equal or exceed the quality of the backing leather to be counted as armor.

Leather armor must be constructed of real leather of any thickness (unless otherwise specified). Studded leathers may be studded with metal spots, rings, washers or rivets. No bottle caps, brads or plastic may be used. Studded leather should have no more than 1 inch of un-studded leather on any part of it. The simple test used for this will be to try and place a US quarter dollar coin between studs. It should fit with a small bit of wiggle room, but no more. Leather scales must overlap to provide armor value. Light leather is leather of at least 6 ounce weight (3/32 inch). Heavy leather is leather of at least 12 ounce weight (3/16 inch). Leather is a natural material with natural variations that may result in irregular measurements. Players are free to request an average of multiple (up to five) measurements when their armor is measured for its armor point value. No layering of leather is permitted in any area being measured for armor point value.


As long as you already have any physical armor points from wearing armor (the one point from full costuming does not count), you gain an additional universal physical armor point for wearing a helmet. Because the head is not a legal hit location, the point of armor from a helmet works like magic armor points, in that it covers any possible hit location. The point from a helmet breaks the cap on physical armor points and stacks with other sources of physical armor points.

Leather helmets must have 3/4 head coverage. Metal helmets need a minimum of cap coverage. Regardless of material the helmet must meet the normal armor thickness requirements as mentioned previously in this page.

Shields and Bucklers

Bucklers and shields are used to defend against incoming attacks completely blocking certain attacks. A blocked attack does not count as a legal hit. Shields may not ever be used as weapons. Intentionally making physical contact with another player or their shield with your shield is not allowed.

A player may only carry one shield at a time, and you may not curl yourself up such that a shield completely prevents you from being attacked from one direction.

Spell calls (delivered by tag bag or arrows) may not be blocked by a shield. If a tag bag (or arrow) delivering a spell hits your shield it counts as hitting the arm holding the shield. Each call specifies if it can be blocked by a shield.

All melee attacks can always be blocked (bear in mind 'Acid!' damage will break the shield though).

'Acid!', 'Blight!', 'Disease!', 'Poison!', and untyped ('1!') tag bags and projectiles can always be blocked by shields. All other calls delivered by tag bag may not be blocked by a shield.

'Elven Steel!', 'Nature!', 'Primal!', and 'Silver!' calls (plus the ones listed above) may be blocked when they come from projectiles. Any other call from a projectile may not be blocked by a shield.

Mundane shields and bucklers may be brought into play at any time after they have been inspected by a member of player outreach & education for safety.

If a character has a shield or a buckler in one of their hands their might is capped at 2.

To create a shield with special abilities require crafting using the ornamenting skill.

Shield Props

Shields are rigid defensive items held in one hand. They must be padded on all edges to prevent wear to weapons and minimize accidental real injury to players.

Shields require a distinct, rigid core. Possible materials to craft a core out of include, but are not limited to steel, aluminum, plywood or rigid plastics. Plastic, foam and other modern materials must be covered with paint, cloth or leather. Exposed modern metals are acceptable. A shield may not have any exposed non-rounded metal hardware such as bolts or screws. The minimum padding on all edges of a shield is five-eighths of an inch of closed-cell foam. With rubber, vinyl, or similar flexible tubing or hose underneath the padding, the minimum padding may be three-eighths of an inch of closed cell foam.

Just like weapons, a shield will also be tested to make sure it is not too bendable or flexible. Shields that exhibit more than minor (approximately 10 degrees of) flex are not allowed.

A rectangular shield's surface area is it's total height multiplied by its total width with no allowances made for irregularities, cut-outs, or curves. Any shield that is not round or a regular polyhedral shape will be considered rectangular.

A rectangular shield may not be more than 40 inches in any one dimension and may not have more than 720 square inches of total surface area.

A round shield may not exceed a 36 inch diameter. Regular polyhedral shapes that fit inside a 36 diameter circle are also permitted.

The minimum dimension of a shield is 12 inches.

Curved shields are measured across the face of the shield (across the arc, not the chord).

All shields (that are not bucklers) must be hand held.


Bucklers are a sub-type of shield, and follow all prop rules for shields except where called out here.

Bucklers may be strapped to a character's arm in which case it is referred to as a passive buckler. Passive bucklers do not count as being in a player's hand, leaving them free to use that hand to cast spells, and the character is not subject to the cap for having an weapon in one hand and a shield in the other.

Buckler Props

A rectangular buckler may not exceed 24 inches in any one dimension and may not have more than 324 square inches of surface area.

A round buckler may not exceed a 24 inch diameter.

Bucklers may be built to be used hand-held, strapped to the arm, or both.

Alchemical Items

Alchemical items (sometimes called compounds or admixtures) represent the pinnacle of old world chemistry mixed with a tiny bit of occult knowledge. The products are considered everyday items with no magical properties, useful for bypassing magical defenses or circumstances where magical healing won't work. Alchemicals are produced by characters with the Alchemy skills and production points.

Alchemicals can generate a wide variety of game effects duplicating some spells. Characters who are immune to spells are still affected by alchemical items, only effects that specifically stop alchemical items or the call caused by an alchemical item will prevent them from working.

Many harmful alchemicals are poisons, though not all. Beneficial alchemicals can cure poison, restore spent power points, and heal wounds. Notably the only way to remove the Diseased, Exhausted and Lycanthropy conditions are alchemical items.

There are three primary subcategories of alchemical items: blade alchemicals, ingested alchemicals, and thrown alchemicals. Blade alchemicals are compounds applied to weapons to enhance their combat capabilities. Ingested alchemicals can be both helpful or harmful depending on the specific item. Thrown alchemicals are mixtures of chemicals that react when exposed to air, throwing a vial with these chemicals in them (represented with a tag bag) can be done as an attack.

Herbalism and Alchemy

The Herbalism skill is required to handle all blade alchemicals and thrown alchemicals safely. With ingested alchemicals, it is only needed for those that are classified as 'harmful'. Each alchemical will list on it's paper if it is 'harmful' or not. If a character does not possess Herbalism and attempts to use an alchemical item that requires it, they suffer the effects of the item immediately and the item is consumed with no further effect. With blade alchemicals Herbalism is required to apply the alchemical, but not required to attack with the affected weapon.

Blade Alchemicals

A blade alchemical is a consumable item that is applied to a weapon in order to make it more deadly. All blade alchemicals replace a weapon's normal damage call with something else. In order to apply a blade alchemical you must possess the Herbalism skill and role-play the action of applying the compound to your weapon, then tie a flag to it.

Once applied a blade alchemical typically lasts for 10 minutes and/or replaces the next successful hit the weapon makes (whichever comes first). Some blade alchemicals require different special materials, or have bonuses based on what materials a weapon is made out of. Each blade alchemical lists any special interactions it has with a particular material type.

Some blade alchemicals reference a "pure" weapon. These are weapons made from only the material type listed. A weapon that has the mundane weapon craft feature (which allows it to strike for a material type or no material type) does not count as a pure weapon.

Elven Steel weapons may never have blade alchemicals applied to them. If a blade alchemical is applied to an Elven Steel weapon it is rendered inert immediately.

Ingested Alchemicals

Ingested alchemicals can be helpful or harmful. To use an ingested alchemical a character must role-play drinking it. Follow the instructions on the item for what it does.

Characters may also role-play putting the chemicals into something a character will later eat or drink. If a character does this they must then put a green sticker somewhere on the container the food or drink is contained in (this could be the bottom of a plate or a mug for example). The green dot allows characters with the herbalism skill to inspect the food and if they notice the green dot they will know 'something' is off, but not necessarily what. Should a person ingest the food or drink they should then be notified of exactly what was put in the food. Their character will not be aware of this, only the player gets to know. When this is done with a large container, such as a pot of soup, only one person is affected per dose of ingested alchemical used. The first person to consume the food (or drink) is affected, and so on, until all doses have been used. It is acceptable to voluntarily take a harmful effect if a character consumes the food after all doses have been applied, so long as there is no mechnaical advantage in doing so.


Ointments are like ingested alchemicals, but are applied topically, generally to treat wounds. To use them role-play applying the ointment to the target. Otherwise, follow the alchemical for any other special rules.

Thrown Alchemicals

A thrown alchemical represents a small easily breakable vial being hurled at an enemy. To use a thrown alchemical the vial being used must be easily reachable by the person using it, however they do not need to grab it right away. The player should role-play grabbing the alchemical, then instead grab a tag bag and throw that. Because thrown alchemicals are often used in the middle of combat, players are not expected to destroy the consumable tag right away. Players should keep track of what they use and how many of each, then at a later point that is more convenient make sure they should destroy the consumable tags for anything they threw.

The thrown alchemical will always state what call to use when you 'throw' it.


Formulas are a type of scarce item that can be acquired during play. They allow you to turn in specific combinations of items during preproduction to acquire specific scarce items in return. Each formula will state what gets turned in and what specific things you get in return on it. They do not explain what the items do, players will need to use the formula to learn about things that may be new to them.

The primary purpose of formulas is to allow players to turn back in loot plants they find during play. This helps players so that they don't have to carry bulky plants, ensures the plants don't get destroyed in people's bags and cuts down on how many of each plant logistics needs to have on hand. Most formulas produce a scarce item that duplicates the effect of the plant and some kind of byproduct to make the turn-in more worthwhile than holding onto the plant.

Imbued Items

One of the most common functions of magic items is to cast spells. These are sometimes referred to as imbued items. Often the item simply lists how many times per event it will cast a certain spell. A character must be attuned to an item to use it. To use the item, hold it in a hand (or wear it) then say an appropriate incantation. The spell works just like casting using your own Power, but the item provides the Power instead.

A character can only use one item per event to cast any given spell. Characters may wear more than one item that grants the same spell. Once a character has used one item to cast a spell, any other imbued items may not be used to cast the same spell. Potions, scrolls, wands and other consumables may still be used as normal, this rule only applies to imbued items that cast a spell each event.

For example, a PC has a ring equipped that casts Heal Body 3 times an event. They also have a cloak equipped that casts Heal Mortal Wound 1 time an event AND Heal Body 1 time an event. The PC uses the ring's power to cast Heal Body and bring a party member back to full health. They can still use the cloak's imbued Heal Mortal Wound, but the Heal Body that is also imbued is unusable until next event. They can still use the remaining 2 casts of Heal Body from the ring.

Imbued items can be crafted using craft points and either the Ornamenting or the Weaponsmithing skills. Some items made using the Tinkering skill work like this as well, but with no customization options.


Potions provide the effects of a spell to anyone who drinks them. They provide their own power and do not require an incantation.

A potion is used by role-playing drinking it, or by concealing it in food like an ingested alchemical. When someone consumes the potion they are affected by the spell as if it had been cast upon them. The user counts as the person casting the spell for the purposes of voluntarily dispelling it.

Oils are like potions, but for spells that are applied to objects or areas instead of characters. To apply an oil, role-play applying it to the affected area.

No skill is needed to identify a potion (or oil). Any character is capable of understanding the effects a potion will have.

After using a potion or an oil, the character does not have to destroy the consumable slip right away. A player may wait for the next convenient moment to do so, if for example they drink a potion in the middle of a combat. You do not have to actually take the top off of the container the potion is in while you roleplay drinking it. You should still destroy the consumable slip at your earliest convenience.

When administering a potion to a character who has the Helpless condition, you must have the first aid skill.

Potions are created using production points and the brew potion skill.


Rituals allow the game to have many different magic effects, while keeping the list of spells at a fixed size. There is no limit to the number of rituals that could exist, and most magical effects that don't fit into the template of a spell will be a ritual. Most of the time rituals are paper items with instructions on them. Some creatures are capable of performing acts that function like rituals without having a paper to read off of, those creatures will describe how that works in their encounter codex entry. The following text exclusively refers to the paper variety of ritual.

Rituals are typically reusable items. Some specific rituals are one-use consumable items, these rituals will indicate if this is the case. Each ritual is a printed piece of paper that will contain all the information needed to perform it. Rituals may not be duplicated. Players can transcribe rituals into a cooler looking prop, which must be lootable, if they destroy the original copy.

When a character first learns a ritual skill they receive the basic rituals for that school of magic for free. These may be reacquired each event at check-in should the player lose them. Other rituals must be acquired as loot during play.

Preparing to Cast a Ritual

To cast a ritual a character must have: the skills required for that ritual, the components needed to perform the ritual (which are consumed), any foci required to perform the ritual (which are not consumed), and a copy of the ritual itself. Some rituals may also require additional participants.


You will need the skills listed on the ritual to perform it. The caster of a ritual must have all appropriate ritual skills and any other required skills. Typically this is one skill for each school in the ritual. Some rituals may even require other more unusual skills as well. When multiple skills are required multiple participants may work together to enact the ritual so long as each one provides at least one of the necessary skills.

When a ritual requires additional participants the ritual will state if those participants also need to know the relevant skills.

Ritual Components and Foci

Most rituals will require specific components that are consumed or foci, items that must be present to perform the ritual, that are not consumed. When the ritual itself is consumed on use, it will be listed as a component.

There are a wide variety of ritual components. Basic ritual components are any component from the seven schools of magic. These are the most commonly used ones for rituals. There is no fixed shape for basic ritual components, but there are often themes among the different schools. These ritual components are found as loot during the game.

Other components can be absolutely anything. These are known as special ritual components to distinguish them from basic ones. These scarce ritual components (such as Dragon's Blood or Ghost Stones), cannot ever be substituted with other items or powers, you must use the exact item called for. Generally scarce ritual components are required for plots or the rarest of rituals.

Recognizing ritual components requires the Identify Magic skill.

This is a non-exhaustive listing of defined special ritual components.

GM Controlled Components

Gamemaster controlled ritual components are designed to be used by GM's to tell stories with. They have no fixed purpose. These items could be used as part of the Remedy ritual to cure a plague or remove a hexed item. They could be part of a plot from a GM, or even simply a red herring. All of these items are quest items and must be returned to logistics by the end of the event. The story reason for this is because none of them are stable, each one loses its potency in some way or another by the end of an event.


Sub-Type Description

Azure Lotus Dye

GM Controlled A preparation made from a hard to find flower.

Bottled Elemental Fire

GM Controlled Fire from the elemental plane.

Caged Elemental Air

GM Controlled Wind from the elemental plane of air

Crystalized Elemental Water

GM Controlled Water from the elemental plane

Dryad Pollen

GM Controlled Pollen gathered from a Dryad's flowers

Dust of Disappearance

GM Controlled An invisible dust.

Evenandran Centennial Flower

GM Controlled A rare Evenandran flower.

Fortified Elemental Earth

GM Controlled Stones from the elemental plane of earth.

Goblin Iron Powder

GM Controlled A poisonous dust made from goblin iron.

Mad Waste Sacred Soil

GM Controlled Carefully selected dirt from the Mad Wastes

Mystic Residue

GM Controlled Residue from powerful magic.

Ocean Coral Grit

GM Controlled Ground bits of coral from the oceans near Novitas

Thermium Shavings

GM Controlled Shavings of the compound used to make Thermium

Thunderguard Mountain Sulphur

GM Controlled Sulphur from Terran mountain runoff.

Ritual Created Components

Ritual created components are special ritual components which are all specially created by one-use scarce rituals. A character who performs the appropriate ritual will be rewarded with the created component to hold onto until they decide to use it for some further purpose.


Sub-Type Description

Anointed Incense

Ritual Created Incense used for high holy situations

Calcified Magic

Ritual Created Magic condensed into a solid form.

High Fae's Agreement

Ritual Created A magically bound, signed contract with a high fae.

Master's Thesis

Ritual Created Research into the secrets of magic.

Polluted Malfeasance

Ritual Created A physical embodiment of corruption and evil.

Pure Quintessence

Ritual Created A magical construct representing 'good'

Purified Orichalcum

Ritual Created A gem transformed and imbued with magical good intentions.

Terran Bloodstone

Ritual Created A magical gem with a spark attached.

Vial of Quicksilver

Ritual Created Captured moonlight.

Plot Marshal Controlled Components

Plot marshal controlled ritual components are exclusively the domain of the Plot Marshal and Second to decide when to send out. These items are as common or rare as the they deem appropriate. Players may attempt to submit PIPs to try to obtain these items, but it is solely up to the Plot Marshal and Second to decide if such PIPs have any chance of succeeding.


Sub-Type Description

Ashes of Veracity

Plot Marshal Controlled A white dust with truth revealing properties

Blightsteel Ingot

Plot Marshal Controlled A nugget of pure blightsteel

Blightsteel Shavings

Plot Marshal Controlled Filings from blightsteel

Dragon's Blood

Plot Marshal Controlled The blood of a dragon

Dust of Lies

Plot Marshal Controlled A powder with illusory properties.

Elemental Axiom

Plot Marshal Controlled Raw elemental matter.

Elven Steel Ingot

Plot Marshal Controlled An exceptionally pure sample of Elven Steel

Focusing Crystal

Plot Marshal Controlled A crystal used in special prayers.

Ghost Stone

Plot Marshal Controlled A spiritually attuned stone.

Idrecchi Ichor

Plot Marshal Controlled A foul black ooze.

Casting the Ritual

Each ritual has on it a set of instructions for what must be done to perform that specific ritual. Follow the instructions exactly. If the ritual requires an incantation, the instructions will tell you when to read the incantation. You must use the incantation listed on the ritual and you must read it off the piece of paper, it cannot be read from memory. Otherwise this functions exactly like spell incantations.

Once you have completed the instructions on the ritual, it has been successfully performed. Now follow the information listed in the "Effect" portion of the ritual.

Rituals do not generally require power points to cast, however as each ritual is different it is possible one might need them. The ritual will say if it does.

Bound Rituals

Some rituals are so powerful they are bound to the person who assembled it. The harder a ritual is to assemble the more likely it is to be bound. Only the person the ritual is bound to may perform it.

GM Required Rituals

Some rituals have long reaching effects that players can't enact themselves. Others have very precise instructions on how to cast them that need a neutral adjudicator present. These rituals require a GM to be present when they are performed. Let the shift GM know that you are going to perform the ritual, and they will arrange for someone to be present. This could be the wind, an NPC or even a GM who is PCing and is expected to be present.

Dispelling Rituals

Rituals are far more powerful than normal spells. Most rituals require the Cleansing ritual (which is a scarce ritual) to dispel them and cannot be removed by the Dispel Magic spell. Each ritual will indicate how (or if) it can be ended prior to the duration expiring.

Loot Rituals

Some rituals are only available as loot during play. Loot rituals can either be one-use or they can be multiple use. One-use rituals are generally found as is and can be performed immediately. Multiple-use loot rituals generally must be assembled before they can be performed.

To assemble a loot ritual, a character must acquire a variety of elements, often scarce items. Those elements are:

  • Essence of the Ritual: A scarce alchemical that contains the raw magical concept of the desired ritual. This will be in a vial, and will always list exactly what the final ritual actually does on it. You won't know what the ritual costs to perform, but you'll at least know what the ritual actually DOES so you know if it's a ritual you want to take the time to work on assembling.

  • Intent of the Ritual: This is a scarce scroll that will have the incantation of the ritual you're assembling written on it. Most rituals have multiple common intents circulating, each designed by someone who had a certain idea in mind for usage of that ritual. If you don't like the text you have on an intent, you may want to wait to get another more to your liking, you're going to have that incantation on the finished product forever.

  • Ritual Paper: A scarce part used by all assembled rituals. This paper is potent enough to hold the arcane energy together to make the final ritual.

When all of these things have been gathered a player may turn them in using the pre-production system between games to get a finished copy of the ritual. This does not require any skills to do.


Some certain rituals that are nearly exclusively performed by NPCs require a non-lootable quest item known as a sigil. These rituals are tricky to execute and easy to disrupt. To represent this they will always be performed over the course of a long period of time. During this time the rituals leave behind sigils where the ritual is intended to be completed. If those sigils are disrupted by the Sigil Erasure ritual the original ritual will not work as intended. The original ritual will have instructions on it for what happens when the sigils are disrupted.


A rod is an object that allows a character who does not know a spell to cast it anyway. Some rods can also have features that modify what happens when you cast their spell if you are holding the rod. When using a rod a character always provides their own power points.

Props for rods must be between 18 and 36 inches in length and can never be used as a weapon.

Rods are creating using craft points and the ornamenting skill. A rod can only have crafting features explicitly designed for rods. There is no maximum number of craft points for a rod, but a rod can only have one spell associated with it.


A scroll is a consumable item that can be used by a character with the read magic skill to cast the spell written upon it. The scroll provides the power points and knowledge needed to cast the spell written on it and then it is destroyed.

When a scroll has a range of self, you may only use it if you know the spell on the scroll.

Scrolls are produced using the scribe scroll skill and production points.


A tome functions very similarly to a rod. Tomes contain 1 or more spells in them. A character attuned to a tome can read from it to cast any spells contained inside using their own power points, but without needing to know the spell.

Crafting a tome requires craft points and the Scholar role-playing skill. Player crafting tomes can only contain spells from one school and have a cap of 120 craft points (enough for each spell in a school). Tomes can only take crafting features that specifically say they are for tomes.


There are two types of traps in the game: "zero-level" traps and level based traps. Traps only inflict killing blows if they explicitly say that they do.

Zero-level traps are stationary, simple traps such as a pit trap. They can't be armed or disarmed, they simply exist. Each zero-level trap has a fixed effect on anyone who is impacted by it. For example, if someone falls into a pit trap they take two leg wounds and cannot leave the pit. Player characters normally can't create zero-level traps.

Level based traps may or may not be stationary depending on the design, and are armed with one or more trap tags. A level based trap typically has a buzzer in it that indicates when the trap has been sprung. Other traps designs could potentially exist with rules and plot approval on a case by case basis.

Level based traps are each armed with trap tags indicating what the trap does if the buzzer goes off. A level based trap can be armed with a number of trap tags equal to or less than its level. When the trap is sprung, each of these tags take effect going from front to back, then the trap tags should be destroyed. Only the character who triggers the trap is affected by any trap tags included, though others can choose to voluntarily take trap effects for roleplaying reasons so long as they are not doing it gain a mechanical advantage.

For example a group are walking down a road and one character sets off a tripwire trap. The person right next to them could voluntarily also take the trap's effects because it seems appropriate to the circumstances. On the other hand if a group of characters want to have Dispel Magic used on them, they can't deliberately set up and set off one trap with a Spellbane trap tag in it and have everyone present get the effect. That would be using this rule for advantage.

Traps must be created to be disarmable in some fashion. Any character can attempt to disarm a trap - by preventing the buzzer or triggering mechanism from functioning. If the buzzer doesn't go off the trap has been avoided.

When a player can access the trap tags in a trap without the buzzer going off they can 'disarm' the trap by removing the tags. Trap tags removed can be kept for later use (if they are not fragile).

Level based traps that are in containers can be moved when armed, but the person carrying the trap is the one affected by it if the buzzer goes off for any reason. Traps that take the form of trip wires, pressure plates, etc. must be stationary once armed and should only be moved if disarmed.

Crafting Level Based Traps

A level based trap is crafted using the Tinkering skill. Characters must have the same level or higher of tinkering skill as the trap to construct it. Traps cost 4 craft points per level to construct. A character who is a master crafter can create a level 6 trap for 24 craft points.

During preproduction these traps can be upgraded from one level to another by paying the craft point and coin difference. To do this the character must have a tinkering skill capable of crafting the level of trap being upgraded to. Keep in mind this will require putting a new item number on the trap.

Trap Tags

A trap tag is a one-use consumable item produced with tinkering. They are placed in level based traps to arm them, causing negative effects to anyone who triggers the trap. After performing their effect the trap tag is then consumed.

Each trap tag will have on it what type of tag it is: Alchemical, Physical, Spell, or Environmental. Alchemical trap tags are stopped by any effect that prevents harmful alchemicals (such as Spirit Shield, or Poison Immunity). Spell trap tags are prevented by any effect which prevents spells (such as Anti-Magic Shield or Anti-Magic Aura). Physical trap tags are just like getting hit with a melee attack to the torso, any relevant Armor or Body applies. If a trap tag's effect say it hits multiple times, such as two '4 Magic!' hits, it would take 2 prevention effects to stop both hits. Otherwise, one shield stops the entire trap tag.

Some trap tags give the Hexed condition, typically with a duration for the rest of the game day. These will often give a character another condition as well. When this happens the other condition cannot be removed through normal means, you must remove the Hexed condition to remove the other condition.

Fragile trap tags can be disarmed, but should be destroyed immediately whether the trap went off or not. All fragile trap tags say this on them.

Pit Traps

A pit traps is a zero-level trap, represented in game by tarps on the ground. If a player touches the tarp in any way their character is considered to have "fallen" into the pit.

When a character touches a pit trap they gain the Leg Wound condition for each of their legs. A spiked pit trap inflicts the Torso Wound condition. Other types of pits could be designed for unusual circumstances. If a pit has other effects an NPC will be around to inform players of what those effects are.

Once a character has fallen into a pit, unless the character has a special means of escaping it, they are stuck in it until another character assists them in getting out through role-playing, .

A player under the effects of the Shadow Skin spell that falls into a pit still takes the automatic leg wounds.

Trap Props

Traps have a great deal of freedom in what makes a valid prop. Unlike most props in Novitas modern electronics are acceptable (and more or less required) to build a trap prop. Those electronics should be concealed inside of the trap as much as is possible.

At their most basic a typical trap will have 3 parts, all available from any electronics vendor or Amazon for a few dollars each. You'll need a battery housing, a buzzer, and a switch. The stronger the battery you use, the louder the sound from the trap. This can be a double edged sword. You want the buzzer to be hearable, but you don't need to deafen everyone with it. Switches are typically pressure sensitive, but other ones can work too. You'll use the switch to set the trap off, if someone completes the circuit the buzzer goes off.

A second switch can be added to add another means of disarming a trap. You'll need to do this if the primary switch can't be reached to be disarmed. Remember all traps MUST have some way of disarming them. You can conceal the method or make it hard to do, but a trap requires that someone could conceivably figure out how to disarm it.

Traps are generally either inside of containers (your standard box trap) or trip wires.

With a standard box trap when the lid gets opened the trap goes off. The switches for these are generally in the lid with something on the bottom half of the container to keep the switch depressed. They can be disarmed by finding the switch and sliding something very flat into the opening to hold the switch down when you open the lid. If this is too difficult to do, a second switch can be added that a player can off. This might be a hole in the box where a tool can be inserted to depress the second switch, or a screw that can be turned to disable the second switch.

Trip wires are considerably less complex. A typically trip wire trap does not require a switch. Instead the circuit runs through two tacks placed onto each side of a clothespin. When the clothespin is closed the circuit is complete and the buzzer goes off. You can then place something with low friction that doesn't conduct electricity into the clothespin, such as a small scrap of leather. Tie fishing line to the scrap of leather and run the line to something stationary. Be sure to firmly attach the trap to something as well. When the fishing line gets pressure, the leather is pulled out from the clothespin and the circuit is completed setting off the buzzer. Players can disarm this style of trap by cutting the fishing line (so make sure the fishing line part of the trap is 'replaceable'), untying one end of the trap, or by removing the trap tags which are generally immediately visible in this type of trap.

Pressure plate traps are also a viable option. In this case you take a heavy object and set it up so that if the object is moved a circuit is completed and the trap goes off. This trap is generally disarmable by removing the trap tags which are immediately visible or by avoiding the object entirely. If these are impossible to disarm that is acceptable so long as nothing can be stored inside or underneath them .

It is helpful if traps have a clothespin inside or on them to hold trap tags, but this is not a requirement.


A wand is a crafted item that provides power points to cast a specific spell selected when the wand is made. The pool of power points a wand has available is also determined when the wand is first made.

You cast the spell out of the wand like you would for any other magic item, but when the wand would provide power points it consumes them out of the pool inside the wand. A single wand can be used as many times in an event as it has power, often far more than any other magic item, however once all the power points in the wand are depleted it is gone forever. Wands do not regenerate their power points under normal circumstances.

The prop for a wand should be between 8 and 16 inches in length. Wands may never be used in combat as weapons.

Wands are created using craft points and the ornamenting skill. When crafting a wand only features that explicitly go into a wand can be put into a wand.

Encounter Guidelines for PCs

Non-player characters have a variety of rules and guidelines that instruct how playing them works. When playing a player character there is tremendous freedom in what a player can do. We want to leave PCs as much ability to decide what to do for themselves as possible. There are a few guidelines that PCs should know while in play. These guidelines are about encountering NPCs and how to make sure the whole community has fun.

Adventuring Zones

Camp Kingsley is a large section of land that we have available to us, however the best locations for our purposes are in a relatively compact area. To help deal with this we have divided the site into zones to communicate to both PCs and NPCs what kinds of encounters to expect in different areas.

The central area is the Town Zone. Here is where plots are typically going to focus on being inside of Maplewood. Citizens live here, and both PCs and NPCs should take that into consideration with what they do. There are no special rules for this, its just a guideline for what is in the area. Inside of the Town Zone there are no encounter size limits. If 20 player characters join a plot in action: that is fine.

Outside of the Town Zone is the Random Encounter Zone. Here NPCs will periodically be sent to act as random encounters. These could be fights, they could be role-playing oriented, they could be anything. What matters is that player characters can initiate encounters here simply by finding what is happening. Player characters are welcome to role-play patrolling this area looking for encounters and such. Non-player characters who are in this zone are welcome to wander into town looking for easy prey. There is nothing to prevent this, but generally they will be out in the Random Encounter Zone because most predators don't want to be in the middle of a heavily populated area.

Finally everything outside of that area is the Hooked Encounter Zone. In this part of the site PCs can expect to only encounter NPCs if they travel there with the hook meant to bring PCs to the encounter. NPCs should always act as wind and not engage with PCs who are not there with their hook. This helps to make sure that when PCs follow a hook to a location they aren't going to arrive just in time to see another group has already engaged with the plot. PCs are welcome to go into the Hooked Encounter Zone any time they wish to, but they should not expect to run into ANY encounters while there without a hook. The hooks will be going into town to find adventurers to help them. When PCs are in the Hooked Encounter Zone and an encounter comes to where they are, it is appreciated if they attempt to relocate if they are able to do so. This allows whoever gets the hook can have the expected encounter there. If the players are unable to relocate (such as if they are in the middle of cooking breakfast or something like that), work with the NPCs to either stay out of the way, or to send the NPCs to a new location and then let the hook know where to go instead whenever they arrive.

Much like having an adventuring group cap this is about allowing groups to have meaningful encounters within what the game can offer, even if it comes at the cost of some immersion.

Encounter Size Limits

While we strive for immersion and a natural unforced feeling at game wherever possible, sometimes we need to make rules to help with the flow of the game. By sacrificing some immersion in one area we create more opportunities elsewhere.

One of these situations is the character limit on encounters. The town is full of adventurers looking for action. If little Timmy falls down a well and needs help, but 30 characters respond... it's very difficult to plan a balanced encounter. This is why there are limits on how many can respond to encounters.

When going to an encounter (outside of the Town Zone) players should always deliberately limit themselves to 6 total player characters. NPCs acting as hooks should keep a head count of how many PCs are coming to the encounter, and say something if there are too many. Comments like "I don't think you'll need so many people to help with this" or "You seem tough enough not to need that much help" can be used to clue PCs in to the fact they are over the encounter limit.

PCs under level 20 do not count towards this limit, but that is not an invitation to bring thirty level 19 PCs to an encounter, these characters do not count to allow experienced parties to bring new PCs along so that new PCs can get in on the fun as well.

Sometimes the sounds of an encounter brings other nearby PCs. If you are one of those PCs it is your responsibility to stay at least a short distance away and let the encounter play out. Standing there watching is still a form of participating in an encounter. Your very presence limits where creatures can roam or prevents things like an ambush from behind. Providing spells is a form of contributing to an encounter too.

In summary good encounter etiquette is to let the group that went on the encounter go on the encounter alone. Stay back, out of sight of whatever is happening. If people who went on the encounter come back and ask for help or after things go quiet THEN go see what happened.

Encounter Frequency

Sometimes PCs try to go to the inn and on their way there they run into 5 different story hooks all trying to get their attention. When this happens, generally it means somewhere, other PCs are probably off wondering: Where are all the encounters?

When you run into this sort of situation it can be helpful to take (or send) all the plot hooks to the inn and split them up with other groups. Finding ways to share encounters will keep you from being overwhelmed and will come back to benefit you when others have the same situation occur.

Groups and Individuals

Adventuring parties have distinct advantages for both the members and for the Game Masters trying to run a shift. But, they don't work for everyone. That's ok. This leaves two major categories of PCs during a shift: Parties and Individuals. The game is healthiest when those two categories work together to make sure everyone has a good experience.

Parties should periodically talk to PCs who aren't affiliated with groups to take them on encounters they pursue. Conversely individual players should talk to groups about going on encounters with them. When groups go off by themselves at less than the encounter cap, that can be a let down for individuals sitting around waiting for something to do. Meanwhile, when individual players just tag along with a group without saying anything, it can create issues as well.

If the party is pursuing a personal plot they are now in the awkward situation of asking the individual player not to tag along, or sometimes groups want to have an encounter with just their own roster. Letting them accomplish that once in a while is healthy. As with most things, striking a balance is the ideal.

The Helix

The town of Maplewood has long been protected by a mystical barrier known as the Helix. For centuries it stood in place protecting citizens of Maplewood from outside threats. In the year 1599 an orc invasion of the Freelands led by an Avatar of Grak came through Maplewood. During the ensuing fight the Helix helped adventurers banish the Avatar, but it's power has been diminished ever since.

Today, the power of the Helix only protects one location, the Spinning Jenny, the local inn. Inside of the Spinning Jenny attempts to attack other characters result in the offending person being cast out of the building. Those cast out are unpreventably sent across the nearby field to a fixed location (represented by the totem pole standing on the field). While this has led many to believe that the Helix is located at that spot, there is no other evidence to support this belief.

The Helix was intended to give players who didn't want to fight an area where no fighting was the expectation. It was a large experiment, and while some aspects of it worked, many did not. Over several years the size of the Helix was changed several times to attempt to find a happy medium, but ultimately it created a lot of confusion. Even without it around town, it is relatively safe. However, the inn itself still needs to be a combat free location, if only to ensure none of the camp's irreplacable things get damaged. We also want the inn to be a location where players feel safe bringing delicate items (such as musical instruments) without concern that combat might break them.


The protection is triggered by all weapon attacks, throwing a tag bag, and anything an innkeeper deems inappropriate to be happening in the inn.

Innkeepers may call a 'Time Stop!' to inform players of the protection being triggered, or when a player knows they have triggered the protection they can simply immediately put their arm up as if affected by Ley Transit and travel to the totem pole.

Trapped items are a special case situation. The Helix doesn't know who set the trap (or if it does, it doesn't do anything to them). Instead the Helix will remove anyone who sets off a trap inside the Jenny. Though traps only affect the person who sets it off, imagine a trapped box opening with a large explosion that is potentially dangerous to others as the reason why this triggers the protection.

Poisoned food or drink does not set off the protections at all, though if a poisoner is so obvious as to get noticed by an innkeeper that might still cause them to get removed from the building. Whatever remains of the Helix is in a state of flux that is not always consistent on this subject.

Reading Creature Entries

Creature Types

Every creature has a creature type. This impacts whether certain spells and abilities work on the creature and can convey special abilities as well. Some creature types have associated subtypes they always possess.

The creature types are Beast, Construct, Elemental, Fae, Goblinoid, Humanoid, Illuminated, Insectoid, Piscene, Plant, Reptilian, Sky Beast, and Undead.

At the top of each entry are the creature’s type, and any subtypes they may have. Subtypes work just like types (Charm Humanoid works just like Charm Spirit) but an ability that lets you call for any creature type cannot call for subtypes unless it explicitly says so (for example you can only call Charm Monstrous or Charm Spirit if a rule explicitly says you can).

Combat Info

These are the traits players need to know while NPCing to fight as a given creature. Creatures do not have the same caps as players, treat their caps as whatever is listed in their entries. For example if an entry says a creature has 6 body, that is their cap. Effects that buff their body will not increase this further, unless they explicitly say they break caps.

Role-Playing Info

This information is a quick reference to give an idea of common traits when role-playing a given creature.

  • Intelligence: Each creature has been assigned a level of intelligence it is capable of, this isn't a matter of smart or not, but rather what the species is capable of achieving. This should be used to guide role-playing.
    • Controlled Actions: The creature has NO actual thoughts of its own. It is a mindless puppet that follows preset commands. This does not mean it moves slowly though, on the contrary - many such creatures are fast and dangerous.
    • Animal: The creature lacks higher reasoning, but has free will. They operate on instinct and will to survive only. They are not able to be reasoned with.
    • Slow: The creature possesses some reasoning capacity, but is limited in what it is able to grasp. It may take a long time for a concept to sink in, or it may not happen at all. These creatures are capable of simple strategies.
    • Primitive: Creatures in this category aren't unintelligent, they just lack knowledge. They may be able to adapt and learn, but their experience is limited.
    • Normal: Creatures in this category are capable of normal thoughts and reasoning. They are only limited by the reasoning and strategy of the person playing them.
  • Languages: The languages listed in this section are spoken by most if not all creatures of the type being described by the entry. Creatures are capable of understanding/ speaking additional languages as plots require (or fewer if a GM wants that). GM's will always instruct NPCs of additional languages when this is the case, if in doubt, you should be sure to ask the GM for assistance.
  • Movement: This describes the maximum speed at which a creature may move. NPCs are expected to hold to this standard of movement while role-playing the creature. An NPC can always choose to move slower than what is written, but never faster.
    • Stationary: The creature is rooted in one spot and may not move from it.
    • Shuffling Walk: The creature may only move as though it had a leg wound (note: it doesn't have a leg wound)
    • Slow: The creature is only capable of walking at a normal pace at best. Slow creatures may never run.
    • Normal: The creature is able to move at the same speed any player is capable of, including running.
  • Standard Habitat: This is where you can typically find this type of creature. It has no impact on the game directly. It is there to give an idea of where the creature can most commonly be found.

Useage Info

  • Common Loot: This indicates what loot is typically found on a creature. It is a suggestion and nothing more.
  • Required Loot: Some creatures have special circumstances that require certain items be present on them, or things that they can produce. These items will be listed here.
  • Associates: Creatures that typically travel with another type of creature will list those others here.
  • Typical Group: This is how many creatures of this variety that will be part of a typical encounter. Sometimes this is based on game balance reasons and sometimes it’s based on story reasons. We don’t always have enough costuming to fulfill these numbers (we can’t always predict when costumes get damaged).
  • Frequency: Each creature will have a frequency associated with it. This indicates how frequently AT MOST the creature should appear.
    • Common: Creatures in this category will be the most frequently encountered of all creatures. They can be encountered any number of times per event. Many common creatures would be impractical to send out every single shift, nor is it necessary. Being common simply means they COULD appear every single shift.
    • Uncommon: These creatures are not encountered in daily life, but are not so rare that an adventurer should be surprised to see them. These creatures should not go out more than 3 times a shift without permission from the Plot Marshal/ Second.
    • Rare: These creatures are not frequently encountered. Game Masters cannot send them out more than once a shift without permission from the Plot Marshal/ Second.
    • Extremely Rare: These creatures only appear as part of special stories centered around them. You'll never encounter one of these creatures in a random encounter. Game Masters cannot use them without the approval of the Plot Marshal/ Second.
  • Conditional Frequency: Some creatures have conditional frequencies indicating conditions under which the standard frequency is different. For example, cold blooded creatures are always rare or extremely rare in cold weather. Undead can’t appear in the daylight.

Costuming Info

  • Face/ Head: This will list any items that go on the head.
  • Accessories: Any unusual accessories such as wings, mantles, or other parts will be listed here.
  • Clothing: If a creature has custom clothing, or a particular style of clothing they should wear it is listed here.
  • Skin Covered: If this says yes all of a player’s skin should be covered. The idea is that the creature’s skin doesn’t look like human skin, so we don’t want any human skin showing.
  • Hair Covered: If this says yes all of a player’s normal hair should be covered. The creature either doesn’t have any head hair or they have a special wig that needs to be worn.
  • Mask Required: This allows you to quickly see if a mask is needed.
  • Paint Required: This allows you to quickly see if paint is needed.
  • Costuming Quantity: At last count how many of this creature we have costuming to field. This can change regularly due to misplaced or damaged costuming. Note that just because we can field a certain number doesn’t mean we should regularly, this number exists for special encounter consideration. A creature’s “number appearing” entry is how many should be in most encounters. This number may be higher to allow for back ups, or for special plot circumstances.

Creature Subtypes

Subtypes give certain additional rules to a variety of creatures. While some creature types all have particular subtypes, subtypes can be possessed by multiple creature types. For example all Fae are Otherworldly, but not all Otherworldly creatures are Fae.

  • Amphibious: Amphibious creatures are equally at home in the water and on the land. They are capable of disappearing into nearby water sources for safety.
  • Aquatic: Any creature labeled as aquatic is capable of breathing underwater. This has relatively little impact on the game because it is live action, and no amount of roleplaying will let someone actually breathe underwater. It is there largely as a reference for role-playing and for things like lores.
  • Cold-Blooded: These creatures don’t produce their own body heat and rely upon the environment for warmth. As such they are less active during cold weather months, and have increased rarity.
  • Damaged Spark: Creatures with damaged sparks possess one that isn’t properly attached to the body the individual inhabits. With a normal healthy individual a spark will return to the body naturally over time. When Undead have their sparks detached that spark will not return naturally. There are powerful rituals that are capable of returning sparks to Undead bodies approximating the Revive spell.
    • Spirits also have the damaged spark subtype. They have, or possibly more accurately are, sparks. These sparks are not healthy, they are in a state of limbo outside of where they are designed to be. Thus, they also qualify as damaged.
  • Incorporeal: Incorporeal creatures are so insubstantial they can’t be affected by any normal means such as weapon attacks or spells.
  • Lycanthropes: Lycanthropy is a special type of hex that spreads through blood contact. It can infect nearly anything with a full spark.
  • Monstrous: Monstrous creatures are some of the biggest, most muscular creatures in the world.
  • Non-Living: A non-living creature may have once been alive (undead) or potentially was never alive (constructs). (Re)animated by powerful sorcery they behave like the living even though they are not.
  • Otherworldly: There are other places beyond the world. A variety of strange creatures live in these places, capable of visiting through summons or other unique means. These creatures have been labeled as otherworldly. Otherworldly creatures don’t actually physically visit Illumina. Instead when they are present it is as a physical, but temporary magical embodiment. Killing such an embodiment leaves behind the illusion of a corpse that will dissolve rapidly without the consciousness holding it together. The animating consciousness will then return to wherever it was it came from. In some cases returning again may be more difficult. The Fae for example take a year and a day before they can return from the Fae Realms after being killed while visiting Novitas.
  • Sparkless: The subtype indicates a creature has no spark at all.
  • Spirits: Spirits are incorporeal creatures visible to all but only capable of talking to and hearing Mediums. Most Spirits cannot handle fine motor manipulation of the world around them. They are just solid enough to attack with whatever means of offense they possess, and are vulnerable to some damage as well.
  • Wild: Creatures with the Wild subtype are capable of being influenced by Druids and Nature magic. Scholars aren’t entirely sure exactly what determines what does and doesn’t qualify. Primitive creatures who have existed since the beginning of history are part of this subtype, but so are things that have been modified since that time. Beasts, Elementals, Fae, Insectoids, Plants, and Reptilians all qualify as Wild.

Hexed Items and the Hexed Condition

A hex is a type of jinx or curse (the word cursed is associated with the 'Curse!' call so we try to avoid using it when describing a hex). Hexes can come from powerful traps or from terrible or protected items not meant to be disturbed. When a hex comes from a trap it typically lasts for the remainder of the game day, though its possible for the most powerful traps to last even longer. Hexes from items can potentially last forever or until the hex is broken.

The Hexed Condition

Characters can gain the Hexed condition from a variety of sources. The source of the hex will indicate how long it lasts. A character can have the Hexed condition multiple times.

The Hexed condition will always be accompanied by a hexed item, a different condition, or some effect. An accompanying item cannot be discarded until the Hexed condition is removed. When the Hexed condition accompanies an condition or effect they cannot be ended through normal means. The accompanying condition or effect ends automatically only when the Hexed condition ends.

The Hexed condition cannot be removed through the Dispel magic spell or the Cleansing ritual, regardless of the source. To remove the Hexed condition a character must either wait for the duration to expire or perform the Remedy ritual. Some sources of the Hexed condition will mention specific ritual components (or sometimes other things) that must be provided when the Remedy ritual is performed. If these components are not included with the Remedy ritual, it will fail and the Hexed condition will not be removed.

Hexed Items

A hexed item is a magic item designed to cause trouble for the bearer. All hexed items are difficult to get rid of, otherwise their drawbacks would be easy to avoid. When a character picks up a hexed item that is not attuned to a character it immediately becomes attuned to them. The character gains the Hexed condition for as long as they have the item.

After being attuned a hexed item it can't be dropped, though it can be stored on the person it has attuned to (they don't need to keep it in their hands, just on their person).

The event a character acquires a hexed item it counts as slotless, but if you begin an event with a hexed item it MUST occupy the item's normal slot following all magic item slot rules.

A hexed item will list that it is one in its entry in the identify magic listing. The item description will also include how to break the Hexed condition. Generally when a character obtains a hexed item as part of a plot, an NPC will let you know out-of-character that the item is hexed.

Transferable Hexed Items

Some hexed items will be labeled in their entry as "Transferable" this means that the hexed item can be passed to someone who voluntarily takes it. Magical compulsion CAN be used, but you can't surprise someone by shoving it into their hands and saying it's theirs now. When a valid transfer happens the new person immediately becomes attuned and can no longer drop it just like someone newly acquiring the item. "Transferable" hexed items can't be given back to someone who has successfully given it away.

Removing Hexed Items

To get rid of a hexed item typically requires the Remedy ritual to be performed. Many hexed items will require a special ritual component as part of that ritual. When a special ritual component is required it will be listed in the item's identify magic entry.

Upon being removed a hexed item will say that it is either destroyed (return it to logistics) or transformed (inform logistics and they will update the entry with new information (this is listed in the item's non-public description).

A Sample Hexed Item's Entry: Martial Length Sword of Nox's Boon, Bearer has the Diseased condition that can't be cured. Hexed item (Transferable, Requires a Remedy ritual with a vial of troll's blood to remove, Destroy on removal).


A plague is an illness that has been magically enhanced to be more potent. There can be many different effects for plagues, some might even have duplicate effects. Once cured a particular plague will never affect the same character again, but the character could be affected by a different plague with the same effects.

Each plague is given an item number even though it isn't an item. This is to allow players to more easily look up what the plague does if they need to do so.

Each plague will have a drawback they cause, a trigger that causes the plague to spread, and criteria for it to be cured.

Generally the cure will be the Remedy ritual, though it may require one or more additional special ritual components to cure.

A sample plague's entry: Frailty Plague. While affected by this plague you are capped at 1 Might and Accuracy. Trigger: physical contact with an infected person. Requires a Remedy ritual with a sprig of Madweed to cure.

The Plagued Condition

A character with the Plagued condition has been infected with a plague, a magically enhanced malady. The plague will have an item number describing it. That description will include a drawback (the negative effects of the plague), a trigger that causes you to spread it to others, and a criteria that will allow you to cure the plague. Most of the time the cure requires use of the Remedy ritual.

Plagues last until they are cured, they do not expire due to time. Once you have been cured of this particular plague you can never be infected by it again. A cured character can use the trigger that spread the plague to spread the cure to other people infected by the same strain of plague.

While this may not be the most immersive thing, imagine magic is involved. Without this rule every time you wanted to cure a plague only requiring a specific flower that blooms once every thousand years you'd have to gather every last character infected or the plague would spread forever more. And if the plague took multiple events to find a cure and a player who had it was missing that event they would be doomed to have the plague forever.

Your character does not know the details of the plague, even though you the player needs to know how it works. Only characters who cast Diagnosis on someone with the plague should understand the trigger and how to cure it. Recognizing the drawback of the plague will vary from plague to plague depending on how obvious the effect is.


Lycanthropy in the world of Novitas is a specialized kind of plague. Those infected appear as normal intelligent people (or sometimes other creatures) until certain criteria are met and then they shift shapes into ravening beasts. Sometimes these criteria are external, such as a full moon or they can also be internal, such as witnessing bloodshed.

There are two kinds of Lycanthropes. 'True Lycanthropes' are born as lycanthropes, they have complete control over when transformation occurs and can even gain the strength of their bestial side without needing to transform.

If someone is exposed to the Lycanthropy condition regardless of source and goes for too long without curing it, they will become a 'Lesser Lycanthrope'. Less powerful than those born to it, but infected none-the-less. Infection can come from the claws or bite of a True Lycanthrope, or another Lesser Lycanthrope.

Characters who are infected with the Lycanthropy condition don't necessarily know it has happened, but most individuals in the world of Novitas are familiar enough with Werecreatures to know that when you are hurt by one you should be sure to treat yourself, most commonly with Wolfsbane.

If you suspect you will be fighting lycanthropes of any variety be sure to bring silver weapons with you.

The Lycanthropy Condition

Whenever a character takes any Wound condition or body damage from any melee attack delivered by a lycanthrope who is in bestial form will gain the Lycanthropy condition. This condition can only be removed by items that specifically remove it by name. The Lycanthropy condition and lasts until it is cured, even if that takes longer than an event.

If this condition is not removed by the end of the event after the character has been afflicted (which is used to represent the current phase of the moon coming a second time) the character becomes a Lesser Lycanthrope. PCs who become Lycanthropes are forced to retire, becoming an NPC lycanthrope.

Unlike other plagues, lycanthropy must be cured each time a character gets it, the cure cannot be shared, and the same source can reinfect you after you cure it.

The Encounter Codex (Player's Version)

You can find a public friendly version of the Encounter Codex here. It contains brief write ups of many, but not all of the creatures a PC can encounter at Kingdoms of Novitas. Rules for common creatures are there so that players can learn a bit about how creature entries work, and what is fairly common knowledge. Characters shouldn't have all of this information memorized (even if a player does), each player should use their own best judgment about what details their character would likely know.


Monthly Gatherings

Novitas takes place roughly monthly at Camp Kingsley. We refer to these gatherings each as one event. Events are generally scheduled the first full weekend of the month. Most years events are held in March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, and December each year. Some years the April event will be moved up a week to avoid conflict with Easter. Due to the Boy Scouts having an event for themselves in October (preventing us from using the site) that event is nearly always a week earlier.

Events are where the game actually takes place. While the community can be very active during the downtime, the game only ever truly happens during an event. This is significant for things such as role-playing skill advancement, we only ever count activity at an event for role-playing skill advancement.

Event Timeline



  • 2am-10am: Nothing Scheduled.
    • Sleep, socialize, do what you will.
    • No food is provided by game during this time.
  • 10am-3pm: 2nd Shift.
    • Food is available at the inn for all players.
  • 3pm-8pm: 3rd Shift.
    • Food is available at the inn for all players.
  • 8pm-1am: 4th Shift.
    • Food is available at the inn for all players.


  • 1am-8am: Nothing Scheduled.
    • Sleep, socialize, do what you will.
    • No food is provided by the game during this time.
  • 8am-10am: Clean-up.
    • Be sure to clean-up your personal belongings before helping with general game clean-up.
    • Some players arrive earlier than this, others arrive later. Experience is awarded for this and help is greatly appreciated. The more people involved the faster it goes.
  • 11am: Site Closes
    • Everyone who isn't staff must be off the site by this time.
  • 11am-1pm: Lunch Off-Site
    • Players still around typically go get lunch somewhere nearby after an event.
      • Nicky Doodles in Rome, NY is the current popular destination when it is open (April-October).
      • For the cold weather months we have not found a location large enough to accomodate everyone, so generally smaller groups go to different locations by preference.


Each event all players attending need to check-in at the logistics desk in the logistics building. This will open at 7pm, please wait until that time to check-in.

You may see the logistics staff behind the desk prior to 7pm. The time before 7pm is one of the best chances they have to get work done on-site with all the things stored there. When people ask if they are ready to start check-in every few minutes, it makes getting that work done much more challenging.

When check-in begins, someone at one of the computers will take cash payment or, for those who pre-registered online, will mark you as present. To pay by credit card on site, you'll need your own device to pay over paypal.

If you did not check your current experience online before the event, they will let you know how much your current character has. Cash donations can also be turned in at this time.

Finally, you'll also let them know which PC you are playing for the event.

If you think your total amount of experience is incorrect, talk to the Logistics Marshal only if you aren't sure where your experience came from. If you know what experience is missing you'll want to talk to the Marshal responsible for that aspect of the game. For example if you didn't get experience for a prop donation, you should talk to the Props Marshal, the Logistics Marshal can't help you with that.

After you have checked in you can proceed down the table to pick up any pre-produced items you may have ordered (and pay for them if necessary).

You can also exchange out-of-date consumables or rituals at this time. If you are only exchanging one or two items this does not require doing anything special, but if you wish to exchange a 10 or more you should make sure you use the pre-production form to make it easier on the logistics staff.

If you are using a character sheet printed with our online character sheet app you do not need to have it approved by staff. If you are using a handwritten sheet, they can be checked at this part of the process. Never update an approved sheet. Instead take a new sheet, fill that out with any changes, then take both the new and the old sheet to the person checking character sheets. They will verify you filled it out correctly and mark your new sheet as approved.

In the past older character sheets were archived in case they got lost. With the online character portal that is no longer necessary, as players can retrieve their sheets at any time. Players who haven't been around since before the portal was set up can speak to logistics, who have scanned old sheets that were in the archive to keep in case they are ever needed.


The game is broken up into 4 'shifts'. Each shift takes place over the course of 5 hours.

  • 1st shift is from 9pm on Friday to 2am on Saturday.
  • 2nd shift is from 10am to 3pm on Saturday.
  • 3rd shift is from 3pm to 8pm on Saturday.
  • 4th shift is from 8pm on Saturday to 1am on Sunday.

Each shift is run by a different group of Game Masters (GMs), each of whom will tell different stories unique to their shift. Players are each assigned shifts by logistics so that they can see those stories unfold over the course of the year.

While shifts are running, food is available for all players at the inn.

Role-playing can occur outside of the time shifts are occurring, but combat (or other conflict requiring rules) may not. Encounters not completed by 2am on Saturday morning or 1am Sunday morning (the end of 1st and 4th shifts respectively) are effectively over, unless the players involved want to role-play dialog afterwards. Non-player characters are welcome to end such encounters when they wish after these times, for example if they want to go to bed or are otherwise ready to get out-of-game.

Some players also get up early on Saturday morning to get additional role-playing in.

Items may be exchanged outside of shifts as long as this is not used as a method of keeping items from entering play.

Shift Balance

Players can play a character on one shift for each shift they play a non-player character.

New players are expected to play a NPC on their first shift and generally second shifts, and may play a PC for the remaining shifts if they wish (though it is often recommended that new players NPC their entire first event). Afterwards, players should contact Logistics to be assigned shifts to play on a regular basis. This is to maintain 'Shift Balance', ensuring we don't have too many PCs or NPCs on any given shift.

Groups are given special preference for 'Shift Balance' to ensure they can play together on their shifts. Each year in the winter 'Shift Balance' is redone to allow players to interact with different people and to make sure no one is stuck on one particular combination if they don't want to be.

2nd and 3rd shift are the two shifts that have daylight and as such, each player who wishes to have a daylight shift will get at least one of those shifts.

Volunteers who want double night shifts (1st and 4th) are greatly appreciated and help us stagger assignments so that not everyone is assigned to 1&2 or 3&4. 2&4 is an unpopular combination, which makes giving out 1&3 difficult as well, so most players are assigned to either 1&2, 3&4, 1&4, or 2&3. Because 2&3 are double day shifts that are back-to-back (and thus require less changing) it is exceedingly popular and incredibly hard to give to players, it generally only gets assigned to one person for each person who volunteers for 1&4. Characters with intense makeup requirements (Snow Goblins, Drakes, and Verdurans) will get preferential treatment when deciding back-to-back shifts.


Every 6 hours starting at midnight Friday night, there is a 'Convergence' in game. From a narrative perspective this is the leylines pulsing with energy, recharging magical abilities and some items. We call the time between two convergences one 'Game Day'.

At this time:

  • Players power point pools replenish
  • Any spells with a duration of 'Game Day' expire.
  • Abilities that can be used a certain number of times per 'Game Day' replenish

Effects which last the entire event last until the end of 4th shift.

When a Convergence happens, it is common practice to yell loudly 'Convergence!' as a way to notify everyone without a watch that it has happened. This is considered an out-of-game call.

The Game Site

Camp Kingsley

Camp Kingsley is a Boy Scout camp that hosts our events. We rent out the entire camp site 8 or 9 times a year for our events. Nearly all of the buildings on site are available for us to use and they provide some basic resources (like toilet paper), everything else used is provided by Kingdoms of Novitas.

Because we are guests at the site we need to make sure we always follow the camp's policies on certain things.

  • Camp Kingsley is a dry site, no alcohol is permitted there, ever.
  • Smoking is only allowed at the designated location in the parking area.
  • Showers are available year round, but the nicest shower facilities are not available in winter (or early spring).
  • Any fire lit on site must always be attended to at all times, fires may only be lit by individuals given approval by the Operations Marshal or second, Chris Soukup or Zach Goldstein.
  • Swimming in the lake is prohibited.
  • Driving on the Sports field is prohibited, there is a leach field for the bathrooms there which could get crushed by the weight.

Work Days

About twice a year Camp Kingsley hosts volunteer work days where mostly Boy Scouts come and volunteer their time, improving and upkeeping the site. The more hands they have available the better the improvements can be, and they greatly appreciate our help. Showing up to these events make us stand out as great members of the community and help ensure a healthy relationship with our hosts. To that end we award a great deal of experience for anyone who shows up to help out at work day.

When you see a post about a Camp Kingsley Work Day please consider volunteering your time to help out.


There are a variety of buildings on site for our usage. With all buildings be sure to close the door behind you to keep the seasonal weather and bugs out. All of the buildings have heat in the winter, none of them are air conditioned. Buildings that are used in-game are always in-game during event hours. Reserving space in one of the A-Frames is recommended if you plan on sleeping during event hours.

The Dining Hall (Logistics and the Inn)

This is the largest building on site. Sleeping is not allowed in this building. It is split in half during events by a large curtain. A gap is available in the curtain so that people in the front half of the building can have access to the restrooms in the back and for during out-of-game hours. Please don't use the the gap in the curtains to enter or exit play as an NPC, use the doors.

The front half is "logistics" where check-in takes place at the begining of each event. During shifts gamemasters can be found at the same desk. Non-player characters will get dressed and get make-up for encounters here as well. This is the best location to find a member of staff if you need one at any time during an event. Entry to logistics is primarily through the buildings front doors. The fire place here should only be turned on or off by staff.

Meanwhile, the back half of the building is the Inn, the Spinning Jenny. During game the Inn can be accessed by either of the side doors on the building. The Inn has food for coin available during every shift. Non-player characters eat for free. Dishes can be washed in the kitchen, and space is available in the kitchen to store your dishes when not in use. Please don't leave them out on the tables.

The kitchen should only be used for cooking or storing food with approval from the Inn Marshal, Jordan Bellassai. At the back of the building is one last door which goes straight into the kitchen. This should only be used by innkeepers working a shift, operations staff who are doing their shift duties, and emergency situations.

Williams Lodge

Up until recently Willaims lodge was the location of the Spinning Jenny (the Inn). It now serves as the location in-game for the Vargainen Embassy, and for the Town Hall. Beds are available here by reservation only. Speak to the Ops Marshal, Chris Soukup to reserve one.

Harden Cabin

Harden Cabin was the original location of the Spinning Jenny, then the second location of the Slap & Tickle, before eventually becoming the location of the Glowing Coals. Currently, it serves to represent a variety of possible locations. The building should not be used by player characters in-game at this time except for during encounters. It is located inside the random encounter adventuring zone. Gamemasters will use this building during the game for random encounters that need a building to make sense. Treat the building as the same building on a single shift, but when the shift is over, give the gamemasters some freedom to write stories, and treat it as a different building located nearby.

The building sits at the end of the parking lot. Players are always welcome to sleep in this building on a first come, first served basis.

A fridge and stove are present in the building. Speak to the inn marshal, Jordan Bellassai, about using them. If you do, you will be responsible for cleaning them.

Evans Cabin

Evans Cabin was the original location of the Slap & Tickle up until 2020. The building sits in the Hooked Encounter Zone and should be not be used by player characters in-game to allow Gamemaster's to write hooked plots that require a building. Each encounter in this building could represent a different location as needed for narrative purposes. It sits down the road from Harden Cabin near one of the nicer bath facilities. Players are always welcome to sleep in this building on a first come, first served basis.

A fridge and stove are present in the building. Speak to the Inn Marshal, Jordan Bellassai, about using them. If you do, you will be responsible for cleaning them.

Cayuga Cabin

Cayuga Cabin is commonly referred to as Mercy House. Player characters should not use this building in-game. The building is located in the Hooked Encounter Zone can represent a different location each time it is used as needed by the Gamemasters for encounters.

The A-Frames

There are three A-Frames located near the Ranger's house. They are named Apache, Pawnee and Sioux going from the nearest to the Ranger's house to farthest. To get to them drive past the Ranger's house when you first get to the site. Walking to them is possible, but the path is fairly steep. These buildings are available by reservation for players to sleep in. Speak to the Ops Marshal, Chris Soukup, regarding reservations. Parking is available at all times at the A-Frames.

A fridge and stove are present in each building, however be warned they were not well cared for during 2020. Speak to the Inn Marshal, Jordan Bellassai, about using them. If you do, you will be responsible for cleaning them.

The A-frames have showers and bathrooms in them that are only available in the late Spring, Summer, and early Fall. The rest of the year the only facilities available there are two port-a-potties.

These buildings are only considered in play if the players staying there wish for them to be, and even then only if they are prepared to be in-game in advance (with people's out-of-game items hidden, etc). Plots are not sent there.

The Pavillion

The Pavillion is commonly known as the Bazaar, this isn't a building, but it can be used in-game as one. A variety of picnic tables are available for player usage. There is power available in the corner closest to Williams. Players can claim up to two picnic tables for encampments or merchant stalls. Nothing protects merchandise from being stolen however.

Unavailable Buildings

This stone Chapel near the lake is not available for our use.

Heath Lodge and Hornbeck are just outside of Harden Cabin. Hornbeck was once used as a temple, but is no longer available to us for use. Heath lodge has never been available for our use.

The waterfront building by the lake is not available for our use.


The lean-to's are available for players to sleep in, though this is not recommended in the colder months unless you know what to expect. Groups can also use these to set up encampments in. These can be claimed each event on a first come, first served basis.

The Ranger lean-tos are the group of lean-tos in the middle of the Maplewood Town Zone closest to the lake. On the north end of the Maplewood Town Zone closest to the ranger's house are the Seneca Lean-Tos.

The Oneida Lean-Tos was once referred to as 'Maplewood Proper' in the early days of using the site. After various plot developments this is no longer a central part of town and is now located in the hooked plot adventuring zone. People still commonly use that name even though it isn't accurate any more.

Parking and Driving On Site

Parking in front of the Logistics Building is for loading and unloading only. When game is in progress all vehicles should be parked either in the main parking lot directly ahead of the entry driveway, or parked at the A-Frames. The camp asks us to keep our maximum speed at 5 miles per hour. Please do your best to keep to that speed. Outside of game hours, cars can be driven to drop off or pick up items in Williams Cabin or to the Lean-tos. This should not be done during game hours, when snow is on the ground (it gets VERY icy), or if it is wet enough a vehicle will leave tracks.


Players are allowed to set up tents on site, but there are some restrictions on them. Check with the Props Marshal, , regarding where it is ok to set up period tents during events. We need to make sure we don't lose prime encounter locations and we also need to make sure support ropes aren't tripping hazards.

Modern or otherwise non-period tents can be set up but must be broken down while the game is happening and for this reason are not recommended.

Special Events

Feb Feast

Every year during the winter break a special event known as Feb Feast is held, while traditionally it has always been held in February (thus the name), it is sometimes held in January.

Feb Feast is an out-of-character social event that allows the community to gather and meet each other outside of the game. During each Feb Feast we also auction, raffle and sell a variety of special items to raise funds for the game.

This is traditionally a wet event, which means it cannot be held at Camp Kingsley. Generally, a hotel or similar venue will be booked for it. The date for the event will be announced each year during the November or December preceding. Pre-registration for Feb Feast is almost always required due to catering needs. The fee for Feb Feast can be higher than a normal event as well, depending on the site it takes place at.

Winter Weekend

This is the only event typically held in the middle of winter. Generally held in February or March, when the game site is often snowy and quite icy. To account for this we cut the event down to only 2 shifts, with an increased focus on personal story for characters or groups. Clean up takes place on what would normally be 3rd shift, and an in-character feast is held in place of 4th shift.

Not every player enjoys the snowy weather so turn out for this event can be significantly lower than other events. This is expected, and gives the Game Masters an easier time focusing on telling stories for the players who do attend.

April Events

In the month of April Game Masters are given extra permission to run plots that can lean on the sillier side. This isn't to say that serious plots aren't also run in April (or that joke plots don't get run outside of April), but April is the month you can expect to see the best joke plots get pulled out. In recent years effort has been taken to limit the number of joke plots that break the fourth wall, but they do happen from time to time.


Every campsite we've ever been hosted at has run Summer Camp activities for kids during the month of July, meaning that we can't have an event at the same time. This isn't the worst thing considering the heat of the month and the layers of garb and equipment we all carry.

During the transition to Kingsley from the site we were at prior to that there was no June event that year, and so we had a big picnic to take its place which we termed the "Junebilee". It was so popular we've made it into a yearly tradition and moved it to July so that it was during the off month.

This event is organized by the Player Outreach and Education staff and [=Feb Feast items are typically offered as well. Expect event details to be announced for this around April of each year, or earlier if we expect issues with booking.

Harvest Fest

Harvest Fest is a special event where two shifts (2nd and 3rd) are used for every single player to be playing their player character. Players who do not have characters yet can play townsfolk so they can also enjoy the festivities. Each player group typically volunteers to run a carnival style game and are given prizes to award to the winners of that event. Harvest Fest prizes are epic items that only have magic properties for one year.

Past games run include: trivia contests, Simon says games, archery contests, tag bag throwing matches, obstacle courses and more. Just about anything where there is a clear winner, that is done in roughly 30 minutes works.

Each year there is also a fighter's tournament with custom rules to balance the field in order to allow everyone to participate.

Harvest Fest has traditionally been held in the Fall in the past, but is now being held yearly in August to try to make the hottest month of the year a little more relaxed.

Players will PC as normal for one of either 1st or 4th shift, with a special shift balance made by logistics for just the one event.

Dungeon Crawl

A dungeon crawl event is a special event run periodically, every few years. Players in groups of typically 10 will explore a dungeon (with walls built of plastic sheeting) full of monsters and traps. The layout of the dungeon is fairly static because of how challenging it can be to set up, but the content of the dungeon (the narrative and what monsters are inside) will be different for each group.

At a dungeon crawl all players must temporarily work in groups, even those who are normally independent will join a group for the event.

Dungeon crawls will replace a normally scheduled event, typically the September or October event. A dungeon crawl is unlikely to occur in the same year as a Castle Siege event. Dungeon Crawls generally require pre-registration and may have a higher than normal event fee to cover the cost of setting up the dungeon.

These events do not happen every year both to keep them special, and because they are a GREAT DEAL of extra work for the staff to plan and execute, not to mention quite expensive.

Castle Siege

A Castle Siege is a special event run periodically every few years where we rent out a paint ball site such as EMR event park and take advantage of the wood castles built there to tell a story involving large scale mass combat.

Castle Siege events will typically replace an existing normal event, typically the September or October event. A Castle Siege event is unlikely to take place in the same year as a Dungeon Crawl. Castle Sieges generally require pre-registration and may have a higher than normal event fee to cover the cost of setting up the venue.

November Events

Every year Halloween is a great source of new props for our game. The Props Marshal will typically put out a want list of things they are hoping to acquire on sale from Halloween vendors during post Halloween clearance sales. It is also very common for there to be double experience value for cash donations made between October and November to help us take advantage of these sales.

While there is no in-game tradition to run anything specific for Halloween, many Game Masters do take the opportunity to flex their creativity and do something unusual or spooky with things they find because of the season.

December Events

As the last event of the year which is then followed by a 2-4 month break, many Game Masters will wrap up some of their ongoing plots. There's nothing sadder than seeing a plot people are engaged with wither and die because everyone forgot the details over Winter break. Not every plot will be wrapped up at this time, but generally smaller ones that are unlikely to be recalled will end by this month at the latest. If you don't think your adventuring group is going to continue to stay together over the winter break it's a good idea to let any Game Masters running ongoing plots for you know this so that they can wrap them up accordingly.

Adrastea Inc

Kingdoms of Novitas is a game run by Adrastea Inc, a charitable not-for-profit organization based out of New York. The game was originally founded in 2004 by MVGC inc and sold to Adrastea in December 2022. We do not generally use Adrastea Inc to refer to the company, legally we do business as (DBA) Kingdoms of Novitas. The board of directors for Adrastea Inc are Christina Mevec, James Vertucci, and Ryan Green, who serve as the first marshals of Kingdoms of Novitas.

A Charitable Non-For-Profit

As a charitable organization, some things related to Kingdoms of Novitas are tax deductible. It's important to note that not everything is and you should know the difference to correctly fill out tax information.

What is NOT tax deductible:

  • Event Entry Fees (you're getting something in return)
  • Merchandise purchases
  • Raffles
  • Volunteer Time

What is Tax Deductible:

  • Donations
  • Auctions (minus the resale value of anything won).
  • Gas or other expenses spent going to VOLUNTEER
    • Standard Game Events are never volunteer situations, but donating time helping to improve Camp Kingsley at one of their work days is.



Kingdoms of Novitas is run by players who volunteer their time to make everything function. Staff is led by the first marshals: Christina Mevec, James Vertucci, and Ryan Green. They set the tone for the entire game, handle the paperwork, and deal with any major issues. If you ever have an issue of great importance please bring it to the attention of one of the first marshals as soon as possible.

Underneath the first marshals there are seven workgroups who work on maintaining different aspects of events.

The seven workgroups are:

Who To Talk To

Use this guide to help figure out which person is the right person to speak with:

Staff Retreat

Every year, generally in January, staff gathers for what is known as staff retreat. At staff retreat members of staff talk about the past year and plan for the coming year. Most major decisions are made at staff retreat and then announced at the next public event afterwards.

Staff retreats are closed to the public, though sometimes a new player or two will be invited along in order to help get perspective from someone outside of staff.

Providing Feedback

Staff always welcomes feedback from players. When delivering that feedback there is some advice on how to make it have the most impact.

  • Be direct: Tell us what you like or dislike about a specific thing. Stating "I think that the inn should have bbq sauce for hot dogs" is more useful feedback than "There should be more condiments in the inn".
  • Use names, don't generalize: When expressing an opinion being able to name who feels this way is going to be more persuasive than "A lot of people think that..." statements. It tells us who to talk to for more feedback.
  • Remember that this game is many things to many people: This game has been around for a long time and represents many different things to many different people. Recognizing who benefits and who will be negatively impacted by proposals is important.
  • Remember that staff are volunteers: Everyone involved in this organization from staff to the players have day jobs and lives they are part of between events. Suggestions that require large amounts of work need people to do that work, are you willing to put that work in? If you are, you should say so with the feedback, it will help.
  • There are many players impacted by changes: A lot of rules suggestions, other things as well, come from a place of "this change would benefit me". This is understandable, seeing first hand something not working gives you a good source for new ideas. However if you really want to sell that feedback you need to sell why changing something is going to benefit more than just you. Are other people also affected by your issue? Say that. "Characters who use non-martial weapons would benefit from this change..." is better than "I think that non-martial weapons would be better for me if you...".
  • Give us time: Changes in a large organization run by volunteers can be very hard to implement. Some things we want to change, but want to wait for the right moment, generally when we can communicate the information to a large number of people at once. If we say we are working on something please believe us, and show patience. Periodically asking for an update on progress is very reasonable, expecting something to be done immediately often isn't.
  • This game has an identity of its own: Kingdoms of Novitas has established genres and goals that it tries to represent. We are a full contact, but not full force boffer larp. If you enjoy lightest touch boffing, it's ok to say that we'll certainly make a note of which players want a different identity. However, don't expect the game to change because that is what YOU enjoy. A change in the games identity is a major undertaking we would not undergo lightly. It's understandable and reasonable to want something different, but please understand that this feedback more than any other kind of feedback is something we often will not have a response to beyond making a note of it. This covers other topics too, like the fact that we do not have Steampunk or Anime elements in our atmosphere.

We get feedback on what the game 'should be' a LOT, especially from brand new players who can sometimes be disappointed when what we are doesn't match their expectations of what they hoped we would be. It's totally ok to wish we were something different, what people want from a live action experience isn't always the same.

Using this as a reason to tell us what we 'should be' is going to go over poorly. This game has lasted for twenty years as what it is, it adapts and changes over time, but its fundamental identity is what the people attending want, at least on some level. So while change might be better for one person, please consider who already enjoys the game as is. Instead consider offering suggestions of things we could add to the game that wouldn't change it, these are the best suggestions.

  • The game's identity does evolve over time: With the rich history of Novitas, a lot of changes have happened over the years. This can be daunting for older players who return after a hiatus. Especially now when the game has many new players since moving between sites. If you are one of those older players, please understand the game's identity has evolved, what people want from the game has evolved. What was the right answer 10 years ago might not be the right answer now. Unrequested history lessons aren't persuasive arguments. Tell us why players now will benefit.

Alchemical Listing

Alchemical Name

Alchemy Level Type Duration Scarce Production Quantity Description

Bug Repellent

1 Thrown Alchemical Short (1 Minute) No 4 A thrown alchemical that calls for 'Disengage Insect!'.

Compost Moss

1 Special Alchemical Instant No 1 Help bodies naturally decompose faster.


1 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 A blade alchemical that allows a weapon to strike for 'Poison'

Gershan Roots

1 Thrown Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 2 A thrown alchemical that calls for "Acid Grounding!", this gives the grounded condition to prevent escaping.

Holy Water

1 Thrown Alchemical Short (1 Minute) No 4 Throws for 'Disengage Undead!'.

Lanthir Oil

1 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Transform a weapon into a mundane one temporarily.

Minor Power Elixir

1 Ingested Alchemical Instant No 1 Gain 2 power points.

Ritual Ink

1 Special Alchemical Instant No 5 Used for the creation of loot rituals and level 5 scrolls.

Spirit Tar

1 Ingested Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 The drinker gains the Grounded condition, preventing them from dissipating among other things.

Stabilizing Concoction

1 Ointment Permanent No 1 Used to treat the severely wounded, this removes the Bleeding Out condition.


2 Ingested Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Knock someone unconscious without hurting them.

Base Paste

2 Ointment Long (Game Day) No 1 Protects a shield from being broken by acid damage.

Elixir of Wisdom

2 Ingested Alchemical Extra Long (Event) No 1 Gain 1 Power for the event.

Mother's Intuition

2 Ingested Alchemical Instant No 1 Diagnose yourself to understand any conditions you are experiencing.

Rejuvenation Elixir

2 Ingested Alchemical Permanent No 1 This very useful item, replenishes 2 power points, heals body points, and removes the Diseased condition.

Scorpion's Kiss

2 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 2 Replaces a weapons strikes with 'Poison Weaken!'

Sterling Sheen

2 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Temporarily makes a mundane weapon silver or a silver weapon elven steel.

Vermin Bane

2 Ingested Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 2 After 10 minutes gives the Torso Wound condition.

Warding Amalgam

2 Ointment Long (Game Day) No 1 Gain a prevention shield that stops the next 'Magic!' call to hit you.


2 Ingested Alchemical Instant No 1 Removes the Lycanthropy condition.

Affection Confection

3 Ingested Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Inflicts poison charm on the imbiber so they fall in love with the first person they see.

Dilution Solution

3 Thrown Alchemical or Ointment Instant No 2 Causes 'Dispel Alchemy!'

Elixir of Toughness

3 Ingested Alchemical Long (Game Day) No 1 The imbiber gains +1 Body for the Game Day

Explosive Charge

3 Special Alchemical Instant No 1 Blow up locks to get to the treasures they protect.

Hand of Death

3 Thrown Alchemical Instant No 2 Throws for '4 Poison!'.

Lycanthropy Safeguard

3 Ingested Alchemical Extra Long (Event) No 1 The imbiber is immune to the Lycanthropy condition.

Madweed Extract

3 Ingested Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Gain +1 Might.

Magic Power Elixir

3 Ingested Alchemical Instant No 1 Restores 4 power points.

Medicinal Poultice

3 Ointment Instant no 1 Removes any Limb Wound conditions on a character.

Smelling Salts

3 Special Alchemical Instant No 1 This reusable item cures compulsion based conditions and other mental effects as well.


3 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Replace your next hit with "Poison Curse!".

Stasis Compound

3 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Affected weapon's next hit calls for 'Grounding!'

Tanglefoot Bag

3 Thrown Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 2 Throws for 'Poison Pin!'.

Terran Roots

3 Thrown Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 2 Gives enemies the Grounded condition preventing them from dissipating.

Vial of Acid

3 Thrown Alchemical Instant No 1 Throws for '4 Acid!'

Bile of Nox

4 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 May only be used on a goblin iron weapon. Replaces your next attack with '<Might or Accuracy> Poison Slay!'.

Blackout Juice

4 Ingested Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Inflicts 'Poison Terror!' on the imbiber.

Bloodwort Extract

4 Ingested Alchemical Instant No 1 Removes the Torso Wound condition from another character.

Claw of the Beast

4 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 2 Gives +1 Might or Accuracy and replaces a weapons damage type with 'Poison!'.

Frenzy Brew

4 Ingested Alchemical Medium
(10 Minutes)
No 1 Gives the imbiber 2 monstrous body points that break cap.

Knight's Bane

4 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Makes a silver weapon strike for "1 Silver Pierce!".

Mind Expanding Elixir

4 Ingested Alchemical Extra Long (Event) No 1 Gain 2 Power for the event.


4 Ingested Alchemical Instant No 1 Cures the Acid Residue, Diseased, Exhausted, Lycanthropy, and Poisoned conditions.

Touch of Panic

4 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Replaces your weapon's next attack with 'Poison Enfeeble!'.

Truth Serum

4 Ingested Alchemical Short (1 Minute) No 1 Gives the Truthful condition

Weapon Stone

5 Ointment Long (Game Day) No 1 Augments a weapon so that anyone who uses it gets +1 Might while doing so.

Balm of Vigor

5 Ingested Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 The imbiber gains 2 might.


5 Ingested Alchemical Instant No 1 Restores 4 magic power points, heals all body damage, removes the <Limb> Wound, Torso Wound, Acid Residue, Exhausted, Poisoned, and Diseased conditions

Craftsman's Purity

5 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 A pure silver weapon replaces its next hit with "Dispel Magic!".

Elixir of Cosmic Power

5 Ingested Alchemical Extra Long (Event) No 1 Increase your Power by 3.

Ethereal Sealant

5 Ointment Long (Game Day) No 1 Makes the subject immune to all magic, both harmful and beneficial.

Gershan Thunder

5 Ingested Alchemical Instant No 1 Inflicts a 'Poison Torso Wound!' on the imbiber.

Grip of Darkness

5 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Replace a weapon's next hit with 'Poison Terror!'.

Neutralizing Solution

5 Blade Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No 1 Replaces a pure silver weapons next hit with Dispel Alchemy.

Ogre Extract

5 Ingested Alchemical Long (Game Day) No 1 Gain 2 body for the game day.


5 Ointment Long (Game Day) No 1 Completely transforms a weapon into a new material type temporarily.

Two-Step Venom

5 Thrown Alchemical Instant No 2 Throws for '4 Poison Pierce!'

Potion Listing


School Item Level Duration Oil Description Scarce

Ghastly Visage



Medium (10 Minutes)

Mindless undead think you are one of them. Enter unhallowed areas.


Heal Body




Heal any body damage on a subject


Magic Armor



Long (Game Day)

Grants 2 points of Magic Armor





Medium (10 Minutes)

A target gains +1 might. For some characters, may make an attack for '2 Slay!' (4 with a great weapon)





Medium (10 Minutes)

Give a character 2 extra body points, or protect against killing blows.


Anti-Magic Shield



(Game Day)

Prevents the next spell that hits the target.





Medium (10 Minutes)

Vanish from sight safe from most harm.


Purify Spirit




Cures a subject of all poisons in their body.


Restore Limb




Cures all limb wounds on a subject.





Medium (10 Minutes)

Your spells produce handfuls of tag bags and not just one.


Spirit Shield



Long (Game Day)

Prevents the next poison or acid effect against the target.


Elemental Weapon



Medium (10 Minutes)

Allows all weapons carried by the user to strike for Nature damage.


Heal Mortal Wound




Heal a torso wound on a subject.


Improved Magic Armor



Long (Game Day)

Grants 4 points of Magic Armor





Medium (10 Minutes)

Make a subject immune to killing blows, and turns all damage against them to blunt.


Oil Listing

Oil Name

School Item Level Duration Oil Description Scarce

Enhance Armor



Long (Game Day)

Increase a piece of physical armor's protective value by 1.


Magic Lock



Long (Game Day)

Hold a door or container magically closed.


Magic Strike



Medium (10 Minutes)

Weapon's next hit is deals 4 damage.


Mend Armor




The primary means of repairing armor of all varieties.


Creeping Rot



Medium (10 Minutes)

Allows a weapon to deal poison damage.


Enchant Shield



Long (Game Day)

The enchanted shield prevents the next acid or spell call to hit it.





Medium (10 Minutes)

A weapon can deal silver damage


Enchant Weapon



Medium (10 Minutes)

A weapon can deal Elven Steel damage.





Medium (10 Minutes)

Creates a 20 foot diameter bubble around the caster





Longest (Event) or until expended

Store the magic of another spell in your weapon to draw upon it later.


Scarce Potions Listing


School Item Level Duration Oil Description Scarce




Medium (10 Minutes)

The target grows into a huge monster and gains monstrous characteristics.


Anti-Magic Aura



Short (1 Minute)

Prevents ALL magic effects against a target.


Aura of Reflection



Long (Game Day)

Prevents spells from affecting you and lets you cast them back again.


Battle Mastery



(Game Day)

Become immune to magic damage and wield any weapon.


Combat Prowess



Medium (10 Minutes)

Grant a character all combat skills





Medium (10 Minutes)

Take on characteristics of the undead and gain the ability to control them.


Grim Sight



Medium (10 Minutes)

Finds the presence of living or undead around the target.





Medium (10 Minutes)

Gain extra body, with consequences after the battle


Mind Blank



Long (Game Day)

Make a target immune to compulsion effects






Heal a subject of all wounds and body points.


Primal Form



Medium (10 Minutes)

A character takes on characteristics of an elemental and can order natural creatures around.






Heals a dead character even if they are poisoned.


Poison Immunity



Long (Game Day)

Protects against ALL poisons, acids and harmful alchemy effects.






Grants Toughness, Spirit Shield, Anti-Magic Shield and Improved Magic Armor.


Scarce Oil Listing

Oil Name

School Item Level Duration Oil Description Scarce

Ablative Armor



(Game Day)

Enchance armor to prevent the next two hits without 'Pierce!' that hit it





Short (1 Minute)

The best way to deal with a shield wall. Enchant a weapon to deal acid damage or throw infinite acid tag bags.





Medium (10 Minutes)

Make a target temporarily immune to all regular damage.





Long (Game Day)

A weapon can deal Elven Steel damage and it does increased damage.


Ritual Listing

Basic Rituals

Ritual Name

School(s) Required Skill(s) Consumed Components Reusable Components Duration Target Description

Alchemical Ascension

Hybrid Any Ritual Skill 100 to 2000 coin None Extra Long (Event) Self Gain any combination of +1 Body, +1-5 Power, or +1 Might & Accuracy all breaking cap.

Breath of Fire

Nature Rituals of Nature 1 Nature Component 1 Ritual Candle Extra Long (Event) Character Can exhale fire for '4 Primal!' twice per game day.

Craftman's Raiment

Enchantment Rituals of Enchantment 3 Enchantment Components, 10 coin worth of gems 1 Ritual Candle Long (Game Day) Character Enhances one character's equipment with Enhance Armor, Ablative Armor, Enchant Shield, and up to three Wraithbanes


Necromancy or Any Rituals of Necromancy or Special 2 Necromancy Components 1 Ritual Candle, Shrine (Optional) Long (Game Day) or Permanent Building, Shrine, or Ghost Create a Sanctified field on a building or consecrate a shrine.


Necromancy Rituals of Necromancy 2 Necromancy Components 1 Ritual Candle, Shrine (Optional) Long (Game Day) or Permanent Building or Shrine Either create an Unhallowed field on a building OR de-consecrate a shrine.


Enchantment Rituals of Enchantment None 1 Ritual Candle Instant A Craftable & Lootable Item Destroy a craftable item to fuel another ritual with phantom ritual components.

Final Rest

Necromancy Rituals of Necromancy None 1 Ritual Candle, Final Rest Bell Instant Corpse, Undead, or Ghost Permanently send a spark to the well, killing it's owner.


Aegis Rituals of Aegis 2 Aegis Components 1 Ritual Candle Extra Long (Event) Self Gain the effects of the Synchronize spell now and at every convergence for the rest of the event.


Nature Rituals of Nature 1 Nature Component, 10 coin value of gems 1 Ritual Candle Long (Game Day) Character Grant the target floating natural armor equal to their current of body points.


Aegis Rituals of Aegis 2 Aegis Components 1 Ritual Candle Long (Game Day) Self Prevent the next two tag bags that hit you. For each tag bag prevented throw another tag bag with the same call.

Perfect Deceit

Compulsion Rituals of Compulsion 1 Compulsion component 1 Ritual Candle Long (Game Day) Character When affected by the Truthful condition the subject is forced to lie instead of tell the truth.


Compulsion Rituals of Compulsion 2 Compulsion Ritual Components 1 Ritual Candle, a Book Long (Game Day) Self Character can speak all common and uncommon languages.


Restoration Rituals of Restoration 2 Restoration Components 1 Ritual Candle Long (Game Day) Character Heals the character every 10 minutes for the duration.


Restoration Rituals of Restoration 3 Restoration Components, Other Optional Components 1 Ritual Candle Instant Character(s) Cures various ailments and conditions

Sigil Erasure

Hybrid Any Ritual Skill A (10c value) silver coin A ritual candle, a gem worth at least 50 coin Instant Sigil Destroys one sigil.

Soldier's Luck

Battle Rituals of Battle 1 Battle Component 1 Ritual Candle Long (Game Day) Character Ignore the effect of the next 'Slay!' or 'Pierce!' call that hits you (but still take any damage).


Battle Rituals of Battle 1 Battle Component 1 Ritual Candle Long (Game Day) Character Grants +1 Might and Accuracy, stacks with itself.

Standard Mundane Items

There can't be an all inclusive list of what objects are appropriate to bring into game, it would only serve hamper player creativity. Instead we'll list those items that we're aware of that require special consideration. This list gets updates periodically as we need to make new rulings on objects to maintain the atmosphere (or safety) of the game.

Characters can bring mundane weapons, armor and shields into play at any time as long as they have been checked for safety by an approved member of the Player Ooutreach and Education staff. These items don't occupy an item slot so long as they are mundane equipment.

Tag bags and blue strips can be brought into play at any time.

Prohibited Items

The following items are not allowed on site for safety reasons and to comply with Boy Scout policy.

  • Actual Weapons (including utility knives)
  • Alcohol.

Some objects can never be brought into game as a mundane item. This is a current list of those items. The list is subject to being updated periodically when something new creates an issue.

Light Sources

The site can get quite dark at night. While light sources aren't useful for sneaking around in the dark they can be quite useful and many players consider them worth having on hand. These are common ways players generate light during play.

When trying to diminish the brightness of a prop frosted glass effects can be very helpful. Frosted glass spray paint can work, but has a tendency to scrape off over time. Etching cream, like armor-etch can be used to permanently frost surfaces.

A glow worm is the in-game name for a basic disposable glowstick. These should not be worn on as a necklace or a bracelet, so as to avoid looking like you are attending a rave.

Lanterns can be brought into game if they meet the following criteria. They should not be modern in appearance and not too bright. No logos should be visible. Lanterns should have the glass or plastic "frosted" to diffuse the light. Frosted glass spray paint works best. Freezer paper can be used for a similar effect. Lanterns with glass components should be kept in stationary locations so they aren't broken in combat.

Players may also use a fake electric torch for lighting.

There is no one correct brand, but these make a good example.

A standard candle is different from a ritual candle and cannot be used for that purpose. Beyond that characters can bring any number of candles into play at any time. For mundane candles, stationary electronic candles can be used in the place of period appropriate ones. This is so that they can be used for scene decorative purposes in places where a fire might not be safe.

Always keep in mind that if you light a candle for any reason you must follow all of the site's fire safety rules.

Flashlights can only be brought into game when crafted as light tubes


Many characters have in-game bags on them, at encampments players keep in-game chests and boxes, there are a wide variety of ways characters store their stuff. These containers pose a weird rules complication: the container isn't lootable, but the contents might be. Any character is welcome to rifle through an in-game container to find if there are lootable contents inside.

Taking a whole container can get more complex. Bandits want to steal a bag from a player character. Before they have time to go through the bag, other PCs arrive, the bandits want to flee with the bag. The bag isn't lootable, so how should they handle this? Generally its accepted that you can run off with the container as long as it is ultimately returned to its owner. Keep in mind players may be keeping real world important things in a bag though like medication, wallets or keys. This is the kind of thing where a quick out-of-game communication with the owner can avoid serious issues later. If you have important personal items in a container it's appropriate to say something if someone tries to loot a container with that personal item in it.

The last important consideration about generic containers is that they should be accessible to anyone. Puzzle boxes are technically not locked, but a player can't easily open it and search it for lootable objects, and can't steal a non-lootable box, so these don't make appropriate containers. Even if it were treated as a locked box there's the problem that with items like the Explosive Charge? alchemical can't just instantly open it if they don't understand the puzzle. This sort of container is generally inappropriate for the game for that reason.

Containers that have locks attached to them become new items that are lootable. This requires crafting the lock as a tinkering item?.


As a fantasy game where many creatures of the world are represented by a wide variety of face masks there are some restrictions on wearing masks.

Medical face masks, such as the kind used to prevent the spread of Covid are always acceptable, but should be as unobtrusive as possible. Single color with no prints is preferred.

Other masks, regardless of what material they are made of need to be approved by props & atmosphere staff to make sure it is clear they will not be mistaken for existing game masks used to represent a particular creature. Theoretically a character encountering one of these creatures would immediately be able to identify them as not human. However, because we can only do so much with costuming we need to make sure that we minimize the chance for confusion between a human actor playing a creature represented by a mask, and a human character wearing a mask.


Bells in Novitas are commonly associated with death and bad events. Necromancy rituals use them to loudly announce that something grim is happening somewhere on site. As such all bells need to be loud enough to be heard a distance away. Any bell brought into play needs to be brought to either the props and atmosphere or player outreach and education staff to verify they are loud enough to be heard from far enough away.

If you have one in play the stigmas associated with them should be considered when using them. Ringing bells for no reason or for musical purposes is not normal behavior.


The basic unit of currency is simply referred to as coin, even higher value units use the singular 'coin'. Currency comes in denominations worth 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 1000 coin. A silver is the common name for the 10 coin piece. There is a heavier unit of large pressed metal in non-standardized shapes known as an exotic coin. Exotic coins (or 'exotics') are worth 100 coin each. Coins are not numbered, but they are all lootable. There are no gold coins and references to gold in relation to currency is out of place. Copper is also not used in reference to any coin values.

While theoretically multiple nations each mint their own unique currencies, for sanity sake there is only one type of coin of each denomination. Other forms of currency exist, such as Sea Shells which are used by the Piscenes, though they no longer trade them with surface dwellers (these are legacy items).

Players (and therefore characters) are not allowed to create counterfeit coins. Suspension of disbelief is an important part of larping, we need players to be able to trust the coin they receive. There is no reasonable way for players to figure out what is fake and what is real.


One of the most commonly occuring valuable items are gems. These are plastic party decorations each numbered to assign a particular value to them. Player characters must acquire these items during play, they may not create their own. Real stones and gems are perfectly fine for players to bring in as mundane items for their characters.

When a game mechanic, such as a ritual, requires a gem of a certain value to be used, that gem must be the fake, game produced variety, it cannot be an actual real life gem.

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